Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Mao Litie stared at these people and made a bloodthirsty sneer: “You wait, you all…”

Before he finished speaking, his stomach suddenly rumbled, and he immediately showed a look of pain, covering his stomach bending down. At the same time, the stomachs of several people behind him reacted in the same way, except for one. He was fine and looked at his companions in surprise and worry: “What’s wrong with you all? Captain?!”

Wen Liansheng frowned slightly and asked everyone to step aside so that he could take a look.

The officers even raised their guns, looking at these extremely vicious ‘pests’ that they could not take action against, and said in disgust: “What do you want to do?”

Mao Litie’s ferocious face was already pale and covered with cold sweat. Just when he was about to speak, his stomach rumbled again. He tightened his stomach and realized something was wrong. He staggered and wanted to leave: “Go, leave first.”

However, not two seconds after he said this, his whole body suddenly froze, and he could only hear the sound of something splashing out. His entire bottom was wet, or rather, yellow. Yellow turbid feces flooded out of his pants as if a floodgate was open, his whole bottom half, shoes, and the entire place where he stood were stained.

Everyone: “……”

Before they could react, Mao Litie twitches all over again. Seeing that another wave was coming, the other members of the God-killing Team also began to fart loudly mixed with the sound of splashes

Wen Liansheng shouted: “Back off!” At the same time, he opened his exclusive water and wood barrier, and the fresh air immediately surrounded them.

The officers were not as considerate as he was, and their expressions changed greatly and they shouted: “Get away!”

As if these people were viruses, they all back away quickly.

Then there was a series of sputtering sounds, and an indescribable smell suddenly filled the air. The faces of everyone present were almost green, and even those who went through tremendous horrible experiences in the past couldn’t help but retch one after another.

The forty-year-old officer’s face changed consistently. He was angry at the absurdity of these God-killing Team members but also relieved at their embarrassment. He ordered his men to withdraw with a wave of his hand.

There was absolutely no intention of showing any love for human compatriots, and everyone left the area behind.

Wen Liansheng looked at the miserable situation of Mao Litie and others, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said, “Let’s go.”

The crowd below was also invaded by this terrifying stench. Some people discovered what was going on at the high platform since espers have very good eyesight. Someone shouted: “Mao Litie pooped in his pants!”

Then everyone knew about it and wanted to see for themself despite the stench.

Satisfied, Bai Xiaohu released her hand gesture and waved her hand in front of her nose: “Ah, how much garbage is in this person’s body, so stinky!” She turned to Pan Gu and Shi Jian: “Let’s go, let’s go!”

On the way back, Bai Xiaohu was in a very good mood. To deal with bad guys, she had to be worse than them. It was nothing to hit them physically; she had to destroy them mentally.

People like Mao Litie are probably very concerned about their reputation, but he pooped his pants in front of everyone, and it will become a legend in the future. He will for sure get vomit blood level angry! However, after having diarrhea, he would be weak for half a month, and even if he wanted to kill people to vent his anger, he wouldn’t have the strength.

As for letting the minions do the job? Then we have to see how many God-killing members didn’t get affected. She put the medicine in all their drinking water. Just now, five of the six of them on the stage were having it. There are probably very few people in the entire God-killing Team who survived. 

If the medicine wasn’t activated on her command, they would have had diarrhea in the next two days, so the base might stink for a while after this. It’s a sin.

Bai Xiaohu started humming songs beautifully. When entering Yang’an Road, she suddenly patted Pan Gu on the shoulder: “Will you teach me how to drive this electric scooter?”

Yang’an Road is wide and quiet. People who gathered outside the furniture store gradually dispersed after the potion started to be sold. There are tall trees on both sides of the road to block the scorching sun. It is a good place to learn to drive. Bai Xiaohu started learning how to drive very seriously. She could finally drive the scooter freely in the evening, but the scooter also ran out of battery.

She pushed it back slowly, and as soon as she entered the courtyard of the furniture store, she met Wen Liansheng’s half-smiling gaze.

Bai Xiaohu felt a little guilty: “Hi!”

Wen Liansheng said, “Let’s talk a little?”

This means to speak alone.

The two went to the side, and Wen Liansheng asked, “Did you do it to Mao Litie and those people?”

Bai Xiaohu touched the tip of her nose: “Yes.”

“You only punished a few of them?”

“No.” Bai Xiaohu said bluntly, “Everyone. I put something in the water they drink. Those who drink it will be like Mao Litie, and those who didn’t drink it will be fine!”

