Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

As the group of people all got outside, the zombies outside of the walls smelled them, and became more and more excited; some even successfully climbed over the wall.

Zhuang Qingzai screamed as he hid behind Lu Ye. Lu Ye raised his hand and a lightning bolt whipped at the zombies and threw them over the wall.

Bai Xiaohu fearfully shrank her neck, and hide behind the crowd, trying to keep a distance.

Just like that, Lu Ye led the group of people to the iron gate of the factory, and said, “I will create a path among the zombie crowd, run out of it in time, and someone will meet you on the road.”

Zhuang Qingzai said: “Brother, what about you?”

Lu Ye didn’t answer this question, and said flatly: “For the sake of being a member of the Zhuang family, I will save you once, but I will have nothing to do with you in the future.”

Zhuang Qingzai opened his mouth, his eyes were red, like a discarded puppy.

Lu Ye remained apathetic, slightly raised his hands, and the lightning flashed in his palms again.

Soon after, a thin lightning bolt split the lock on the iron door in half. After the iron door got knocked open by the zombies outside, all of the zombies poured in like a wave of tide. Lu Ye released several thick lightning bolts from his palm, they first got projected into the air, then bombarded down into the crowd of zombies.

One lightning bolt splits into two, and two splits into four, and in the end, it becomes so densely packed that it strikes the zombies section by section, and forcefully creates a path out of nowhere.

Such ferocity and power stunned everyone. Everyone’s faces were illuminated by the lightning, and all of them looked shocked and stunned synchronously. 

Lu Ye said in a deep voice, “Don’t be dumbfounded!”

Zhuang Qingzai came back to his senses, and hurriedly instructed a little over a dozen people who were with him: “Hurry up and rush through it!”

The group of people followed him quickly. These people were all caravans from the Haicheng base, and they had been through some serious matters, so they all mustered their strength and rushed out all at once.

Bai Xiaohu hesitated a little, should she go with them?

Looking at the back of the tall man who is continually striking lightning, she gulps and thinks to herself, let’s just forget about it and explore on her own. If that doesn’t work out, just be shameless, transform back to her fox form and dig a hole to hide. Wait until MengMeng cultivates to a higher level before traveling. If Mengmeng’s cultivation did not go well, they could find some other ways then.

Thinking of this, she backed up little by little and slipped away before the man finished chopping up the zombies.

Running to the other part of the factory, where they no longer see the lightning bolts released by the man, Bai Xiaohu and the chick demon finally feel relieved. Bai Xiaohu patted her chest: “That was so scary.”

The chick demon agreed with chirps. Bai Xiaohu was afraid due to the aftereffect of the lightning from the “heaven’s test”, but the chick demon is from the devil clan and its nature fears lightning, the evil nemesis. 

Suddenly, both of them paused and looked up, a cloud of “black air” staggered out from the corner ahead of them. It was obviously a “walking corpse”, but it was covered in black and muddy demonic energy, so it is impossible to identify its original appearance in the eyes of the fox and the bird.

Bai Xiaohu squinted her eyes, and touched the little chick demon’s forehead: “MengMeng, you’re up!”

MengMeng chirps and rushes toward the zombie excitedly. With just one scratch with the paw, it tore down a huge piece of the demonic energy and swallowed it in one bite. The chick munched a little and tried to spit it out because that was way too impure and tasted disgusting. 

Bai Xiaohu said: “Don’t be picky, there is only this kind of demonic energy for you to eat.”

MengMeng let out a grievance, flew up, and continued to tear and swallow.

The zombie couldn’t sense the existence of the little chick demon at all, and since it was also covered in demonic energy, the zombie even regarded it as the same kind, and only went toward Bai Xiaohu. Bai Xiaohu was not stupid, seeing that the zombie was targeting her, she started to lead it to run in a circle.

One acted as the string to pull the kite, and the other one followed behind it to bite and tore the demonic energy here and there. The coordination was very tacit.

After Zhuang Qingzai and others escape, Lu Ye still strikes all the nearby zombies into charcoal. He didn’t leave immediately, but turned around to look at the empty factory, and walked back.

He went back to the previous warehouse where the bodies of the gangster guys were still lying around.  Nearby, there are ropes that Zhuang Qingzai and others cut off. He followed his memory to a location and found the pieces of rope closest to the wall.

There are four of them, and when put together, it is obvious that they bound the hands of the same person. Two of the fractures were roughly ground up with a knife, which looked uneven, while the other two fractures were extremely smooth as if they were cut with an extremely sharp knife in one go.

Even Lu Ye himself, with his hands tightly bound, it’s hard to say that he can cut so smoothly with a perfectly sharp knife in hand. 

This is a bit interesting.

He stood up, walked out of the warehouse, listened carefully to the movement nearby, and then headed towards a direction.

It didn’t take long before he saw the girl and the chick doing “hit and run” to slowly kill the zombies.

It was a Level-1 zombie, its whole body was rotten so badly that its joints could hardly bend, so its movements were very stiff and slow. The little girl was doing the job as bait easily, but to Lu Ye’s surprise, the black chicken-like bird thing can fly around without flapping its wings, and when it attacks the zombies, it doesn’t directly touch the zombies. Instead, it seems like it is tearing something from around the zombies.

However, this kind of attack did make the zombie’s movements slower and slower. Its ferocious roar gradually became sluggish, and finally fell staggeringly.

