Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu followed him to the door. As he opened the door, Bai Xiaohu suddenly gave in and said, “Lu Ye, have you ever thought that you are actually a cat?”

Lu Ye paused, there was a moment of silence. He looked back at her with a murky look.

They stood at the entrance of the room, next to the bathroom. The light in the room could not reach this place well, so the only light source was from the open bathroom door. Half of Bai Xiaohu’s body was illuminated, while Lu Ye’s whole body was hidden in the shadows.

Bai Xiaohu’s voice was filled with unprecedented seriousness and calmness. Her voice was lowered by at least three degrees. She looked at Lu Ye and said, “You are a cat demon with nine tails. We had known each other a long time ago but separated later. I came here to meet you again. We have met before, do you have any impression at all?”

After she finished speaking, she waited for Lu Ye to show doubt, disbelief, and hesitation, saying that he had no memory of any of this. So then she could tell him, that’s no problem because she had a way to awaken his cat demon bloodline, and he would remember everything. He can also transform into a cat freely again.

Her eyes were firm and her expression was calmly serious. The windbreaker she was wearing made her look solemn and reliable.

Lu Ye looked down at her with deep eyes, and after a while, he said, “So, you mistaken this fat cat as me?”

Bai Xiaohu: “…” Her eyes suddenly became evasive. This question…

“You even gave it all the dried fish prepared for me.”

Bai Xiaohu: “…” Her expression was no longer calm. It was so embarrassing to think that one night when she thought she had seen through everything and gave him a bowl of clear noodle soup trying to help him cover up his identity…

“You thought it was me, and chased after it here, sat on my bed to pet it so intensely, huh.”

Bai Xiaohu: “…” The illusion of being solemn and reliable suddenly all fell apart. Her whole figure has become three degrees shorter, and she can hardly hold the fat cat in her hand. “Uhh, I…”

Lu Ye took a step forward, leaned over slightly, and said in a soft voice, “When you hug the cat, do you really think that it’s me you’re hugging?”

Bai Xiaohu felt that her face was a little hot. It must be an illusion! It must be because this man was too hot and his aura was too strong. She took a step back and stuttered: “It’s not like that…”

Lu Ye did not let her go, and took another step forward, getting closer, looking directly into her eyes with bright eyes: “You said I am a cat, you said we have known each other for a long time, and you acted so close with ‘me’ when I turned into a cat, so why don’t you give me a hug and get closer to me when I’m a human?”

He brought his face closer as if waiting for her to make a move.

Bai Xiaohu took another step back and hit the wall. She was shocked by the extremely magnified handsome face in front of her. She looked into his deep and quiet eyes which seemed to have small light spots twinkling and saw her panicking self in there. 

She became even more at a loss all of a sudden, her heart was pounding, and all she could smell was the clear water vapor and the light soapy scent on his body, like a helpless little fox forced into a trap, her cheeks heat up uncontrollably.

She panicked, slapped the fat cat pretending to be a toy in Lu Ye’s face, opened the door and ran out, then froze.

Standing against the guardrail were two guys chatting.

The interior of this office building has a zigzag-like layout. The original office areas have been transformed into bedrooms and the like. The corridor is wide and large, with glass guardrails on one side. At this time, two men are standing there, chatting under a small light.

It’s Yu Jin and Lin Tao.

Bai Xiaohu stared at them blankly, and they also looked over, then showed a horrified expression, and even opened their mouths comically. They looked at her and then at the door behind her as if they couldn’t believe she had come out of that.

Wait, there shouldn’t be any female creatures in their building, on this floor, at this time logically, right?

The three of them were petrified. Just as Lin Tao was about to speak, footsteps came from behind Bai Xiaohu. Lu Ye walked out holding the cat in his arms with messy wet hair. He calmly said to the two of them, “Still up this late?”

“We, we were going over our departure tomorrow.”

Lu Ye nodded and handed the cat to Bai Xiaohu: “In the next few days, please take good care of it.”

Bai Xiaohu looked over blankly and finally seemed to understand the situation when she met Lu Ye’s eyes. She took the cat and said, “I, I will take good care of it.”

