Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu flicked on the light and looked at the cat on the bed in amazement and suspicion.

This cat, um, is very big. When squatting on the bed, the fat on its abdomen spreads out like a blanket, as if it became a huge cat pancake. The whole cat looks like it has no bones. Its back has light gray pattern fur, so it’s not a pure white cat.

Bai Xiaohu was a little uncertain for a moment. The cat demon in her memory was completely white.

But the timing this cat showed up is too coincidental.

She carefully returned to bed and stroked its head. The white cat obediently let her stroke it, flicking its tail lightly.

Bai Xiaohu asked in a low voice, “Where did you come from, how did you get in?” She looked around and found that the door was still well closed, but the window had a crack open. How did it squeeze in that tiny crack with such a size? No, the point should be, how didn’t it come in without me noticing? Mengmeng didn’t notice either.

Well, that little chicken demon who is still struggling with the massive amount of demonic energy is not reliable anyway.

“Meow?” The white cat meowed, its expression seemed a little confused, and it didn’t understand what Bai Xiaohu was talking about.

The big fat face tilted to the side, its beard shaked a little, and its round eyes were wide open. Coupled with such an expression, it is so cute! Bai Xiaohu couldn’t help stroking it affectionately again.

She likes cats in her nature. She favors this kind of creature with snow-white fur just like hers but is much softer, weaker, and smaller than her…Uh, well, judging from the size of this one, it should be larger than her original form.

She squatted down and looked at the fat guy’s yellow and orange cat eyes. As soon as she got closer, she could smell the cat demon aura on its body, which was exactly the same as the one that floated out of Lu Ye from time to time. Other than that, it also has the aura of Lu Ye himself too.

She excitedly said: “You…are you Lu Ye?”

Although the body size feel a bit wrong, she imagined that Lu Ye should be a very vigorous and mighty cat when he transforms, but how would she know for sure? Maybe he was hooked by her little fish, but the human form was embarrassed, so he turned into a cat in the middle of the night to beg for food?

Or, he turned into a cat in his sleep uncontrollably, and ran to her due to instinct?

As she thought about it, she took out a small silverfish from her spatial treasure. The small fish danced in her palm, and the fat cat, who was lying on the bed, stood up all of a sudden, staring at the fish with both eyes and meowing twice excitedly.

Bai Xiaohu chuckled, he was here for the fish.

She moved her hand back slightly, and tapped the cat’s forehead with the other hand: “Honestly, are you Lu Ye?”

The white cat looked at her innocently, its two big yellow and orange eyes seemed to be full of wisdom, and then it seemed to realize that it would not be able to eat the fish unless it answered this question, so it nodded obediently with its round head.

Even if Bai Xiaohu had such a guess, she was shocked when she got the assurance. She looked at it from all angles, no way, really? There is clearly only a faint demon cat aura on Lu Ye’s body, and there is no demon energy in his body. Logically, he can’t transform!

Bai Xiaohu hesitated for a moment, “If you are Lu Ye, raise your left hand.” “Meow!” The white cat tilted its head again, decisively raised its fat left front paw, and placed it in Bai Xiaohu’s palm.

Bai Xiaohu: “If you were Lu Ye, you would just blink your right eye.”

The cat managed to blink only one eye with great difficulty.

Bai Xiaohu took a breath and covered her chest: “Really! You, you, how did you suddenly become a cat?”

“Meow!” The fat cat grabbed Bai Xiaohu’s wrist and looked at her accusingly as if it were saying why haven’t you given the fish to me? It was so adorable, Bai Xiaohu was so moved and handed over the fish thoughtlessly. The cat’s mouth accurately grabbed the small fish, jumped out of the bed, squatted by the bed, and started eating the small fish happily.

Such a small fish, it eats carefully, as if it is tasting the most delicious food in the world. It purrs softly from its throat and flicks its big tail, and the whole cat exudes a pleasant atmosphere.

Bai Xiaohu squatted on its side to observe.

Lu Ye…?

She still feels very disillusioned. Is it true that a serious man like him would act like this after turning into a cat?

However, she still couldn’t control the urge to pet the round cat’s back constantly and gently held the thick and fluffy tail from its super dense fur.

The fat cat turned to look at her, then continued to eat fish.

Bai Xiaohu gained more courage, squinting her eyes, and started wagging its tail happily.

Although this texture is still incomparable to her own, it still feels very good. It’s been a long time since she stroked her tail.

After petting the cat several times, she finally landed her finger on the cat’s tailbone, and let her spiritual energy sink in.

The cat realized something, its body froze, and the fur on its body stood up. Bai Xiaohu quickly gave it two more fish: “Hey, keep eating. I’m just checking something out and won’t do anything.”

Not sure whether the cat was calmed down by her words, or by the two lively little fish, it lay down and continued to eat, letting Bai Xiaohu continue what she was doing.

After a while, Bai Xiaohu withdrew her hand with a puzzled expression. She didn’t find anything. It seemed that this was an ordinary cat, but how could this explain the same aura it has as Lu Ye’s?

She scratched her head, the fox was confused, this question was way too difficult!

After the cat ate the three small fishes, it hiccupped and licked its fat paws contentedly. Bai Xiaohu’s gaze becomes affectionate again. It’s really cute!

She stroked the cat: “Do you still want to eat?”

The cat glanced at her, meowed, rubbed its head against her hand, then jumped onto the table, passed through the narrow gap that Bai Xiaohu felt was impossible to get through, and jumped out.

Bai Xiaohu was stunned. How did it make it? The gap is so much smaller than its body. Sure enough, cats are made of water!

She pushed open the window and looked out. The night was dim, the figure of the cat was nowhere to be found.

