Portable Space: Little Miracle Doctor

Shock Upon Shock

Chapter 203 – Shock upon Shock

“Xiaosi, are you sure that General Zhan is the same Brother Long Hao from before?”

Yan Xiaosi assured Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun with a definite nod.

“Second Sister, Third Sister, this General Zhan is indeed Brother Long Hao. Back then, Brother Long Hao was injured on Four Sisters Mountain. Worried that his enemies would continue to pursue him and bring trouble to us, I gave him some numbing grass. Numbing grass is a poisonous herb that causes red sores to appear on the body.”

This convinced Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun completely.

Tian Dazhuang was also thoroughly convinced. He had always felt that General Zhan looked somewhat familiar.

For some reason, upon confirming that General Zhan was the Long Hao Yan Xiaosi had saved, his mood suddenly dipped.

Yan Shuyun said, “Brother Long Hao, no, General Zhan, why did you suddenly leave without saying goodbye? Xiaosi was really worried about you.”

Hearing this, Long Yu looked towards Yan Xiaosi, his eyes lighting up.

“Were you worried about this prince?”

Long Yu directly referred to himself as “this prince,” revealing his identity, so he might as well discard the guise of being a mere general.

Just as Yan Xiaosi was reeling from the initial shock, the term “this prince” gave her another jolt.

“This prince?”

Her eyes wide, she stared at Long Yu. In a feudal society with strict hierarchies, only the emperor’s brothers, uncles, or those granted the title of a king by the emperor could refer to themselves as “this prince.”

Seeing her shocked and wide-eyed expression, Murong Qinjian couldn’t help but laugh.

The kid wasn’t as brave as he had thought; Long Yu revealing his true identity had apparently dumbfounded him.

He looked on with a face expecting entertainment, pointing at Long Yu and said, “He is not just Long Hao or any general. He is the current emperor’s own uncle, the War King Long Yu of our Great Chu Dynasty, renowned for his military achievements.”

To think he was actually a relative of the emperor himself.

Yan Xiaosi was somewhat startled by this revelation, but it wasn’t enough to scare her witless.

“This peasant girl pays my respects to the War King.” Realizing Long Yu’s true identity, Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun hurriedly knelt in respect.

Though Tian Dazhuang was reluctant, failing to show due respect to a member of the royal family was against the law, so he too joined Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun in saluting Long Yu, “I, a humble commoner Tian Dazhuang, pay my respects to the War King.”

Yan Xiaosi alone sat unflinchingly on a rock. She now regretted it, thinking that if she had known she was saving the current emperor’s uncle, she should have asked for more money. The life of an emperor’s uncle was quite valuable; even asking for a thousand taels wouldn’t have been too much.

“Aren’t you afraid of this prince?”

Long Yu was both satisfied and dissatisfied with Yan Xiaosi’s reaction. Satisfied because Yan Xiaosi was brave, differing greatly from others around him, but dissatisfied because this little rascal was too bold, seemingly not taking him seriously.

Yan Xiaosi was indeed afraid; she had just been too busy regretting not asking Long Yu for more money earlier to be scared. Reminded by Long Yu, she quickly realized her position, her heart pounding.

This man was the emperor’s uncle, who could easily take her life with a flick of his finger.

Back when the prince was recuperating in the dilapidated temple, not only did she steal his food, but what’s worse, just a few days ago, she had insolently accused him of being impotent.

“This humble girl, Yan Xiaosi, pay my respects to the War King, may you live for thousands of years. As the saying goes, ignorance excuses no one. I was unaware of your true identity before and may have offended you. I hope the War King can forgive my ignorance and not hold it against a humble girl like me.”

Seeing her finally become compliant, Long Yu’s lips curved in satisfaction.

“You’ve offended this prince in many ways, too many to count.”

Yan Xiaosi’s heart skipped a beat.

“What if this prince doesn’t forgive you?”

Yan Xiaosi tensed up, swallowing hard before asking, “What must I do for the War King to forgive me?”

After pondering, Long Yu said, “Serve diligently as this prince’s military doctor. Don’t try any tricks or create any problems.”

Yan Xiaosi breathed a sigh of relief, her life spared. “Yes, I will devote myself fully, unto death.”

“No need to go that far.”

Long Yu reached out again, prompting her, “The lamb is about to burn. Hurry and give me the oil jug.”

After handing him the oil jug, Yan Xiaosi said, “For your Highness to personally roast lamb… I feel uneasy. Allow me to do it.”

“Yan Xiaosi.”


“Stop with the empty talk. Just watch how to roast the lamb properly. Next time, you’ll roast it for me.”

Yan Xiaosi obediently nodded, “Yes, your Highness, this peasant is watching.”

Pleased to see her so compliant, Long Yu carefully brushed the lamb with oil.

“Everyone, get up. There’s no need for such formality in the wilderness.”

Yan Shuxue, Yan Shuyun, and Tian Dazhuang then stood up.

However, knowing Long Yu’s identity, even his silent presence while roasting the lamb made Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun feel immense pressure.

Unable to bear the oppressive atmosphere, Yan Shuxue stood up, “There’s nothing for me to do here, Xiaosi. I’ll go into the cave and help Mother and elder sister.”

Yan Shuyun followed, “Second sister, I’ll go too.”

“And me.” Yan Xiaosi got up, intending to join them, but before she could finish speaking, Long Yu interrupted.

“You’re not going. If you go, who will tend the fire?”

Tian Dazhuang offered, “How about I do it?”

Long Yu’s eyebrows raised, his gaze falling on Tian Dazhuang.

He felt inexplicably annoyed at Tian Dazhuang for protecting Yan Xiaosi.

“The lamb is almost ready. Tian Dazhuang, go into the cave and bring out the dishes and cutlery. Also, call out Aunt Yan and the three Yan sisters. We’ll have an open-air meal tonight.”


Though Tian Dazhuang was dissatisfied, he dared not voice it and headed towards the cave.

Yan Shuxue and Yan Shuyun relayed the events to Ms. Zhong and Yan Shuqin inside the cave. Ms. Zhong, who was cooking, dropped her spatula in shock upon hearing Yan Shuxue’s words.

“Xue’er, did you just say that the general is the same Master Long Hao whom Xiaosi saved?”

Yan Shuxue corrected her, “Mom, it’s not general, but the current emperor’s own uncle, the War King, who is the same Brother Long Hao Xiaosi saved.”

This explosive news left Ms. Zhong and Yan Shuqin dizzy.

Yan Shuqin couldn’t believe that the Long Hao with a face full of sores was the same renowned War King of the Great Chu.

“Xue’er, are you sure you’re not mistaken?”

“Big sister, the War King himself has admitted it. How could I be mistaken? Third sister was there too.”

Yan Shuyun nodded, indicating that Yan Shuxue didn’t make a mistake.

Seeing Yan Shuyun nodding, Ms. Zhong suddenly became anxious.


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