Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

The way Lu Ye currently looks is no doubt farcical. Dripping wet from top to bottom, yet only has a bath towel around his waist. Although he was caught off guard and quickly put on a windbreaker, the hem of the towel was still exposed outside the windbreaker. Coupled with how fast his expression changed…

He has probably never been this embarrassed before…

But Bai Xiaohu didn’t bother to care about his image. She looked at Lu Ye, then at the stiff fat cat in her arms, and then back at Lu Ye.

The Lu Ye in front of her is real, yet the cat is not fake either. This furry, warm, and heavy touch can’t be faked.

So, the cat is not Lu Ye, and Lu Ye is not the cat?

Has she been mistaken all along?

“You, you, you, this, this, this, cat…” Bai Xiaohu was speechless, “You are not a cat?!”

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he got asked such a funny question: “Why am I a cat?”

“But, this cat…”

“This is my cat.”

“You raised it?!”

Bai Xiaohu was shocked, and then suddenly discovered that there was a cat nest, cat bowl, and cat litter in the corner of the room. She didn’t know about these things originally, but after getting in touch with cats lately, she learned a little about what is needed to raise a cat. A cat must have been living here for a long time!

Looking back down at the cat, she met a pair of cat eyes that pretended to be calm, innocent, well-behaved, and pitiful. Okay, what else do you need to say now? She really got fooled by a cat! What!?

“So, why are you here in my room?” The question brought her soul back.

“Ah? This…” Bai Xiaohu’s mind was like a ball of tangled yarn, and she subconsciously raised the big fat cat to face Lu Ye, covering her face, “This cat lied to me!”

The fat cat was like ‘water’, its whole body stretched out long, exposing its fragile abdomen. It shook its head and “meow” obediently to its owner.

Lu Ye’s forehead twitched. The scene in front of him is in fact ridiculous. He took a deep breath and said, “Get off my bed first.”

Bai Xiaohu immediately threw the cat aside, moved to the bedside, got off onto the floor, and tried to put her shoes on. However, when she got into bed, she kicked a slipper under the bed. She stretched out her foot and scanned under the bed left and right, but couldn’t find it. She smiled at Lu Ye in embarrassment, bent down and found the slipper under the bed, pulled it out, and put them on.

Lu Ye lowered his gaze and saw her bare feet sliding in and out of her slippers, it took a while for her to finally put them on properly. She also had her hair loose and was wearing a skirt that looked very loose. Even though the sleeves were long and the hem was long, this white skirt is surely a nightgown.

His brows twitched rapidly and his expression changed over and over. He wanted to say something, but he realized that he might not be in the right position to say anything at the moment. He tried to steady his breath and said, “Wait a moment.” He quickly grabbed a few pieces of clothing in hand and walked into the bathroom, while saying: “Stay here, don’t try to run away secretly!”

Then closed the door.

Bai Xiaohu trembled in fright and puffed her face, seems like he was mad!

She glared at the fat cat who was squatting on the bed looking up at her. She stretched out her hands to ravage its big fat face: “What’s going on? You’re not him at all, you’re just his cat. You lied to me. Look how you are exposed now!”

By now, she has figured most of the situation out. This cat was raised by Lu Ye. It spent a long time with him and had frequent contact with him, so it was normal for it to have some of Lu Ye’s aura attached. For example, it was rubbing against Lu Ye’s bed purposely just now to rub on some aura. 

As for why it extended its paws and blinked and gave an affirmative answer when she asked if it was Lu Ye, it’s probably because the cat had become a spirit! It can understand human speech, and it pretended to be Lu Ye just to trick her into giving it spiritual food!

In addition, she regarded Lu Ye as a cat demon from the very beginning, so she completely accepted the fact that he could become a cat and believed it without any doubt. Even yesterday, Lu Ye came over and asked her if she had seen the fat cat. She even made up a reason in her mind and mistakenly believed Lu Ye didn’t have the memory of when he turned into a cat.

After understanding the whole situation, Bai Xiaohu covered her face with her hand and groaned, ah ah ah how could she be so stupid!

What should she do now? She ran into Lu Ye’s room in the middle of the night and was caught red-handed. She also happened to see him when he had just come out of the shower. Think of the stinky look on Lu Ye’s face just now, is it too late for her to run away?