Since they are on this topic, she then mentioned how long diarrhea would last and the period of weakness after diarrhea.

Wen Liansheng narrowed his eyes: “I understand.”

Bai Xiaohu said: “What are you going to do?”

“The God-killing Team has done many unjust things and made countless enemies. Many people must be interested in them.”

Does this mean they will take advantage of them while they are sick and take care of them all at once?

At night, Bai Xiaohu couldn’t sleep, so she told Lu Ye about the matter.

She typed a long paragraph first, explaining the cause and effect, and then used the communication spell to send the message. Then she lay on the bed and waited for a reply.

She thought that Lu Ye might not have time to read it in time. If he didn’t reply within a minute, the communication spell would be ineffective, and she didn’t plan to cast another one if that was the case.

When the minute was almost up, Lu Ye replied.

——Your method is very good. You can dismantle the God-killing Team without any bloodshed. Wen Liansheng will take care of it, so you don’t have to worry about the rest.

Bai Xiaohu smiled: “How is my method good? This is a villain’s trick with small cleverness.”

If it wasn’t for the fact that she couldn’t think of a better way, she wouldn’t have used this method. Originally, she just wanted to teach them a lesson. Maybe the God-killing Team would be considered to have an infectious disease and be quarantined or something. She didn’t expect that it would be an opportunity to eradicate this organization.

Maybe, she has thought of it, but she didn’t think about it deeply.

She typed: Don’t you think this is not the right thing to do?

Then she cast another communication spell.

Lu Ye replied quickly.

——Don’t be burdened. Although not all of the members of the God-killing Team are guilty of heinous crimes, most of them are not good people. They deserve to die. You have done a good job by using extraordinary methods against extraordinary people. At most, this is a stinky approach.

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes widened when she read this, and then she couldn’t help laughing, but she had a doubt in her heart.

——You all say that the God-killing Team is very bad. Why doesn’t anyone deal with them? Although others can’t deal with them, you can’t deal with them either?

When the man far away in Tongcheng saw this sentence popping up on the screen, his fingers froze and the smile at the corner of his mouth froze.

Unable to type an answer for a long time.

Why can’t he deal with it? He never had the thought to deal with it. In the past, he didn’t care about these things at all.

Even if he heard who Mao Litie had killed today and how many people he had framed outside the base yesterday, as long as it didn’t happen in front of him, he was completely indifferent.

However, it is difficult to tell the truth at this moment.

Facing the person one cares about, everyone would want to hide their shortcomings. His past inaction made him feel like a cold-blooded and despicable villain.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t get a reply, thinking that the effectiveness of the communication spell might have ended, so she plucked another fur and continued typing: Where you go?

Lu Ye looked at these words, his eyes moved, he let out a breath, and touched the keyboard lightly with his long fingers: Yes, I can’t deal with them.

Bai Xiaohu comforted: It’s okay. There are hundreds of thousands of them or even more. It’s normal that they can’t be dealt with. By the way, Baozi and the others set off with the new potions. Have you encountered them?

Lu Ye entered: We did, they arrived in the evening.

Bai Xiaohu immediately thought of her purpose and asked Lu Ye where he was now.

Lu Ye typed out the name of a town in Tongcheng and continued: The zombies in Tongcheng are almost cleared, and we are going to cross the city next.

Bai Xiaohu exclaimed “Ah” and quickly typed: Aren’t you coming back?

——We won’t go back for the time being. Thanks to your potion and… that walnut-like thing. We haven’t had any losses so far. Everyone is in good spirits and can win another victory.

Bai Xiaohu had a pouty mouth, so it was her fault then, but… She folded her hands on the pillow, her chin pressed against the back of her hands, and looked at the dimly lit screen, but she missed her tail.


The tragic incident of Mao Litie and others of the God-killing Team having diarrhea in public spread throughout the base within a day and completely became a joke to everyone. It is said that Mao Litie and others were carried back by his subordinates that day. They all vomited as they carried them back, which made Mao Litie and others so angry that their faces turned livid but they couldn’t help it.

And the matter was yet over. People in the God-killing Team had diarrhea one after another after that day, and each of them had it in an overbearing manner. No clue how many pants were soiled, needless to say where they lived. The entire area where they lived was even more trashed, shrouded in a continuous stench, and everyone around it moved out one after another.

The God-Killing Team was thought to be infected with some kind of strange disease. The team was isolated and sealed, and the surroundings were strictly guarded by official troops. It was said that the upper management of the base had very different opinions on this. The person behind the God-Killing Team argued hard for the God-Killing Team. However, After discovering that the members of the God-killing Team remained weak and looked terminally ill for several days, they finally gave up on them.

