Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Lu Ye stared at Bai Xiaohu suspiciously.

He went to answer the phone just now, and when the two of them were far away, he suddenly realized that it seemed inappropriate to let the two of them stay alone together. Bai Xiaohu was normal at other times, but when facing Zhuang Qingzai, she seemed a little abnormal…

When he thought of this, his heart skipped a beat inexplicitly. He didn’t even care about the person on the other end of the phone and quickly chased after her.

Then he saw this indescribable scene that he was worried about.

Zhuang Qingzai was leaning against the tree as if he had no bones, while Bai Xiaohu’s hand was on his buttocks, not sure if she has finished touching it or is just about to do it.

Lu Ye felt an inexplicable anger rushing straight to the top of his head, hung up the phone without even thinking about it, and walked over quickly combining three steps into two.

“What are you doing?”

Bai Xiaohu seemed to be caught on the spot, and she was so stressed that she felt super guilty: “For real, I just helped him, and I didn’t do anything.”

At the same time, she says to the little chicken demon on her shoulder using the consciousness link between them: “You didn’t even give me any warning, you should’ve reminded me when he approaches.”

The little chicken demon felt very innocent because the chicken also didn’t know that he would come over so suddenly.

Lu Ye stared at her with burning eyes.

At this moment, Bai Xiaohu even sensed a more intense cat demon aura, which was unquestionably emanating from Lu Ye. It was more obvious and stronger than the previous two times that she could not be sure of, and Bai Xiaohu’s eyes lit up: it really is him!

Compared with the aura emanating from Lu Ye, Zhuang Qingzai’s aura just seemed to be something he caught by chance.

Bai Xiaohu was pleasantly surprised and wanted to get closer to confirm it. At this moment, Zhuang Qingzai came to his senses, turned his head around, and saw his always indifferent, serious, and majestic elder brother clasping onto the girl’s wrist, with a cold look on his face. 

He was startled: “Brother, what are you doing?”

Lu Ye glanced at him, then let go of Bai Xiaohu’s hand: “What’s wrong with you?”

“Me? I’m fine. Oh, my eyes just blackened and I suddenly feel dizzy. Oh, am I anemic?”

Look at him, this is the normal reaction one should have, unlike Lu Ye, who immediately suspects that others have done to him after he wakes up.

Just as Bai Xiaohu was thinking about this, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. She raised her head and met Lu Ye’s even more strange eyes. Today, she made Zhuang Qingzai dizzy and touched his butt. Would Lu Ye think that after she made him unconscious yesterday, she also touched his butt without his knowledge?

After all, the situations of the two brothers are so similar.

She almost jumped up: “No, no, I didn’t touch you yesterday! There were many people watching yesterday!”

After she finished speaking, she wanted to slap her own mouth. Isn’t this the same as saying because no one is watching, she did touch Zhuang Qingzai today. 

This is even stupider than just calling herself out.

However, Lu Ye heard another layer of meaning, he said slowly: “So, if there weren’t many people watching yesterday…”

Needless to say, Bai Xiaohu understood what he meant.

She quickly waved her hands: “Of course not, how dare I.”

Lu Ye nodded, not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t dare.

So, what’s going on in her head?

Lu Ye felt that it was simply incomprehensible. Even if she was just horny, and suddenly had some inappropriate thoughts, no one in the right mind will do something like this, right? Besides, she doesn’t look like that kind of person.

Lu Ye didn’t continue to question: “Let’s go.”

“Oh.” Bai Xiaohu took two steps and couldn’t help but glance at Lu Ye’s ass, so is he really that cat? Since she only sensed the aura for a short moment, and then she couldn’t feel it anymore, does that mean he could control the cat demon’s aura by will?

Lu Ye in front suddenly stopped. Bai Xiaohu raised her head strangely. Lu Ye turned his head and looked at her strangely. It seemed that he was trying very hard to restrain himself, his veins on his forehead seemed to be twitching. He said, “You walk in front.”

Bai Xiaohu: “…”

So he even notices the peaking too? (Cries inside)

She walked to the front very obediently.

Zhuang Qingzai didn’t understand what they were doing, even if he wanted to ask, his cold-faced elder brother sent him back with just one look.

