Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

At the reception of the base, an exchange group of more than a hundred members from the Haicheng Base checked in. In the room on the second floor, a woman with curly hair and a pretty face, who looked only about 30 years old, walked around the room irritably.

“They just showed a quick face and left us here irresponsibly. These people don’t take our Haicheng Base and the Zhuang family seriously at all! And that Bai, not only didn’t she come to greet the elders actively, she didn’t respond when I called her over. She has no manners at all!”

The woman complained.

Zhuang Qingzai, curled up in the corner of the sofa, whispered: “My eldest brother is not here, why are you acting like an elder?” But if the eldest brother were here, you wouldn’t dare to act like an elder, wouldn’t you?

He thought to himself.

Since the last time he went to the Baishou Team to buy anti-infection drugs and was thrown out, Zhuang Qingzai wanted to go back to Haicheng Base. However, he was instructed to wait a little longer, find out more about anti-infection drugs, and wait for the arrival of the exchange group from Haicheng Base. He didn’t expect that after waiting so long, the person who came would be his aunt.

Zhuang Qingzai respected his mother very much and admired her as a strong independent woman. Under her leadership, the Zhuang Family was powerful both before and after the apocalypse. But as his mother’s little sister, his aunt, how can he describe her? So spoiled by his mother, to put it nicely is called being naive and arrogant. To put it bluntly, she has no self-awareness and out of touch about how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.

Just now, she dared to say, “Why didn’t that person named Bai Xiaohu come? I have heard about her and Lu Ye’s affairs. Tell her to come and let me take a look. We are one family now, don’t be estranged”, right in front of Wen Liansheng.

She said it in a friendly manner, but people aren’t stupid. Bai Xiaohu lives a good life alone and can even make anti-infection drugs. It is not an exaggeration to be treated as a treasure by others. You want to pretend to be someone else’s elder just by saying you are one family?

At that moment, he saw Wen Liansheng’s eyes instantly turn cold, and the faces of the people in Jiangcheng Base were not good.

As expected, Wen Liansheng not only declined the request but also left after just saying a few words. Then, the attitude of the Base’s reception team became distant. When they asked when they could talk about buying anti-infective drugs, the answer they got was always, please wait patiently.

Zhuang Shixian looked at him angrily: “You talk to your aunt like this? It’s not that I’m picking on you, but you’ve been here for two months, what have you gained? Even if you are just somewhat capable, I wouldn’t need to come all the way here myself!”

Zhuang Shixian was upset. Although the population of the Haicheng Base was only one-third of the Jiangcheng Base’s, they had much more resources than the Jiangcheng Base, especially the large inventory of weapons and firearms. Due to this, the Zhuang Family was still a serious ruling class, so she felt superior.

She felt that it was great that Jiangcheng Base had anti-infective drugs, but they were so poor that people couldn’t eat enough. Their Haicheng Base was the God of Wealth, so it should be easy to make this deal, shouldn’t it?

The reason why she said that just now was to show off her status. She heard that Bai Xiaohu is the core of the anti-infective drug production. If she can control her, the business will be easier to make. Maybe she can even take the production team back with her directly.

She didn’t expect those people to react like that.

How dare they offend her?

She snorted coldly: “Where is the Baishou Team? Take me there!”

“What are you going to do? We are from a different base. They won’t let you get close to that place.” Zhuang Qingzai said sullenly. Ever since he wanted to buy anti-infective drugs that one time, he couldn’t go anywhere close to that building.

“I’m not going for the anti-infective drugs. I just want to meet my eldest nephew’s future wife. If she won’t come to see me, I will go to see her. What’s the problem?”

She felt that her reasons were sufficient, but she was stopped as soon as she approached.

Since the God-killing Team sent people to make trouble, General Xu expressed that he could send troops to garrison around the Baishou Team, but Wen Liansheng refused.

