Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

A few days later, she finally worked out a good plan. One night she sneaked out and put the thing she prepared in their drinking water.

“Okay, let’s go.” Bai Xiaohu clapped her hands, and she was in a good mood. She took the two helpers responsible for watching out, covered in the night’s darkness, traveled across about half of the base, and sneaked back to the third district.

At night, the base looked extraordinarily large. Some places were deathly quiet, while other places were extremely noisy. Bai Xiaohu suddenly stopped at the top of a building and looked at the dim land.

After a while, she knelt and stroked the fat cat’s neck, gave it a small fish, and murmured: “I wonder what your master is doing right now? It would be nice if the cars here weren’t so scary, then I could go with them. Eh? Do you think it’s a good idea that we go find him?”

After the embarrassment passed, Bai Xiaohu felt more and more empty. She was still worried that something would happen to Lu Ye. That was her tail!

​But where is he now?

She thought about it for a while, sat cross-legged on the roof, took out her phone, and opened the chat app. There were many unread messages in the group. She browsed through, there wasn’t anything important, so she exited the chat and clicked on Lu Ye’s avatar.

Lu Ye’s avatar is the default one, a blue-haired cartoon avatar. It is clear that this guy doesn’t use this software often, so he never changed his avatar. Her avatar was a picture of Mengmeng.

Ever since she and Lu Ye became friends, they haven’t contacted each other once yet. After thinking for a long time, she typed one key by one key: What are you doing?

There was no response for a long time, Bai Xiaohu suddenly remembered that the mobile phone signal range was limited, and Lu Ye should be in Tongcheng at the moment, so he definitely wouldn’t be able to receive the message.

She scratched her head and thought of an idea. She took off the fur accessory around her waist that was coiled in the shape of a small fox. She reluctantly pulled out a single fur, rubbed it in her hands, and then blew it gently, and the piece of fur floated towards the phone like smoke melting into mist, integrated into the mobile phone.

She smiled and rubbed her knees. He should be able to receive the message now. This is the Communication Spell, and it is even blessed with her fur. It should be able to reach, right?


Lu Ye had already set out for four days.

One day was spent on the road, and three days were spent fighting the zombies in Tongcheng City.

Most of the zombies in Tongcheng have been wiped out. However, because there have been no living humans here for more than half a year, this cement city is filled with the smell of death and decay. Even though more than 300,000 people came in, it did not gain much of a lively vibe.

At night, the city looked even more desolate and dilapidated, with zombies howling restlessly.

“How long will it take to rebuild this city?”

“This city is actually not as bad. Those cities that experienced artillery bombs when fighting zombies in the early days of the apocalypse were more miserable. However, the cleanup work here alone is quite a challenge to be honest.”

“Anyway, I don’t want to live in Tongcheng. It’s like a ghost town. Staying in Jiangcheng is just fine.”

“Okay, stop talking and go to sleep. We can’t predict when we’ll need to wake up.”

Zombies are most active at night, so there are greater restrictions on humans. They tend to avoid fighting zombies during this period and find a suitable place to rest.

This is the temporary foothold of the Zhongyang Team. People gathered in several large houses. After a moment of whispering, those who could rest quickly fell asleep, while the night patrols were still on guard.

Lu Ye checked the surrounding defenses, made sure there were no problems, and took out his phone.

The distance is too far, they can’t receive Jiangcheng’s signal here, so the mobile phone is always in no signal mode.

He was about to put it back when he suddenly felt a vibration. Bai Xiaohu, the person he favorite in the app, sent him a message.

He opened the app in surprise.

–What are you doing?

Lu Ye immediately raised his head and looked around, but couldn’t find anything. He looked back at his phone and saw that it was still out of service. He immediately typed: Xiaohu, is that you? Where are you?

Bai Xiaohu looked at the message she received and smiled proudly. She was really a genius for thinking of using the Communication Spell on her mobile phone, and it really succeeded.

She typed: I’m at the base. Are you curious why I can send you messages? I have my ways!

After searching for it for a while, she even sent him a smiling emo.

Lu Ye couldn’t help but smile when he saw this message and the smiling face. He was no longer surprised. He walked to the side and sat down. He replied: Of course, since you are someone who can climb up to the twenty-fourth floor so quietly.

Bai Xiaohu’s face dropped, could you please stop mentioning this matter?

She typed: Speaking of which, if you hadn’t taken me out from inside the building, I wouldn’t have been discovered!!!

