Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

The room was silent for a full half a minute. The group of men who thought they had quite fierce personalities couldn’t stand the scene. Whether it was how they looked at Bai Xiaohu or the dark black chick, had both completely changed. Everything became chilling, weird, and incomprehensible.

Once again, they realized that this beautiful little girl/little lady is not the same kind of people as them.

She is the type that needs to be admired.

Lu Ye was the first to break the silence: “Is this considered a success?” He checked the infected person’s wound, and the blackness on and around the wound has gradually faded.

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “He won’t become a zombie anymore, but…” Bai Xiaohu tapped her pretty face with the hand that held the demonic energy. Just by looking at it, everyone really wanted to grab her to let wash her hands ASAP, but of course, it was just a thought in their head, and no one actually said it out loud like an inconsiderate idiot.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the guy on the bed, the wound on his chest was rotten, and it felt like it had rotted into his body. His face was still grayish, his skin was loose, and it felt like his skin and flesh were separated. His skin was full of mucus, his eyes were yellow, and his teeth were protruding.

She said regretfully: “This person got here too late, and his infection was too severe. It’s hard to say whether he can escape death.”

Bai Xiaohu dived into her consciousness for a while and confirmed that nothing warm had entered her body, and the entrance of her spatial treasure stayed the same. That means she hadn’t completely rescued this person, so the merit points aren’t being counted. If he died, then all her hard work just now is worthless. Oh, except it fills Mengmeng’s stomach.

She thought that she couldn’t let her hard work be in vain, plus this was the first infection she officially accepted here, if she didn’t succeed, it would hurt her reputation greatly. If this fame is not established, how will the infected race against time and come all the way here to give her merit points?

She immediately frowned, thinking about how to save people. The spiritual fruit or spiritual spring in her spatial treasure should be helpful, but can she take it out now?

Just as she was thinking about it, Wen Liansheng made a move.

As the two broad green lights emit from his hands, like huge leaves, it covers the man’s rotting chest.

Bai Xiaohu took a look; ah, so this is what a healing grass-type esper does.

Wen Liansheng’s action lasted for more than ten minutes, and the man’s condition looks much better. He withdrew his hand and said, “It can be treated, but the prognosis depends on the individual’s physical condition and aftercare.”

Several people looked at each other, they were all a little excited. Even if they were injured in a normal way, the prognosis has no guarantee, and Bai Xiaohu was able to treat that… unknown dark thing out, so that people will not become zombies, and allow them to be treated with normal esper treatment or ordinary medicine in the follow-up already proves that she can indeed treat the infected.

Although there are already 16 examples from the Shengtian Team to prove this point, it is still exciting to see it with one’s own eyes.

Lu Ye said: ” Call a few healing-type espers over to continue the treatment. Since this is the first case, there can’t be any mistakes. In addition, you can inform this person’s companions now.”

A few people started to move, and Bai Xiaohu felt something warm entering her body; her merit point was deposited.

The person waiting heard that their companions would not turn into zombies, he got so happy that he was dumbfounded. Then he was informed that because the infection was too serious, he could either let the person stay here and try further treatment, or he can bring him back and go find their own esper or a doctor for treatment. The person immediately chose the former without a second thought.

He even said that as long as the companion’s life is saved, they can treat him however they want.

Lu Ye seemed to have expected this situation long ago, but Bai Xiaohu felt a little embarrassed. It was originally just her personal business, and now it seemed that she had to make the healing-type espers of the Zhongyang Team work for her.

She knows that this type of espers is very precious, and the Zhongyang Team also won’t have many. They earn a lot regardless if they do tasks posted in the team or pick up jobs in the mercenary hall during their breaks. They are very popular. If they come working for her, shouldn’t she pay them well too?


When Bai Xiaohu was thinking, the companion of the infected person had already run out to inform the others of the good news. Then everyone around the furniture store knew that the infected had been saved. Although it seemed that he was not out of danger yet, at least he won’t turn into zombies anymore. They were all shocked.

There were surprises and doubts, but in short, the news spread like a rocket. Then Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng’s communicator and the three contact numbers of the furniture store were almost blown out.

People outside the base also learned the news through various channels, so everyone who got infected that day rushed toward the third district.

The Jiangcheng Base has tens of millions of people, and this base simply cannot support so many people. Every day at least one-third of people have to go out to do tasks to earn points or look for food all over the world.

Therefore, many people get infected due to various reasons every day, especially in the afternoon. It reaches a peak. The infected were sent to the furniture store by the river one by one, Bai Xiaohu finally felt what it meant to be so busy that she didn’t even have time to drink water.

Because almost all infected people will disintegrate within two hours, people who send the infected person race against time, and the infected must be dealt with immediately after delivery. The slightest delay may result in a life.

Even so, there are still a large number of infected who died on the way. After all, the base is too big, and the third district is only close to the south gate, so it will take a lot of time for people from other directions to arrive here.

This was an extremely busy and chaotic day. Bai Xiaohu could only focus on pulling out demonic energy and couldn’t control or think about anything else. If an infected person came, she just straight up dealt it without a thought.