But this time, more than a hundred people arrived from the Haicheng Base in a mighty force, clearly coming for anti-infective drugs. The base again requested to send troops for protection, and this time Wen Liansheng agreed.

So in addition to the original defense line, another line of defense of the army was added.

As soon as the two members of the Zhuang Family and the people they brought approached, they were pointed at by countless guns from a distance: “Only authorized personnel allowed ahead!”

Zhuang Shixian refused to leave like this and was confident that these people would not dare to shoot, so she said: “I am Lu Ye’s aunt, I came to see his partner.”

Bai Xiaohu heard that the army had arrived, and they not only set up a defense line outside the entire Baishou Team but also blocked several nearby streets.

She got a little worried. She is planning to go out, does this mean she has to go out secretly? In this case, could she successfully leave?

She decided to come out in the name of going on a walk to see.

The posture and momentum of these soldiers standing guard are indeed professional. They stand upright, straight, steady, and motionless. When she walked out of the furniture store, she saw several soldiers on both sides. They all knew Bai Xiaohu. When they saw her, they just saluted and had no other reaction.

These people only restrict the people who come in and are more relaxed about those who go out. And they must not interfere with the actions of this number one person. This is the special instruction from the higher-ups. If such a capable and important person feels that her freedom is restricted, who knows what she will do?

Bai Xiaohu walked a few steps along the road and saw a team of soldiers passing by in uniform steps. They were patrolmen. Wow, they really surrounded this place like an iron barrel.

She walked towards the intersection. There was a roadblock at the intersection and the road was closed. The weather was getting hotter now, but the group of soldiers stood under the scorching sun as if they had no sense.

Bai Xiaohu watched for a while and as she was about to turn back, she saw a car approaching in the distance. She stopped, and a woman in the car half stuck her head out.

“I’m Lu Ye’s aunt, I’m here to see his partner.”

Huh? Is this Lu Ye’s aunt? What did she say, here to see Lu Ye’s partner?

Partner? Is that what she thinks it is? Does Lu Ye have a partner?

Bai Xiaohu was a little confused.

Something was being negotiated, and the woman said again: “It’s just a simple visit to relatives, how can my future nephew’s wife not be a family? You go and inform her and she will definitely meet me.”

Future nephew’s wife? They are at the point of getting married?

Bai Xiaohu thought hard and screened the women in the Zhongyang Team she knew. It seemed that none of them had a close relationship with Lu Ye, right?

But just because she didn’t notice, it doesn’t mean he is not in a relationship. This is definitely bad news. Even if she doesn’t understand the ways of the world, she knows that it’s not good for other females to get too close to males with spouses. But she still has to cultivate feelings with Lu Ye, make him believe that he is a cat demon, awaken his blood, and then ask him to spare a tail!

She took out her phone and sent two messages to Lu Ye directly.

—You have a partner?

—Are you getting married?

After sending the message, she noticed it was noon, the best time to fight zombies, and Lu Ye probably didn’t have free time. She waited for a minute, and there was no reply, so she put away her phone.

Ouch, it seems that this matter must be done quickly. While Lu Ye is outside, she should cultivate friendship and trust with him. Isn’t there a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed? The relationship between people who went through great difficulty together must be deep, and fighting zombies shouldn’t be a bad idea. If she helps him fight zombies, he might be moved and believe everything she says, and even be willing to give her a tail.

Bai Xiaohu became more and more determined to go out as she returned to the store.

Wen Liansheng soon knew what Zhuang Shixian said. Naturally, he did not agree to let Zhuang Shixian in and frowned. How dare she say nonsense as future niece-in-law in broad daylight? Others might not know, but he knows very well that there is nothing between Lu Ye and Bai Xiaohu, at least not yet. How can they step down after being yelled at by Zhuang Shixian?

Bai Xiaohu arrived just at this time. Bai Xiaohu wanted to tell Wen Liansheng that she would be leaving tomorrow. In fact, she was planning to sneak away tonight.

