Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Lu Ye carried the brazier out.

Because the military campground was now sealed, he had to break into the ice and soil layers, revealing a small piece of the original ground. The insects struggling under the sealed layers were no longer imprisoned and instantly started to crawl out. 

Bai Xiaohu took a quick look and hid behind Lu Ye, still unable to accept the scene. 

After various insects crawled out, they crawled toward wherever Lu Ye put the brazier. 

Lu Ye removed the ball of chicken wrapped in mud separately and sealed the brazier with lightning. The insects suddenly lost their target, crawled around lost, and then began to crawl towards Lu Ye and Bai Xiaohu. 

Although the insects lost the target they were most attractive to, Lu Ye and Bai Xiaohu appear appealing to them. 

Then Lu Ye changed direction and showed the brazier again. The insects immediately changed direction and swarmed into the brazier excitedly. Even if they were burned and turned to ashes immediately after crawling in, it could not stop them from crawling one after another until all the insects in the exposed small piece of land were gone. For a while, no more insects crawled out. 

Bai Xiaohu watched from beginning to end and said in surprise: “They really are coming for the fire from this branch!” 

Lu Ye picked up a half-burned branch. The flame was different from that of ordinary branches. The red flame was faintly blue. If one smelled it carefully, one could vaguely smell a very light fragrance of trees. 

Lu Ye said: “Do you have any more branches like this? Give me some.” 

Bai Xiaohu immediately grabbed a bundle for him. 

Lu Ye knocked open another piece of land and found that the unburned branches were unattractive to the insects. 

At this time, Baozi and a few other people from the Zhongyang Team ran over and told them that they dug out mutant insects from land outside the military camp. 

“Most of them are below half a meter in the ground. If you don’t dig deep, you can’t find them. Moreover, those insects move very slowly. Even if dug out, they are still slow, as if they haven’t woken up yet.” 

They all went to check it out together. It was true. In the soil dug out from a few deep places, there were many insects, some long, some short, some thick, some thin, some with shells, some soft, some without legs, and some with many legs. When they shone the flashlight, almost all of them were crawling silently, but they all looked very lifeless. In addition, there were many eggs, pupae, and larvae. 

Du Jing stands at the edge of the pit with a tense face. Lu Ye walked over, and he asked Lu Ye: “Captain Lu, what do you think this looks like?” 

Lu Ye said in a light voice: “A huge underground species that is mutating and accumulating power. They are silently changing and reproducing underground. When the time comes, they will be eager to break out of the ground, just like what happened in the military camp.” 

As Lu Ye’s words spread in the wind, everyone’s face became even darker. The number of insects crawling out in this temporary camp alone is already so many and horrifying. If this many insects crawled out of every inch of land, the scene would give horror goosebumps to all. 

“But why did the ones in the military camp crawl out now, but the ones elsewhere didn’t?” 

“Then we have to experiment.” 

Lu Ye asked everyone to retreat to a safe area, lit a few branches, and threw them into a pit. 

Originally, everyone thought that with such a strong wind, the flames would soon go out, but no, the branches continued to burn quietly after being thrown into the pit. Soon, everyone found that the half-dead insects seemed stimulated by something and began to wriggle wildly. 

Even the insects outside the pit became restless, breaking out of the ground and crawling into the pit one after another. 

People were shocked. 

Bai Xiaohu grabbed Lu Ye’s arm and hid behind him, turning her head away and not wanting to look at all, it was too disgusting for the eyes. 

Several burning branches were quickly submerged by insects. Logically, the flames would have gone out under the pressure of so many insects, but they didn’t. The branches were still burning, and the smell of burning soon spread from the bottom of the pit, just like roasting thousands of insects in a big pot. Add to that the smell of earth and the stench of the insects themselves, all the smells blended, it was beyond disgusting. 

Bai Xiaohu covered her nose with her collar and lay on Lu Ye’s shoulder, rolling her eyes in disgust. 

No, no! 

She grabbed a flower from the space, put it to her nose, and sniffed it hard, and then she finally felt alive. 

Although the fragrance was strong, the flower was refreshing and not overwhelming. The smell was very nice and pleasant. Lu Ye turned his head, along with Baozi and others who were standing nearby, as well as Du Jing. They all turned to look at her, Bai Xiaohu: “Wh…, what?” 

Baozi stretched out his hand: “You got more?” 

Then a very strange scene appeared. Everyone standing by the pit held a small white flower in their hands, covering their mouths and noses, and looked at the pit filled with insects with numb faces. 

It seems like the branches at the bottom of the pit were finally burned out. The insects gradually lost their target and began to crawl out of the pit. Their next target was the living people next by, but then they were killed mercilessly. 

Only two people were not careful and got injured. One was hit in the eye by a flying insect, and their whole eyelid was swollen as if it was about to bust. The swollen area looked purple and reflected light under the lamp, which was particularly shiny. The other was bitten on the index finger, and the whole finger was swollen to the size of a carrot and could not be bent at all. 

Seeing the miserable appearance of the two people, others became more cautious. 

Bai Xiaohu said nothing and took out two more herbs and asked them to crush the herbs themselves and apply them to the wound. 

Du Jing couldn’t help but look at her. 

The small number of branches has a limited effect, and the number of insects “awakened” is also restricted. Everyone quickly retreated to the barracks and gathered to sort out the information. 

Known fact 1: The insects have indeed mutated on a large scale, but it is not yet their time to awaken and cause destruction. 

Known fact 2: After the firewood branches are ignited, they are a great attraction to the insects, which can wake them up in advance and make them crawl into the fire like moths to the flame to die. 

