Portable Space: Little Miracle Doctor

Unhappy Inside

Chapter 146 – Unhappy Inside

Upon hearing this, Tian Dazhuang’s discomfort intensified. “Xiaosi, are you thinking of going to the county court? Mind your own business. You’ve only met Doctor Bai once or twice. You don’t know whether he’s a good or bad person. Even if he’s a good person, how can ordinary people like us meddle in government affairs? You can’t help much by going. Instead, you might get yourself in trouble, making Aunt Yan and Sister Shuqin worry.”

Yan Xiaosi taken aback by Tian Dazhuang’s angry response.

“Big Brother Dazhuang, why are you angry?”

Tian Dazhuang gritted his teeth, “I’m not angry. I’m worried about you. Is the county court a place for common folks like us?”

Seeing Tian Dazhuang so concerned about Yan Xiaosi, Yan Shuqin’s eyes slightly lowered, guessing in her heart.

Could it be that Big Brother Dazhuang has realized Xiaosi is a girl and has feelings for her?

Yan Xiaosi looked relaxed.

“It’s not hell. Wasn’t I just there last night? There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Mom, if it weren’t for Doctor Bai’s discerning eyes, we wouldn’t have made fifty taels of silver from Jiren Hall. Now that Doctor Bai is in trouble, I have to see what went wrong. Don’t worry, I won’t act recklessly.”

Tian Dazhuang’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

“Xiaosi, you’re saying you made fifty taels of silver from Jiren Hall?”

Before this, he had been worried about the third Yan family’s house-building. Since they already had fifty taels, his worries were unnecessary.

“Xiaosi, when did this happen? Why haven’t you mentioned it?”

Seeing Tian Dazhuang a bit upset, Yan Xiaosi quickly explained, “Big Brother Dazhuang, I didn’t purposely hide it from you. Last market day, I made a pot of baizhu stewed chicken for Doctor Bai to taste. It’s a medicinal dish that can cure illnesses. After tasting it, Doctor Bai was very satisfied and paid fifty taels for my recipe.”

Tian Dazhuang widened his eyes and looked seriously at Yan Xiaosi.

“Xiaosi, don’t you consider me a good brother?”

“Big Brother Dazhuang, you’re my best buddy.”

“Buddy” means brother, which Tian Dazhuang understood.

“With that said, since you want to go to the county court to help Doctor Bai, I’ll go with you.”

Ms. Zhong said, “If we’re going, let’s all go as a family.”

Yan Shuqin and her sisters agreed with Ms. Zhong, nodding in unison.

Yan Shuqin reminded, “If you want to go to the county office, then hurry up, or Doctor Bai’s case will be over.”

Yan Xiaosi nodded and climbed onto the cart. Tian Dazhuang changed direction and drove the ox cart towards the county court.


An hour later, in the county court.

Yao Jin began the trial of Bai Mingyue’s murder case, with Long Yu and Murong Qinjian listening by the side.

When the War King sat in the hall, it somewhat affected Yao Jin’s performance.

Yao Jin looked at the defendant and plaintiff, then at Long Yu, and asked nervously, “General Zhan, the defendant and plaintiff are present. Can we start?”

Long Yu glanced at him nonchalantly.

“Lord Yao, are you the official in charge of Xize County, or am I?”

“Of course, it’s me.”

“Since you’re the official here and the people of Xize County have grievances and need a trial, why are you asking me?”

Yao Jin was speechless and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Yan Xiaosi, standing outside the hall and hidden among the crowd watching the commotion, was also at a loss for words after hearing Long Yu’s statement.

This General Zhan… since he doesn’t care about this case, why is he sitting in the court? But having this noble in court might be a good thing. At least it prevents Yao Jin from rashly closing the case.

Seeing the indifferent look on Long Yu’s face, Yao Jin hit his gavel on the desk and shouted, “Court is now in session!”

The bailiffs echoed, “Majestic and powerful!”

After the bailiffs finished, Yao Jin looked at the woman kneeling on the mat and asked, “What grievances does the kneeling woman have? Speak quickly.”

The woman choked up and recounted the story again.

“O great magistrate, this quack doctor killed my husband. Please, great judge, you must seek justice for me.”

After hearing the case, Yao Jin turned his gaze to Bai Mingyue.

“Defendant Bai Mingyue, this woman claims that you prescribed the wrong medicine, which resulted in the death of her husband. Do you plead guilty?”

Bai Mingyue calmly replied after bowing to Yao Jin, “Lord, the prescription I gave might not cure the illness, but it certainly wouldn’t kill.”

Yao Jin asked, “Where is that prescription now?”

The woman took out the prescription and said, “I have it.”

Yao Jin signaled a bailiff, who took the prescription from the woman and handed it to him.

“Lord, please review.”

After examining it for a while and not finding anything peculiar, Yao Jin asked Bai Mingyue, “Defendant, did you write this prescription?”

Bai Mingyue confidently nodded, “Yes, I wrote this.”

In front of Long Yu, the case couldn’t be hastily concluded. Yao Jin, feeling the headache, asked the woman, “Plaintiff, are you sure this prescription was used to prepare the medicine for your husband?”

The woman wiped away her tears and nodded, “Yes, Lord.”

“Lord, if convenient, may I see that prescription? I happen to know a bit about medicine.”

Not being able to get any further with questioning, Murong Qinjianjian couldn’t help but interject.

Yao Jin was relieved and quickly handed over the prescription to a bailiff, instructing him to, “Quickly show the prescription to Master Murong.”

Murong Qinjian read aloud, “Chenpi 24 grams, dangshen, niubangzi, maidong 40 grams each, gancao, guizhi, mahuang 30 grams each. This prescription is indeed for treating coughs. As the defendant said, even if it doesn’t cure the illness, it definitely shouldn’t kill anyone.”

The woman became anxious, “But sir, my husband did indeed die after taking medicine made from this prescription.”

From outside the courtroom, Yan Xiaosi heard everything Murong Qinjianjian said clearly.

Yan Xiaosi suddenly raised her hand and spoke loudly, “If it’s not the prescription’s fault, then it must be the ingredients or some other issue that led to the patient’s death.”

Her action immediately caught the attention of Long Yu, Murong Qinjian, and Yao Jin.

Murong Qinjian, looking in the direction of the voice, saw Yan Xiaosi’s thin face and became even more excited, anticipating another drama.

“Hey, Long Yu, it’s your boy.”

Long Yu glared at him, then frowned and stared at Yan Xiaosi.

This kid is getting bolder, even daring to meddle with a case in court. And what’s more, he’s defending this doctor from Jiren Hall. For some reason, Yan Xiaosi’s move to defend Bai Mingyue annoyed him.


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