Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

On the second floor, Lu Ye was turning a bright red fruit in his hand. There was a small basket full of this fruit sitting on the table that was sent over by Bai Xiaohu for them to enjoy. It was just like sending a basket of ordinary fruits casually, quite generous.

Lu Ye looked at the excited people below. There are probably many who are thinking about whether they can still change jobs now.

He shook his head, but he wasn’t annoyed at all. If someone could take over all these people smoothly, he would feel nothing but happy.

Wan Zuochao looked down and sighed: “It makes me want to quit too.”

Lu Ye said: “Go if you want, you will be very welcome there.”

Wan Zuochao shook his head: “Forget it, everything is already settled over there. There won’t be much for me to do even if I go, but you, you will be very welcome there.”

The most popular talents next door are those with lightning abilities. They can plant trees, make medicines, and also serve as guards.

As night fell, Bai Xiaohu no longer slept on Zhongyang Team’s property. She rented three floors there, yet it was impossible to arrange a room for everyone. So, she now lived in her own cubicle at the furniture store.

At night, she heard the murmurs of the treated infected in the building, the footsteps of the guards patrolling outside, and the short and silent fighting sounds further away.

She got up from the bed and poked the little chicken demon squatting on the bedside sleeping in a ball: “Did you hear that?”

The little chicken demon opened its eyes and chirped. It has been eating a lot of demonic energy balls every day, and its body has become plump. During the night, it will be immersed in digesting that energy and its senses are relatively dull.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t count on it either and went out by herself. Shi Jian, who was sleeping next door, woke up immediately, and came out on her heels: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, we are just going out and having a look.” After walking out of the gate and onto the road, she could smell the faint burning smell of thunder and lightning. Walking forward for a while, she saw a tall black figure in a windbreaker standing, and several people were moving a person on the ground who had been struck by lightning.

Lu Ye turned around. Bai Xiaohu leaned over and looked at the persons lying on the ground: “Who are they?”

“People that get sent here to spy or here to steal something.” Lu Ye said. People from the Zhongyang Team tied them up, stuffed them into the car on the side, and drove away quietly. Yu Jin, the man who had an intimidating and unapproachable appearance, was also here. He greeted Bai Xiaohu nicely before leaving, asking if he could pre-order more of the red fruit.

Bai Xiaohu smiled and said, “No need to order, I can gift you more as snacks.”

“That won’t work. How can I be so shameless to eat free food?” Yu Jin took a look at Shi Jian, smiled, got in the car, and left.

Bai Xiaohu looked at Lu Ye. There was no moonlight today, and there were no street lights in this section. His face was somewhat unclear, but the outline of his face was deep and clear, and he still had a strong sense of presence.

She asked, “Are you patrolling around here every night? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Lu Ye said: “We were supposed to patrol this area at night regardless.”

“That’s different. These people are obviously here after me. You’ve worked hard. I’ll treat you to supper.” Favorability in relationships is meant to be cultivated.

Before he refused, she said again: “Even if you don’t want it, Yu Jin and the others should have some regardless.”

Lu Ye thought of the red fruit everyone was scrambling for, fell silent for a while, and nodded.

Bai Xiaohu is satisfied, but what supper can she come up with?

Now she can take out living things from her spatial treasure, but they can’t be too big. She thought of the small fish in the lake, ran back to the small kitchen at the furniture store, and put quite a number in the water tank.

The small fish, which is half a palm long and one finger wide, is as white as jade, translucent, and even glistens when swimming in the water. It looks extraordinary right off the bat.

This kind of small silverbait grows in the water of the lake. The lake water is just ordinary lake water but is located downstream of the spiritual water spring. There is a continuous infusion of spiritual spring water, so it can barely be considered a spiritual Lake, which makes this little silverbait special.

It’s just that the fox doesn’t like fish, but the little chicken demon likes it quite a bit.

As for the cat demon… he probably likes to eat fish, right?

She was about to find someone to cook the fish, but Lu Ye paused when he saw the fish, then rolled up his sleeves and said, “Don’t bother others, I’ll do it.”

Bai Xiaohu said unexpectedly: “You know how?”

Lu Ye said, “Yes, I do.”

Shi Jian looked at the fish that was clearly unordinary, and silently began cleaning it up for cooking.

Apparently, Bai Xiaohu’s spatial treasure can contain living creatures. This is impossible for any space-type esper, yet she just exposed the secret so carelessly.

Shi Jian felt that no matter how the people around her tried to cover up, they couldn’t cover up her strangeness at all.

Lu Ye boiled a large pot of fish soup. The fish’s internal organs didn’t need to be dealt with at all and it didn’t need much seasoning. So, it was fried in oil, boiled in water, added some salt, and then an incomparably wonderful fish soup was made. The fragrance was mixed with energy fluctuations, causing those who stood guard and patrolled outside to swallow their saliva, craving.

As the old saying mentions, those who heard the news should have a share, eating it all alone is not an option. Lu Ye asked someone to go to the canteen of the Zhongyang Team and bring back a big bag of dried noodles and put them in the fish soup. One chopstick of noodles, a small fish, along a spoonful of soup for each person. In the end, the guards of the furniture store get to enjoy it first.

After a while, Yu Jin and the others turned around and began eating loudly too. Each of them craved more and felt that their supernatural powers had increased a little.

The way they looked at Bai Xiaohu became even more amazed.

Bai Xiaohu cared little about them and focused on Lu Ye. She asked expectantly, “Is it delicious?”

Lu Ye: “It’s delicious.”

There is a faint glint in his eyes. He has no preference for fish. He eats anything, but he doesn’t have a favor towards anything. However, this bowl of fish noodle soup changed his view of fish. After eating one, he wants to eat another fish, eat another bowl, and never stop.

This is the first time he has this feeling of greed, but looking at the pot, there is no soup left.

At this moment, he even wanted to ask Bai Xiaohu if there were more of such fish.

But he endured it in the end, with a calm face on the surface.

Bai Xiaohu sensed that he liked to eat this little silverbait, and was very pleased by it, feeling that her strategy had worked.

She said: “Then you come back tomorrow night and make this for supper again.”

Lu Ye was silent for a while. After all, he couldn’t resist the desire in his heart, and his throat rolled: “Okay.”

Bai Xiaohu happily went to bed and was still searching in the spatial treasure, wondering if she should change to a different kind of fish tomorrow.

Then she had a dream, dreaming that Lu Ye turned into a big white cat, and let her pet and stroke him however she wanted. Then he turned into nine tails cat and said to her solemnly: “The tails are all yours, I shall give it all to you. Here you go! All I need is dried fish treats.”

Bai Xiaohu was having so much fun in the dream, but before the dream finished, she suddenly felt something fluffy rubbing against her hand. She opened her eyes and was startled. In the dark, there was a huge white ball of fur. Squatting on her bed, rubbing the back of her hand, the gentle and soft touch came to her.

As soon as she moved, the furball raised its head, revealing a chubby cat face, and gave her a “meow” coquettishly and flatteringly.


Original Author’s Note:

Haha, guess what kind of cat this is

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