Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu stood resentfully at the door, and she knew that she would most likely be rejected if she made this request when their friendship level was not high enough.

Lu Ye is not Zhuang Qingzai. If he is on guard, he definitely will not let her have another chance to ‘attack’ him.

It’s all over! When will she be able to get a tail?

“Why act like this? You won’t lose a piece of flesh if I touch you just once.”

She walked back into the room in dismay, glanced at the box covered by the blue electric light, and walked around it. The spirit spring water in the glass on the table was tumbling, and it was the demonic energy making its final struggle. The little chicken demon watched intently from the side as if it couldn’t feel anything around.

Bai Xiaohu poked it: “Don’t think I don’t know you’re secretly laughing.”

Little Chicken Demon: “Chirp.” Chicken don’t know anything you’re saying.

Bai Xiaohu leaned against the table with her face propped, sighing in a daze. After a while, someone knocked on the door, Bai Xiaohu turned her head and saw Pan Gu standing at the door with a smile: “Breakfast is here, are you eating it here ?”

He directed two people to bring the breakfast in. Yes, two people were needed. Knowing that she had an invincible appetite, he prepared a lot of food and packed it in a large warmer. After they laid out everything one by one, it took up the whole table.

Bai Xiaohu narrowed her eyes when she saw food, and her mood suddenly improved. Forget about Lu Ye, eat first, worry later, there will always be a way.


Pan Gu went back to report and found that their boss’s face was still stinky, and there seemed to be something strange that he couldn’t explain. He asked him, “Did she eat?”

Pan Gu nodded: “Yes.”

“…She’s not unhappy, is she?”

“No, she was eating happily.”

Lu Ye stopped talking, and Pan Gu leaned over: “Boss, did you two quarrel?” This was just like a couple quarreling. The man couldn’t shame himself to apologize, so he had to order the younger brother to send delicious food to apologize. On the surface, he pretends not to care, but in fact, he has been secretly watching and worrying.

Honestly, why would one do such a thing? What can’t be said in person? The other person is literally next door, it’s impossible for you to never see each other, OK?

Lu Ye didn’t know what he was thinking about, so he just glanced at him coolly, Pan Gu shrank his neck and wanted to leave, but Lu Ye suddenly said, “Go next door and keep an eye out closely, I won’t be there in the morning.”

“Ah? Boss, where are you going?”

Lu Ye stood up: “Go see General Xu.”

Pan Gu shut up.

General Xu is the supreme leader of the Jiangcheng Base. Since the reputation of anti-infective drugs spread yesterday, he not only made many calls, but also sent several people over, but the boss kept them all out and made them leave. However, delaying the interaction like this is not the way.

One can imagine how long this meeting would take when the boss goes to visit. If he couldn’t bear it, the furniture store would be in big trouble.

Pan Gu said: “Boss, you have to hold on tight. Do you want to bring more people with you?”

Lu Ye thought in his mind, of course he would hold on tight. As a “partner”, he already can’t fulfill one of the promises, the other one must be perfectly fulfilled.

Thinking of this, his face darkens again: “No need, you just need to take care of the home base. Liansheng will be in charge of everything.” He walked away with a straight face quickly.

Pan Gu murmured in private: “It feels like something is wrong with the boss.”

So in the morning, when Bai Xiaohu started working again after resting for a while, she realized that everyone had come, except Lu Ye.

She asked Wen Liansheng, “Where’s Lu Ye?”

“He has something to do.”

“Oh…” Could it be that she scared him away?

She mixed her potions absent-mindedly and put them in test tubes one by one.

Wen Liansheng took a look at the things on her table, a pot of rippling water emitting energy auras, a few fruits, a few flowers, a few thorny grasses, a few seed-like things, and some other weird things.

The shared feature of these things is that they all exude a very spicy and stimulating smell, as well as strong energy fluctuations.

He asked a more practical question: “If these things can formulate anti-infective drugs, can they be mass-produced?”

These are obviously not ordinary things.

Bai Xiaohu answered: “Yes, I have a lot of these.” She thought of Lu Ye saying that she should discuss the remuneration with Wen Liansheng, so she gave him a red fruit and explained the matter again.

Wen Liansheng was no longer surprised about her taking things out of thin air. He also thought that Bai Xiaohu might be a space-type esper.

Holding this spiritual fruit that has gentle and stable energy fluctuations with a pleasant fragrance, he was stunned for a while, and like Lu Ye, he tried one for himself first.

