Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

After the news that Bai Xiaohu is currently looking to hire her own set of people spread, the attitude inside the Zhongyang Team was quite complicated.

Some people think, alas, our Zhongyang Team does not recruit newcomers easily, for such an important matter involving the anti-infective drug, how can we let people from elsewhere that we don’t know any background get involved?

Some people think it is good news that someone else will take over their current job. They can’t stay here to be the guard, transport the infected, watch and take care of the infected, and answer the phone for the furniture store every day, right? They all have their own things to do. Although the furniture store is very important, after the production of the anti-infective drug matures and is put into use in large quantities, can’t their Zhongyang Team just simply purchase it to use?

It can be said that many people have the same thinking as Ying Miao and the others around her. It is no problem to let them help the furniture store for a day or two, but it will definitely not work after a long time. The Zhongyang Team is known for their strength, they must maintain the frequency and intensity of killing zombies, otherwise, their strength and survivability will definitely regress.

That’s why Lu Ye agreed with Bai Xiaohu’s recruitment.

It’s better to distinguish the two parties clearly.

Of course, the recruitment process must be strictly controlled.

At this moment, Bai Xiaohu was sitting in the interview room with Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng. Both of them came to help Bai Xiaohu with the interview process.

The interviewee was a man who tried his best to shave his beard clean, but the stubble was still obvious, and he looked strong and rough.

His name is Zhang Meng, the captain of the LeTian Team. Those holding signs outside are all members of his team.

He couldn’t hide his excitement and said: “I will do whatever I am asked to do in the future, and I will absolutely obey Miss Bai’s orders to full extent!”

Before coming here, he thought they would work under the Zhongyang Team, but after they came in, they found that the one really in charge of the furniture store was Bai Xiaohu, a girl who was way too beautiful to look directly at. Furthermore, she is also the researcher and producer of the anti-infective drug. Zhang Meng did not have any intention to despise her, but his mindset turned quickly, and immediately abandoned the plan to please Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng, the two big bosses of the Zhongyang Team, and only showed his loyalty to Bai Xiaohu.

Who said that the muscle man has no scheming? Lu and Wen have a clear attitude in the past. No matter how good you are and how much you show your loyalty, if the Zhongyang Team is not recruiting newcomers, you can’t join, there is absolutely no chance. Therefore, it is best to go only after the one who is hiring and show his attitude. 

Lu Ye looked at the boorish resume he submitted: “The captain of the Letian Team, I have heard of this team. Very disciplined, the team culture is good, and have more than two hundred members of espers. Then are you here to interview as the captain or just represent yourself as an individual?”

Zhang Meng immediately straightened his back even more, and said righteously: “As an individual! If Miss Bai is willing to give me a chance, I will immediately resign from the position of captain, put aside everything, and focus on serving Miss Bai. “

He is not stupid. No way he came to look for a job while dragging his entire team on his back. They all agreed that whoever got favored to stay would withdraw from the team, but they must try their best to seek anti-infective drugs for the team.

Although they are flying solo, and disbanded, they are still a family. It’s just their work location and content that changed!

Lu Ye didn’t show anything reaction and looked at Bai Xiaohu: “Is there anything else you want to ask?”

Bai Xiaohu shook her head: “Next.”

Zhang Meng felt uneasy. He didn’t know if he had passed the test, but he bowed before going out.

While waiting for the next person, Wen Liansheng asked Bai Xiaohu, “How do you feel?”

Bai Xiaohu said: “It’s pretty good, he’s very sincere, and his words are all true.”

She inherited the blood of the Charm Fox. While being able to charm others, she can also tell whether others are genuine or faking. It’s just that she doesn’t like to use this ability because her brain will get tired.

But these people will stay by her side to work and do various things for her in the future, so naturally they have to be strictly discerning.

She rubbed her eyes, supported her face, and said, “This one is fine, let him pass the first stage.”

Wen Liansheng nodded and put a checkmark next to Zhang Meng’s name. A fourth-level earth-type esper, his ability is not bad.

The next one is a man wearing thick glasses, who looks less than 30 years old. He has an ordinary appearance with no special features. He is the vice-captain of the Letian Team, and his name is Qi Qingdan.

After introducing himself, he talked about his skills. He is a space-type esper, and he is good at managing tasks and backend support. He speaks in a very orderly manner. He is obviously a smart, detail-oriented housekeeper talent who can read the atmosphere and be flexible.

