Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

More than half an hour ago, Bai Xiaohu was still working hard on pulling the demonic energy in the bungalow. After she completed pulling for a few people, she was a little tired. After all, this operation requires spiritual energy, otherwise, anyone can pull the demonic energy like a rope without it breaking.

When she was tired, she ate the spiritual fruit to replenish her spirit energy, then continued pulling. She felt like a hard-working rabbit pulling carrots.

At the same time, she had to guard against people from outside suddenly rushing in. Don’t think that she couldn’t hear the people outside muttering, saying that there was no sound inside. Someone came to knock on the door.

Bai Xiaohu was startled, thought for a while, and woke up a man. As soon as the man opened his eyes, she stared straight into his eyes. The man’s expression became bewildered, and he suddenly shouted towards the door: “Why TF are you all so noisy! !”

The people outside shouted: “It’s Zhang! He’s still alive and hasn’t turned into a zombie yet!”

Then Bai Xiaohu pinched the man into a coma again and continued with her work. As for the knocking and talking outside, she ignored them. Those people were not planning on entering anyway.

It took a lot of time to finally get rid of the demonic energy in every person here. Bai Xiaohu almost collapsed from exhaustion, but she was very happy when she found that the entrance of her spatial treasure had become bigger. Bai Xiaohu patted the little chicken demon who was so full it started burping and said: “Quick! Let’s go, let’s go!”

She climbed up to the window, removed the glass, let the little chicken demon fly out first, and then climbed out herself. However, she was so tired that her hands and feet were weak, she bumped her head in the process and struggled to get out.

It was almost dark outside, and there were no lights anywhere. Bai Xiaohu escaped smoothly and was relieved when she came to the street outside. Then she realized that she didn’t know how to get back to the Zhongyang Team.

Front, back, left, and right, they all seem to be the same.

Should she turn around and go back to the Shengtian Team first? The “Mr. little butt” should still be over there, and since ‘Mr. little butt’ is Lu Ye’s younger brother, he will definitely go back to the Zhongyang Team. Also, she wondered whether Lu Ye has gone back yet.

She scratched her face and ended up deciding to find the way back to the Zhongyang Team by letting the little chicken demon fly high and look from above. It took them a long time to find the Zhongyang Team.

In addition, she got stopped at the door.

The guards had switched shifts, and they had never seen Bai Xiaohu, but seeing such a pretty little girl, they had a good attitude: “Little girl, who are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for……”

Before she could think of whose name to say, a clean voice sounded: “She’s one of our own.”

Bai Xiaohu looked up. In the night, under the street lights, a man in a wheelchair came slowly and looked at her with a smile.

Bai Xiaohu didn’t know why, but she had the feeling of being caught on the way home from partying.

After entering, Wen Liansheng asked her, “Aren’t you with Lu?”

Does Lu mean Lu Ye?

Bai Xiaohu thought as she answered: “I, I took a walk around.”

Wen Liansheng nodded, and didn’t ask too much: “Do you want something to eat?” Bai Xiaohu’s eyes lit up. When she arrived here in the afternoon, she was thinking about eating. That half backpack of food she ate outside was not enough, she had already digested it all.

She nodded happily.

A person rushed out of the building quickly, ran to Bai Xiaohu, and said excitedly: “Miss, you are back! Those people didn’t even tell me that you were here, and when I got up and came down from upstairs, you were already out!”

This person is Pan Gu.

Then he realized that Bai Xiaohu had changed clothes. He was stunned for a moment, and said sincerely: “You, you look even better than in the daytime.” After speaking, he felt embarrassed, touched his head, and said, “Didn’t you just say that you want something to eat? At this time, the cafeteria is quite messy, what do you want to eat, I’ll get it for you! How about eating at the leisure area over there?”

The enthusiastic little human boy, although his green hair is a bit strange, is still very likable.

Bai Xiaohu nodded: “Sure.”

This office building is very large, and the bottom two floors are like a huge base, which is very wide. There are many functional areas on the first floor. Right behind the entrance is the hall. Going to the left, it’s a small activity room, and there is a leisure hall next to it. 

Next to the floor-to-ceiling windows is a long table, a row of round stools, a shelf full of green plants, and a few green round sofa chairs surrounding the small red round table to form a flower-like shape. On the opposite side is a set of game equipment. There are darts, maps, and colorful stickers hanging on the wall. There is also a special area in the corner; a set of cat climbing frames, with miniature slides, seesaws, swing baskets, building block caves, and filled with yellow ocean balls, surrounded by sponge pads.