He closed his eyes and felt the pure and warm energy continuously emitted by the pulps in his stomach, which was more energy than the energy one could obtain from absorbing a third-level crystal core.

If the strength of an esper’s power is compared to the volume of a cup, the absorption of energy in a crystal core can only fill up the cup, while the energy in the red fruit enters the body, expanding the size of the cup.

Not only that, he felt that the constant pain and coldness of his legs were dispelled by this energy.

He opened his eyes suddenly, looking at his legs.

Bai Xiaohu also saw that the demonic energy at the place where his legs were amputated seemed to be slightly suppressed, and it has become a little more settled down.

Wen Liansheng asked, “What’s going on?”

Bai Xiaohu raised her face and asked, “Actually, I’ve wanted to ask for a long time, what happened to your legs?”

She stretched out her hand and grabbed a handful of the demonic energy. She took away some of the demonic energy and scattered it, but it quickly gathered at the spot again. She rubbed the demonic energy on her fingertips and confirmed one thing, the demonic energy on Wen Liansheng’s leg is not as aggressive as the ones on those infected people.

Wen Liansheng knew what she was capable of and didn’t feel offended in the slightest. He answered after a slight silence: “It was the second month of the apocalypse. I was accidentally scratched by a zombie on my ankle and got infected at that time. Lu Lu cut off both of my legs just in time.”

Bai Xiaohu opened her mouth, but her focus was: “Cutting off the legs worked?”

If it is effective, why are there no other cases of people who survived with similar methods?

Wen Liansheng said: “Normally, it’s useless. I was lucky. The wound was fine at the time, but after a few days, I found that it was still rotten upwards. So as it rotted, I would cut a little bit more at a time. We tried many different methods and later found that if Ah Lu uses his esper ability to burn the wound, then I seal the wound with a combination of my water and grass esper ability, this will slow down the process of decay.”

He had a calm expression as if he wasn’t the one whose legs got amputated and had to get cut off even more from time to time.

Bai Xiaohu felt that her legs were about to ache just from hearing this.

But she thought again, why can’t other people use this method to survive, but Wen Liansheng can?

In the beginning, Lu Ye chopped off his leg, and Lu Ye used his esper ability to burn his wound, and that’s why the decay slowed down.

A light bulb lit up in her head, yes, why didn’t she think of this before!? Thunder and lightning have a restraining effect on demons, especially on devil clan demons in particular, so thunder and lightning must have a very strong restraining effect on demonic energy.

Thunder and lightning…

She muttered and searched intently in her spatial treasure, found a kind of tree, and plucked a leaf from it.

The next moment, a light blue palm-length leaf appeared on her hand, crystal clear like a jade carving but soft and tough, with electric arcs constantly flickering. This is a kind of leaf that grows on the LeiGong tree; the tree of Thunder God. There are so many leaves on each single tree, and when it has nothing to do, they gather together and crackle and discharge electricity all around, which scares  fox so much, so Bai Xiaohu didn’t think of this at the beginning.

She crushed the leaf very neatly. It didn’t have much juice, so it turned into a paste after crashing, and the paste was quite interesting. Without any leaf residue, it’s just like soft glue. She looked at Wen Liansheng expectantly: “This should be useful, wanna try putting this on your wound?”

Wen Liansheng thought of how miserable Yu Liangjun was tortured last night: “…”

“…Otherwise, try swallowing it? I think it’s okay to inject it too. Mix it with some water and you should be able to inject it.”

Wen Liansheng: “……” So it’s his turn now?

Everything would’ve been fine if you just focused on talking about remuneration properly, why did you drag the conversation onto the legs, this is all your fault!

Not to mention that Wen Lian became the second poor medicine tester. Inspired by the idea of thunder and lightning, Bai Xiaohu felt that those flower petals that were comparable to chili peppers were so weak, and it must be LeiGong leaves that could deal with the demonic energy!

So the infected who got sent here today, as long as their situation is not very critical, have all become the first batch of testers of this leaf.

So the members of the Zhongyang Team working here can see the infected trembling on the bed as if they had been electrocuted, while the beautiful girl who caused all this stood far away, shook her head sympathetically as she watched: “Miserable, so miserable.”

