Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

The door of the conference room opened, and people came out together in a crowd, all had very painful expressions on their faces.

Wen Liansheng came out after everyone had left. Bai Xiaohu stood up and asked, “Is everything settled?”

Wen Liansheng nodded: “We negotiated down to a lot of good things. The base has approved a piece of land, Yu Liangjun will provide building materials, and we can start building the factory. In the first stage, we will make the potions and sell them ourselves. In the next stage, we can consider selling the saplings.”

Bai Xiaohu: “You and Qi Qingdan can go ahead and do it however you think will work.”

Wen Liansheng knew that she didn’t care about these nosy things, so he stopped the conversation and went back to the furniture store to find the head of internal affairs and the head of human resources.

It is easy to find construction workers. There are so many idle people and homeless people in the base, so in just three days, a decent factory was built.

The site of the factory is located across the river from Yang’an Road. There is a bridge over the river. It is very convenient to go from the factory to the furniture store.

On the day the project was completed, Wen Liansheng asked Bai Xiaohu to think of a name. The Zhongyang Team took the lead for her, and most of the large and small organizations and groups in the Jiangcheng Base were named after the format XX team. Bai Xiaohu thought about it and since her first team was named Baishou Team, the factory naturally should be called Baishou Pharmaceutical Factory.

Two signs were hung on the gates of the furniture store and the new pharmaceutical factory, and then everything went on the right track. The guard group of more than 300 people recruited previously was divided into two groups; one group guarded the furniture store side and the other group guarded the pharmaceutical factory side. The other 200-ish production personnel were employed under the pharmaceutical factory.

The production of the pharmaceutical factory is divided into several workshops.

The first workshop is responsible for the blue water production. The people who work here are all electric-type espers. There are less than fifty people in total, and they are all part-time. As one of the strongest types of supernatural ability, it is understandable that they are not willing to nest in a small workshop every day doing handwork.

The second workshop is responsible for red water production. The work here can be done by ordinary people, but the smell of the red flower petals, which is said to be scarier than the devil pepper, is so irritating that most people can’t stand it, so the people who work here are still espers. There are nearly a hundred people who work here.

The third workshop is responsible for making finger cots. The raw materials for this also come from Bai Xiaohu’s spatial treasure. It is made by grinding a kind of cinnabar, that is invulnerable to evil spirits, into powder and covering it on a rubber finger cot. Most of the people in this workshop are ordinary people.

The fourth workshop is responsible for the production of containers. Both the blue water and the red water must be stored in special containers. The former requires non-conduction and as much isolation as possible from energy dissipation, while the latter requires a transparent but durable, so that demonic air mass wouldn’t crack it as they struggled. Finding a material that would work is also a headache, so Bai Xiaohu replaced the ordinary sand on earth with a special kind of sand from her spatial treasure and used it to make glass tubes.

This workshop has the largest number of people, with more than 300 people.

In addition, there are also people responsible for packaging and other stuff. The production personnel add up to six to seven hundred people. This scale can be said to be quite large. There can be tens of thousands of sets of packages produced every day, but it can’t keep up with the demand at all.

But there is no way around it. Most of the materials, including the spiritual spring water needed to mix the potion, are taken from Bai Xiaohu’s spatial treasure, and Bai Xiaohu can only take out so much in a day.

There is a group of people who solely focus on planting Leigong Tree and those unnamed flowers every day. BTW, those flowers are now called pepper flowers.

The growth of the Leigong Tree requires lightning to nourish it. As for the pepper flowers, after several experiments, people found that they need to be roasted with flames from time to time, and then irradiated with strong light for a long time, otherwise, they will not grow well at all.

After getting on the right track here, the people from the Zhongyang Team who came to help can gradually withdraw. Bai Xiaohu moves the box, which was originally sealed by lightning, then is covered by soil after she asks an earth-type esper for help, out of her small room.

After knocking open the soil layer and opening the box, rich energy fluctuations were eliminated from it, attracting people to look in this direction one after another.

Bai Xiaohu said to Pan Gu: “Let’s distribute it according to the list of people who came to help us during this period, and send one for every two days they have worked as a reward.”

For more than ten days, there were hundreds of people working here every day. She figured that the quantity was not enough, so she turned around and pulled out another box of red fruits after a while: “This should be enough.”