With the push of all parties, officials soon came forward to investigate the God-killing Team. Members who had done bad things in the past were brought out for trial. Anyone who had taken human life with solid evidence would be executed and severely punished with no excuse.

In just a few days, the blood of the God-killing Team was running like a river, and the base’s actions greatly shocked countless people. The atmosphere of the base was temporarily weakened, and General Xu’s prestige was further established.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t care much about all these. She was more concerned about the progress of the project on the other side of the river.

She had several wells dug the next day, and she sneaked over quietly at night and buried the spiritual stones under the wells. She also activated these spiritual stones while she was there, which means they would continuously emit spiritual energy and cleanse the surroundings and food source.

The next day she went over and found that the well water already contained some spiritual energy.

The artificial river was also dug very quickly and branched out, almost completely covering the land. She also buried a lot of spiritual stones under the riverbed.

In addition, she dug a medium-sized fish pond and planned to raise fish in it, which both Lu Ye and Da Pan (the cat) liked to eat.

The LeiGong Trees were planted one after another. Later, she discovered that they don’t necessarily have to plant saplings to grow this kind of tree. It would be fine to break off a branch and nurture it. After that, the Baishou Team sold branches instead of saplings.

Red fruit Trees were also planted one after another, and she buried a finger-sized spiritual stone in each tree pit; the entrance to the artificial river began to introduce finely filtered river water, and the farm looked different every day, with dense guard vines planted all around it.

By the time Bai Xiaohu felt that the well water could mostly replace the spiritual spring water, and the LeiGong Leaves and Pepper Flowers harvested from outsourcing was about enough to support the consumption, the situation of the God-killing Team had calmed down. The base sent a third wave of reinforcements, and the zombies in the city across were also cleared. The army began to advance towards Ningcheng.

Lu Ye still hadn’t come back, so Bai Xiaohu started packing her bags and getting ready to go out.

However, Wen Liansheng suddenly told her: “Haicheng Base sent someone, and they want to see you by name.”

Bai Xiaohu: “Haicheng Base? Are they here to buy medicine? Didn’t you say this is a matter between bases? Why do they want to see me?” Especially, want to see me ‘by name’? Who are they? So arrogant with big faces.

Wen Liansheng said: “That’s why the base and I have declined on your behalf. I just want to let you know in case you happen to encounter them, don’t pay attention to them.”

The reason why he mentioned this is because the person who led the team is Zhuang Shixian, Zhuang Qingzai’s aunt by blood, so she is also Lu Ye’s aunt. Wen Liansheng’s eyes sneered when he thought about how she had confidently asked Bai Xiaohu to go see her just now.

Not sure how the news spread. The Jiangcheng Base only gossiped that Bai Xiaohu and Lu Ye had some kind of relationship, but when it was reported back to the Haicheng Base, they immediately regarded them as a couple. This leads to the Zhuang family sending people to represent the Haicheng Base this time. They even presented themselves as the respected elders of Lu Ye.

Speaking of which, Bai Xiaohu has never officially shown her face in Jiangcheng Base. Although many people know her and know that she is the core of the Baishou Team, no one will mention her on formal occasions. Not to be disrespectful. They just have a cautious attitude because they know so little about her.

Yet, that woman Zhuang Shixian mentioned her in a very casual tone.

Wen Liansheng said: “They asked to tour the pharmaceutical factory, but I refused. The base will send troops to guard it in the next few days. You shouldn’t encounter those people if you are not going out.”

Bai Xiaohu felt a little guilty after hearing this: “Well, I may have to go out in the near future.”

Wen Liansheng asked in surprise: “Where?” Then he was worried that she would think he was restricting her, and then said, “It is quite boring staying here every day. It would be good to go out and relax. It is very safe outside now, and many places have begun to be rebuilt. But bring Shi Jian and Pan Gu with you if you are going out.”

Bai Xiaohu thought that she not only wanted to relax but also wanted to go on a long trip. As for taking Pan Gu and Shi Jian with her, she is not too willing.

The God-killing Team was uprooted, and she received hundreds of thousands of merit points one after another, which was almost more than the total amount received from selling medicine for so long. She was shocked, and then she realized that she could enter her spatial treasure now.

This time going out, she plans to have a closer look at her spatial treasure. It would not be convenient to bring others with her.


Original Author’s Note:

This chapter is quite smelly…

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