But the effect is also very good. As the people who were injected with this “potion” trembled, the demonic energy on his body was dispersed by an invisible electric current. After a while, the wound automatically ejected the ball of demonic energy from their body

Bai Xiaohu picked them off one by one quickly with great reaction time and threw them into the “chili water” instead of feeding it to the fat little chicken. The chili water was a very red-looking water that was made by combining the spirit spring water with the juice crushed from those very spicy and choking flower petals. 

After that, the ball of demonic energy sizzled and rolled endlessly in the water, and soon collapsed and dissolved miserably.

A bucket of red water turned gray and gave off a stench.

Compared to the half-dead demonic energy ball that Bai Xiaohu threw into the spiritual spring water earlier that hasn’t dissolved yet, the chili water works really well.

Wan Zuochao, Pan Gu, and others who witnessed this scene were shocked: “Does this mean that the medicine is successful?”

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “Kind of, we still need to try it out for a few more days.” Then there is a more critical issue, that is, after the demonic energy ball is forced out, one must immediately grab the energy ball and stuff it into the chili water, otherwise, who will know where that lifelike demonic air mass might go?

But the problem is, most people can’t see the demonic energy ball at all. Even espers can barely see a thick or light black-gray shadow. So who can go and catch it? How can they catch it?

Bai Xiaohu rubbed her chin and thought, but such a big improvement is already making her very happy! Let’s believe this small problem will be resolved soon.

She smiled and patted Wen Liansheng, who was sitting on the wheelchair, looking at the gray bucket of chili water: “I think you can try to inject a blue one and soak yourself in the red one every day. If you stick to it, this might be curable.”

The corner of Wen Liansheng’s mouth twitched, and he talked about the previous topic: “This, can it be mass-produced?”

Bai Xiaohu said: “Yes!”

Although she doesn’t like the LeiGong tree, there is still a valley in her spatial treasure full of it, where there is lightning and thunder flashing all day and night, bullying other animals and plants so much that they can’t live anywhere close to that valley.

Wen Liansheng didn’t ask more about it, but instead asked: “How long can the leaves stay in this condition after they are taken out? After it is made into a drug, how long can its effect be maintained? Can anyone else process them into drugs besides you? Can it be stored in ordinary containers for a long time? Will there be possibilities of accidents such as bursting during the delivery of it?”

The leaves are different from those petals and fruits. They probably contain powerful and active lightning energy. Generally speaking, this represents instability.

Bai Xiaohu was taken aback by him. After the LeiGong leaves left the tree, it seemed that they would gradually lose the aura contained in them within a few days and become dim and shattered.

All leaves are like this. After the leaves get crushed and mixed with water, of course, they will not last long.

Is there anyone else who can touch or even crush the LeiGong leaves with bare hands besides her…

Bai Xiaohu took a leaf out for everyone to try to touch, and the moment they touched it, they were all shocked by the electricity trembling.

On a whim, Pan Gu covered the palm of his hand with a layer of ice before touching the leaf and was shocked even more, he almost jumped up: “This is not good, this is impossible to touch! But the boss should be fine, he is already covered in electric current.” 

“What electric current?” Lu Ye walked in from the outside, Bai Xiaohu turned her head to look over, and then… her eyes widened.

Pan Gu motioned him to get the leaf on the table. Lu Ye looked at the strange leaf that didn’t look like a leaf and picked it up. He was completely fine.

Pan Gu clapped his hands and said, “Boss, you have another career option in the future, which is to work with Xiaohu Pharmaceutical. This would definitely be a booming industry in the future!”

Lu Ye raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Xiaohu, seeing that she was slightly pouted, looking a little unhappy, lowered his eyes and didn’t say anything, but asked Wen Liansheng instead: “It was said over the phone that you all figured out a usable potion?”

Wen Liansheng talked to him in detail.

Pan Gu moved closer to Bai Xiaohu: “Why do you seem unhappy when the boss comes?”

Bai Xiaohu said sullenly: “I didn’t.” She picked up the little chicken demon and pulled its feathers.

Pan Gu murmured: “But the boss looks good today. He dressed so imposingly because he had to go see General Xu. It should have been like this a long time ago. Let people see how handsome and heroic our captain is.”

Bai Xiaohu took a look at Lu Ye’s jet-black overalls and windbreaker, which made his figure have a more broad-shouldered and long-legged look, up straight and capable.

She thought to herself, what’s the use of looking imposingly, the butt is all covered, not only does it prevent her from touching it, but it also prevents her from seeing it!


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