Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu: “…No.” Since when did she have a crush on this guy? She went through lots of confusion and finally realized, is this guy trying to do a honey trap on her?

After Shi Jian got this answer, she calmed down. As she thought, how could her big treasure have a crush on someone like Zhuang Qingzai? She and Pan Gu made eye contact. This was the first time they had such a tacit understanding of each other, and they both got up at the same time and carried the bewildered Zhuang Qingzai out the gate.

“Hey, what are you doing? Hey, I haven’t finished talking yet!”


The guy got thrown out, and Shi Jian said to the gatekeeper, “This man is disrespectful to the captain, so he shall not be let in in the future.”

The gatekeeper had just started working not long ago, and he cherished this job very much. He stared at Zhuang Qingzai back and forth with wide eyes, firmly remembered this face, and nodded: “Understood!”

Many people saw the scene where Zhuang Qingzai got thrown out by the Baishou Team, so after a while, a news spread——

To scoop the person who can make anti-infective drugs, the young master of the Zhuang Family of the Haicheng Base, did not hesitate to perform a honeytrap himself and visited the store to showcase his love in public. Then got beaten up and driven out.

“Damn, he is so shameless. Can’t the Haicheng Base act normal for once?” Yu Liangjun heard the news at the gate as soon as he returned to the base and immediately became angry. To prick their corner, they are even willing to do this type of dirty work! “They deserve all the beat up! If the honeytrap works, I would’ve done it myself.”

While talking, he felt chilly around him, and the low air pressure spread. He looked over belatedly and saw Lu Ye’s dark face.

Damn, I forgot that this person is still around.

Their meet-up was not planned and was completely coincidental. They were all interested in that fifth-level zombie, so they happened to run into each other on the way. After taking care of the zombie, they returned together.

He quickly clarified: “That’s not what I meant, I didn’t intend to pry into your corner.” Even if he had eighteen guts, he didn’t dare to covet this person. Not long ago, the fifth-level zombie was electrified by him like a piece of trash.

But having said that, “Isn’t that your little brother? Your brother dares to pry you, huh, so brave!”

Lu Ye said coldly, “Not mine.”

“Okay, you’re not even claiming your own little brother now.”

What Lu Ye meant was that Bai Xiaohu was not his, but he didn’t bother to explain.

After the gossip spread, there was another unexpected effect.

“So, the person who made the anti-infective medicine is a woman?”

“Lu Ye just happened to bring back a woman that other day, and anti-infective drugs were released the next day. It must be related.”

“We’ve been speculating that there is a pharmaceutical team behind it, but judging from all the information we have, I’m afraid there is only one person behind it. Furthermore, that woman is lustful for handsome men, huh?”

“It doesn’t matter. Ocean wave does not happen without the wind. The people of the Haicheng Base have all taken action. There is no reason for us to fall behind.”

As a result, gradually, more handsome young men started to wonder near the Baishou Team, and even the infected people who came for treatment had pretty model faces.

And Bai Xiaohu doesn’t know any of these yet. She is listening to Shi Jian giving her a common knowledge lesson.

“The relationship between Captain Lu and Zhuang Qingzai is very plain. You don’t have to give Zhuang Qingzai any good attitude.”

“Is this really okay?”

Shi Jian said: “When Zhuang Qingzai first came to the base, some people in the team were gossiping about it. I heard a few words. Captain Lu and he are half brothers. It seems that Captain Lu was abandoned by his mother when he was very young.”

“Ah!” Bai Xiaohu opened her mouth wide, that’s so sad.

When her father, mother, and elder brothers had to ascend to heaven and leave her, she was almost four hundred years old, yet she still cried so hard because she felt like she was the only one left in the whole world. Even after so many years, she still felt lonely and had no interest in doing anything. She still wants to cry whenever she thinks of them even now. Yet, Lu Ye was abandoned at such a young age?

