Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

After Bai Xiaohu got back, she remembered that her purpose was to ask Lu Ye’s exact location, but she totally forgot to ask.

But she quickly realized that even if she knew his exact location, she might not be able to go there. First, she got no transportation. She couldn’t fly now, and she couldn’t run fast. It seemed a little difficult to cross a city on her two legs. Maybe she can learn to drive the kind of motorcycle Lu Ye drove when he brought her back that day.

In addition, there is another problem. What to do with the raw materials of anti-infective drugs? The Leigong Tree and Pepper Flowers have been distributed out for others to plant. After a while, they should be able to harvest them in large sums, but what about the spiritual water?

The pharmaceutical factory now consumes more than ten tons of spiritual spring water every day. After the spiritual spring water leaves the space, the longer it is left outside, the more spiritual energy will dissipate, and it will turn into ordinary water in a few days.

Bai Xiaohu lay on her bed and frowned, thinking for a long time. Then she sat up and entered her spatial treasure with her consciousness.

Nowadays, her spatial treasure’s opening has expanded very large, and many things can be taken out, but if the spiritual energy the item contains is too strong, she still can’t get it out just yet.

Her consciousness scanned through a spiritual vein, and she quickly dug out a fist-sized spiritual stone and tried to take it out of the space.

After some time, she took it out with great difficulty under resistance.

Bai Xiaohu turned on the light and looked at the irregular stone lump in her hand.

Peel off the outer rock layer, and there is a crystal-like spiritual stone inside. The texture is a bit turbid. This is a low-grade spiritual stone.

The fat demon chicken that was as round as a basketball and the bloated white cat came over to take a look. The spiritual stone was not like the spiritual fruit and the spiritual spring water that continuously exuded a faint aura, making people aware of it. The aura of the spiritual stone was hidden and more difficult for people to detect.

But these two little guys obviously felt something. The fat demon chicken Mengmeng quickly lost interest in the spiritual stone. It only eats demonic energy. However, the cat was very interested in the spiritual stone and circled it, meowing to Bai Xiao.

Bai Xiaohu said: “You want it, this one is too big for you.”

Bai Xiaohu went to dig in the spiritual veins again. This time she dug out a piece the size of a cat’s paw and handed it to the cat. The cat fiddled with it twice and soon happily took the spiritual stone to play around with.

Bai Xiaohu continued digging until dawn. She dug out seven-ish large and small ones, packed them into a box, and stuffed them under the bed.

Then she went to Wen Liansheng and asked if he had considered her last suggestion of planting trees and digging ponds.

Wen Liansheng told her that all the land on this side of the river belonged to them now.

It turns out that because a large number of anti-infection packages are supplied to the base, even if the base only has to pay 70% of the price, it still represents a huge amount of supplies, part of which is cashed in with land. The base has designated all the land on this side of the river as Baishou Team’s now.

This is actually quite a rogue approach. After all, when the base expands, the land use rights will be worthless. But what can they say, the Baishou Team does need more territory at this moment.

Now that the surrounding houses have been demolished, the few people who used to live here have been moved to other places.

A large piece of land of several hectares was left behind.

Here, they will plant more Leigong Trees and Pepper Flowers, as well as Red Fruit Trees. At this time, they are doing landscape planning and digging holes.

Bai Xiaohu went over and saw that those digging holes were people like Xiao Xinmin.

She asked in surprise: “Didn’t we let them go yesterday?” After four days of hard training on the guard vine, why didn’t they run away quickly and far away? Why did they show up again?

Wen Liansheng said: “They know we have a project here and take the initiative to work for us. We have to recruit people anyway, so we just use them.”

The Baishou Team still didn’t have enough manpower. Originally, the Zhongyang Team could help, but today is the fifth day. The Zhongyang Team sent out another 2,000 people to deliver new potions to those who set out in front. As for the remaining people, they also have their base camp to defend and their planting areas to take care of.

Seeing these two people here, Xiao Xinmin ran over from the busy crowd and said with embarrassment while sweating: “We are here to work sincerely, and we will never cause trouble, and we will not tell anyone what happened here. We don’t need any remuneration, as long as we can feed ourselves.”

