Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu’s parents are both nine-tailed white foxes, but there are more detailed divisions among the nine-tailed white foxes.

Her father is a super fierce war fox, with a pair of red eyes that look like they are always burning with flames; war fox is very violent, aggressive by nature, a bit stubborn, and his body size is quite big which doesn’t fit the fox’s aesthetics.

Therefore, he had a very hard time finding a wife. If he hadn’t met Bai Xiaohu’s mother by chance, and just happened to suit her taste, he might never be able to get married for the rest of his life.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaohu’s mother is a petite, beautiful fox in both her fox and human form. She has a pair of lake-like blue eyes and is very intelligent. She doesn’t like to fight and kill, and her personality is gentle and soft. However, her alluring talent inherited from blood is stronger than many brutal and violent abilities.

At least the three children know that their mother is more lethal than their father.

Compared with the eldest brother who inherited their father’s talent and the second brother who inherited their mother’s talent, Bai Xiaohu inherited the blood talent of both parents at the same time. She not only can be powerfully violent but can also allure people’s hearts.

However, in the words of the second brother, the two talents might be a bit conflictive, which causes his sister who is already born stupid to get even more stupid. The two powerful talents canceled each other out and became a little mediocre.

Bai Xiaohu is not convinced that she is a bit stupid although she is indeed the weakest of the three siblings, she also has her own wit. The five hundred years of confinement on Baishou Mountain is not for nothing. She figured out a way where she can briefly enter a super-overpower state.

For example, when the situation is very critical, very angry, and she needs to fight hard, she can transform the ability representing the bloodline of the charmed fox in her body into the ability of the bloodline of the war fox. At that time, her blue eyes will turn into red eyes, allowing her cultivation to raise a level.

It works vice versa too.

When resisting the last judgmental lighting, she used the powerful fighting talent inherited from her father. Otherwise, it might not be as simple as losing her tail, and now she uses the alluring talent inherited from her mother.

The soul search is something that almost every charm fox is born to know. When Bai Xiaohu’s fingers touched the man’s brow, a series of memories flooded into her sea of consciousness like a tide.

After a while, Bai Xiaohu’s face turned green, and she retracted her fingers, showing the same indigestion expression just like the little chicken demon.

The little chicken demon hurriedly asked: “Peep, peep, peep?” How is it?

Bai Xiaohu covered her head: “A lot of messy things.” Most of them are just eating and drinking, and then secretly bullying and harming people, especially women. The strongest emotion they have is jealousy, jealousy of people who are stronger than them, jealousy of people who live a better life than them and dreams about suddenly gaining power and becoming powerful.

Bai Xiaohu felt her head getting swollen, what the hell is this! She felt like she ate a stomach full of waste and couldn’t even spit it out. No wonder why mother said that she needs to choose the target of the soul search very carefully, otherwise she will only get a pile of garbage and choke herself to death.

But there are still some useful things under the scrap.

For example, she learned that the world was not like this half a year ago. At that time, the world was generally peaceful, and people lived and worked like normal. One day suddenly, a misty black air appeared in broad daylight, and the world fell into darkness. Lots of communication devices, electricity, and others were all paralyzed. People were terrified and helpless, having random guesses all over the place, and there was a lot of chaos. It took a long time for the black air in the sky to dissipate, but many people fell into a coma.

Some people woke up, some of them gained supernatural power, and some of them turned into walking corpses. Oh, the people here called them zombies.

Zombies are no longer living humans. They bite humans when they see one, and they will be attracted by the smell of living humans. They will infect living humans and turn them into zombies. The world suddenly fell into chaos, and the population has decreased dramatically. After the country reacts to the situation, they immediately set up Safe Bases where they are, and the whole population starts to resist zombies together.

Now, half a year has passed. With the awakening of people with supernatural power in batches along with the continuous evolution of the zombies, some Bases have grown, some have perished, some have merged, and some have split.

People are fighting against zombies, but they are also fighting against each other because various resources for survival are gradually depleted and becoming scarce. Productivity has not recovered, because some people will awaken supernatural power overnight, become extremely powerful, and disobey the previous managers…

In short, there is chaos everywhere.

Bai Xiaohu opened her eyes, and her expression became a little strange. It turned out that the reason why the man in black was able to emit lightning was that he has supernatural power.

And there are many kinds of supernatural powers. Some can cast fire, water, and metal, which are even more miraculous than the cultivators in the world of cultivation. Cultivators still need to activate spells to use these powers, but people here with supernatural powers can just release them with a single thought.

She continued to search for useful information from the memory she obtained. While she does that, she holds onto the shelf beside her and finds a stop to sit. After performing the soul search, the spiritual energy she hardly accumulated was consumed a lot, and she quickly grabbed a fairy fruit to gnaw on. After gnawing one, she immediately spits out the core and continues to gnaw the next one, trying to replenish the spiritual energy, but feels even hungrier at the same time.

She then searched in her mind what the food in this world looked like, and where it would be easier to find food.

As she searched here and there, huh, there seems to be something to eat in the backpacks of these four people.

After a while, the three backpacks – Bai Xiaohu didn’t bother to drag the person out from the wall just for his backpack – were all searched by Bai Xiaohu. The smell in these bags is really bad, inside the bag was a complete mess. There are dirty clothes, gauze, knives, keys, shriveled cigarettes, water, some food, some crystal core, and some random things.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t even bother to continue searching and confiscated all the crystal cores without any politeness, and then looked at the few things that she found that were probably edible.

A package of stuff that is called instant noodles, all crushed into crumbs, a package of meat strips wrapped in wax paper, roasted black and dry, with a smoky smell, half-eaten canned spam.

