Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu still had little braids all over her head, and she looked at Lu Ye with a sense of affection that she did not have before.

How can she not show affection? From her perspective, she was still cuddling with Lu Ye’s cat form not long ago. ‘He’ was extremely well-behaved in her arms, meowing, and acting all cutesy.

However, Lu Ye took half a step back awkwardly due to her gaze and bumped into the pillar behind him. Before he put on his windbreaker, she used to look at him with this same look. Later, she calmed down a lot, but it all seemed to be coming back today. At this moment, even the windbreaker can’t help him feel safe.

He fell silent for a while, took the bowl, and said succinctly: “Thank you.”

Bai Xiaohu patted his arm: “No need. Yours is mine. Mine is yours!” She couldn’t help but squeeze his arm before letting go. His muscles were strong, even separated by two layers of cloth, she could still feel its structure clear and smooth.

But who would have thought this person would look so chubby with a floppy belly after turning into a cat?

Is it possible that he only uses the human body when doing fitness, so the human body got worked out to a better shape, but the cat form does not benefit?

Lu Ye froze entirely.

Bai Xiaohu kindly reminded him: “Captain Lu, you need to exercise more.” Although the chubby cat looks very cute, one’s reputation can’t just stop at a superficial level, right? Their true form should also be carefully maintained.

She said this with a smile while still squeezing his arm. She moved her braids from the back of her head to her chest. The colored beads on them shone brightly under the light, making her dark eyebrows and smiling eyes even more charming. Lu Ye couldn’t help but hold his breath.

He suddenly thought of what Yu Liangjun said, including the statement “prying your corner” that he had heard from others before.


It seems that many people think her relationship with him is more than just friends.

The tall and stern man took two steps back to the side in embarrassment, almost spilling the soup in the bowl. He said in a low voice, “Understood.” Then, pretended to be looking for a place to eat the noodles, so he could avoid Bai Xiaohu. 

Bai Xiaohu blinked. Oh, he’s shy. The two of them had already cuddled and hugged so many times, yet he still pretended they were unfamiliar in front of others.

She shook her braided hair, turned around, and went back to sleep.

When Lu Ye saw that she was gone, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked down at the noodle soup and was lost in thought. After a while, he squeezed his arm.

Has he slacked off in training? The muscles don’t seem to be loosening though.

“Boss? Why don’t you have chopsticks? I’ll get you a pair.” Someone shouted.

Lu Ye quickly calmed down and nodded, “Um.” He put up his boss’ aura and answered majestically and coldly, “Go and have some rest after eating. Nothing will happen tonight.”

But no one knew that after he returned to the office building after telling others to rest, he went to the basement. That night, the lights of the training and fitness center in the basement were on for a long time.

The next day.

The Baishou Team had a morning meeting. Since it was just a small internal meeting, they did not go to the Zhongyang Team next door. They just found an empty room in the furniture store and had it there.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t talk much at the meeting. She didn’t know what to say, so Wen Liansheng usually presided over the meeting. He mainly reviewed yesterday’s situation, such as what everyone did well, what they did not do well, and how to improve in the future. Then assign the tasks for today or last for the next few days.

The more important tasks are the production tasks at the pharmaceutical factory. Such as whose product has to be shipped today and whose needs to be shipped tomorrow. Are there any defects in production materials? Is there enough fuel to heat the glass? When will the resources and materials used as payment from the ordering party arrive, and which warehouse will they be stored in?

Without a clear-minded person with a strong macro-control ability to guide the general direction of the operation, for such a newly formed team like theirs, problems might occur at any time.

At this time, even Qi Qingdan, who was known as the housekeeper, would not speak easily and would only discuss more detailed matters with Wen Liansheng after the meeting.

After today’s meeting, they discussed building an accommodation building next to the pharmaceutical factory. That land was originally occupied by another team, but they used a batch of anti-infection packages to exchange the right to use and transform the land. The first thing they decided for this land was to build an accommodation building. It is not a long-term solution to always borrow the space of the Zhongyang Team.

Even their captain Bai Xiaohu can only live in a small cubicle in the furniture store and has to go to  Zhongyang Team’s hotel next door if she wants to take a shower. This is really inconvenient.

Wen Liansheng asked Bai Xiaohu if she had any ideas for this dormitory building. Bai Xiaohu said no. After thinking about it, she added: “I’m good as long as the room for me is big enough for a cat to run around. By the way, more of those cat climbing frames would be nice.”

Wen Liansheng said in surprise: “You want to raise a cat?”

Bai Xiaohu nodded with a smile, her eyes shining, showing a sense of pride saying ‘I have a big secret, and you have no clue what it is’. “It’s a big white cat, soft and well-behaved, but very clingy. .”

There was some strangeness in Wen Liansheng’s eyes. Why didn’t he know that she had a cat? He knew that Bai Xiaohu had little interest in being in charge, so he was very careful about the security around their team. He would also communicate with Pan Gu and Shi Jian every day to see if any strange people were approaching Bai Xiaohu, but none of them mentioned the cat.

If it is a wild cat, let alone near Bai Xiaohu, even if it is just near the furniture store, it will be noticed. There seems to be only one cat that can wander around the neighborhood without causing suspicion and has the ability to even approach Bai Xiaohu quietly without being discovered by others.

But that cat is aloof and lazy, which seems to have nothing to do with being soft, well-behaved, and clingy.

Whatever, he didn’t think much about it. If it was that cat, there was nothing to worry about.

He told Bai Xiaohu about the other thing: “About Zhuang Qingzai, you don’t have to worry about him. Now the potion is still not enough to supply the base. No one wants us to sell the potion to outsiders. If Haicheng Base wants to buy it, they must first contact the base. This is a matter heads of the base should handle, and does not require our intervention.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded. She doesn’t mind who the potion is being sold and who can’t purchase the potion.  For her, as long as people are using the anti-infection package, it doesn’t matter who. Regardless, she hardly had to do anything every day to get thousands of merit points into her account.

What she cares more about is that the entryway of her spatial treasure is opening up, and she can catch bigger fish out of it.

Of course, other small animals work too, but since she wants to take care of the little cat, she has to go for the fish.

After exiting the simple conference room, she ran to her private corridor on the side of the furniture store, then asked Shi Jian to bring her a washbasin, and began catching fish from her spatial treasure.

One fish was caught, it was palm-sized, flat, and covered with tiny silver-white scales.

Another fish was caught, it had long forearms, was round and slender, had no scales on its body, and was very slippery. It looked a bit like a snake at first glance, but this one was translucent with a red line in the middle, which looked very special.

Another fish was caught, it had a triangular pointed head, its body was completely black, and its tail fin was quite big and hard.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t know the names of these fish, because no one had told her. She looked at the three kinds of fish and asked the two people next to her: “Which one do you think would be the most delicious?”

Pan Gu and Shi Jian have become numb to the fact that she can take out living creatures from her space at any time. At this time, they can barely hide it from others, pretending that the fish used for the supper was not supplied by Bai Xiaohu, but came from a very hidden source that their team discovers. 

Pan Gu said: “Apart from this flat one, are the other two even fish?”

Shi Jian said: “Can’t tell by just looking at it, you have to try it to know, right?”

Bai Xiaohu thought about it and agreed. She then let them go and tried to cook it.

Pan Gu and Shi Jian didn’t know how to cook, so they had to call over the chef. Pan Gu said to the chef: “This was secretly captured by someone  from the outside, don’t tell anyone about it.”

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