Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu began to instruct people on capturing the demonic energy air mass. Some espers could see the demonic energy ball but couldn’t touch it. Some said they could feel something sticky but couldn’t grasp its entity. Even the more capable ones like Yu Jin and Lin Tao, can only barely grasp it, just like holding on to a cloud of mist or catching a ball of cotton. In short, they had to be very careful.

Generally speaking, it can still be done through training.

So this method of capturing the ‘virus clusters’ was sent out along with the dilute liquid made from the LeiGong leaves stored in glass test tubes.

To be precise, the base officials sent a group of majestic soldiers armed with live ammunition to escort the product.

At the same time, Bai Xiaohu followed Lu Ye and the others and left the Zhongyang Team, going to the production and planting area of the Zhongyang Team.

The area was originally a piece of farmland next to the river, and there was a small hill on the side, covering an area of about 2 hectares. In this large populated base, this area is not small.

It is mainly divided into two parts; a planting area and a breeding area.

There are many types of crops in the planting area. Such as staple foods like rice and wheat, coarse grains like corn and sweet potatoes, and many kinds of vegetables. At a glance, the ground is full of greenery.

The breeding area mainly raises chickens, ducks, and pigs. There is also a fish pond nearby where fishes are raised along with aquatic plants such as water chestnuts.

When the members of the Zhongyang Team are on vacation, if they have the opportunity, they might choose to work here. Compared to fighting outside, coming to work in the field is like a grand vacation.

However, due to the urgency of developing the anti-infective drugs in the past two days, many people in the Zhongyang Team have been mobilized to protect the furniture store and work behind the scenes without touching core secrets. Fewer people have the chance to come here for vacation.

When Bai Xiaohu arrived, the place was leisurely and calming. A few grass-type espers were taking care of the vegetables in the field, while water-type espers were drawing water from the irrigation pond and irrigating the crops like it was raining all over the sky.

The purpose of Bai Xiaohu’s visit today is to see if a LeiGong tree can be planted here.

There is no extra space near the furniture store, and there is not much space in the Zhongyang Team’s compound to grow them either. Only here can they plant the trees on a large scale.

After seeing the place, Bai Xiaohu said that the conditions here are completely acceptable.

She silently submerged her consciousness into her spatial treasure and visited the valley always full of thunder and lightning. She diligently dug up the saplings one by one and put them in the trunk of their car.

Except for Lu Ye and some others, no one knew that the tree came from her space, and others would only think that it was a mutated tree that they had discovered in the wild.

Then Lu Ye and the others started…to plant trees.

That’s right, the ones who are planting the tree were all electric-type espers. No one else could touch the tree. After planting the tree, the saplings are usually watered and fertilized, but the LeiGong tree doesn’t need any of that. A few strikes of thunderbolts are the best nourishment for them.

So the plantation of a certain team next door started to see flashes of lightning next door and thought to themselves, what is this for? Why are they shocking the field with lighting? Are they using nitrogen fertilizer?

The plantations were separated by just a wall or fence, so the secrecy was not very strong. It didn’t need to be very strong anyway, so soon, someone discovered that people from the Zhongyang Team were planting trees in their homeland using thunder and lightning.

Combined with their actions in the past two days, and the sensitive information revealed by insiders that the treatment process of treating the infected is like giving them an electric shock, people began to speculate that the strange tree might be related to the anti-infective drugs.

In the base’s laboratory.

A person wearing a white coat took off his glasses wearily and rubbed his brows: “Leaves? This can’t be a leaf. I didn’t even find half a cell in it. It doesn’t have a biological structure at all. I can’t analyze what kind of substance it is. I can only confirm that the substance is rich in energy and is very close to the energy of the electric-type esper abilities, but not completely similar.”

As he said that, his eyes became brighter: “But according to the statements and procedures of the Zhongyang Team, we have confirmed that the infection can indeed be treated.”

In an observation room, an infected was sleeping. He was injected with the anti-infective drug just now, and at the same time, there was a powerful esper beside him, who was accurately capturing the ‘virus cluster’ that “escaped” from his wound, throwing it into the “chili water” that came with the drug set.

The white coat sighed: “This blue water and red water are really fascinating.”

