Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Soon, Wan Zuochao came back. He looked serious and said to Wen Liansheng and Bai Xiaohu: “We got the information, it was the God-killing Team who employed those five people.”

Bai Xiaohu, who was already somewhat educated, asked: “God-killing?” Are these two words the same words she knows? That’s such an arrogant name.

Wen Liansheng narrowed his eyes: “They really can’t let the world have a moment of peace, huh.”

Bai Xiaohu asked: “What’s going on with this God-killing Team?”

The two started explaining.

Although this God-killing Team is also called a “Team”, it officially has more than 100,000 members, and that’s without the members undocumented. They hold an extremely important position in the base.

Moreover, the style of this team is very domineering. The leader, Mao Li, is bloodthirsty, and so are the members below him. Not sure whether they were led astray or they just recruited people like that. In short, none of them are good people.

It is an organization with chaotic rules, viciousness, and violence, will hold grudges for life, and likes to do some evil things. However, they are huge in number and cannot be easily shaken. They played a large role in the battle when the Jiangcheng Base was almost overturned by the zombie tide, so they can be regarded as one of the veteran teams. They even have people in the officialdom, it is said that they are loyal to a high-ranking official.

Wen Liansheng said: “If it is them, then it will be difficult to analyze whether the upper officials are wrestling with this matter, or the team is causing trouble on its own.”

Seeing that Bai Xiaohu didn’t understand, he explained further: “The captain of the God-killing Team has been analyzed as having an antisocial personality. Even if not all of their member is this kind of people, many of them have antisocial tendencies. They are not content with the peaceful and prosperous age, and the apocalypse is just like a perfect carnival for them, where they can kill and fight monsters, ignore laws and disciplines, act wantonly, enjoy the privileges brought by their strength, and even trample other’s lives.”

“Such people won’t want the apocalypse to end. Anti-infective drugs have touched their nerves. Let alone hiring people to destroy it, I wouldn’t be surprised even if they did it themselves. The reason why they hired people is probably because they don’t want to be in direct conflict with the Zhongyang Team.

“As for whether the official is involved …this zombie encirclement and suppression plan was proposed by General Xu. Once the zombies in the nearby provinces are cleared, even if only a few surrounding cities are completely cleansed, the expansion of the Jiangcheng Base will be inevitable. Expanding large enough to one city? Two cities? Or more? By then, the social structure will have undergone tremendous changes, and General Xu, who made all of this happen, will become a well-deserved leader.”

“And General Xu is loyal to the Central Committee.”

Bai Xiaohu: “Central?”

Wan Zuochao took the conversation and said with a smile: “The existing bases are divided into two parts, which are public and private. Public refers to the national background and is controlled by the country while private refers to private establishment and private management. Jiangcheng Base belongs to the former, and the Haicheng Base is jointly controlled by the major chaebols and belongs to the latter.”

“General Xu is the first manager of the base appointed by the central government. As long as he is still in this position after the base is expanded, he should apply for the central government to send professionals to take over the base. Government departments will be re-established on this land, and everything will return to the pre-apocalyptic model at the most efficient speed. To be precise, it will return to an orderly state that is beneficial to the vast majority of the people at the bottom. Furthermore, if the situation of other public bases is not optimistic, this land will become the new center of the country. When the big shots gather together, it will be a matter of time for an arrogant and domineering existence like the God-killing Team to be dealt with.”

Bai Xiaohu was a little dazed when she heard this. It turned out that there were so many things going on inside and outside this base.

Wen Liansheng continued: “Once the situation mentioned by Wan occurs, it will be a big reshuffle. Not to mention the God-killing Team, all private organizations will be restricted, supervised, and even rectified and banned, so many people do not want to see it happen. Most of these people welcomed the emergence of anti-infective drugs with surprise, but General Xu’s decision gave anti-infective drugs political significance.”

Bai Xiaohu asked: “What about you? Do you want the base to be public or private?”

