Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

It was natural for Lu Ye to suspect the fat cat for stealing the dried fish.

Bai Xiaohu made it clear that those dried fish were made for him. Although it wasn’t anything special, it was impossible she would give it to someone else without his consent, even if it was his cat.

Then all kinds of events before and after got tied together. What else can it be other than the cat has been coming over and stealing food?

He has the urge to catch that cat and teach it a painful lesson right now.

When Bai Xiaohu heard that Lu Ye was coming, she ran out of the building with loose hair: “You are here!”

Sure enough, the charm of fish is huge. This person has been visiting both day and night recently. If favorability stat was a thing like the ones in a game, the stat between them must be rising to the peak rapidly these days!

Lu Ye asked, “Did you see a cat in the past two days? A white-fur cat with gray stripes on its back, weighing more than thirty pounds.”

Bai Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, of course there is, isn’t that you? But is it appropriate to discuss it here? There are many other people present.

She didn’t know why, so she nodded in a daze: “Yes, yes.”

Lu Ye sighed, as he thought: “I have caused you trouble.”

Shi Jian followed Bai Xiaohu out holding a comb in her hand, and said, “Let’s finish combing your hair first.”

Lu Ye realized that he had come too early. He didn’t know that Bai Xiaohu had played with the cat for quite a long time last night, so she got up extra late. He turned away and said, “I’ll come back later.”

He shall go catch the cat first.

Bai Xiaohu watched him striding away. He seemed a little angry, but he didn’t seem to be mad at anyone here. It’s just the aura around him felt quite intimidating, a little inexplicable to Bai Xiaohu.

So he rushed here just to ask such a question? Ask if she has seen a cat. How could he not know?

But it seems that he really doesn’t know. Could it be that he doesn’t have the memory of being a cat? Or is it because he turned into a cat unconsciously, for example, he turned into a cat when he fell asleep, wandered to her, went back to sleep after that, and automatically changed back to human form? The memory of being a cat is completely blank?

What is this symptom called? It seems to be called sleepwalking among human beings. Lu Ye is quite special, he will turn into a cat when he sleeps at night!

It’s scary to think about it, what if he encounters bad people when he travels around as a cat? What if he gets lost? What if someone discovers the secret of his transformation?

What, what if he fell asleep outside, wouldn’t he wake up naked with no clothes on the next day?

The more she thought about it, the more she frowned, and Shi Jian was confused as she watched: “What’s wrong? Is there something bothering you?”

Bai Xiaohu sighed, yes, but I can’t say it, you don’t understand the troubles of spiritual creatures.

She felt sorry for Lu Ye even more. As a human being, he was abandoned by his mother, and as a spiritual creature, he had such uncontrollable problems. His life was simply miserable.

So she prepared more fishes, big and small, prepared to comfort his wounded heart.

However, she waited and waited, and the person who said he would come later didn’t come.

On the other hand, when Lu Ye walked out of the furniture store, he originally wanted to go capture the cat, but a call came through the communicator, and General Xu was gathering leaders of various forces in the base for a meeting.

So he had to put the cat-catching plan on hold.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t know about this at first, but Wen Liansheng told her that the top officers of the base invited the head of their Baishou Team to a meeting and asked whether he should go on her behalf.

Bai Xiaohu said: “Of course, you should go instead of me, but what is it, will it be dangerous? If there is danger, I will go.”

Wen Liansheng smiled: “It’s not dangerous. It should be about the base making a big move and needs more support with the anti-infective drugs. Lu Ye and the other team leaders have all been invited.”

Hearing that Lu Ye was also going, Bai Xiaohu was relieved, but still made Wen Liansheng bring some guards with him.

Wen Liansheng visits the pharmaceutical factory every morning as a routine itinerary. Due to this meeting, he didn’t have time to go today, so Bai Xiaohu went instead.

She doesn’t come to the other side of the river very often. The defense here is tighter than that of the furniture store. There is not only a guard every five steps, a hidden watcher every ten steps, cameras and the like were also set up all around. As for the planting area where the Leigong Tree and the Chili Flowers are planted (simply referred to as a farm by everyone), it is surrounded by high fences, barbed wire, etc. There are also people patrolling back and forth every once in a while, and drones are flying around regularly. 

In fact, this was the first time Bai Xiaohu learned that the defense of this place was this tense. She was very surprised: “Do we need to be this exaggerated? Could there be people who want to steal trees and flowers?”

Zhang Meng, the head of the guard group, said with a wry smile: “It’s not to guard against people, but mainly to guard against birds and small animals. A bird flew into the thunder forest previously, and you know what happened that time? The whole forest started discharging, we were startled, but luckily it only went on for a short while. However, the leaves were dimmed by a degree, no clue how much energy had been released due to the event!”