After watching the whole process and listening to the analysis, the high-level executives of the base looked at each other, and the middle-aged man with the most majestic and powerful aura said: “Continue negotiating with Lu Ye, we can agree to not interrogate who made this potion, but he has to guarantee a consistent supply of the product.”

In the short conversation they exchanged in the morning, he sensed Lu Ye’s indifferent attitude, and he also fully understood that Lu Ye would not hand over the production team.

If this was someone else, he could use his power to overwhelm them, but the other party is Lu Ye. Lu Ye will not shrink back and be afraid of his power. The middle-aged man does not want to make things too ugly with him. If he can get enough medicine, he is willing to take a step back.

The white coat had an interest in the production and said expectantly: “Let me go talk to him. This potion probably is still in the development stage, and there are still many problems, maybe I can help.”

At this time, someone happened to come to report that the Zhongyang Team was planting a strange tree, so the white coat set off immediately.


On the hill, they planted more than a hundred small saplings. After showering thunderbolts unremittingly at them, the tiny saplings grew taller and thicker, with more and more leaves. When they got bigger, lightning arcs flowed between the leaves, making them look like crystal clear light blue jade, extremely beautiful, but also full of danger.

Bai Xiaohu narrowed her eyes in satisfaction. Even if she is not present, she could still receive merit points from people who were helped. The restrictions on entering and exiting her spatial treasure were gradually fading away. This discovery makes her whole fox body feel very good, and it even makes the gray sky look much brighter.

She seems to have seen the future of LeiGong Trees grow into a sea of trees. The people here plant trees, pick the leaves, smash the leaves, make the potions, and then ship them out one after another. Countless infected people use this life-saving potion every day, and then she, the fox, can just sit at home, and receive merit points from the sky doing nothing.

It would be so wonderful, wouldn’t it?

“Xiaohu? Some seriously infected people have been sent here.”

“… Oh.” Well, there is no real leisure and freedom just yet.

Bai Xiaohu resigned herself to sit in the car with no roof which is less prone to give her motion sickness, and Lu Ye followed on. His eyes were still on the light blue grove over the hill, with a gaze full of complicated emotions.

If the infection is no longer lethal, the number of humans will not continue to decrease, and the number of zombies will not continue to increase. If the former’s population increases as the other disappears, will the doomed world destruction he predicted come?

If not, can he also start to expect more?

He looked at Bai Xiaohu sitting next to him. She is hugging the little black chicken like a round pillow, and because the little girl didn’t rest last night, she couldn’t change her clothes, and her hair was a little messed up. However, it still didn’t damage her beauty at all. It is just that she looks a little sleepy between her brows, and after a busy day and night yesterday, there is another day of busy work today, and the little girl is a little tired out.

Lu Ye: “Close your eyes and rest for a while.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded.

Unfortunately, the planting area is not very far from the Zhongyang Team, and it only takes a few minutes.

This Yang’an Road has been very crowded these two days. Those who are waiting for the newest news are watching closely, those who came just for the excitement are gossiping, the family members of the infected are anxiously waiting, and there are also people from the quarantine department of the base who cannot be driven away. All vehicles have to detour around the area.

As soon as Lu Ye’s car came into vision, these people all looked over, but no one dared to go forward. Bai Xiaohu looked out the window and suddenly showed a very curious expression, because she saw a lot of people holding up signs with large characters, and she used her limited literacy to discern carefully.

Can bear hardships and stand hard work.

Is down-to-earth and will work hard.

Loyal to protect the Lord.

Has good character and morals.

We have lots of esper members.

Sincerely looking for a job, not asking for remuneration, only to contribute a meager amount of strength to the boss’s effort to save the world.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the crooked big characters, then at the ones who were holding signs, wearing untidy clothing, and looked quite down-and-out, yet full of energy and fighting spirit. She also looked at the people around them who were judging if they were stupid. She asked Lu Ye: “What are they doing?”

Lu Ye took a glance: “They came to look for a job, to be precise, came to apply for a job from you, hoping to be your errand-runner.”

The car didn’t encounter any obstacles and drove into the door of the furniture store and disappeared in front of people, making it impossible to know who was inside.