Woohoo (Cry), so pitiful. Shi Jian continued: “The lead madam of the Zhuang family is very clever. Before the apocalypse, she was the CEO of the big family business they own, and now in the apocalypse, she also has a very important position in the Haicheng Base. Zhuang Qingzai is the youngest child of the Zhuang family and has been spoiled since birth. Yet, Captain Lu has been relying on only himself all the way. I heard that he reunited with Mrs. Zhuang shortly before the apocalypse started, but the two sides barely had any contact. In addition, I heard that Mrs. Zhuang looks down on the company Captain Lu founded.”

In the end, she fanned the flame a little more: “If it were you, would you like a brother like this?”

Bai Xiaohu immediately said, “Of course, I won’t like him!”

Born from the same mother, yet I was thrown away, but you grew up with lots of love. In the end, you still dare to come to me and keep calling me big brother, as if we are super close? Acting so rightful to acknowledge me as a brother, what a big face!

Bai Xiaohu put herself in Lu Ye’s shoes, immediately became angry on his behalf, and decided not to speak to Zhuang Qingzai again.

So she prepared more small fish and waited for Lu Ye to come over for late-night supper; preparing to comfort his wounded little heart.

However, in the middle of the night, before Lu Ye came, the cat came first.

Of course, in Bai Xiaohu’s eyes, this is Lu Ye turning into a cat.

Seeing the big fat cat sneaking through the window crack without a sound, Bai Xiaohu picked it up and stroked its fur. She was stupid and didn’t know how to comfort ‘him’, so she said, “I prepared a lot of small fish for you, eat as much as you want today!”

The cat looked at her, rubbed against her affectionately, and then plunged right into the basin containing the fish. It ate more than a dozen fish in one go until its belly was big and round.

Then it cuddled next to Bai Xiaohu, meowing, and asked her to rub its stomach, obviously over-stuffed. While kneading it, Bai Xiaohu worried: “Did you eat too much? There is spiritual energy in this fish too. It’s not good to eat a lot all at once.”

Suddenly, the cat seemed to hear something, its ears quivered, jumped onto the table, and ran away with its belly dragging.

When Bai Xiaohu came back to her senses, it had already run far without a shadow to be seen.

At the same time, on the road outside, Lin Tao, Wan Zuochao, Baozi, and others, all came to patrol voluntarily today because they heard about the amazingly delicious fish soup and noodles. They came here specifically wanting to grab a bite.

Seeing that the moon was rising, they encouraged Lu Ye: “Xiaohu has already sent someone over and said there is more supper tonight, why not go eat some.”

Lu Ye thought of the fish soup last night and nodded silently.

A group of people went to the furniture store, and the fish soup was ready to serve. When the Baishou Team saw them coming, they poured noodles into the pot.

Fearing it would not be enough to share, they straight-up cooked three large pots tonight. The delicious fishy smell made everyone’s inner craving twitch, and couldn’t wait to take a bite.

When Bai Xiaohu heard the movement, she came out of the room and saw Lu Ye behind the crowd, leaning against a pillar, with half of his body hidden in the dark, showing a caring and tender smile.

No wonder he ran away suddenly. It was to show his face in front of everyone.

She asked someone to cook a bowl of noodles with clear water, without the fish soup. Although it was clear water, she used the spiritual spring water, and added two vegetables that she pretended to pick out from ordinary vegetables, but actually were smuggled from her spatial treasure. So, the taste of this plain bowl of noodles should still be very good.

Bai Xiaohu took the bowl and raised her hand over its top. Once she removed her hand, all the spiritual energy in the bowl was extracted, so Lu Ye wouldn’t suffer from overeating further. Then she brought the bowl of noodles to Lu Ye, and said in a low voice: “Hey, you’ve eaten enough fish tonight, just pretend to eat this with everyone.”

Lu Ye looked at her, looked at other people’s fish soup noodles that had at least one small silverbait in it, and silently looked back at the bowl in front of him with only two green vegetables floating, and the little noodles that could be finished with one chopstick.

What happened to the fish?

I came here for the fish, but this is all you have for me?

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