Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Pan Gu shrugged: “Maybe it’s because they have bad eyesight and didn’t notice her at first?” Compared to this, he cares more about, “Is that girl pretty? What does she look like? How old is she? Where is she now?”

Ying Miao smiled and said, “I don’t know either. I didn’t see the girl that day, so she probably stayed on the mountain.”

Pan Gu frowned: “Stay on the mountain? Why didn’t she come to the base? I also didn’t hear the boss mention it. I’ll go talk to the boss.” After saying that, he ran away.

Ying Miao looked at his back with cold eyes, although she is obviously a veteran of the Zhongyang mercury, and even though the name Zhongyang was named after her brother, she didn’t feel much status in the team. At least, these people who joined afterward pay little respect to her.

She knew that the big reason was that her strength was slightly insufficient, but there was another very important reason. That is, Lu Ye has respect for her but isn’t close to her. All the capable members of the team don’t care about anyone except for Lu Ye, the captain, and Wen Liansheng, the vice-captain.

So in the past few months, she has been trying to get closer to Lu Ye and even tries to become his partner.

However, she hadn’t made any progress yet, and someone else suddenly showed up.

Judging from what Zhuang Qingzai and others said, when Lu Ye stayed on the mountain that day, he was with that girl, and when Lu Ye came back, the gun that he had on him when he went out disappeared. Combined with his statement, it must have been given to that girl.

What kind of person made him give away something so important to him the first time they met?

She once probed them about whether it is dangerous for a little girl to be out alone. Lu Ye’s reaction looked somewhat strange as if he thought of something, and there seemed to be traces of a smile in his eyes. However, he didn’t say much about it, not sure if he just didn’t want to talk about it or didn’t want to mention her to other people. 

Lu Ye has always been reticent, and she couldn’t figure out what he meant, but she senses that something feels very wrong. Lu Ye didn’t even put up the quest for cleaners to take care of the mass amount of zombie corpses as soon as he returned like usual. Yet, Zhuang Qingzai did mention that he killed a lot of zombies on Qiu mountain.

Ying Miao waited for two days, but still couldn’t hold back, and sent someone to Qiu Mountain to investigate whether the girl was still there in the name of cleaning. The news she got was that the girl was gone, and the crystal core was also gone. Did Lu Ye really leave the zombie corpse there untouched for the girl to get the crystal cores?

However, if he wants to give away crystal cores, he can give as much as he wants that is already cleaned.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t know that someone’s thought was entangled due to her. She walked down the hill and set foot in this human world, keeping her curious eyes wide open the whole time.

The house here is so strange!

The road here is so wide and smooth!

Why are the trees here growing systematically, are they artificially planted?

Huh, why are those people fighting and killing? Are they fighting over something?

Ah, there is a faint black air coming from behind those houses. Are those the walking corpses?

Hey! Another walking corpse jumped out, its speed was so fast, it was a very powerful walking corpse, and it could fly! A bunch of people surrounded it and fought… Very well, the humans won the battle, and they smashed open the corpse’s head and took out the crystal core just like her. That core obviously had more spirit energy than the ones she had dug.

Bai Xiaohu thought about it while observing, it seems that the stronger the walking corpse here, the stronger the crystal core in the brain is. In addition, the reason why the walking corpse is covered with demonic energy is probably that there is a crystal core in their head, so clearing the demonic energy in the body is useless, they must attack the head.

As for why the crystal core, which contains spiritual energy, was placed in the heads of the walking corpse, yet provided them with demonic energy, Bai Xiaohu didn’t understand. From what she knew, spiritual energy and demonic energy were two different things. How can they interchange?

Yet, what she cares more about is when will she find something to eat!

She got lost in the streets and ended up on a desolate street. There were houses on both sides of the street, the first floor was full of broken clear stuff from doors and windows (Glass). The inside looked like it had been looted countless times. It looked extremely miserable. Regardless of the inside or the outside of the house, on the walls, and the ground, there are many dried black bloodstains.

She thought about it and went in one by one, sometimes touching a naked humanoid object (the mannequin in a clothing store), sometimes pinching a soft and strangely shaped piglet (stuffed animal) on the shelf, and sometimes smelling some bottle (shower gel) that was trampled on with a lot of viscous liquid flowed out.

She was like a curious toddler. She looked here and there and finally found a bag in the corner of a room. She picked it up and held it in her hand. It was a bit heavy. When she opened it, it was white inside. It seemed to be… …salt?

Well, salt can’t fill your stomach.

Just when she was about to throw away the salt bag, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and four people surrounded the door. At a glance, some were tall and some were short, all of them were thin and dirty, with tangled hair and bristles. Lots of dust and blood stains on them, and is either holding a knife or a gun in their hand.

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes swept over their attire and landed on their faces, and found that each of them had very ugly expressions, their eyes were weirdly bright, their faces were contorted, and they were dripping saliva. One of them hurriedly approached: “What a little beauty!”

The other said: “I wasn’t lying right! I was dumbfounded when I saw this girl just now.”