Wen Liansheng and Wan Zuochao looked at each other and smiled. Wan Zuochao said, “Before the end of the world, we were law-abiding citizens.”

Wen Liansheng explained a little further: “If we cared about this, we wouldn’t stay in the Zhongyang Team that has no ambition to make progress. We don’t care who the people above are, as long as the people above have the right mind and will not cause random troubles regularly. We can live well by our abilities. This is possible under General Xu’s ruling, even if we go to Haicheng Base immediately it is also possible. Not to mention if we were to return to an orderly society. In general, letting the country take over will be more stable.”

Bai Xiaohu understood, this is the mentality of the strong. No matter how the situation changes, I am fearless and can adapt to any situation. That is how confident I am.

They may not have supported General Xu before, but General Xu advocated taking action against the zombies, which made them lean toward General Xu. That’s why Lu Ye set off with almost half of the members.

Bai Xiaohu doesn’t care about the conflicts between mankind, but she will definitely support people like Lu Ye, so the pharmaceutical factory should continue to operate in peace and prosperity.

“Then this matter…”

“Something like this happens, General Xu will only be angrier than us. Just wait, it’s time for his people to come.”

“Then we won’t do anything ourselves?” Bai Xiaohu looked very unwilling. People were bullying her, how could they not fight back? 

“What would you like to do?”

Bai Xiaohu didn’t answer. She picked up the chubby demon chicken. A big white cat at her feet raised its head and looked at her with bright eyes. She poked its pointed ears, and thought to herself, if they dared to come and provoke, then she for sure would have to retaliate!

Oldest Brother said it’s not polite to just take in but not reciprocate.


Soon after, General Xu sent someone as expected.

Several military vehicles drove in, and a group of formidable officers descended from them. These people launched an investigation and interrogated the prisoners.

Not long later, they took away the five people sent by the God-killing Team. As for Xiao Xinmin and others, they left it to the Baishou Team to deal with themselves. After investigation, it was found that those people really just wanted to steal the leaves, and their nature was not that bad. They left it to the Baishou Team to deal with it, which was also a sign of respect and goodwill to the Baishou Team.

Xiao Xinmin and the others were relieved when they heard the news. If they fell into the hands of the officials, it would be the end.

Xiao Xinmin and his companions were locked up in a small warehouse and he comforted everyone: “It’s okay. We didn’t do anything. They will let us go soon.”

They gained nothing this time, and many of their bros were injured. However, thinking about the miserable situation of those five people, Xiao Xinmin felt better. It was lucky that they were not good enough, otherwise they would be the ones who got electrocuted into that condition.

Beep, the warehouse door opened. Xiao Xinmin looked at the person who came in with the light. Not caring who it was, he immediately admitted his mistake and begged for mercy, saying that he would accept any punishment they gave. His attitude of admitting his mistake was very good.

The visitor chuckled and said, “Any punishment huh?”

Xiao Xinmin said hurriedly: “Yes, yes, we can work for you, run errands for you, or even get beaten or scolded.”

“There’s no need to beat or scold, just be our guard vine’s practice partner.”

Guard…vine? What?

So in the next few days, screams were heard from time to time around the pharmaceutical farm. Xiao Xinmin and his group were forced to challenge the defense line of the guarding vines again and again. No matter how careful they were or how strange their posture was, they were always found and tied up. Even if they try to fly over with the help of wind esper, they will be pulled out of the air by creeping vines and tied into rice dumplings.

From their repeated defeats, the guards of the Baishou Team came to understand more and more what an excellent partner Guard Vine was.

The trashy people here have been reused for good, but the ones that got taken away, Bai Xiaohu are still full of desire for revenge.

The person who entrusted Xiao Xinmin to steal the leaves was an unknown small organization. She simply entrusted people from the Zhongyang Team to knock on the door and give them a lesson and intimidation. As for the God-killing Team, it couldn’t be that simple.

She stayed up late at night and went out with the chicken and the cat to check out the places where the God-killing Team lived and their activities. In addition, she also searched in her spatial treasure for something useful.

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