Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu had no clue that many people wanted to join her team, even if the position was just a tiny errand-runner. After one night, unaware of the high hope everyone in the outside world expects from the anti-infection drug, Bai Xiaohu is still trying various attempts. Her testing subject, Yu Liangjun looked haggard, almost wanting to burst into tears.

“It’s almost dawn, are we good yet?”

He already fully understood that he had been deceived. Last night, two more infected people were sent in. Bai Xiaohu came back within a few minutes, and when he asked about it, she said that the two had been dealt with successfully.

Yu Liangjun: “…” Yu Liangjun was at a loss. Why did he take so long when others got dealt with so quickly? Just because he is an esper, and his rate of being infected is slow, so he deserves to be the experimental subject for drugs?

For the first time, he felt that it’s truly not a good thing being an esper.

While fiddling with something, Bai Xiaohu muttered, “Almost, almost there, don’t rush.”

At first, she had to go out to get things from her spatial treasure, but later she found it troublesome, so she simply stopped going out. Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng are reliable people, and they also seem to know Yu Liangjun well, Plus, he doesn’t look like the type of person who leaks secrets, so it shouldn’t be a big deal anyway. 

But Lu Ye must have noticed something and pulled a medical screen for her to hide behind, and got her a box of medical equipment to let her sit as she tinker.

Bai Xiaohu thinks the main reason the previous attempts fail is because the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring water is not enough; not aggressive enough. Thinking about it this way, she thought of some spiritual fruits and flowers in her spatial treasure and took them out one by one to test.

Then she found those spirit fruits and spirit flowers, that are not only full of spiritual energy but also very violent, are much more suitable for her needs.

For example, she crushed a type of purple flower covered in thorns, gave it to Yu Liangjun, made him rub the juice on his wound, eat it, and injected him with it just now.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of spirit flower not only has a violent aura but also has a very strong spicy taste. Eating a piece of flower petals can make people jump up and down nonstop. Bai Xiaohu used it to tease demons with it when she was a child, and she would never eat it herself.

Therefore, Yu Liangjun truly suffered.

It is estimated that the demonic energy in his body has also been tossed a lot, at least both the human and demonic energy looked quite withered.

But it was still a little short from being completely pulled out, so Bai Xiaohu was thinking about what was missing.

After a pause, she noticed that Yu Liangjun sounded super weak as he talked, she poked her head over, and saw that he was emaciated. This finally awakened her conscience and thought it was time to change to a different test subject, so she got up and walked over.

Seeing her approaching, Yu Liangjun’s face turned pale. He looked at her as if he was looking at a devil, who took turns smearing sour, spicy, salty, and all kinds of weird things on his wounds all night. Even made him drink all those things and inject them into his flesh, the true devil is not as scary as her!

Lu Ye, who was sitting on a chair against the wall, opened his eyes.

Wen Liansheng had already been persuaded by him to go back to rest, but he stayed here all night.

What he saw was that Bai Xiaohu came to Yu Liangjun’s side again, but this time she didn’t hold anything in her hand.

Bai Xiaohu pulled out the demonic energy in Yu Liangjun’s wound easily. The demonic energy was limp, faint, and extremely weakened, hanging on her hand as if dead, completely resigned to fate.

What Lu Ye and Yu Liangjun saw was only a grayish-white shadow that seemed to be there.

Bai Xiaohu said: “You’re fine now, you are no longer infected.”

“So, I’m good?” Yu Liangjun asked.

Bai Xiaohu looked at his swollen arm, which had been pricked many times by her, and nodded with a guilty conscience. It seemed that she did a little too much on him.

However, those spiritual spring water, spirit flower, and spirit juice are all good stuff, and he is not at a loss because they provide strong benefits to the physical body of any mortal being.

Yu Liangjun confirmed that he was finally out of danger, and before he had time to be happy, he passed out on the spot.

Lu Ye reached out and grabbed him in time so that he didn’t fall off the bed.

After getting him to lie down, Lu Ye asked, “He’s all right now?”