It fills them with distress.

Bai Xiaohu remembered that there was such a thing. Wen Liansheng came to ask her what was going on, but she didn’t take it seriously, saying that it was a normal act of the Leigong Tree. When something intrudes their territory, they are subject to release electric shock, and their tempers are very explosive.

It’s just that she doesn’t know that people here will start guarding this intensely after the incident. They are afraid that these Leigong Trees will not grow well if they discharge too much electricity.

Bai Xiaohu said: “It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with letting them discharge. When they’re in a good mood, they grow better, and you don’t have to guard around them like this. Why don’t you just plant some other trees as a barrier?”

She looked around and saw that this area was originally residential, but only had relatively low buildings connected to a large area of abandoned farmland. Compared with Yang’an Road on the other side of the river, it felt a bit backward in the countryside.

Because they built a pharmaceutical factory and a farm here, a large section of ​​the houses were demolished and flattened. At this time, some houses in the distance were also in the process of being demolished.

Bai Xiaohu looked around and thought she could enclose that area and expand the scale of the farm. What kind of trees should they plant? How about the red fruit trees? Since she wants to use red fruits as wages and benefits, it seems inconvenient to have to always take them out of her spatial treasure.

However, the Leigong tree can be raised by thunder, and the chili flower can be raised by flames, yet the red fruit tree needs pure spiritual aura to grow.

Then should she change the whole environment, dig a spring, build a pond, and fill it with spiritual stones, so she can create counterfeit versions of spiritual water? If they water the red fruit tree with spiritual water, surely it will grow plumped red fruits!

It’s just that the spiritual stone contains a lot of spiritual energy, and she can’t take it out of her spatial treasure at the moment. Plus, she still needs to take a good look at the whole terrain to see where to dig the spring.

Bai Xiaohu walked around, thinking about it, and then felt that it was too much of a headache, she should consult Wen Liansheng when he came back!

Also, regarding the guarding responsibility, she can find a way to reduce their burden. It looks too difficult now. In the world where she came from, a restriction, a formation, and an enchantment can prevent people from approaching even half a step.

Of course, she doesn’t have that ability, but she has a spatial treasure! There are many good things in it.

She began to search and search.

While she was looking, some of the masons who were demolishing the building in the distance were secretly looking this way.

Among them, the man wearing a dirty safety hat with a few cobwebs cracked quietly said, “Brother Xiao, what do you see?”

Another said: “This building is too short, I can’t see what’s going on in the farm at all, but it’s true that the guards are tight, so it’s hard to handle!”

“Then, shall we give up?”

“Idiot! Do you know how much we can make if we manage to complete this entrusted task? Just one leaf, all we need is just one leaf, we steal it and leave, how much effort will it take? Quit saying give up!”

Brother Xiao hit the subordinate on the head.

The man helped the safety helmet that got knocked over to cover his face: “Then, when shall we do it?”

Speaking of this, Brother Xiao is also at a loss. How would he know when to do it, he has no idea!

“No, don’t rush, let’s take a better look.”

With this ‘don’t rush’, they waited till the afternoon when Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng came back. Now, they couldn’t dare to do anything at all

Bai Xiaohu learned the purpose of the meeting they attended today: “They want to take the initiative to attack the zombies?”

“Yes, the base was shrunk to the ground before because the cost to deal with zombies was too high, but now that there are anti-infective drugs, people won’t die even if they get infected. General Xu wants to set Jiangcheng as the center and completely wipe out the zombies in the surrounding cities.” Wen Liansheng explained.

Bai Xiaohu nodded, this sounds like a good thing.

Wen Liansheng said: “It’s just that this requires us to produce more drugs. The base hopes to purchase it at a 30% discount. I haven’t responded yet. Can you supply this many raw materials?”

Bai Xiaohu said: “It is possible.”

Wen Liansheng smiled and said: “My idea is that you supply the amount for the first few days. Then the leaves on our farm and those from the Zhongyang Team should be almost ready for harvest. Also, didn’t we plan to sell saplings before? We can execute the plan early. Spread the saplings for others to plant, then we buy them at a certain price, harvest the plant to make potions, and sell it to the base.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “I’m good with that.” Then she talked about planting red fruit trees and digging springs and ponds. As for the spiritual stone, she still hasn’t said anything, after all, she can’t take out the spiritual stone yet.

Wen Liansheng was very much in favor of planting trees. As for springs and ponds, Wen Liansheng’s understanding was to dig wells and puddles, and this would not be a problem.

The Baishou Team immediately got busy, and more people were put into production.


Translator’s Note:

I am so sorry for all the delays. My schedule is a complete mess at the moment and I am trying to figure stuff out. Please excuse one more month of this mess, and I will return to weekly updates ><

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