Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu hid behind the creeping plants spawned by the grass-type espers that covered the entire fence to block prying eyes. She watched the Zhongyang Team’s car drive out one after another and sighed softly.

He is gone, so there’s no more awkward meeting, but now that he is gone, she couldn’t help but feel a little down.

It was as if this place suddenly became empty and lonely without that person.

As for the idea of following along, she is hesitant. Human cars were too scary. No matter how many times she rode in it, she could never get used to it. She could only sit in a slow open-top vehicle, and only for a short time.

But when she turned around and saw the two, the black chicken and the white cat, pecking and scratching each other, as if they were testing each other’s strength in a match, she rolled her eyes. Forget about feeling lonely, everything becomes so chaotic when these two are in the same room!

She stopped thinking about it and prepared to do more decent things to cleanse her stupid image in front of Lu Ye.

She went to the pharmaceutical factory. The last time she came here, she wanted to do something for defense so her guards could relax a little. She found a suitable spiritual plant in her space for the job.

This kind of spiritual plant is called the gatekeeper vine, also called the guard vine. On the surface, it looks like a very ordinary creeping vine that grows close to the ground and is completely inconspicuous when mixed with weeds. Once it senses an unfamiliar aura or auras approaching, it will quickly stretch out a cane and tie the embodiment of the aura up.

This kind of vine is generally planted around spiritual fields to prevent people from stealing or being trampled by spiritual animals. It can also be planted outside one’s home, although the use is minimal. However, this kind of spiritual plant is a bit stupid, so it often accidentally attacks unnecessarily, and it has no other abilities except binding. It is very easy to destroy it as long as you have a little strength and IQ.

Despite the weakness, with this plant around the pharmaceutical factory farm, the pressure on the guards will be much less. Partnering with the existing guardian team, there is no fear that the plant will accidentally injure people who get close to it or get destroyed by others.

The most important thing is that this vine is very effective at catching incoming birds and small animals, which is efficient at protecting the Leigong trees.

Bai Xiaohu ran to plant vines with high spirits.

At the same time, many saplings of Red Fruit Trees were removed and planted outside the Leigong tree forest.

In the distance, a building is close to being demolished. Brother Xiao saw that his bros could no longer hide here, so he gathered everyone together: “Listen, we have to take action today. Later, you all pretend to be the family of someone who got killed by the anti-infective drugs and causes trouble to draw their attention. I will lead people to dig trees. Be smart about it, got it?”

“Yes, yes, fake medical troubles, right? We’ve seen a lot of them on the news before the end of the world. However, the Zhongyang Team’s car hasn’t gone far yet. Isn’t it too early to act now?”

“How is it too early, you idiot! We won’t have a chance if we wait any longer. Listen to me and start taking action!”

Bai Xiaohu was talking to people about the characteristics of guard vines: “This vine, when first planted, you all should hang around them as long and often as possible. Talk to it if you have nothing to do, let them remember your aura, and when it remembers you, it will not attack you. If a stranger comes within three meters of them, they will react by slapping their leaves on the ground, which is to remind you that there is a situation. If a stranger approaches within one meter, they will take action on their own. “

A big guy named Zhang Meng asked innocently: “Then why doesn’t it respond now as we are surrounding it?”

Bai Xiaohu gave him a dummy look: “I’m here, I told them not to attack, otherwise you watch.”

Bai Xiaohu touched the triangular leaves of the vine, signaling that Zhang Meng was the enemy. The plant that had just taken root in the soil stretched out a thin dark green vine and tied Zhang Meng up. At the same time, the leaves on the remaining vines slapped the ground in warning.

Moreover, this flapping sound has a specific frequency, so as long as you are not deaf, you definitely won’t mistake it.

Everyone looked at the vine in wonder, and Zhang Meng struggled a bit: “It binds really well!”

Bai Xiaohu scratched her head. There was still a lot to say about this vine, but the more important thing was to let these people explore by themselves. She said, “Plant them first, we can talk about it later.”

She put many bundles of vine seedlings in the warehouse, and everyone went to move them over. Then she started planting them along the outside of the pharmaceutical factory, planting one vine every several meters apart. When the time comes, the vines will spread out to both sides and blend with each other, making them indistinguishable. It doesn’t matter whether it belongs to this plant or that plant. If a low shrub is planted around here, it can completely hide the guarding vine.

As they were planting, suddenly a group of people came, dressed in rags, with a white cloth tied around their heads, holding ‘bloody’ signs in their hands looking like they were mourning. They howled as they walked.