She doesn’t even want to look at the rest. These are the only foods that the man in the wall remembers to be relatively delicious, more popular, and treasured by many people. When she looks at the food, she loses her appetite. Is the food that humans in this world eat after the apocalypse this bad?

In the end, she reluctantly took a pack of unopened instant noodles. She didn’t want anything else, so she left with just the instant noodles.

No one dared to stop her. The three people whose eyes were blinded by salt sat tremblingly by the wall, with blood and tears streaming down their faces, almost crying out loud when they heard her leave.

They had never seen such a weird woman, and they didn’t even know how she was able to attack their eyes with salt.

Hearing that Xiao Xiaohu should have left, they immediately supported each other, anxiously wanting to find a doctor or someone with healing supernatural power to get their eyes checked out, but before they could go, another group of people rushed in.

“It’s them, bullying a girl, I saw it from afar!” A girl leading the way shouted.

There were more than a dozen men and women who came, all wearing the same style of clothes in black with a sun pattern printed on the chest, and a black translucent gel coat that reached their thighs on the outside, which looked very imposing.

If the eyes of the three people are still working, they will recognize that they are members of the Zhongyang Mercury Team, the Number 1 team of Jiangcheng Base.

The members are generally in their teens to twenties, but they are all murderous. The leader is a boy with terrible green hair strands. When they heard someone was bullying a girl, they happened to be nearby, so they rushed over immediately. Yet, they were stunned as soon as they stepped into this pre-apocalyptic convenience store. 

What did they see, three men who seemed to have been poked blind, and one man who was directly embedded in the wall, sleeping “peacefully” in a very ecstatic posture?

This is the bastard who they heard to be full of evil, always robbing people traveling alone, harassing women nearby, and surrounding a little girl who was alone just now?

The boy with terrible green hair, Pan Gu, asked the girl who led the way: “Are you talking about these people?”

The girl who led the way was not from Zhongyang’s team. She had a ponytail, with a backpack on her shoulder, and looked very neat. She was also a little confused at the moment: “It’s them.” Then she said happily, “Is it because someone passing by couldn’t stand their evil acts, and took care of them? Hey,  where was the girl just now, did she get rescued?”

She asked three guys in blood.

The three of them shook their heads in horror. They kept saying that the girl didn’t need someone to save her. They were all beaten by her and expressed repentance saying they knew their mistakes and begged them to take them back to the base to find a doctor.

Pan Gu raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t doubt it. Whoever dares to travel alone, especially a female, how could they be weak and gullible?

He asked curiously, “What does that girl look like?” Images of various strong women in the base who can travel by themself flashed through his mind.

The three said tremblingly, “She was wearing a white dress, her hair is very long, and there is a fluffy rope wrapped around the hair.”

The more Pan Gu listened, the brighter his eyes became. Whoa, why does this description sound so familiar?

He went to the boss not long ago, wanting to ask about the pistol gun he gave away, but naturally got nothing out of him. Just in time, a small team said that they encountered a fourth-level zombie outside and were struggling, so he got sent on a mission. It was urgent, but he found some other way in private to find out the appearance of the unknown girl that received the gun.

Right now, he is so invested after hearing that description. Could there be such a coincidence? He asked again: “Is she very beautiful, looks quite young and obedient, wearing a dress like an ancient costume?”

The three of them nodded repeatedly. If the girl didn’t look young, obedient, and easy to bully, they wouldn’t dare to do anything.

Pan Gu thought to himself that it must be her. Looking at the miserable appearance of these three people, and looking at the one hanging on the wall, he couldn’t help but feel admiration. This young lady is capable and has a big temper, she deserves to be the one who receives a gun from their boss.

He immediately took a photo and posted it in the group chat.

At this time, regular phones are useless, but after the local network gets repaired, the improved mobile phone can still restore certain functions, and some small software made it possible to create group chats.

As the No. 1 mercenary team in Jiangcheng, the Zhongyang team has always been rich and powerful. Whether it is the improved phones or access to the internet, the logistics got them all prepared. So chatting and spamming in the group chat in their spare time has become the team members’ go-to for passing time.

Group Chat [Boss Is Not Here So Feel Free To Get High]

Pan An is not as handsome as me: Picture.JPG

Pan An is not as handsome as me: Take a look, isn’t this cool?

Goldfish: Little Pan, who messed with you again? You beat someone into the wall?

Wood makes up the Forest: By the way, doesn’t this person kinda look a bit familiar?

Know-it-all: Wang Bin, there is a photo of this person on the taskbar in the hall. He and three other accomplices did many bad things. They are called the Four Little Devils of the Yellow River. Someone commissioned to get them beaten with pay of one hundred second-level crystal cores.

Goldfish: Yoyo, Wan, you are well-informed, you know all about it. But when did you pick up such a task, little Pan?

Pan An is not as handsome as me: I didn’t do it, but a young lady did it for justice perhaps?

Goldfish: You got a story.

Wood makes up the Forest: Come on, tell us, if you’re tempting like this, this young lady must have some interesting background, right?

Pan Gu smiled, and said to the people around him while typing: “Tie them all up, they all have a lot of criminal records, bring them back later.”

Pan An is not as handsome as me: Then, I shall tell you all about something. Do you all know that the boss’s gun is gone missing?

Goldfish: Bold, you dare to openly insult the boss, let me quickly report this matter, Little Pan, wait to die.

Wood makes up the Forest: How can you doubt the boss’s heroism!

Steam bun wants to eat meat: Whoa, such spicy news as soon as I join! hehehehe

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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