Turn around and leave.

Lu Ye did not follow right after, but said to Yu and Lin, “She is here for the cat.”

The two: “Yes, yes, yes!” What a liar, who would come at this time, to this location, with that rosy cheek, wearing their boss’s windbreaker just to get a cat! 

Lu Ye glanced at them indifferently, his intention for them to seal their mouth was obvious, and they both made the movements of pulling zipper over their mouth at the same time.

Lu Ye was satisfied, turned around, followed Bai Xiaohu, and pressed the elevator button for her.

In the elevator, neither of them spoke. Bai Xiaohu was holding a heavy big cat as if she were holding a stone, and her whole body was stiff.

After leaving the office building safely and smoothly without running into anyone else, Lu Ye guided her out for a few steps and said: “I’ll stop here. It won’t be good if others see us like this.”

Bai Xiaohu lowered her head, revealing the top of her head with silky hair. Lu Ye hesitated for a moment, but couldn’t help but pet it: “Don’t think too much in the future. When I come back from this trip, we can have a good talk.”

Bai Xiaohu looked up at him blankly, realizing that he didn’t believe what she said about him being a cat at all, but who could blame him? She was too stupid to be trusted by others.

She also feels very embarrassed about admitting the wrong person, oh, the wrong cat!

She turned around and ran towards the wall. With a few uses of force, she climbed over the wall and ran to her side.

Lu Ye stood there and stared for a long time, only then did he dare to let his heart beat wildly, louder and harder.

When he saw her sitting on his bed in her pure white skirt and her little face looking over in astonishment, his heartbeat began to beat uncontrollably.

If this trip to Tongcheng can be successful, maybe he can no longer be superstitious about his premonitions, he can finally believe that there will be a future, and no longer need to restrain his heart.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaohu ran into her room and started silently “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh”, while rubbing the cat crazily: “It’s all on you, it’s all you who make me look so stupid! He will definitely think that I’m an idiot who would mistake a cat for him. There must be something wrong with my brain. He’ll think what I said must be just from imagination, ahhhh, it took me so much to muster up the courage to tell him the truth!”

She kneaded the cat until it meowed and changed shape, then she let go. The cat immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the table to stay with the big chicken demon who had flown to the table in advance to avoid ‘accidental injuries’. The cat and the chicken started to stare at each other with their small eyes.

Bai Xiaohu lay on the bed bonelessly, feeling extremely upset. She also thought about how flustered she was when Lu Ye was approaching her step by step.

Strange, why did she panic? She wasn’t scared, but when he came closer and locked eyes with her, her little heart was beating completely uncontrollably, her face was hot, and she didn’t know where to put her eyes. Her hands and feet were all numb, she didn’t know how to put it.

She touched her face, which was still a little warm, and was a little startled. Then she whimpered and got under the pillow.


The next day was the day to set off. Early in the morning, more than 5,000 people from the Zhongyang Team got ready and set off. Wen Liansheng came to see them off on behalf of the Baishou Team and prepared a gift, sets of anti-interference packages for more than 5,000 people. This was an additional bonus from the Baishou Team. The 700,000 units donated previously were all handed over to the base, which they would distribute uniformly.

In addition, there is a small box of walnut-like things, which contain about a hundred “walnuts”.

Lu Ye picked up a “walnut” and shook it. There was a sound of something rolling inside: “What is this?”

“Xiaohu gave this to me before dawn. After eating the contents inside, it can save your life even if you are seriously injured. Use it when needed. Once the outer shell is broken, the energy will be released. She said, you know the consequences of energy leakage.

Lu Ye naturally thought of the red fruit that would attract zombies when its energy leaked. He might be surrounded by zombies if he was not careful.

He smiled and looked towards the furniture store on the other side of the wall with soft eyes: “Where is she?”

“I hear that she played games with the cat for too long last night, and might still be catching up on sleep at this time.”

Lu Ye said: “Then thank her on my behalf, we’ll set off now.”

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Eheheh this fellow reader also does not know why the MC’s heart suddenly sped up 🙈😆

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