Another one smiled at Bai Xiaohu: “Beautiful, you are alone? Come and play with us, we will protect you.”

Another said: “Don’t take it too lightly, a woman who is alone must have something she can rely on.”

The first person who approached Bai Xiaohu couldn’t bear it anymore, his eyes lit up and his expression was fierce: “Damn it, if I can enjoy her all I want, I’m willing to die immediately!” As he said that, he preemptively rushed toward Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu couldn’t understand a word they were saying, only heard them chirping, and then one of them rushed over, with that look in his eyes and that expression, they definitely don’t have good intentions. Not to mention how dirty they all are. There’s no way Bai Xiaohu is gonna let them get close to her. She turned around and dodged it. The man missed, wiped his mouth and cursed something, then went towards her again.

Bai Xiaohu got a little annoyed, so she didn’t hold back this time. She grabbed a chair next to her, and just like slapping annoying flying insects, she slapped that person hard with a bang.

That slap was so hard, the guy flew in the air. This guy, who was at least 5 ‘6’’ tall, with a medium size body and a heavy backpack on him just soared into the air, and hit the wall, solidly embedded into it so well that the body couldn’t even slip down, only the blood was dripping.

The others were shocked, and Bai Xiaohu was also taken aback. Looking at the guys who fainted in an instant, she panicked a little. Why is this guy so fragile?

She looked at the crumbling chair in her hand and hurriedly threw it away while still feeling a bit confused.

She for real has only recovered a tiny little bit of her cultivation, which seems extremely weak in her eyes. After all, when she first came to this world, she met a fierce man who could strike thunder with his bare hands. Whenever she thought of that, she felt her bones aching, and extremely insecure.

She didn’t expect to meet someone as weak as paper so soon after, and she barely used any spiritual energy at all!

She looked towards the rest of the people, and they stiffly took their eyes off the hapless companion that got stuck into the wall and looked back at Bai Xiaohu.

If a man had shown such terrifying power that can slap a person flying with a chair, these people would be so shocked they would beg and tremble to run away.

However, Bai Xiaohu’s appearance is too deceptive, especially with her confused expression at the moment. As if even she is surprised that she has such great strength, which gives people the illusion that she is performing super normally, but she is not so strong in reality.

So one of the remaining three men shouted: “The wall is covered in a layer of foam, and it’s not a concrete wall. This little bitch isn’t that difficult to deal with. Let’s all go and get her together!”

Then all of them rushed forward. Bai Xiaohu frowned and was hesitant to use her fist, so she grabbed a handful of salt and threw it out.

The other party was startled, thinking she had released something, but when they saw it was just table salt, they all laughed thinking that this woman must be out of her mind, sprinkling salt at this kind of moment.

But the next moment, their expressions froze, because Bai Xiaohu raised her hand immediately afterward. 

The cuffs of the cassock skirt were wide, flowy, and fairy-like. With just a wave of her hand, the sleeves drew a graceful arc, and the snow-white salt swept towards them as if they were manipulated by an invisible force, and soon spread to make different trajectories, shooting straight toward their eyes.

Before they had time to react, the salt grains were shot into their eyes at an extremely fast speed with extraordinary strength. At that moment, it felt salty, painful, stinging, and burning, as if they had been punched deeply in their soul. It’s indescribably painful.

Imagine your eyes got covered in sand, the feeling of wounds soaked in strong salt water, the painfulness of pepper water splashing into your eyes, and the bewildered feeling of being hit on the head.

The combination of everything above is probably how these guys are feeling right now.

One by one, they were immediately brought down to the ground by the force of the salt grains. Every one of them covered their eyes and howled miserably. Blood flowed between their fingers, and they looked extremely wretched.

Bai Xiaohu was confused once again. All she did was wave her sleeve lightly,  do they have to act so exaggerated?

She watched them perform for a while, and there was no fluctuation in her heart, no sympathy at all. In her cognition, there is a very profound rule of thumb, that is, whoever initiate a fight are the B****. Her second brother told her, if anyone initiates something that offends her then it’s not inappropriate for her to fight back however she wants.

She suddenly thought of something and turned around to look at the unconscious man that got embedded in the wall.

Since the opportunity is presented, it would be a pity not to grasp it.

She walked over and stood in front of the guy. Although she dislikes him, she still closed her eyes, concentrated her consciousness, mobilized the spiritual energy absorbed from hundreds of crystal cores, performed a spell with her fingers, and then opened her eyes, The originally black eyes turned blue on the left and red on the right, the blue eyes were seductive, and the red eyes were violent like fire.

The next moment, the red eyes trembled and turned into a faint blue color like the left eye, so beautiful that it seemed to have a soul-stirring power.

Then she put two fingers together and tapped on the man’s forehead.

Soul search!

Note from the original author:

Bai Xiaohu: The soul search is activated! Huh, the quality of this soul search object is too low, so much useless information, he has an accent, and is basically half illiterate (cries)

Lu Ye: Hehe

They will meet in the next chapter!

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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