She looked at the door, no, going out from the door meant going down from the inside of the office building. What if she bumps into someone? The concealment spell won’t work in this situation. It is still difficult to cover up the existence of a living being at close range.

Go back the way she came from through the window?

She looked at the half-open window and was about to move when the bathroom door opened with a click, and Lu Ye came out wearing a long black windbreaker and trousers.

Bai Xiaohu stared, were you getting dressed or performing magic, so fast!

Lu Ye obviously didn’t waste time to wipe himself. There was still water dripping onto his neck. His clothes even stuck to him because he was still wet. But he didn’t care. His eyes fell on Bai Xiaohu’s feet.

Bai Xiaohu’s toes had already turned toward the window, and her body had turned halfway as if she was about to run away.

Under Lu Ye’s gaze, she slowly retracted her feet, stood up straight, and smiled at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye walked to the long pole where clothes were hung, picked out a clean windbreaker, and threw it to Bai Xiaohu: “Put it on.”

“Ah?” Bai Xiaohu caught his clothes, looking confused.

Lu Ye’s face was still dark and took out a towel to wipe his hair.

She didn’t dare to ask any more questions and put on the windbreaker.

Only then did she realize that several windbreakers were hanging on the clothes rail. They were all pitch black. Even if the styles were a little different, you couldn’t tell them apart easily.

She couldn’t help but imagine that since he realized that she might try to sneakily touch his buttocks, he felt that his buttocks were in danger and his moral integrity was challenged. Therefore, this man immediately went around looking for windbreakers in a hurry and even had someone rush to make some for him. Only when the windbreaker completely covered up his buttocks, did he finally feel safe and let out a long breath.

Bai Xiaohu’s brain auto-replaced this scene with a cat who’s in a hurry with its butt burning…ah, it’s really cute when you think about it!

The corner of Bai Xiaohu’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a little.

Lu Ye looked at her silently.

Bai Xiaohu hurriedly coughed twice, using the move of pulling her hair out of the collar of the windbreaker to cover up her expression, and then smiled politely at him.

Lu Ye pulled out a chair and placed it next to Bai Xiaohu: “Sit.” He poured two glasses of water from the thermos and looked down at the window. Then he gave one glass of water to Bai Xiaohu and one glass to himself. He sat by the bed and looked at Bai Xiaohu: “Have you thought about what to say? Why did you come to my room?”

Well, I really haven’t thought about this.

Bai Xiaohu’s mind was spinning.

What to do? Tell the truth exactly as it is? But will he believe it?

But if she lied, saying that she had nothing to do at night and as wandered around, she unexpectedly wandered into his room on the 24th floor? This sounds more like nonsense, right?

She didn’t speak. Lu Ye took a sip of water and spoke first.

“You said you followed DaPan here?” 

Lu Ye pointed at the cat. The cat carefully hid behind Bai Xiaohu’s chair, but it couldn’t hide its huge body completely.

Bai Xiaohu suddenly said: “It’s name is DaPan?” This name seems much more suitable for it rather than the name Lu Ye.

Lu Ye added: “It likes to come in through the window. You came in through the window too?”

Bai Xiaohu hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Lu Ye was not surprised.

There is only one door in this room, and it is always locked. The lock looks good, so she either knows the wall penetrating technique and came in through the wall, or she came in through the window. Although he had already checked the wall outside the window, all the walls were smooth and flat from here to the first floor, with no place to stand, but after seeing all the strange things about Bai Xiaohu, it doesn’t seem to be surprising if she shows other special abilities.

“So, you feel inseparable from my cat, and you went after it to continue playing with it?”

Bai Xiaohu hesitantly bit the mouth of the cup and sipped some water: “I…”

Seeing her embarrassment, Lu Ye didn’t press her. She probably had a lot of secrets, maybe she wouldn’t tell them, or maybe now wasn’t the right time to reveal them.

He stood up: “Since you are so reluctant to part with it, and I am going out for a while, I will entrust it to you.”

He picked up the big cat that was about to escape and stuffed it into Bai Xiaohu’s arms. Bai Xiaohu quickly put down the cup of water and hugged the cat hurriedly.

Lu Ye said: “Come, I’ll walk you back.”

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Who would’ve thought a cat could be so cunning

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