But when she saw Wen Liansheng, she couldn’t help asking: “Wen Liansheng, does Lu Ye have a partner?”

Wen Liansheng felt uncomfortable for a while: “You also heard what Zhuang Shixian said. It’s not true. She’s talking nonsense. Don’t take it to heart. I will warn her to shut up.”

Why does he feel the need to explain such a thing? This should be Lu Ye’s job.

Bai Xiaohu looked at him suspiciously. It was so strange. His expression was so unnatural and his eyes were a little evasive. Her heart sank. Could it be true?

She asked: “Really?”

“Well, ask Lu Ye yourself when he comes back.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded seriously: “I’ll ask later.”

Wen Liansheng didn’t spot the unusualness in her words. Bai Xiaohu then said that she would go out tomorrow and asked him to take care of the team, and then left with a heavy heart.

That night, when everyone was asleep, Bai Xiaohu got up and came to the fully charged electric scooter parked in the yard. She put her hand on it, circulated her spiritual energy, and whooshed the electric scooter is now in her spatial treasure.

Ah, the space can store things again, how great! Thanks to the God-killing Team for the merit points.

She originally planned to take only her chicken, after all, she had never parted with this little guy for so many years, but a large white cat walked out of the door quietly, staring at her with a pair of cat eyes shining in the night, opening its mouth, and it was about to meow. Bai Xiaohu quickly covered its mouth: “Boss, don’t scream, I’ll take you with me, okay?”

The fat cat was satisfied and rubbed her palm.

So one person, one chicken, and one cat happily ran away from home.

Although the army’s defense line was very tight, it was no problem for Bai Xiaohu, who did her research and had a spell to deceive people. The three of them successfully got on Yang’an Road and went all the way to the base wall. They then climbed over the wall and stepped outside of the base.

It was midnight and it was dark all around. Bai Xiaohu walked out of a certain range before taking out the electric scooter she had just put away in her spatial treasure. She then cast a light-weight spell on it to ensure it would run lightly, quickly, save electricity, and make no noise. Then she rides on it and prepares to set off.

The cat squatted in front of the scooter obediently. The demon chicken wanted to stand on Bai Xiaohu’s shoulder like before, but was carried down by her: “Wake up, do you know what size and weight you are now?”

“Chirp!” In the end, the fat black demon chicken had to stand in the back seat aggrievedly.

Bai Xiaohu started the scooter and drove out, driving on the deserted and quiet streets of Jiangcheng, turning into a chic shadow.

At the same time, in Ningcheng, as soon as the army arrived today, the zombies were very ferocious and there were a large number of them. It was not until late at night that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone began to rest, boil water, cook, eat dry food, or have a simple wash; busy in trivial with a quiet manner.

Lu Ye drank a few sips of water and took out his mobile phone to see if there was any message from a certain someone today. No matter which city he was in, he and Bai Xiaohu would chat almost every night. It has been going on for more than ten days and slowly became a habit. However, only she can initiate the exchange.

Luckily, he plans to go back in two days at most. He doesn’t plan to fight to the end in Ningcheng. The Zhongyang Team should rest, and he also is in the mood to go back.

He turned on his phone, and sure enough, there was a red “2” marked on the chat software. There was a new message, the corner of Lu Ye’s lip curled slightly.

However, when he opened it, his smile froze.

-You have a partner?

-Are you getting married?

Lu Ye: “???” What does this mean?

Bai Xiaohu drove the electric scooter as fast as the wind, and soon she was far from the base. Then she stopped, and with an excited smile on her face, she said to the two ignorant little ones, “Let me take you somewhere.” 

Then she put away the electric scooter, holding one animal in each hand, silently reciting the spell in her heart, and a wave of clear spiritual energy fluctuated around her, and then whoosh, she disappeared from the spot.


Original Author’s Note:

The tail is very important, but entering spatial treasure is more important!

Lu Ye: ? ? ?


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