Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Aside from Bai Xiaohu and Lu Ye, a few more very credible electric-type espers also tried touching the LeiGong leaves and did not get shocked. As a result, those who were the main force in fighting zombies outside, the cool and powerful individuals with lightning abilities somehow became the first batch of pharmaceutical employees in a daze.

They shadowed Bai Xiaohu learning how to crush the leaves and mixed them with spiritual spring water.

One has to be very careful in this process because if not careful enough, the LeiGong leaf will turn into thunder and evaporate instead of turning into a lump of soft glue. In the eyes of these normal humans, this leaf is truly strange and weird. It is difficult to explain it with common sense.

However, considering that many mutated animals and plants have gradually appeared one after another these days, these electric espers have come to acceptance.

Only Lu Ye knows that this leaf can only be found in the “space” that Bai Xiaohu has.

He silently senses the pure electric energy that this leaf is full of, including the potion made by simply mixing in water in an unskillful manner. He was more sure than Bai Xiaohu that this thing could not be preserved for a long time. The longer it is stored, the less effective it will be. 

He looked at Bai Xiaohu, who left the pharmaceutical business to them, and walked around to inspect the infected who took the medicine. His eyes were a little complicated with questioning, but then quickly returned to normal. When she came over, he told her his discovery.

“This will not only cause a waste of raw materials but also make it impossible to popularize it on a large scale. What do you think?”

Bai Xiaohu was still in a bad mood. She looked at the windbreaker on him, thinking that he had covered himself so tightly yet still dared to talk to her again.

But she was also thinking about enhancing their friendship, plus she was also thinking about this issue, so she said sullenly: “First, we need to find a vessel that can isolate energy. It is not good to use a glass tube.” The mixture releases electric shock out of the tube if one is not careful.

“Second, we should make it as we need it.”

“Third, I don’t believe long-distance, large-scale transportation is possible. We have to look into planting these trees everywhere.”

She was sure that even if she used this LeiGong leaf to save people, she would still get the merit points, so since she was in charge, she would try her best to make everyone not die from being infected.

Lu Ye understood the first two sentences, but the third sentence.

“Plant trees?”

Seeing that he was puzzled, Bai Xiaohu showed a bit of complacency: “Come with me.”

Lu Ye hesitated for a moment.

Bai Xiaohu was about to die of anger, could she forcefully take off his windbreaker and touch him?

She thought about it carefully, and she really couldn’t be in a rush regarding this matter. If he is really that cat demon, he needs to fully cooperate in awakening the bloodline. If he fails to awaken, she can’t get the tail. Oh, she might not even be able to see a single fur of the tail. So she is now adopting the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water.

She said with a straight face: “Don’t worry, I won’t force you until you agree…”

Before she could finish, Lu Ye interrupted her: “Okay, let’s go.” If she continued, he was worried that she would say some ambiguous keywords.

An adult man like him is not afraid of rumors, but she is a little girl, saying in public that she wanted to touch a man’s butt, would be really problematic.

He dragged Bai Xiaohu away.

After the two left the room, everyone else showed their faces eager to gossip. The few electric espers were way too busy, but the idlers who were watching immediately took out their phones and started chatting in their small group chat.

Pan An is not as handsome as me: Xiaohu said that she would not force the boss to do anything until the boss agrees, what the hell is going on!

Goldfish: Doesn’t it feel like they have said the wrong lines in the script?

Trees make up the forest: Speaking of which, it’s a bit…

Baozi doesn’t eat meat: Sis Bai is so cool, I feel like the boss can’t stand her.

Forty-meter-long sword: Xiao-Bai is so capable, but you all only care about the gossip, Xiao-Bai is ours, okay?

Huh, it seems that something strange got mixed in here?

Bai Xiaohu was brought out by Lu Ye, who immediately let her go and took a step back: “There are certain things that should not be said carelessly in front of others.”

Bai Xiaohu widened her eyes round: “What things are you talking about?”

Lu Ye didn’t answer.

Bai Xiaohu understood, and muttered, “You won’t allow me to touch, won’t allow me to look, and now you won’t even be allowed to talk about it. Why are you so stingy!”

Lu Ye almost choked. What do you mean by I’m being stingy? You are the weird one, okay?

He actually wanted to ask why she is obsessed with people’s butts, but really can’t ask it out loud, and Bai Xiaohu seems to be only interested in him and Zhuang Qingzai so far.

Lu Ye thought with a dark face, maybe he was implicated by Zhuang Qingzai, and he should avoid getting in touch with that kid.

He changed the subject: “You mentioned planting trees?”

Bai Xiaohu looked around and came to a small open space behind the furniture store. She fetched a small sapling of the LeiGong tree from her spatial treasure.

The opening of the spatial treasure is continuously expanding, and now she can even take out a small sapling like this.

The trunk of this LeiGong sapling was purple, and there were several leaves of various sizes growing on it, all of which were light blue and translucent, with a lightning current swimming inside. The leaves looked like a masterpiece of art. Lu Ye immediately felt the faint electric energy coming from it.

He looked at this plant that definitely wouldn’t exist on earth, and asked with a solemn expression: “Can this survive here?”

Bai Xiaohu said: “I don’t know, but it’s not picky about its living conditions. It doesn’t care about soil quality and precipitation, as long as it’s struck by lightning.”

The valley where they are located had absolutely nothing, but because of its special terrain, it is easy to gather lightning, and thunder strikes the valley every two days. The LeiGong trees grow very well there.

Lu Ye understood the meaning of this sentence and then tried to shoot a thin thunderbolt at the sapling planted in the soil that was only about knee-high. 

The blue-purple lightning struck the sapling and got completely absorbed instantly. Then the sapling lit up visibly with the naked eye, and then, it seemed to grow a tiny bit taller? And the leaves also got a bit bigger?

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes lit up. This was exactly as she had guessed. She patted Lu Ye on the shoulder, trying to trick him into getting used to her touch, and praised: “What this tree needs is a powerful electric esper gardener like you. You all will become excellent hardworking gardeners!”

Lu Ye was speechless for a while, looking at his hands, so planting is no longer the exclusive work of the grass-type espers, and the electric-type espers will gain a new career option soon?

At this time, Lu Ye’s communicator rang, and it turned out to be General Xu’s call.

He was playing ‘Tai Chi’ with General Xu earlier. The other party wanted the anti-infective drugs and the team behind production. He called for it in the name of for the sake of the entire base and put up a lofty banner that this is for the human compatriots, but Lu Ye pushed it all back. However, he then received a text message from Wen Liansheng saying that they had successfully made a medicine that was effective after injection, so Lu Ye came back early.

And at this moment, General Xu is chasing after him to ask about the matter again.

Lu Ye squinted his eyes. It would be impossible to give them nothing. Fortunately, there is something that they can present now.

He didn’t answer the phone immediately, and asked Bai Xiaohu: “Can you spare some quantity of this medicine at the moment? The number doesn’t need to be large, as long as we can give some to those people for them to research on their own.”

Bai Xiaohu said: “Sure, but there is still a problem with the capture of… the virus cluster.”

Subconsciously, she didn’t want to talk about demonic energy. There is no such thing as demonic energy or aura here. Demonic energy is a virus or the zombies’ toxin, and aura is just supernatural energy.

She said that the demonic ball bred by the infected was acting as something alive, and they had to be caught and disposed of immediately, but she hadn’t figured out how to catch them yet.

Lu Ye thought for a while: “We can see a faint shadow, but we haven’t tried catching it yet, let everyone try it.”


Original Author’s Note:

Too sleepy, so this chapter is a bit shorter.

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