Bai Xiaohu was alarmed in the pharmaceutical factory. When she saw these people pestering her guards, she frowned: “What are they doing?”

Pan Gu listened and said, “I hear that their relatives took our medicine after being infected and were not saved. These people are here to seek justice.”

There are cases where anti-infective medicines don’t work. If they are used improperly or have expired, the treatment may fail. They let everyone know before selling this medicine that it is not 100% effective. They are responsible for all the consequences, so this is the first case of people who come to make trouble. 

Bai Xiaohu nodded, not having any doubts. Seeing that her guards got harassed by these people pretty badly, she walked out, and both parties paused.

Bai Xiaohu said to her people: “Stand back, just so you can see how powerful these vines are.” She looked at the people making trouble in front of her: “Do it!”

Whoosh whoosh!

One by one, the creeping vines on the ground quickly stretched itself out.

The people making trouble were on alert because of Bai Xiaohu’s words, but the target of their alertness was people, so they weren’t aware of the green… ribbons? that flew out from under their feet. Their legs and feet were tied together, along with their arms and upper bodies. Then the vines were pulled, and the troublemakers all got pulled down to the ground one by one, wailing incessantly.

Bang! Bang!

The triangular leaves slapped the ground in unison, issuing a warning.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the stunned people on her side: “How is it?”

Everyone hurriedly came to their senses and said: “It’s awesome!”


At the same time, at the farm, Brother Xiao and a few people were waiting. He heard a commotion at the pharmaceutical factory, but the guards here seemed not to hear it and did not move at all.

“Damn, their discipline is so strong. Will they die if they move some steps?”

Before he finished complaining, the pharmaceutical factory became quiet. Brother Xiao suddenly felt like something was going to happen…He gritted his teeth and said, “Fxxx it, you all rush out and trip them up, and I’ll dig up the tree!”

The rookies were very obedient, and even if they had to sacrifice themselves as tactics, they rushed out without hesitation. The people guarding the planting area suddenly heard a few shouting, and a few people in gray and dirty clothes rushed out. One of them even splashed dust all over the air.

Two of the guards got temporarily blinded, but they did not panic. The rest immediately rushed over and fought with others.

On one hand, these are people who have undergone strict training – who have been taught by several big names in the Zhongyang Team, and on the other hand, those people have the style of a gangster, specializing in dirty tricks such as crotch-picking, and also carries various hidden weapons all over themselves, which made the fight took a while before coming to an end.

Brother Xiao saw the right moment and immediately ran towards the blue forest. Just as he was about to climb over the fence and touch the leaves, he was kicked to the ground.

Damn, a guard is hiding here!

The two fought.

It was at this moment that another wave of people rushed out.

They took advantage of Brother Xiao and his sidekicks to trip up the guards and rushed out with thunderous momentum. Three of them went to the woods and two to the flower fields. It was obvious they aimed for the moment and purposely let Brother Xiao be the bait.

While rushing, one of them whispered: “Take the samples and leave nothing!” These people held miniature explosives in their hands. Clearly, they wanted to destroy this place, but to get the samples, they had to operate at close range.

Just before they rushed into the woods, the guard fighting with Brother Xiao shouted: “No!”

Brother Xiao also looked annoyed. It’s over. Someone got to complete this commission before him.

He has been waiting for many days!

He looked angrily at the guard who had blocked his plan to make a fortune but found that the man’s expression was a bit strange, a mixture of anger and fear. It’s just some leaves, no need to be so frightened, right?

The next moment–

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

There was lightning and thunder, and many blue-purple lights enveloped the earth. Brother Xiao looked in horror and saw that the entire blue forest was shining, oh, or in other words, discharging lightning. The three who rushed into the woods were electrocuted to the borderline of life and death, crackling and twitching.

The blue-purple light shines on their faces, their bodies, their frightened eyes, and wide-open mouths. The funniest thing is that they still maintain a running posture, with their hands in the air, their legs stepping, and their bodies leaning forward. The scene was as funny as one could imagine. 

Brother Xiao’s eyes were filled with the reflection of lightning, and he looked dull. He focused on swallowing for a while and said, “WTF, what kind of forest is this? Is it covered in landmine?”


Translator’s Note:

So sorry for all the delay lately! I am currently in China visiting family and only have limited access to work on the chapters. I will be back middle of May and to make up for the updates I missed, this novel will be on double update every week the month of June. Thank you for your patience!


⬆️ Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi here 💕 Thank you so so much for picking up this novel! I hope you enjoy ^^


  1. 🐥 says:

    Algs translator! Hope you have a great holiday, rest well🐥🐥

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