Lu Ye said: “In the future, bring a few more people with you.”

Zhuang Qingzai was taken aback for a moment, and then became very excited: “Brother, are you worried about my safety? I usually bring people with me. The reason why I came to you alone today is because I was sure that where you are must be the safest place.”

Lu Ye didn’t speak anymore, and Zhuang Qingzai would never have thought that his brother was not worried about his safety, but his integrity.

After entering the furniture store, many compartments have been created on the first floor, and all the windows have been pasted with single-sided visible film, so that you can see the outside from the inside, but you cannot see the inside from the outside. Also, all windows and doors have been reinforced.

Each compartment is about seven to eight square meters, and there is a bed with a headboard that can be handcuffed. When the time comes, the infected can lie on it for treatment and do follow-up observation.

Bai Xiaohu saw a lot of familiar faces here, Wen Liansheng and others were busy setting up stuff here.  Seeing her, everyone looked at her brightly. Last night Lu Ye called them for a meeting, and they found out that Bai Xiaohu has the ability to treat the infected.

Compared to Lu Ye’s relatively flat reaction, they were more worried that Bai Xiaohu would not be able to withstand the pressure from all the different forces in the future. These people regarded Bai Xiaohu more as a treasure.

Baozi even said without hesitation: “You are so beautiful, and you have such an ability against the sky, what kind of shit luck is it, boss, to be able to pick up such a treasure casually.”

As a result, Lu Ye’s deadly gaze shot at him.

Lu Ye called people over and gave Bai Xiaohu a formal introduction.

“This is Wen Liansheng. You met him yesterday. When I’m not around, you can find him for anything you need.”

“This is Wan Zuochao. He is in charge of the Information Department. He is the one who is most familiar with the things in the base.”

“This is Pan Gu, you know him already.”

“This is Yu Jin, this is Lin Tao, and this is Bao Xiaoqiang.”

Baozi yelled: “Boss!” Then he leaned in front of Bai Xiaohu, “Miss, you can just call me Baozi. My name in the group chat is Baozi Wants to Eat Meat. Have you gotten a phone yet? Let me add you, and then invite you to join the group.”

Naturally, Bai Xiaohu doesn’t have a mobile phone yet. However, no clue where the heck he grabbed it from, Baozi took out a phone that looked brand new and handed it to Bai Xiaohu. It seemed that he had prepared it long ago, and then registered a new number for her.

“What would you like your nickname to be?”

“Ah, anything is fine.”

Baozi inputted a simple “Bai” character for her so that she could change it later if she wanted to, then invited her into the chat.

During chatting, Bai Xiaohu gradually learns that the few people here can be regarded as the core members of the Zhongyang Team.

Wen Liansheng, who is in the wheelchair, is the most important vice-captain below Lu Ye. He is in charge of all aspects of things. Despite his book-smart weak appearance, he is a Grass/Water dual-element esper, and the only dual-element esper in the team. His combat ability before his legs were injured was extraordinary, but he rarely goes out after he requires a wheelchair.

Wan Zuochao looks calm and reticent. He is an illusionist, who can create hallucinations to confuse opponents, but this ability is useless against zombies, so he spends most of his time in the team. He is known as the know-it-all, and he also uses this nickname in the group chat.

Yu Jin is a square-faced man with a cold and irritable temperament. He is always playing with a knife in his hand as if he is about to stab someone at any time. He is a metal-type esper. In contrast with his scary-looking appearance, he is a talkative and funny guy, nicknamed “Goldfish”.

Lin Tao is a thin man with a handsome appearance and a gentle temperament. At first glance, he may be thought to be a grass-type, but in fact, he is a very violent and forward fire-type esper. Despite this, he has a good temper.

The baby-faced Baozi looks very cute, and his temperament is also active. His ability is fog-type. When he releases the ability, within the range of his ability, his existence is completely hidden, and the enemy will also feel as if they were walking in heavy fog, can’t see anything, and all of their senses would be reduced. This ability is also useful against zombies.

The green-haired Pan Gu is the most familiar to Bai Xiaohu. He is an ice-ty esper. His nickname in the group is “Pan An is not as handsome as me”.

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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