She later realized that she could leave through the window the same way she came. It was late at night, and with a Blindfold Spell, no one would notice that she had been there, let alone run into Yu Jin and Lin Tao.

Lu Ye looked at the three exclamation points and raised his eyebrows slightly. She was already very good at using punctuation marks to express emotions. Needless to say, Pan Gu must have taught her.

Thinking of her embarrassed look and reddish cheeks that night, he felt a surge in his heart and typed: All my fault.

Across a long distance, on two sides of the phone, it seems that some words no longer need to be overly restrained, and some emotions do not need to be too suppressed.

If they were face-to-face, he would definitely not say such things.

Bai Xiaohu probably won’t mention what happened that night ever again.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the words “All my fault” in a daze. They were clearly cold and square characters, but she seemed to be able to imagine how he said these words. Maybe it’s with a smile, maybe with a little helplessness, or maybe in a conniving manner.

Bai Xiaohu felt her cheeks begin to heat up again, and the surroundings were dark. Only the screen of her mobile phone vaguely reflected her face, showing a slight blush.

“Oh no. Am I broken?”

She covered her face and muttered to herself, causing the two fat guys to turn and look at her.

She pushed their heads away: “Don’t look at me!”

Then she typed to change the topic: You haven’t answered me yet, what are you doing staying up so late?

However, the message didn’t receive a reply for a long time this time.

Bai Xiaohu frowned.

Lu Ye was also frowning. He didn’t get a reply for a long time, so he typed: Still up this late?

However, this message was not sent. A red exclamation mark stood beside it, and a line of small words popped up below: The message failed to be sent.

No signal?

And Bai Xiaohu also realized that the Communication Spell had failed. Really? They only exchanged a few words, it didn’t even last a minute!

She plucked another fur and cast the same spell.

Now a sentence came over smoothly: Still up this late?

Lu Ye also received Bai Xiaohu’s question.

He thought for a while and briefly talked about what happened in the past few days. We arrived in Tongcheng three days ago. Everything went well, and the zombie reaping went smoothly. Now we are resting.

Bai Xiaohu hurried up and explained that she couldn’t maintain the signal for a long time, as to why she hadn’t gone to sleep… She looked up at the night sky. The crescent moon was pitifully hidden behind the clouds, with only a faint halo showing. She typed: I’m out looking at the moon.

At the same time, Lu Ye’s reply also arrived. She read it and replied: Then you should have a good rest, pay attention to safety, no more chatting!

Then she sent an emoticon of a little fox getting into bed and sleeping.

It’s a pity that this is a red fox. She couldn’t find the emoticon of a white fox, but this red fox is just as chubby and cute!

Bai Xiaohu put away her phone with satisfaction. Hm? What did she want to ask when she contacted Lu Ye in the first place? Whatever, forget it. She then said to the two little guys: “Let’s go back to sleep!”

Lu Ye looked at the cute and cubby red fox for a long time. A smile appeared on his face. He looked up at the dark sky afar. Where was the moon? Can the moon be seen over in Jiangcheng?

His long finger tapped lightly on the screen and finally found a good night emoticon package that came with the software and sent it, but the red exclamation mark popped up again and the sending failed.

He felt it was a pity, but he couldn’t hide his good mood, his brows and eyes were full of softness.

“Boss…” Yu Jin came to report something. He was shocked when he saw their boss sitting by the wall with one leg bent and looking at the phone with a tender(?) look on his face.

Although many of them brought their phones with them on this trip, it was mainly to use the electronic maps when flipping through paper maps isn’t doable, or to take photos or something. One, there was no signal, and two, the task was stressful, so no one was available for games. Their boss in particular, who normally barely touches his phone at all, is smiling at the phone like this late at night?

Just like all the tacky young people who are in love and can send boring text messages to their girlfriends for hours.

Yu Jin’s square and fierce face showed an extremely gossipy look.

The next moment his expression dropped, because Lu Ye had already put away his phone and looked at him calmly: “What?”

“Zombies were found in the northeast.” Yu Jin said seriously.

Lu Ye stood up: “Let’s go and have a look.”



Fate did not tie a knot between you and me, all thanks to my fur we got a chance.

After a while, Bai Xiaohu discovered that her little fox accessory had sparse hair and serious alopecia areata, so she cried bitterly and said that she really couldn’t afford to be in a long-distance relationship because the phone bill was too costly!

⬆️ Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi here 💕 Thank you so so much for picking up this novel! I hope you enjoy ^^


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