Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

On the other hand, the two people who rushed towards the flower field faced a sea of bright red flowers. As soon as they got close, they smelled a very pungent and spicy smell. The flowers were indeed the same as the intelligence said, more devilish than the devil pepper.

The two exchanged a look: “Do it!”

One of them pulled out a flower and stuffed it into their prepared box. However, the person suddenly made a painful sound, and the hand that touched the flower quickly swelled up. The other one was preparing to activate the explosion when the woods on the other end quickly lit up the blue sky with purple-ish light. Along with it were the screams of their companions.

The two were shocked: “Shit, there are power grids hidden! They were prepared for this situation, evacuate quickly!”

The man with the bomb threw the bomb carelessly, and he and his companions turned around and ran. After running for nearly a hundred meters, an explosion happened behind them. They turned around wanting to see the scene of the flower sea being destroyed. There was even a bit of pride in his eyes, but what they saw was… the sea of flowers tilting due to the wave of the explosion, yet no damage was done to them; not a single petal was blown apart!

What happened? How is this possible? Even if the ones farther away were fine for a reason, how come those within the center of the explosion were also not affected! Even if a big living person was standing there, they would for sure be bruised by the explosion!

But the fact is that under their helpless eyes, the shock wave ended, and the flowers stood upright again, swaying strongly, and the petals… seemed to be redder, and those flowers even seemed to be very happy.

Then the next moment, the flowers trembled together, and each bud spit out a splash of tiny light-red substance. These substances floated in the air. Then, the flowers trembled together again and swept them out like a tide.

More powerful than the explosion wave.

“This is… what is this?”

Before the two could finish speaking, they were swept away by this light-red wave. They flew backward and screamed in unison.

“Ahhhhhhhh!!! So spicy!!!”

They fell to the ground and rolled endlessly, howling desperately. Their bodies were red and even had large blisters. Where the light-red wave swept across, the weeds turned yellow and died, and the soil became as dry as if it had been burned.

Over at the pharmaceutical factory, as soon as everyone saw the power of the Guard Vine, they also saw the light of thunder and lightning shining over the farm.

Is that…the LeiGong Forest discharging? No, at this level someone must have broken into the LeiGong Forest!

Those who work here are quite familiar with the habits of the LeiGong Tree. Although they usually like to discharge electricity, it is only in a small area and to a small extent. As if they are having fun among themselves. Generally, they will only use their big moves when they are provoked. And now almost the entire forest is glowing and discharging. This is probably their most powerful special move, right?

People all run towards one direction immediately.

But then there was an explosion, and then a wave of light-red powder swayed visibly to the naked eye.

Now people are stunned, what’s going on? They’ve never seen this scene before!

Bai Xiaohu blinked. She couldn’t figure out what was going on, but as the wave approached, she noticed the explosive energy within it. Her face changed and she shouted: “The Pepper Flowers are rioting! Close the window! Get down! Hold your breath! Protect yourself!”

Bai Xiaohu’s words were not very loud, but they were extremely penetrating. Even people who were far away or within the pharmaceutical factory building could hear them.

People are a little confused, but everyone here, especially the escort group, has been specially trained. They have practiced emergency response many times in the case of emergencies. Bai Xiaohu is currently here, and as their supreme commander, they should just do as she says.

Most of the espers have sensed the terrifying energy in this light-red wave.

So the espers immediately released their defensive moves. The non-espers either found cover nearby or hid under the defensive barrier of the esper nearby. The pharmaceutical factory immediately closed all windows.

Bai Xiaohu quickly drew two strokes in front of her and set up a temporary protection restraint. Looking left and right, she saw that the chicken and cat were not around. Looking at the pharmaceutical factory, they seemed to be fighting with each other in the packaging workshop. Bai Xiaohu glared, and whether the two got her signal or sensed the danger, they let go of each other at the same time and jumped over to close the door.

As soon as the door slammed shut, a wave of light-red powder swept through. Everyone outside felt a push, and at the same time, a violent wave of boiling steam passed by them. Their skin and flesh ached and burned, and those troublemakers who were tied up by the guard vines and dragged to the ground weren’t under any defense and they howled like pigs.

Even the guard vine itself was twitching. Its leaves moved around painfully, turning yellow.

Feeling that the crisis was over, everyone removed their powers and looked at each other with lingering fear: “Captain Bai, what was that just now?”