After being tortured a lot, he finally understood how terrifying this Baishou Team was. Compared to the people, the plants here were more terrifying. Anyway, all their idle gang can do is work for people all over the place or go out to kill zombies. Because the army was dispatched, all the zombies near the base were lured away or eliminated. Now they are just scavenging, and they can’t feed themselves at all. They heard that urban reconstruction work was about to start, but since it hadn’t started yet, they had nowhere to work. He shamelessly brought people over to do hard work and beg for food.

Of course, he also has good intentions. He has brought brothers who are honest, willing to fight, and have a strict mouth. He also hopes that if he performs well this time, he can get this strong connection.

When it comes to which force is the richest in the base right now, it’s definitely the Baishou Team. The supplies they get from selling potions can’t even be properly stored.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t care who did the work. Since Wen Liansheng said they could use them, then use them.

As for ponds, Wen Liansheng and professionals have discussed that digging a well or something similar alone is not enough. It is better to dig an artificial river, with river water introduced at one end and river water taken out at the other end. This can ensure fluidity and prevent it from becoming a pool of stagnant water.

Fortunately, the base has very strict management of water sources, and it is strictly forbidden to discharge sewage and garbage into the river. Every river in the base is quite clean, especially this river here.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the design drawings and scratched her head: “Okay, but the well still needs to be dug. From now on, all the water for the potion will be taken from the well.”

Wen Liansheng paused: “Is it possible?”

“Of course, ordinary well water won’t work, but I will make it extraordinary.”

Wen Liansheng nodded: “The punishment for the God-killing Team has been handed down. I will be there today. Will you go?”

The final result of the investigation into what happened a few days ago was that the God-killing Team should have been instructed by a certain base executive. However, regarding the confessions of those five people, the God-Killing Team confessed and introduced a deputy captain to take the blame, saying that this was all his personal behavior. Bai Xiaohu didn’t know how many people were meddling in the matter behind the scenes, but the matter just ended with this result.

To destroy the fields of raw materials for anti-infective drugs is to go against all mankind. The consequences are extremely serious and the impact is extremely harmful. The most severe punishment must be taken. Therefore, all those involved in this matter were fined, confiscated all property, and there are different punishments such as coolie reform and even the death penalty. The deputy captain who got pushed out for the blame received the death penalty. Today is the day of execution.

Naturally, someone from the Baishou Team, as one of the parties involved, needs to be present.

When Bai Xiaohu heard this, she asked, “Will the captain, deputy captain, etc. of the God-killing team be there?”


The corner of Bai Xiaohu’s mouth raised. She wants to know if the thing she dropped last night had any effect. She waved her hand and said, “I’m not going. You, you should also stay away from them.”

Wen Liansheng made a questioning expression, and Bai Xiaohu said, “Aren’t they all very irritable people? It would be bad if they suddenly went crazy and hurt you.”

Wen Liansheng felt that she was not telling the truth, but he did not ask any more questions. When the time came, he took some people and left.

After he left, Bai Xiaohu called Pan Gu and Shi Jian: “Where is that place? Let’s go and have a look.”

Pan Gu asked: “Didn’t you say you are not going?”

“Just take a look from the afar. I heard that in this Base, anyone who commits a capital crime will have their crime read out in public before execution, and the execution will be done in public as a deterrent and as a warning to others. There should be a lot of people watching when it happens, right? “

Pan Gu said: “That’s right, so we walk there?”

Bai Xiaohu: “Um, you know how to ride that motorcycle?”

While they were talking, Shi Jian had already silently picked out clothes suitable for traveling.

Soon, Bai Xiaohu put on the clothes prepared by Shi Jian.

Wearing a white chiffon gown, dark green suspender trousers, sneakers, and a fisherman’s hat on her head, she is neat and pretty. Paired with a pair of big sunglasses, in one word, cool.

And this look is not too special. After the emergence of anti-infective drugs and the sudden reduction of people’s survival pressure, both men and women in the base are in the mood to dress themselves up. In the past, they wear all gray, but now bright colors appear more frequently.