“Yea, you should go rest. You have been watching all night.” Bai Xiaohu yawned and felt a little tired. She is not the same as before, where she can be completely fine without eating, drinking, or sleeping. She is quite delicate now.

But thinking about the countless infected people who will still come here today, she feels so hopeless.

She must develop an effective “medicine” as soon as possible!

She squeezed the devilish ball in her hand. If the devilish ball had a face, it would definitely look unlovable. The little chicken demon’s slender paws supported its chubby body as it came over wanting to eat it. Bai Xiaohu pushed it away: “Don’t eat it, look what you’ve become after eating all that.”

Lu Ye glanced at the round chicken: “I’ll go get some breakfast, you can rest for a while after eating.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “Okay.”

The two of them then leave the small cubicle. Bai Xiaohu had her own resting place here, and it was pretty well set up with a bed and a table. It was pre-plan for her to take breaks and rest here often.

Lu Ye asked someone to get food, Bai Xiaohu went back to her small break room, made a cup of spiritual spring water, soaked the dim demonic energy ball in her hand in the water, and put a lid over it. She wanted to see if it would melt, so she let the little chicken demon watch it from the side in case of an accident.

Then she took out a red fruit that she loves to eat the most out of her spatial space, went out to see that Lu Ye was still there, and generously gave the fruit to him: “Here, for you.”

Lu Ye is not surprised that she can make things appear out of thin air anytime and anywhere. He immediately felt that the energy contained in this fruit is very high. It’s probably because she vomited this out outside the base the day before yesterday that attracted all those zombies.

Lu Ye didn’t accept it.

“Take it.” Bai Xiaohu stuffed it into his hand, “Didn’t I say that I’ll share the benefits with you? This is it! Eat and see if you like it, this is my favorite. If you don’t like this one, I have many other ones with different flavors.”

Lu Ye thought of what she tried on Yu Liangjun last night, the extremely sour or spicy juice smell that could be smelled from a distance of one or two meters, and Yu Liangjun’s torture-like reaction.

He looked at the fruit in his hand, which looked like red brin, that seemed to lure people to taste it as soon as it appeared. Then he looked at Bai Xiaohu’s expectant face and tried to take a bite.

The taste was very good, not only was it not scary as imagined, but it was tasty and crispy, full of juice. Lu Ye has eaten a lot of good food in his life, but it can be said that he has never eaten such delicious food.

Not only is it delicious, but once the fruit is swallowed, it emits a steady stream of pure and gentle energy. That energy is not the lightning energy he can absorb, but it can be converted into the lightning energy he needs automatically.

Not only that, this thing seems to be able to eliminate fatigue and boost one’s spirit. Lu Ye was stunned for a moment, this fruit was even more extraordinary than he imagined.

Bai Xiaohu smiled and said, “Is it delicious?”

Lu Ye nodded: “Is there energy in it?”

“Yes, how do you feel after eating?”

“…It’s a good feeling.” Lu Ye said after deliberation, “I’m afraid this fruit contains more energy than a third-level crystal core.”

“Really? I didn’t notice it.” Bai Xiaohu said with a smile, “So it’s good to partner with me, right? Do you think other espers, or ordinary people, would also like this?”

“Of course, espers would like it. As for ordinary people, I don’t know if they can bear the energy.”

Bai Xiaohu thought for a while, went back to the building and found a big box, poured a bunch of these spiritual fruits in it, then called Lu Ye in: “Take it and share it with the people who helped yesterday, I don’t have much good thing, this is barely enough as my gratitude for their work. If this is not enough, I still have a lot more.”

The energy fluctuations of one spirit fruit may only be able to attract zombies and espers who have particularly keen five senses, but such a large box of spiritual fruit…everyone inside and outside the building felt something, especially the espers. They all started looking around, up and down everywhere.

Even the people who were waiting for their infected companions or just wandering around on the streets outside waiting for the latest news were faintly aware of it.

Lu Ye hurriedly put his hand over the box, releasing a thin electric current from his hand that instantly netted the box to cut off the aura. The people searching then lost their target, so they stopped searching.

Lu Ye said to Bai Xiaohu seriously: “Wealth shall not be in vain, don’t take out such precious items so lightly, take them back, these are too rare.”