After he left, Wen Liansheng said with a smile: “The Letian Team’s captain and vice-captain are both quite interesting. If Xiaohu has no taboos, both of them can stay. One can be responsible for security defense, and the other is a housekeeper talent who can handle trivial matters.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “Okay.” She was quite satisfied with his calmness. This person looked timid and well-behaved, but in fact, he was quite clever, and Bai Xiaohu liked clever people.

The first round of interviews lasted for two days, and countless people came to apply for the job. It seemed that the whole base was excited, but Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng were able to accurately identify those who had backgrounds, who got sent over with a mission and eliminated them accordingly.

After the first round of interviews, there will be a second round and a third round. In the end, those who remain are those with guaranteed ability and loyalty. There are not many, close to just a thousand people got to stay, which can be said that they were chosen as one in a hundred.

These days, Bai Xiaohu has become more proficient at mixing potions, and finally officially launched various anti-infection package sets such as Blue Water No. 1 to No. 5, Red Water, and Finger Cots for catching the virus cluster.

“No. 1 to No. 5, the concentration ranges from low to high. No. 1 is for short infection time, and the infected wound is only the slightest degree of scratching the skin. No. 5 is for long infection time, and the wound depth is within five centimeters of the visceral organs and major blood vessels. The effects of drugs No. 2/3/4 are between the two. Here is the specific instruction.”

“The finger cots are made of special materials, after putting it on the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, even ordinary people can grab virus clusters.”

“Everyone knows the function of red water, so no need to explain.”

“The test tubes used to package the drug are made of special materials, and the cost is extremely high. Currently, only a small amount can be produced, so the price of a set is this amount. Do you have any objections?”

In the conference room of the Zhongyang Team, Wen Liansheng was having a meeting with people who came to order the anti-infection package deal. These people were all prominent figures, otherwise, they would not have been able to grab the first batch. However, after hearing the price Wen Liansheng offered, their faces still turned pale slightly.

“This is too expensive, we can’t afford it.” Someone said.

Wen Liansheng said: “Money is precious, but lives are even more precious. You can ask Captain Yu if life is worth it at this price.”

Everyone looked at Yu Liangjun. Yu Liangjun had been discharged from the furniture store a few days earlier. He was alive and well, and his strength had even improved a little. There is completely no sign that he was once infected and almost died.

Yu Liangjun looked at Wen Liansheng as he committed ‘daylight robbery’, yet still acted so rightfully. Buyers such as himself probably will have to compromise, so he felt a bit regretful. If he had known this earlier, he would have applied for the job. Bai Xiaohu is simply a golden mountain!

But thinking of working for Bai Xiaohu means one has to abandon their original status and position, if he had to be inferior to others, it is better to forget about it.

He nodded helplessly: “It’s worth it.”

Others discussed and hesitated.

Wen Liansheng didn’t rush and just waited with a smile. His eyes fell on his legs, and there was some sigh in his eyes.

In the past two days, he dedicated himself to applying the solution of the Leigong leaves, which is commonly known as blue water, externally and then soaked his legs in red water. The experience is indescribably painful…But the benefit of doing so can be seen with the naked eye. Plus, Bai Xiaohu gives him a red fruit to eat every day. With this three-pronged approach, all the stiffness and pain in the legs were eliminated, and the wounds were no longer black and rotten.

He felt unprecedentedly relaxed, energetic, and high-spirited. So yesterday, he formally proposed to Bai Xiaohu that he would work for her from now on.

He was in charge of internal affairs in the Zhongyang Team, but under Bai Xiaohu, he was in charge of sales and other external affairs.

Today is his first day in office, so he naturally has to negotiate a good price for this business. So he can earn the first pot of gold for his new boss who is so poor that she has to rent Zhongyang Team’s venue just for a meeting.

At this time, Bai Xiaohu, as the new boss, still feels a little unreal: “Wen Liansheng really come to work for me just like this?”

Pan Gu said: “It’s not just him, I am too. We have all withdrawn from the Zhongyang Team, so how can this be fake?”

At this time, they were in the leisure area. The left half of the first floor of Zhongyang Team’s office building was now rented by Bai Xiaohu in her name. Including conference halls, leisure areas, activity areas, training areas, etc. Even one of the floors of the cafeteria and three floors of the hotel building were contracted to Bai Xiaohu. The condition was that Bai Xiaohu would sell 10,000 sets of the anti-infection packages to the Zhongyang Team at a 20% discount, and deliveries could be made in three batches.