Known fact 3: Once there is no flame to attract the insects, the second target of the insects is living people, and the insects will bite people. A bite can cause a big swelling, which is painful, itchy, and paralyzing. Ordinary medicine is completely ineffective, but Bai Xiaohu has an herb that can be used. 

Known fact 4: A large number of insects are really smelly when burned. If you don’t take good anti-odor measures, the stench will make people’s stomachs twitch and their mobility will greatly reduce. 

After sorting out the above four points, they were quickly reported to the  Base. 

Lu Ye also contacted the Zhongyang Team and Wen Liansheng. After making these two calls, he looked outside at the dark and windy night, thought for a moment, and dialed another number. 


In the Jiangcheng Base. 

Wen Liansheng received Lu Ye’s message and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately asked people to dig in the ground, and as a result, he dug out a pile of insects. 

The faces of the people in the Baishou Team were all displeased. 

Their farm is big with Leigong trees, Pepper Flowers, Red Fruit Trees, artificial rivers, fish ponds, and some vegetables and fruits. The site is large and well-maintained, but now they are told that insects are under their farmland, and they will all crawl out soon! 

Originally, everyone was worried about whether the farm would suffer losses when the typhoon came, but now there’s an insect crisis. 

As for the fluke, may the insects not harm these crops? Haha, they are not stupid. They caught a few ugly and representative insects to test out. Damn, they chew the leaves and tree trunks so quickly! 

As for the Leigong Tree and Pepper Flower, the insects dared not touch them, or rather, all the plants that came from Bai Xiaohu. 

Wen Liansheng pressed his eyebrows in stress and ordered: “Harvest the ordinary vegetables and fruits first, as for the others.” He looked at the communicator, “Wait a little longer.” 

At the same time, he also asked people to reinforce the buildings such as the pharmaceutical factory and the dormitory building, making sure that no insects could crawl in after closing the doors and windows. 

There were quite a few people who rushed to harvest crops in the night against the strong wind. All the forces that planted some vegetables and grains were rushing to harvest them. Among all, the official’s action was the biggest. They sent out troops overnight to harvest the farmland outside the base, whether mature or not. Now it was a matter of saving as much as possible. 

At the same time, the base also sent large trucks carrying loads of cement and sand to various parts of the base. All places with soil exposed or could be covered with cement, had to be poured with a layer of cement. If there was not enough cement, stones were pressed on top. 

As for the places where they really can’t do anything, such as those vast planting areas and the riverbed, it is not realistic to pour a layer of cement on them, so they can only leave them alone for now. 

Compared to the base trying its best to rescue, the situation outside the base is not optimistic. Pan Gu ran back sweating and brought bad news: “Outside the base, large areas of mountain wasteland have discovered insects underground. The worst is those construction sites, where the soil has been dug up. My goodness, just now when I went over and shone the light, insects were crawling everywhere. Those insects were more active than the ones underground. That scene was fxxxing ridiculous.” 

Pan Gu felt a chill and looked puzzled: “It’s strange. We were still working yesterday. Because of the typhoon today, everyone stopped working and returned to the base. But after a day of rest, the good soil is already full of insects. It seems that it mutated within one day.” 

Wen Liansheng guessed: “It may have been just insect eggs before, which could not be found. They all hatched within a day. And because the soil on the construction site was turned over early, the insects in those places became more active.” 

“I think so.” Pan Gu shook his head, “You said the base has just issued a typhoon prevention order in the evening, prohibiting everyone from traveling. If everyone really stays in the base for a day or two, the insects outside can surround the base. Fortunately, the boss reminded us in time, otherwise, it would be worse. ” 

After that, he became anxious again: “When will the boss and Xiaohu return? They said that they would come back after the typhoon is over, but if all the insects in Ningcheng run out by then, they will be outside with only one garrison nearby, and be overwhelmed by the insects.” 

“Don’t worry.” Wen Liansheng said, “They will be back tomorrow.” 

“Really? Should we go pick them up?” 

“No, the base will send someone to pick them up.” 


Boxes containing various insects were carried into the base research center, and many people were hurriedly called from home to work the night shift. They classified the insects, studied their morphology and characteristics, and looked for ways to kill them in large numbers. 

A young man took off his glasses and pinched his brows: “Unhatched eggs can be killed with high-concentration pesticides, but there is no particularly good way to kill the grown insects. Catching them and physically destroying them is the best way. And I found that these insects are still mutating, so I don’t recommend using high-concentration pesticides to kill eggs, because it is likely to stimulate accelerated mutation.” 

A middle-aged man walked back and forth worriedly: “Catching the insects, how can so many insects be caught? They can flood the base before we catch many.” 

“It’s very likely.” The young man said calmly, “These mutant insects could eat everything, especially humans, which should be excellent food in their eyes. When they bite people, they can secrete weak toxins. If a person is bitten roughly twenty times, it may cause full paralysis and loss of mobility. “

“Oh, and these insects should have just mutated today. Judging from their state, at most two days, their bodies will send a strong signal to the brain that they need to replenish energy. At that time, they will all be activated and no longer be the slow-crawling appearance they are now. “

The middle-aged man shuddered and murmured, “We can’t wait until tomorrow, we have to bring people back today!” He turned and left, and the young man grabbed him and said, “Who are you bringing back?” 

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, “Don’t ask, you will know when the time comes.” 

The young man sneered, “I know it even if you don’t say it. It has to be Miss Bai. Does she come up with another solution?” He murmured, “She always has so many ways. ” 

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