On the other side, the chubby cat who ate three small fish seemed to be exploding with feline superpower. It groaned and climbed up the office building, walked freely on the outer wall, climbed to the top floor, and then pushed open an unlocked window like a regular and got in.

The room was dim, and the man on the bed was sleeping. After noticing this movement, he quietly opened his eyes and sat up.

Faced with a pair of cat pupils shining faintly in the dark.

The cat froze, its front paws frozen in mid-air before they touched the ground, and then quickly continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

Lu Ye asked lightly: “Where did you go?”

This cat was already quite smart before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse, it was affected by something, and it gained more and more self-consciousness. Usually, it would go out for several days by itself, but Lu Ye isn’t worried about it at all.

He thought this time it would go back to its cat bed to sleep calmly with an aloof attitude as usual, but unexpectedly, the cat jumped onto the bed, then lay into his arms, and started rubbing.

Lu Ye: “……”

Describe it as rubbing, but it was more like rolling and doing flips in his arms. Lu Ye grabbed the back of its neck and moved it away. He frowned and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Although this cat is closer to him than to other people and is not willing to give others a look, it is rare to show such affection towards him.

Then he smelled the smell of fish, which was slightly familiar, reminding him of the fish noodle supper he had not long ago.

This made him feel hungry again.

Lu Ye frowned, somewhat puzzled by his own reaction, he had never had such a strong appetite for a certain kind of food.

He looked at the big cat indifferently: “Where did you go to eat fish again?”

The cat ignored his question, and after rubbing the smell all over his body, it felt that it should be enough, and it could continue to deceive fish to eat tomorrow, so it decisively abandoned its master, struggled to get out of his hand, jumped out of bed, and returned to the cat bed and made itself comfortable. 

Lu Ye was well aware of its stubborn nature, so he also lay down, but looking at the dark roof, he couldn’t fall asleep.

Sometimes the appearance of the little silver fish flashed through his mind, and sometimes it was the face of the little girl.

As soon as the sun rises, Bai Xiaohu heads out to find Lu Ye the next day but is told that he has already left the base.

“We hear that a level 5 zombie appeared recently. Everyone I met yesterday was infected. Fortunately, they all had our anti-infection package, and none of them died. Boss…Brother Lu went out to have a look today.” Pan Gu said.

Bai Xiaohu: “If you want to call him boss, do so.”

Pan Gu made a hehehehe face. Since he is no longer a part of the Zhongyang Team, isn’t it inappropriate to continue calling Lu Ye the boss? But he also knew that Bai Xiaohu didn’t care about these things.

Shi Jian walked over from the door and said, “Xiaohu, Zhuang Qingzai wants to see you.”

“Zhuang Qingzai? Lu Ye’s younger brother? Why would he want to see me?” After confirming that Zhuang Qingzai was not the cat demon, she lost all interest in him.

“They said they wanted to buy a batch of anti-infective drugs.”

“Oh. Shouldn’t you be looking for Wen Liansheng?” With a second thought, he was an acquaintance after all, “Then let him in.”

Bai Xiaohu sat on the side porch of the furniture store. This porch has just been built, and there are two big trees in front of her for shade. It’s quite nice to just sit here and pass the time when she has nothing to do.

She had a high ponytail today, and the ponytail was separated into countless thin braids strung with colorful beads. Paired with the black cross-neck top with red edges, and a painted skirt with a black background underneath, the red and blue color blocks are full of exotic temperament. Along with the full braids, it adds a different vibe to her. It complements her white skin and makes her look even more beautiful.

She reclined on the chair, her innocence and charm blended, making it impossible for anyone to look away.

Shi Jian glanced at her quietly, she felt all charged up and full of energy just by taking one glance. She turned around and went out again. After a while, she came over with a young man, Zhuang Qingzai. He couldn’t help being stunned when he saw Bai Xiaohu, and then eagerly said: “I want to order a batch of that anti-infection package, can you expedite it for me, I can pay a high price.”

Bai Xiaohu said: “You want to bring it back to the Haicheng base, right? But no matter what model of blue water it is, it only has a one-week shelf life. Wouldn’t it expire soon after you ship it back?”

“It won’t take as long as a week on the road. This batch is mainly for sampling. If it works, we will probably utilize sky transportation in the future.” Zhuang Qingzai said, “On the face of my brother, can you please expedite it for me?”

Of course, Bai Xiaohu is willing to give Lu Ye some face, but the question is whether Lu Ye wants to provide this face, she said: “Then let me ask Lu Ye first.”

Zhuang Qingzai looked a little disappointed. If he asked his brother, it is very likely that this matter will not be done, right? Although Lu Ye treated him better because of the testimonies that day, the difference was only that he was treated as a stranger when he met him, but he would nod to him as a greeting.

And he knew better that his brother didn’t have a good impression of the Zhuang Family, yet he was here to buy anti-infective drugs on behalf of the Zhuang Family.

He looked at Bai Xiaohu’s attire today. The sunlight cast some light and shadow on her flawless face through the gaps in the leaves, making her look a little careless and arrogant. His heart was pounding, and he twitched a bit: ” If you are willing to agree to do this business, I can, I can stay here for a while.”

Bai Xiaohu: “…huh?”

Shi Jian suddenly raised her head. What does this kid mean?

Pan Gu also stared at him closely. This guy won’t poach their boss’s corner, will he?

A blush appeared on Zhuang Qingzai’s white and tender face, and he stammered, “You, don’t you have a crush on me? I can give it a try…”

Bai Xiaohu looked confused, Shi Jian interrupted Zhuang Qingzai and asked her, “Do you have a crush on him?”

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  1. 🐥 says:

    BAHAHHAAH wow I got second hand embarrassment 🙈🙈

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