Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Lu Ye took a look at his wound, frowned and said, “With your ability, this shouldn’t happen. Did you encounter a powerful zombie?”

Coldness flashed in Yu Liangjun’s eyes: “That zombie was powerful, but traitors are even harder to guard against.”

He didn’t elaborate, but said: “My life is all entrusted to you, and I will owe you my life from now on.”

As an esper not much weaker than Lu Ye, his promise is very heavy, but Bai Xiaohu studied the wound on his arm as if she didn’t hear it.

Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng looked at each other and thought at a deeper level. The infected who got sent here before were all unconscious, so no one knows that there is actually no anti-infective medicine. Now, do they need to make Yu Liangjun unconscious too?

This all depends on Bai Xiaohu.

Seeing the exchange of glances between the two, Yu Liangjun restricted his smile slightly: “What’s the matter, my condition is different from other infected people, it can’t be cured?”

Speaking of this, his complexion also changed. He never thought that he would capsize in the gutter, and didn’t expect this to happen. It’s just fate. Fortunately, there is a silver lining. He heard that hundreds of infected people were cured today, so he rushed here immediately.

For him, this place is his only hope. Although he looks calm, talking and laughing happily with old friends right now, his life is still at stake, and who can truly ignore that fact when their life is in danger? In fact, he is panicking in his heart.

He forced a smile and said, “Don’t scare me.”

“You are not the same as those previously infected.” Bai Xiaohu said suddenly, the soft and cute voice was close at hand, very pleasant to hear, but in Yu Liangjun’s ears, it sounded as if he was being sentenced to death. His face changed drastically, turning his head suddenly to look at the girl who was studying the wound on his upper arm.

The girl raised her head and showed him a…somewhat indescribable smile, a bit naive, a bit calculating, a bit as proud and cunning as a fox catching a chicken.

“You are an esper, so the speed of infection is very slow. From what we can see,” She waved her hand above his wound as if to disperse some smoke in the air, but there was obviously nothing in the air, she continued, “I estimated that you will be fine for the whole night.”

But Yu Liangjun didn’t feel relieved, what’s the use of being safe for just one night?

Bai Xiaohu smiled and said: “So you should cooperate with me to test the medicine.”

Yu Liangjun: “?” Isn’t testing the medicine the reason why he came here? No, it is said that except for those who didn’t arrive in time, all other infected people who “used the medicine” were successfully cured! So isn’t this medicine very stable and successful?

Bai Xiaohu said: “Wait here for a moment, I’ll be back with the medicine.” After saying that, she ran away happily.

Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng looked at each other again, where did that medicine come from?

Yu Liangjun looked at the door, then at the two of them, feeling a little flustered.


Bai Xiaohu ran to the water supply room.

The water supply to the furniture store has been stopped for a long time, and it will not be restored for a while because the entire base is short of water. Although several waterworks have been built, they are not large in scale, so very few people have the privilege to use tap water.

Take the Zhongyang Team for example, the water they use daily is usually drawn from the river and filtered, and the majority of the drinking water is produced by water type espers. They don’t count on the base’s waterworks.

As for the water used by the furniture store, it was directly brought over by the water truck from the Zhongyang Team.

However, Bai Xiaohu didn’t come to pour water. She closed the door, took a clean bucket, and with a wave of her hand, a bucket full of rippling clear water appeared in the bucket, exuding a faint pleasant and refreshing aura.

This is the spiritual spring water in her spatial treasure. The entrance of the spatial treasure is big enough for a person to pass through not, but things outside are still not allowed to enter, including Bai Xiaohu, the owner fox. It is still much more convenient to get things out from the inside though. Yet, it would be better if she can take out living things.

To get the spiritual spring water from it, she no longer needs to form a water ball, then transfer it. She can now just wave her hand and the water automatically fills the bucket; so heroic and cool just like that.

She picked up the bucket and went back with ease, the water was so full but not a single drop was spilled as she carried it.

Seeing her come back with a bucket of water, Lu Ye came down to help in surprise, and she waved her hand refusing: “Almost there.”

She put the bucket beside Yu Liangjun: “Try putting your hand in here.”

She wanted to see if the spiritual spring water full of spiritual energy could restrain the demonic energy.

The only three men left in the room looked at the bucket of water. They could feel that the bucket of water was filled with a kind of wonderful energy, which was a bit similar to an esper’s supernatural powers, but much purer and softer, which made people crave it very much.

Although they are for sure not thirsty, they all felt very, very thirsty and wanted to drink up all the water in one gulp.

This is definitely not ordinary water!

Yu Liangjun made some swallowing movements and stretched his arms into the bucket obediently. The water in the bucket overflowed, which made people feel very sorry, but everyone in the room held their breath and said nothing.

For a moment, Yu Liangjun only felt an indescribable coolness enveloping his entire arm. It was comfortable at first, and then a tingling pain came from the wound, as if something was entering, or something was fighting under his skin.

In Bai Xiaohu’s eyes, the demonic energy around the wound was dissolved as soon as it was soaked in the spiritual spring water, and the stubborn demonic energy in the wound was also forced to shrink inward, but the spiritual energy in the spiritual spring water kept chasing after it.