Bai Xiaohu rubbed her nose: “You all can sense something like these? Then you should pass these out quickly, I can’t take it back after I take it out.”

Lu Ye: “…I’ll keep it safe for you temporarily then?” She can take things out but can’t take them back? What kind of space-type esper is she?

Yes, Lu Ye’s first guess was that she was a space-type esper, and these precious things were placed in her supernatural space.

But if one thinks about it carefully, it may not be true. She is unusual from the inside to the outside, and she can’t be theorized in the usual way, but no matter what, he can’t accept these things.

“No need, no need, take and go share it. It’s really not valuable. I have a lot. Although we are in a partnership, I can’t let your people work for free, right? I plan to give one of these fruits each day to anyone who works for me in the future, what do you think?” She remembered that there was an entire mountain in her spatial treasure that grows this kind of spiritual fruit. Couldn’t help it since this is her favorite, right? 

Lu Ye frowned slightly: “Too many.”

After eating that fruit, his whole body began to heat up slightly from the inside out, and his ability’s cap limit seemed to loosen a bit. This is a sign that he is about to have a breakthrough…

When this kind of fruit is released into the world, everyone will be eager to get it.

Seeing his hesitation, Bai Xiaohu became more courageous, her eyes fluttering in all directions, and she asked eagerly, “If you think you’ve taken advantage of me, we will be even if you can fulfill the promise we discussed earlier now.”

“What promise?”

Bai Xiaohu put her two forefingers together, tilted her head slightly, and her eyes fell on his buttocks. Before she could say anything, Lu Ye turned around and left.

“…Hey, I haven’t said anything yet!”

Lu Ye didn’t turn his head back: “No way!”

However, as soon as his hand left the box, the box lost the isolation generated by the power grid, and the aura of the spirit fruit quickly spread out. He stopped, took a breath, walked back, and put his hand back on the box.

The thunder and lightning poured on the box as if they were unlimited, and the box became airtight in the blink of an eye. What’s even more frightening was that the lightning didn’t dissipate after he let go. Wow, how did he do that?

Wait, that’s not the point.

Bai Xiaohu went all out, and didn’t care about the lightning that had just been released from his hand, and stepped forward and hugged him before he was about to leave again, and raised a finger: “Just one touch, just one, doesn’t have to be the buttock, just the tailbone. “

Lu Ye’s face was dark: “No way!”

Bai Xiaohu gritted her teeth and decided to just go for it whatsoever. A stream of spiritual energy followed Lu Ye’s arm and flowed into his body. However, she found nothing, no evidence that he was a cat demon.

This is quite normal, maybe after being reincarnated many times, he lost all his memory and the ability as a cat demon. On the surface, he is a mortal, but as long as he is still that cat demon in essence, Bai Xiaohu has a way to awaken the dormant blood in his body.

However, Bai Xiaohu didn’t find any signs of nine tails on his body. The nine tails came from her. It stands to reason that she would have a stronger induction, but she didn’t find any signs of it.

Is it because she is too weak at the moment, or… As expected, she still has to directly touch the tailbone to know?

After all, she did directly attach her fur onto the tailbone of that little cat demon back then. Therefore, that particular spot should have the deepest mark that is associated with her.

Before she could think more, Lu Ye grabbed her hand with his backhand. As soon as the energy from her body entered him, his whole body tensed up. After all, he hadn’t forgotten that he almost got ‘assaulted’, and that Zhuang Qingzai had already got ‘assaulted’.

This little girl is simply impossible to guard against and has no way to defend against.

He pulled her hand away, and said bluntly with a sullen face, “You put away this box nicely yourself for now, as for the requite …I’ll ask Wen Liansheng to come to talk to you, he is in charge of this part of the business.”

After speaking, he walked away quickly.

Bai Xiaohu shouted from behind: “You clearly promised me before!”


Lu Ye… Lu Ye walked even faster.

Lu Ye: What’s going on with the little girl nowadays!


From the Translator:

Sorry for the delay! Was a little busy this several weeks. Trying my best to go back to at least one update every week, thank you for your patience!

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