Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Seeing him suddenly fall silent, Bai Xiaohu waved her hand: “Tell me, can I really set up a stall?”

Lu Ye returned to his senses and looked at her helplessly: “Of course, it can’t be that simple.”

Bai Xiaohu leaned forward, with an attitude of listening attentively: “So what should I do? How about I sneak around and find the infected by myself?”

Lu Ye looked at the strand of hair hanging down, and showed his palm holding the three hairpins: “Let’s take care of your hair first.”

“Don’t worry about it!” Bai Xiaohu casually pinned the hair behind her ears, but it fell again soon. She didn’t care about it, because the good deed points are more important! “Tell me quickly.”

Lu Ye said: “Are you that eager to save people? You have to understand, you are the only person in this world who can save the lives of those infected, and you may even be the only one in the future. Once people know that you have such ability, there will be countless people showing favor to you, currying favor with you, and approaching you. There will also be people who want to plot against you, use you, and control you. And that’s just in the Jiangcheng Base alone, not to mention outside of Jiangcheng.”

Lu Ye explained calmly: “Even if you don’t care about these things, you will still face a lot of pressure. All infected will come to you, no matter day or night, you may not even be able to get any free time, unable to leave the base. You will get a lot of gratitude, but when you fail, you get double the resentment.”

Bai Xiaohu waited for him to finish before asking in a low voice, “Why do I feel that you don’t want me to save people?”

Lu Ye said frankly: “No, I’m glad you have such ability. At least my team members’ lives could be saved if they are unfortunately infected in the future. I just hope you understand all this and be prepared.”

He didn’t regard Bai Xiaohu as the savior, or think that she should save people just because she has such an ability. He is different from others, everyone is struggling to survive in the apocalypse, even those in the Zhongyang Team who are laughing and joking around in the group all day. They are also working very hard in their way, living an active life.

He was different. He felt like an outsider calmly watching the world going towards the end.

Everything will be destroyed.

So he seldom feels happy or angry about anything, and he doesn’t regret the death of his compatriots. Death is only a matter of time.

It’s just that even though he felt this way, when he looked at the beautiful and innocent face of the little girl in front of him, who is so lively with a vivid expression of confusion, he suddenly felt a bit sad.

If this world gets destroyed, she will also cease to exist.

He lowered his head slightly and pressed his heart.

Bai Xiaohu was puzzled and asked: “Are you feeling unwell?” She moved a little closer, and at this moment, she felt the aura of the cat demon she was looking for, which came from Lu Ye, but it lasted for a very short moment. Then she couldn’t feel it anymore, as if it was just her illusion.

She grabbed Lu Ye’s arm.

Lu Ye paused slightly, put down the hand on his chest, and said calmly, “It’s nothing.”

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes swept over him several times, and it took her a while to give up regretfully.

She said quietly: “Then let me tell you one more thing. In fact, my purpose is not to save people, but I can get some kind of benefit from saving people.”

Seeing her acting mysteriously, Lu Ye was stunned for a moment, and also lowered his voice mysteriously: “What’s the benefit?”

Bai Xiaohu blinked, her little head started to function, and tentatively said: “If you are willing to help me deal with the troubles that may arise, and promise me one thing, I will share the benefits with you?”

Lu Ye: “Promise what?”

For example… Let me touch your butt.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t dare to say it out loud: “I’ll tell you when I think of it, don’t worry, it’s nothing bad, and I won’t embarrass you.”

Lu Ye smiled and stretched out his hand: “Deal.”

Bai Xiaohu looked at his big hand and shook it: “Deal!”

The fox circled around happily. Look, she found herself an ally in the New World so quickly!

Lu Ye said: “Now can you tell me how you cured those infected? I have to understand it clearly before I can help.”

“That’s fine, it’s very simple.”

After the two started chatting, it lasted for a long while. The little chicken demon was so bored, it was pecking and digging in the grass to catch bugs, and the people in the leisure area were also waiting. The more they waited, the more gossiping and curious they became.

After a long time, they walked back to the building from the river. Bai Xiaohu was in a good mood, jumping up and down: “Then it’s a deal, we’ll use this method starting tomorrow.”

Lu Ye stopped suddenly, and she also stopped. Looking forward, she saw a fairly familiar person, Ying Miao?

Ying Miao stood under the tree next to the street lamp, smiling a bit forcedly: “What a coincidence.”

It’s not a coincidence. She has been wandering here for a long time, wanting to know what they were talking about, but she didn’t dare to approach them. At the end, she saw them come back talking and laughing, Bai Xiaohu even had her hair disheveled. What happened between them?

Bai Xiaohu: It’s not disheveled, okay? Just a strand of hair hanging down.

Lu Ye said to Bai Xiaohu: “Go back and rest. See you tomorrow morning at today’s leisure area.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded, waved to Ying Miao and walked away happily.

Lu Ye waited for her to walk into the distance before looking at Ying Miao, Ying Miao’s expression was a bit sad, but Lu Ye didn’t wait for her to build up the emotions, and said straightforwardly: “Ying Miao, because of your brother’s entrustment before he died, Liansheng and I takes care of you more.”

Ying Miao’s face immediately turned pale. This was the first time that Lu Ye said such a thing. He took care of her only because of his brother’s entrustment, and without his brother’s entrustment, she was nothing to him.

Is that what he means?

He even brought Wen Liansheng into his words, alienating to the extreme.

He didn’t even say in a way I treat you like my own sister. There is not even such a thing at all, because she can’t even be considered as a “sister” in his view?

Ying Miao’s face was pale, and she said sadly, “Brother Lu, are you really this unfeeling?”

Lu Ye’s eyes and expression were full of indifference, and his tone was flat: “You can ask the other female members of the team, or the male members, ask them if I am unfeeling in their hearts.”

The implication is that I have this attitude towards everyone, why don’t they think I’m unfeeling, but just you? What made you believe that I should treat you differently?

Ying Miao’s heart crashed even harder. She, she didn’t even have the right to think that he was unfeeling? Yes, why would she think that he should be different towards her?

In the past, Lu Ye didn’t want to say harsh words or thought it was unnecessary. He was aware of Ying Miao’s thoughts, but he thought that as long as he didn’t respond, and didn’t let her have any hope, it would be fine. After all, she is the sister of a sincere friend, and he still has to give some face, but today he has to say what he said.

Ying Miao’s behavior has crossed the line.

“Ying Miao, do what you should do well. Don’t do anything unnecessary.” His eyes were calm but penetrating. Ying Miao felt as if she had been seen through, and ran away in embarrassment.

Lu Ye withdrew his gaze indifferently and headed towards the office building.

From the translator: I am so sorry for the short post and my delayed update this two weeks! I am super behind schedule and needed to get some things done. I’ll try my best to get back to regular posting starting in July. ><

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    It’s completely okay translator I’m sure you had bigger priorities 👍👍

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