Originally, Bai Xiaohu didn’t want to use this to make money and was planning to give it away for nothing, so she was stunned. It seemed that before she knew it, Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng had discussed it thoroughly. In particular, Wen Liansheng resigned from the Zhongyang Team’s vice-captain position without hesitation and quickly turned his position around to discuss cooperation with Lu Ye about business exchange in a professional manner, which not only blew up Bai Xiaohu but also the entire Zhongyang Team.

There were quite a few people around the leisure area, with complex expressions, even a little angry, looking at Bai Xiaohu as if they were looking at a villain who poached their corners.

“Brother Wen actually went to her place.”

“It’s fake, right? Team Lu would let him go?”

“The announcements were posted in the morning already, okay? Team Lu has also officially announced that from now on, Vice-captain Wen will no longer be our vice-captain. Even Pan Gu resigned from the position as the combat team leader, and went on to become the captain of her guard.”

“In addition, Chen Dao and a few other girls all transferred. I don’t know what to think. Our team is so good, but they…”

“I thought she came to join us but didn’t expect that she’s here to poach our corners.”

Whispering was blocked outside the door, because a few big men were standing at the entrance of the leisure area, tall and mighty, and they were members of Bai Xiaohu’s personal guards. Even though they just got formally formed yesterday, they were extremely dedicated to their duties. Yes, they seem to have been specially trained.

Oh, it is indeed special training. A guard team of roughly 30 people, is now being trained by Lu Ye in batches, and their captain Lu is even doing it for free.

Not only that, more than half of the guards at the furniture store have also changed. The newcomers are the ones who got recruited through interviews, and 80% of them are espers. They have formed a large guard team, a total of 300 people, and are being trained in batches too. The trainers seem to be Yu Jin, Lin Tao, and the others taking turns.

Ying Miao’s heart was very restless, she never thought that things would develop like this. She thought that no matter how capable Bai Xiaohu was, she would just become a member of the Zhongyang Team, but she didn’t expect that she would straight-up build her force like it was no joke. Not only that, Lu Ye and the others even go out of their way to support and help her.

After all this, the anti-infectives have nothing to do with the Zhongyang Team at all. At best, they just have a close, friendly relationship, and they still have to purchase the anti-infection drug themselves.

Thinking that she had secretly promised some people to provide them with anti-infection drugs in the future, Ying Miao frowned tightly. She thought that she could at least handle some drugs, and now she would not be able to touch a single one unless she embezzled the one the team bought with their own money.

“Excuse us.” A cold voice came from behind, Ying Miao turned around and saw Shi Jian dressed in a capable attire with an expressionless face, leading a few women with something in their hands.

Everyone looked at them with complicated eyes. If they consider the male captain of Bai Xiaohu’s close guard Pan Gu, then the female captain was Shi Jian. This person heard that the furniture store was recruiting, so she left without saying a word, leaving everything she earned at the Zhongyang Team behind. Chen Dao and a few women went with her, and now there are already a few familiar faces in the female guards.

When she looked at the things they were holding, Ying Miao’s pupils shrank. Those were the fabrics stored in the team’s warehouse, and they came in various colors and materials.

Ying Miao frowned and said, “Shi Jian, since you are no longer a member of our team, how can you take things from the team? Even in the past, you didn’t have the authority to take things from the warehouse without permission.”

Shi Jian glanced at her indifferently: “I didn’t just take it, it was approved by Deputy Wan. These are the materials used to purchase the first batch of anti-infection packages. These are the samples.”

Ying Miao’s expression changed. She has always been in charge of the warehouse because she is in charge of logistics. Why hasn’t she heard of this?

That’s right, after Wen Liansheng switched camps, Wan Zuochao took over his work, and the cooperation with Bai Xiaohu was finalized by Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng, Wan Zuochao did not need to go through her for the actual implementation.

Ying Miao bit her lower lip, feeling very aggrieved.

Shi Jian didn’t care what she thought and led her people into the room to show the things to Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu looked at a piece of fabric here and the roll of fabric there, and thought they were all good, so she nodded.

Actually, she didn’t want to make money from the Zhongyang Team, but Wen Liansheng said that even related brothers still have to be clear about their finances, and she has so many people under her command, how can she support them if she doesn’t make money? So she asked the Zhongyang Team what they had more than enough of, and they could just use that to buy the drugs.

It just so happened that the Zhongyang Team was still hoarding a batch of cloth, and Bai Xiaohu wanted to make a batch of neat and beautiful uniforms for her people.

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