Bai Xiaohu asked: “Is it like how Pan Gu and the others call you the boss?”

She really wanted to join the fun of having people call her boss. Bai Xiaohu got out of the car, pulled out the demonic energy of the seriously infected person, and then started imagining the future. She felt that it would be quite cool for a group of people to call her boss and do things for her. From what she had seen, Lu Ye’s people listened to him especially well.

Moreover, she will be able to pay her people the remuneration- the red spirit fruit. It doesn’t seem very good for her to keep Lu Ye’s people busy all the time.

The second brother said that if necessary, it is best to have people who are only loyal to you.

What is considered one’s own people? People who eat your thing, and need to rely on you.

People in the Zhongyang Team don’t need to eat her food, so she feels quite embarrassed.

The most important thing is that she covets Lu Ye’s tailbone, but no one will help her. Lu Ye’s people will definitely not help her with this matter. If they find out, they will think that she is a pervert.

She said to Lu Ye: “Then I should recruit some people.”

Lu Ye glanced at her and thought of something: “Okay.”

Squatting outside holding signs stupidly, the members of that certain team silently conveyed their wishes, continuing to persist stubbornly, not caring about the mocking eyes around them. The rough-looking captain encouraged his guys: “Whether it is useful or not, we have to be persistent. If we don’t do this, people won’t even know that we even exist. Maybe they will be moved by our persistent spirit, and when they need someone, they might give priority to us?”

All the team members nodded one after another. The one with glasses as thick as the bottom of a glass bottle sighed and squatted on the curb, holding a sign in his hand that wrote, we could go up a mountain of knives and down a sea of fire. He was ashamed at first, but now he is numb.

Someone laughed at the side: “Even if they are short of people, they are looking for elites and strong people. If not, the Shengtian Team is ready to be on call. Where did you all come from? Give up! If you have time, go kill a few zombies.”

These people’s faces are thicker than the city wall, so they pretended not to hear.

Ying Miao came out from the Zhongyang Team, saw the scene here, and looked at the advertising slogan on the sign, “Sworn to the death that we will be loyal to our boss”, her eyes narrowed, and her heart felt sour.

Before that woman officially showed her face, there were already so many people begging to follow her lead. On the other hand, she had worked so hard in the team, but very few people truly respected her.

She said to the people around her: “Miss Bai is really popular.”

Those who can get along with her are all similar people, and they are more jealous of Bai Xiaohu than being envious. A woman said disdainfully in a low voice: “Yet she is still a bare-handed commander. Taking advantage of summoning the people of our team. In the past two days, thousands of people in our team had to follow her around. Is this our team or hers?” 

Another woman also said: “That’s right, if she is actually that capable, she should go recruit her people. What’s the matter with pulling away the upper-level members of our team all day? Isn’t it all for our team’s reputation and recognition?”

Ying Miao touched the corner of her mouth and said quickly, “Don’t say that, she can cure the infected, so we should build a good relationship with her.”

“That’s not how it works. When the drug becomes available to the public in the future, with our team’s reputation and power, do you think our team can’t just purchase it? Even if we talk about a large order, with the strength of our Zhongyang Team, will she dare not sell it to us? There is no need to be so flattering, the worst part is that we have no remuneration working for her. We all work for nothing.”

“Yes, why not kill zombies to improve our strength, and take the precious time to rest instead. We are being tossed around by her day and night. I should really have a talk about this with my partner.”

There was also a bit of resentment in their complaints. Why are some people able to go next door and others can’t? Is their loyalty being doubted or their character? Since she doesn’t like the members of their team, don’t use any of them!

The corner of Ying Miao’s mouth curled up secretly again.

Not everyone is Bai Xiaohu’s simp. As soon as she came, she made the whole team follow her around, causing the team’s business operations to be messed up, and many of the team members were dissatisfied.

At this moment, she saw Pan Gu, who is easily spottable with green hair, coming out of the furniture store. Ying Miao put on a new expression and was just about to stop him when he walked straight up to the group holding signs, and after looking the people over, he asked “Are you here looking for a job? Come in with me.”

People holding signs, people watching and laughing, Ying Miao and the others: Did they hear him correctly?

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