Pan Gu’s eyes are straightened. You don’t need to eat it to know it’s a good thing! He felt sorry for Bai Xiaohu who had to give away so much of this good stuff, but thinking that Bai Xiaohu has a lot of good things, and those who can get this fruit are all members of the Zhongyang Team, all of them are like his family, so there is no need to reject Bai Xiaohu’s offer. He ran to call for Qi Qingdan because he had the list.

After he left, Shi Jian asked Bai Xiaohu: “Do we have to give this much out to people of our own too?” This seems too much.

“That’s not the case, there are basic points they can earn every month, they also receive two sets of anti-infection packages a month, and this fruit is considered an extra benefit, five a month.”

This was discussed and finalized with Wen Liansheng and Qi Qingdan.

Shi Jian thought to herself, this should be well enough. Many benefits and facilities of the Baishou Team are not as good as those of the Zhongyang Team. The accommodation conditions are still very tight nowadays, but this place is making money every day that is visible to the naked eye, so its development is just around the corner. The benefit of two sets of anti-infection packages every month itself is enough to make people jealous, not to mention that there are five such fruits a month as benefits.

Some people in the Zhongyang Team said that she was stupid to quit the Zhongyang Team to come here, but after today, they might become deathly envious.

Shi Jian was right, this evening, many people in the Zhongyang Team were given red fruits, some had many, five or six for one person, some had only one or two, and some shared one between two people.

The fruit is round and bright red. It is not big, only the size of an ordinary plum, but the refreshing aura and energy it exudes can be felt and coveted even by non-espers.

Qi Qingdan, who came over to distribute the fruit, introduced the eating method with a smile: “People with supernatural powers can eat it directly. One a day is best. If you eat too much, you may be overwhelmed. Please eat accordingly for non-espers. The energy in this fruit is rich and may make you feel overwhelmed and have indigestion. If you have serious discomfort after eating it, please go to the next door immediately. If you are only slightly uncomfortable, please be patient for a while. The benefits of eating this fruit vary from person to person, and you can explore it yourself.”

After these words, the fruit became even more mysterious. Qi Qingdan finished speaking and led people to the next door, with a reserved smile on his face. It was satisfying to see the surprised expressions of those in the Zhongyang Team!

Once upon a time, when he stood in front of these people, he felt that he and they were completely of two classes, but now, he could stand here and accept the envious eyes of these people.

Doing things for Captain Bai is indeed the most correct choice he has ever made, thanks to Zhang Meng, that shameless guy, otherwise he really couldn’t do the thing of putting up a sign and recommending himself on the street. Then, he would have no chance of this kind of experience like today.

After Qi Qingdan left, the eyes of the Zhongyang Team members fell on those fruits, and the person who never worked next door for a single day said sourly: “It’s just some ordinary mutated fruit with some energy, careful not to get a stomach ache from it .”

After only a few such sour words, an impatient and daring esper took a big bite of the fruit.

There was a crisp sound of clicking, and the esper sighed: “Damn, this is too delicious!” Even if it has no energy or other benefits, it’s worth it to just eat and enjoy such a delicious fruit!

Not to mention the amount of energy that overflows and almost escapes from the mouth!

This boorish guy who eats like a war is now eating this cute little fruit in small bites, feeling and sensing something every bite he eats. He closed his eyes after eating, sitting on the ground, motionless, and other people watched him strangely and worriedly. Not sure what’s wrong with him, did the fruit make him stupid?

Suddenly he jumped up, with a look of disbelief on his face, his eyes widened: “I, my ability has become stronger!”

As he said that, he released a huge fireball. Those who were familiar with him were also shocked when they saw the size and heat of the fireball: “You can release such a big fireball now, it’s a full circle bigger!”

With this example, other espers also ate the fruit in their hands one after another, some people were still waiting and observing, and then these espers who ate the fruit all said that their power had become stronger, but the extent of the increase varied; some big and some small

Now there was a real uproar.

Even if scrambling is not allowed in the team, those who have the fruit in their hands will want to hide the fruit.

They heard that the people who work next door would get five of these fruits every month, and those who didn’t apply got envious.

Some people look at Ying Miao. In the past few days, Ying Miao had spread a lot of ‘information’ to the team. Some people who wanted to change jobs to the next door decided not to do so because of her words. Including some people who went to help the next door in the first few days, were also influenced by her and came back after only staying for a day or two. Even those who were eligible to go when the upper management asked for their wishes chose to reject the transfer on the spot because of her.

Now, when they see the fruits in other’s hand, but their hand is empty, how can they feel balanced?

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