It was like fighting a war, and it wasn’t until nightfall that everything slowed down a bit. The third floor of the furniture store was full of infected people who had the demonic energy pulled out of them. Hundreds of people from the Zhongyang Team were busy going all over the places here.

Bai Xiaohu sat on the steps of the small door next to the furniture store, giving the little chicken demon who overate gentle strokes on the stomach. In just one day, it got a whole lot rounder, which made her very worried about whether it would be able to bear it if it continued to eat like this.

Footsteps came from behind, Lu Ye came over with two bottles of drinks. He sat beside her, unscrewed a bottle of fruit juice for her, the other one was a bottle of mineral water for himself: “Are you tired?”

Bai Xiaohu nodded, grabbed the bottle, and started drinking. Pulling demonic energy requires spiritual energy during the whole process, of course, she will be tired.

Huh, this taste is not bad, sweet and sour, she took another sip.

Lu Ye said: “Every day in the future might be like this.”

Although Bai Xiaohu did want to earn more merit points, she still felt a bit bitter when she heard this: “You people here seem to lack in ability, huh? Do these many people get infected every day?”

Hasn’t half a year already passed since the apocalypse? Why can’t they learn from experience and make themselves stronger?

Lu Ye found that she likes to use wording like ‘you people here’ when she talks, so where is she from then?

This question turned a corner in his throat and was swallowed by him.

“Yes, you can save up to a hundred or even hundreds of people today, but thousands or even ten thousands of people will still get infected tomorrow.” Outside the Jiangcheng Base, people are dying from infection all over the world all the time, and what one can do is limited.

Bai Xiaohu brushed her face with the tail of her braided hair, processing the information: “You’re right, this really doesn’t work, I’ll be exhausted to death!”

Lu Ye unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water, wanting to hear what she had to say next.

Then Bai Xiaohu stood up suddenly: “I have to think of a better way!”

Lu Ye almost choked due to her sudden action.

Just as he was about to ask her what she wanted to do, another infected was sent over.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the sky: “It’s pitch dark, are there still people being newly infected?”

“Some people go far and cannot come back during the day. Some will spend the night outside, some come back overnight. There is a small gate in each of the south, east, north, and west of the base waiting for these people who return at night.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded and went to work resignedly. She started thinking as she walked if it was really like what Lu Ye said before. If that’s the case, then she’ll have to get up from sleep whenever there is an infected being sent over late at night, that would be so miserable.

Plus, she was listening next to them as they answered the phone just now, and after catching some words, she heard that many people wanted to buy the “medicine.”

If they can’t buy medicine, they will definitely put their eyes on her.

Bai Xiaohu started working her little brain, so this means she should put effort into developing medicine huh?

Technically speaking, she is using spiritual energy to contain and eliminate the demonic energy. The spiritual energy has a natural restraint effect on the demonic energy. Maybe she can utilize that.

As she thought about it, she arrived at the scene. The infected person who had just been sent in was a man in his thirties. He looks strong, muscular, and very big.

He got scratched on the outside of his arm. At this time, he only had a vest left on, exposing the black and hideous wound on the outside of his upper arm. This person is an esper. He is very awake and in a good state of mind. Compared with him, most of those who got here during the day were either comatose or disorientated.

At this time, this person was still talking to Wen Liansheng, and the two seemed to know each other.

Bai Xiaohu and Lu Ye came in one after the other. The man looked over and said with a smile, “I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck. Effective medicine just came out, and I was infected.” He first saw Bai Xiaohu, and his sight paused a little. This is a natural reaction since anyone who sees Bai Xiaohu for the first time will pause their sight. Of course, more people will still do this when they see her for the second and third time.

The man quickly returned to normal. He looked at Lu Ye, and then backed on Bai Xiaohu again. He smiled and said, “You are the doctor, right?”

Hearing that Lu Ye brought back a beautiful woman, he felt that Lu Ye was not the kind of person who would value someone just by their appearance. Now it seems that this beauty is quite capable. Is she some kind of researcher who has developed an anti-infective drug? But looking at her clothes, she didn’t even have a basic white lab coat, and she didn’t look like the kind of high-end talent with a high degree of education, full of wisdom and calmness.

The man thought a lot in his mind, and Lu Ye was very surprised to see him, his expression changed slightly: “Old Yu!”

Yu Liangjun smiled wryly and said, “I didn’t expect this to be the case when we meet again.”

They were partners before the apocalypse. They also struggled together in the early apocalypse, but because of disagreement, they parted ways.

Yu Liangjun felt that he would develop better than Lu Ye, and it was true. After the separation, Lu Ye’s party still had disagreements, which resulted in Ying Zhongyang’s death, Wen Liansheng injured his leg, and their Zhongyang Team only had ten thousand people. Where on the other hand, he already has a large organization with a hundred thousand people in hand.

It’s not that Yu Liangjun is complacent, he knows that Lu Ye only has such a scale now because he doesn’t want to expand it, otherwise he can do better than him easily. However, when they parted ways, he boasted that he wanted to break out new ground in this apocalypse, so he always wanted to make some real impact before seeing his old friends again. Yet, who would’ve expected that they would end up meeting again like this.


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