Sure enough, it has the effect of restraint, but the aura of the spiritual spring water can’t go deep enough into the wound. It’s like washing a wound with water can only wash away the germ on the surface and the ones not too deep down in the wound. For those that are deeper down, it won’t work.

This treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Bai Xiaohu thought for a while: “Why don’t you try drinking a little?”

Yu Liangjun: “What?”

Drink this water?

He looked at the water in the bucket that was contaminated by the pus and carrion around the wound and felt he couldn’t drink it, even though he really wanted to drink this water just now.

Bai Xiaohu thought for a while: “Then you wait.” She went to get a big glass of clean spiritual spring water and came back, staring at Yu Liangjun as he was drinking it.

Lu Ye & Wen Liansheng: …

None of them got to drink this special liquid.

The two of them, who had always been calm, started to look at Yu Liangjun with complexity.

Bai Xiaohu stared at Yu Liangjun: “How do you feel?”

The man who drank a full glass of water only felt comfortable, refreshed, heart-cooling, and… bloated.

Bai Xiaohu looked at his arm. The demonic energy in that area seemed to be forced out from the inside by something. Anyway, the speed of it invading the body slows down.

Well, it seems that both internal and external applications are useful, but the effect is not very good, and it cannot completely solve the problem.

She thought for a long while: “Ah, I know!”

Then she went out again, and after a while, she came in with a syringe filled with clear and transparent water. She hesitated as she looked at Yu Liangjun’s wound, and didn’t know how to use the syringe.

Lu Ye said, “Let me handle it, you’re trying to inject it?”


Lu Ye took the syringe and realized that it was the same water that was in the bucket and cup just now.

He stabbed the upper edge of Yu Liangjun’s wound with a needle, professionally withdrew it first, and made sure there was no blood being withdrawn before injecting the water.

There was a lot of water, so Yu Liangjun’s arm soon swelled up. He hissed and didn’t dare to make any sound.

Bai Xiaohu: Well, it seems that it is more effective than both internal and external applications, but it is still not enough, and the arm is so swollen, isn’t it a bit too ugly?

When Bai Xiaohu was working hard to research a “drug” that could replace her, many people in the Jiangcheng Base were unable to fall asleep. They were all discussing this “anti-infective drug”.

All day today, mainly in the afternoon, more than a hundred people were sent to the furniture store. Except for a few who got there too late, everyone was rescued. Most of them stayed in the furniture store for observation, and a small group of individuals had already left the furniture store. These people were taken away by the base officials as soon as they came out.

The Quarantine Department is guarding the outside of the furniture store and is catching them one by one as they exit. The pretense is that they have to take them back for inspection and make sure that they are in a safe state of non-infection before they can be released. But who doesn’t know that this is just the authorities wanting to get first-hand information!

Visual observation, blood tests, interrogation, and all available methods were probably used. The conclusion was that they were indeed not infected, leaving only the wounds after infection.

As soon as this news came out, people were shocked.

At this time, various forces, large and small, were discussing this matter.

Some forces want to buy the drug wholeheartedly, and some want to find out everything involved behind the drug, such as who is the person that came up with the anti-infective drug. Taking it a step further, they want to snatch the “team” that develops the drug for their use.

If it weren’t for the fact the store is being protected by the Zhongyang Team, the number of people that would make a move tonight can’t even be counted.

One powerful force’s leader even bluntly slaps their thighs and announces: “I have decided, we will follow the Zhongyang Team’s lead from now on!”

This is a well-known thousand-member team, about one-fifth of its members are espers, which is considered to be quite good, and the team atmosphere is pretty nice too.

After the bearded man announced this, people below him looked at him excitedly, waiting for him to come up with a feasible plan. A man pushed his glasses that were as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle and ‘poured cold water on them’: “Even if we want to follow their lead, it is up to them whether they want us or not. The Shengtian Team had such a close relationship with them, but the Zhongyang Team still has not accepted them.”

The bearded man said: “It doesn’t matter, just be thick-faced and stick onto them like a piece of gum. You know what that means right? It’s an anti-infective drug, it’s one’s second, third, or even more lives that we can gain! Think about how many people are in our base, how many? More than 10 million! Even a big pharmaceutical company cannot produce so many medicines at once, but it will be completely different if we have a relationship with them. At that time, all of our members can each have one with us wherever we go. How wonderful is that! You know how wonderful that will be!”

“Exactly!” The people below were excited, and the bearded man clapped his hands: “Then it’s a deal!”

The man with glasses: “……” The man with glasses sighed and was tired of following such a mindless person. If they can stick onto them like gum… ahem(cough), if they could get in touch with the Zhongyang Team, even better if they could be accepted into the team, that’s once in a billion luck that they shall thank all universe’s goodness for that, but how?

In reality, the Zhongyang Team is not short of people, or in other words, they don’t even accept newcomers much. However, the “team” that is in charge of the medicine production should be short of errand runners, right?

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