In the end, Bai Xiaohu was driven out by Pan Gu in an electric scooter. The sound of the motorcycle was too loud, which was not in line with their original intention of going to the execution ground in a low-key manner.

Shi Jian followed him in a car with several other people.

The execution ground was in the center of the base. They arrived half an hour later. The place was already crowded with people, and the crimes had been read aloud. Not sure if it was because people heard that these people dared to destroy the raw materials of anti-infective drugs and sabotage production, or if they had been bullied by the God-killing Team before, the onlookers were very excited, throwing stones and even splashing sewage on the stage, and continuously curse the criminals.

Bai Xiaohu squeezed her way to the front. It was a large round platform. Under the scorching sun, several people were standing in handcuffs and leg irons. One of them, with a short haircut, was different from the others. He stood at the front. There were two men in uniforms pointing guns at him.

This must be the deputy captain who took the blame. His eyes were sinister, staring at the people around him like a ghost as if he wanted to remember all these faces and take revenge after his death.

Bai Xiaohu lost interest after just one glance. She looked towards the high platform in the distance and saw Wen Liansheng sitting in a wheelchair. His handsome features and peaceful expression were completely different from his actual personality as if he was sitting in a VIP room watching a movie. Generally speaking, there is a kind of detachment and calmness.

Bai Xiaohu felt honored and proud that he was her vice-captain.

There were many people in military uniforms on the high platform together, and then there were a few fierce-looking guys. One of them was a big man who was almost over two meters tall. He had a bald head, full-on tattooed arms, and a sinister and horrific expression. Bai Xiaohu matched the face in her memory, this should be Mao Litie, the captain of the God-killing Team. The person she couldn’t find after squatting for several nights outside of the God-killing Team.

The other few who have the same style of aura as him are probably also members of the God-Killing Team.

Bai Xiaohu touched her chin and made a gesture calmly. The thumbs of her hands faced each other, and the index fingers faced each other. The other three were bent, with their knuckles facing each other, and she muttered something in her mouth.

Someone in the crowd whispered: “The God-killing Team tried to attack the Baishou Team, but they ended up like this. We better forget about our plan.”

“Moreover, this all happened when Lu Ye wasn’t even here. If Lu Ye is here, can the matter end with the death of just one deputy captain?”

“I heard that the Zhongyang Team even went out and kicked the doors of those who just wanted to steal some leaves.”

“The funniest thing is that those people tried every possible means to steal a leaf, but the next day, the Baishou Team announced that they would sell saplings. Let’s just buy seedlings and plant them humbly.”

“How long do we have to wait? It seems that the Baishou Team has just prepared a few batches of saplings, and they have all been bought by the authorities. Moreover, lightning espers are required to plant trees.”

On the high platform.

Mao Litie looked down at Wen Liansheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair with a calm demeanor, and said sinisterly: “I will never forget this grudge today.”

Wen Liansheng smiled warmly and said: “Wen doesn’t quite understand what Captain Mao is talking about. Our Baishou Team is also a victim in this matter.”

He knew that the God-killing Team would definitely hold the grudge of losing a deputy captain on their side, but the Baishou Team could not bow their heads. First of all, General Xu will definitely use the death of a deputy captain to scare those who want to cause trouble. Even if the Baishou Team doesn’t care, General Xu will not show mercy.

Secondly, if the Baishou Team really doesn’t care, some people will treat them as soft persimmons.

It’s not bad to use a deputy captain to establish prestige for the Baishou Team.

As for remembering grudges, just remember them. Who is scared of them?

Mao Litie took a step toward Wen Liansheng, and the people behind him also took a step forward. The people around Wen Liansheng immediately stood up. Today, Zhang Meng followed him, and several people with lightning powers stood in a row in front of Wen Liansheng forming a human wall, tit for tat.

Several officers stretched out their hands to stop Mao Litie. The leader, a man in his early forties, had an intimidating and stern attitude and said coldly: “Captain Mao, please pay attention to your words and deeds.”

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