Bai Xiaohu watched as the demonic energy on the “walking corpse” was eroded bit by bit, and became weaker and weaker. When it reached a certain level, the “walking corpse” fell as if it had lost all of its power.

Bai Xiaohu was overjoyed, hugging MengMeng: “It’s a success, how much demonic energy have you absorbed, and did you become stronger?”

MengMeng looked like it was suffering from indigestion, and lay listlessly on Bai Xiaohu’s hand: “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!”

Bai Xiaohu looked apologetic: “Is the demonic energy here really so unpalatable? Should we find another method? By the way, do you have to eat the demonic energy by mouth when cultivating? Can’t you absorb it with other parts of your body?”

The little chicken demon Mengmeng was completely stunned. When it met Bai Xiaohu, it was just a chick that just matured not long ago, so it had no predecessors to teach it how to cultivate. Its instinct leads it to cultivate by eating monsters, eating demons, and eating demonic energy. Is it possible to absorb demonic energy in other ways?

The two looked at each other in dismay. They both lived for hundreds of years, but their common sense was extremely lacking as if they were mentally retarded.

Seeing that the two started muttering again, and communicating in an unknown language, Lu Ye stood in the dark with his arms crossed and watched. His gaze shifted between the two and the zombie lying on the ground.

Is this zombie considered to be dealt with?

No, there was no headshot, and there was no additional damage to the body. It isn’t “dead” yet!

The next moment, Lu Ye narrowed his eyes, and saw that the zombie’s body twitched, then suddenly stood up straight, and rushed towards the little girl.

Immediately, lightning gathered in his hands.

Bai Xiaohu heard a beast-like roar, and a foul-smelling wind blew toward her. Looking back, the “walking corpse” had jumped up again,even though it had fallen to the ground after its demonic energy got extracted! The demonic energy on his body also became stronger than before!

Bai Xiaohu was startled, right before the “walking corpse” was about to catch her, the runes on her robes lit up, and a white light shot out from the runes, pushing the devilish walking corpse away so powerfully, it smashed into the wall then fell to the ground.

The lighting in Lu Ye’s hand paused, and a look of surprise appeared on his face that usually looks cold and indifferent. He couldn’t see the white light, so this scene he just witnessed seemed even weirder.

Then his expression slowly returned to calm. Now it makes sense. The reason why this little girl can walk around dressed like this by herself is that besides having a strange pet bird, there are other mysteries about her.

After figuring out the reason, he didn’t intend to explore the origin of their background, and how many secrets she still had, so he turned around and left.

From Bai Xiaohu’s perspective, she was also shocked. The monsters here can even bring themselves back to life? Wouldn’t it turn into a pile of scum after its demonic energy got extracted?

Worried that it would get up again, she quickly grabbed the fluffy hair band on her head and moved closer to it, trying to kill it completely.

However, the demonic energy on the walking corpse was shattered by the vestment, so its true form is now revealed in Bai Xiaohu’s eyes. When she took a closer look, what she saw was a rotting corpse with protruding yellow eyeballs and a torn mouth. Plus, there’s a finger stuffed between the teeth, rotten skin and rotten flesh hanging on the face one after another, and bugs crawling around, such a smelly and terrible thing.

She, Bai Xiaohu, a pure-blood nine-tailed white fox that surpasses all demons, a delicate baby who eats fairy energy and drinks spiritual water every day, is trapped in a house on Baishou Mountain for five hundred years, has never seen such a terrifying scene in her life! Getting hit by the scene so suddenly, she was so frightened that she almost changed back to his original form with a groan.

In the end, she didn’t get back to her original form, but her stomach was filled with sour water, and she squatted on the ground and retched.

The little chicken demon was also stunned. Thinking of the demonic energy it just ate was from a thing like that makes it feel stomach sick and couldn’t help but want to spit out all the demonic energy it ate, so it also lay down on the side and retched.

Lu Ye had only walked a few steps before he heard the noise, he thought something had happened, and immediately turned back. However, what he saw was the miserable appearance of the girl and the bird trying so hard to vomit, but nothing came out.

Lu Ye: “……” 

Lu Ye looked at the carrion corpses lying on the ground, vaguely understanding the situation. Yet, he felt a bit strange, since he didn’t see them looking afraid or discomforted when doing “hit and run” earlier, why now?. 

He hesitated for a moment before walking over and tried to reach for a pack of tissues in his pocket, but he had none. So he handed over his empty hand and bent over wanting to help her get back up.

If someone who knew him was here, their eyes would surely pop out of their sockets due to surprise. No one has ever seen him being so patient with anyone.

Sensing that someone was approaching, Bai Xiaohu raised her face and stared at him in a daze with a pair of red eyes.

The little girl’s round fox eyes were wet, the eye sockets were red, and a few strands of hair were attached to her bloodless little face. She looked childish and pitiful, but also as beautiful as a painting.

Lu Ye’s cold expression eased, and he extended his hand forward again: “Get up.”

Bai Xiaohu looked at his palms. Not long ago, these hands were releasing lightning bolts that could strike people into charcoal.

Bai Xiaohu pursed her lips as if she was about to cry.

She feels so miserable, really miserable. She knew the walking corpses would not look good, but she didn’t know that they could be so scary. Also, why was there a terrifying human who was able to control lighting with his bare hands here? She just wants to find a tail. Big brothers are right, the outside world is way too scary!

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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