Bai Xiaohu stroked her forehead: “It’s the Pepper Flowers. The Pepper Flowers are stimulated.”

She just now remembered that when the flower is stimulated, it will emit pollen. The power of the pollen is no worse than the flower juice, or even stronger. Just now, the Pepper Flower was stimulated to riot, or in other words, it was in rage.

Bai Xiaohu sighed: “Anyone injured? If you are injured, go get some water from the workshop and wash then soak the wound, or apply a wet towel on the wound.”

There are two types of water in the pharmaceutical factory, one is spiritual spring water used to make anti-infective drugs, and the other is ordinary water.

When she said to get some water from the workshop, she naturally meant spiritual spring water. After soaking in this water, the healing effect is quite good.

She looked at the troublemakers rolling on the ground. The exposed skin of each of them had blisters in patches, and large areas of skin were red. These must be soaked in the spiritual spring water.

After Bai Xiaohu gave the instructions, she led Pan Gu, Shi Jian, and others toward the flower field. She wanted to see what happened. Why is there such a big commotion in both the forest and the flower fields? As a result, she saw two strangers who were covered in blood and were about to faint. 

The guards guarding the flower field were also hurt. Although they evaded, they were too close. Bai Xiaohu told them to soak in the spiritual spring water and then go to the LeiGong Forest. Here they caught a group of people trying to break into the LeiGong Forest. The man, and three others, had just been carried out of the woods and twitching due to being struck by lightning.

Bai Xiaohu took a look and said, “Send them to the healing espers first.”

Then she patrolled around the farm; the demon chicken and the white cat followed. She asked them to help patrol together, and no more problems were found.

But after ‘the ultimate move’ was released, the LeiGong leaves and Pepper Flowers that could have been harvested now had to wait a few more days for them to recover, otherwise, the potion effect would not be as good.

When she turned around to go back, Wen Liansheng had already arrived, and so did Wan Zuochao, Baozi, and others from the Zhongyang Team. There was really a lot of movement here. Thunderlight could also be seen from the other side of the river, and pollen also spread across the river a little.

Wen Liansheng and Wan Zuochao teamed up, one to interrogate the people they caught, and the other to investigate the backgrounds of these people. They soon found out some rough details: “There are two groups of people, a group from the eighth area of the base whose head is Xiao Xinmin. This idle Gang specializes in making a living by doing commissions for people, and they are entrusted by others to steal the leaves of the LeiGong Tree.”

Wen Liansheng said: “The other group of people are these three people who broke into the forest and the two people who broke into the flower field. These five people seem unorganized on the surface, but they are all espers. They have some criminal record and an evil reputation. Their goal is to take advantage of when Xiao Xinmin’s people held our people back, collected samples, and then destroyed the forest and flower fields.”

Bai Xiaohu frowned: “Destroy? Why?”

Wen Liansheng said calmly: “With the appearance of the anti-infective drugs, some people are happy, while others are dissatisfied, or simply can’t stand the benefit we gained. It’s normal.”

Bai Xiaohu was very unhappy. Who didn’t know that the pharmaceutical factory had a heavy production workload recently, and it was all for dispensing medicines for the troops traveling to suppress zombies? Without anti-infective drugs, it would be very dangerous for them to fight zombies out there. Once they were injured, they would for sure die. In other words, without anti-infective drugs, it would be impossible for the base to send backups.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t care whether the zombie siege would continue, but Lu Ye and the others had already set off. If the reinforcements were delayed, they would be in danger.

Even if the forest and flower fields are destroyed, she still has more raw materials in her space, but the mastermind behind the scenes must have the intention of interfering with their production, which is really hateful!

Wen Liansheng said: “It’s my fault. I should have thought of it earlier, but I didn’t expect them to make a move so soon, right after the front-foot troops just set off.”

Bai Xiaohu said: “How can I blame you? The person who came up with such an idea is simply out of his mind. Do you know who it is?”

Wen Liansheng shook his head: “We don’t know yet. The five people were seriously injured. Only one of them was barely awake for a few minutes. We got minimal information from him. Let’s see if Wan can find out anything.”

Bai Xiaohu snorted, these five people deserved to be this miserable. Bai Xiaohu originally thought about how to come up with something to save them, but now it seems that letting them soak in spiritual spring water and allowing healing espers to save them, is already letting them have way too much advantage!

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