Bai Xiaohu watched all this silently, her eyes fell on the area full of yellow balls in the corner, and she could hardly retreat her gaze. She didn’t realize that it was made for cats to play with, but…she really wanted to get back into her true form and play in it for a while. 

The toys made by humans look so playful…

Hold on tight, no way! Be sober, you don’t have any tail, so you absolutely can’t change back to your true form, even if no one sees it!

Bai Xiaohu: …Suddenly wilted.(Cries inside)

Several people were sitting on the couch talking when Bai Xiaohu and the others came in, they stood up and looked at Bai Xiaohu in amazement, Pan Gu politely let Bai Xiaohu sit on the sofa. Conveniently, he knew everyone here, so he dragged all of them to fetch food with him.

So a few people went out to grab food, but more than a dozen people came back. Those who were outside with Pan Gu during the day learned that Bai Xiaohu was back, and they all came from upstairs or other places, and the leisure area was surrounded by people for a while. 

Bai Xiaohu didn’t mind being surrounded by crowds. Looking at the food on the coffee table, her eyes lit up.

There are fried noodles, fried rice, fried rice cakes, soup noodles, dumplings, porridge, steamed stuffed buns, pancakes, small cakes, and biscuits, as well as serious meals and crockpot soup.

Pan Gu presents it all like gifting treasures: “I don’t know what you like to eat, so I bring some of each. You can eat whatever you want, and the rest will not be wasted since we are here!”

He is very proud. Within this short time for dinner and midnight snack, where else can provide such a rich variety of food as their team?

Bai Xiaohu: “So, it’s all for me?”

“Of course!”

Bai Xiaohu reached her hands out without hesitation and grabbed a piece of cake.

Take a bite, it’s the same as what she ate during the day, it’s soft, fragrant, sweet, and delicious!

Pan Gu heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that girls really do like to eat this kind of small pastry.

He went to the cafeteria just now and was told that Ying Miao had prepared a table of good food for Bai Xiaohu. As a result, he went to see what those good foods were, but it turned out to be a bunch of inconvenient things to eat.

A whole fish braised in soy sauce, a whole chicken that is grilled so oily and placed on the table uncut, one can’t even decide how to use a chopstick on it. Plus that huge pork meat that requires both hands to pick up, in short, that table was full of big and oily food, extremely inconvenient to enjoy. Who is she trying to accuse of having never eaten good stuff before?

And it’s too inappropriate to serve those as dinner to a slender and beautiful young lady.

Just as he was thinking about this, he saw the slender and beautiful young lady in front of him elegantly wiping out a whole plate of small cakes cleanly. Then she reached her hands out for the fried noodles, and after eating the fried noodles, she picked up the dumplings. As she started eating the stir-fried rice cakes, she looked all over the table and then landed her eyes on a braised chicken drum.

Target locked! Her eyes smile.

Pan Gu: Wait, isn’t there something wrong?

Wen Liansheng, who was talking to Bai Xiaohu at the beginning: “……” He silently closed his mouth, not to disturb her eating.

The jaws of the onlookers were about to drop. Is this young lady that hungry?

At the same time, Lu Ye came to the bungalow.

The expressions of everyone here are very strange, they are all surprised and confused. Looking at the half-open bungalow, Lu Ye frowned, realizing something.

He walked in, and all he saw were a dozen people lying on the ground in a mess. Jiang Shengtian squatted on the side, and he couldn’t even dare to move them.

Lu Ye’s pupils shrank. He recognized that these were the infected people from earlier, and he could tell that they are all sleeping peacefully now. Except for the wounds on their bodies and the gray complexion of some, they look completely normal.

Lu Ye knelt and felt the pulses of several people, and checked the wounds. The wounds that should have been black and rotten had turned into normal wounds, and they would heal with just a little treatment.

Lu Ye said to Wan Zuochao and others who followed, “You guys also have a look.”

They all took a look, with strange expressions: “These people, have they really been infected?”

Do infected people look like this? Bullying them for lack of knowledge?

But they also know that there is absolutely no mistake. Most of them have seen these people getting infected before, and they were indeed in a post-infection state.

The elites of the Zhongyang Team were somewhat skeptical about life.

Jiang Shengtian even started questioning life. He murmured to Lu Ye: “Lu-ge, what’s going on?”

Lu Ye didn’t answer this question, but said, “Have you blocked the news?”

Jiang Shengtian said: “I told everyone here not to leave, and not to disclose any news.”

“Well, until you figure out the reason, if you don’t want these people to be caught for experiments, then keep quiet.”

Jiang Shengtian nodded again and again. He knew the importance of the matter, that’s why he hurriedly called Lu Ye back.

“Then, are they all good?”

Lu Ye said, “It seems so.”

Jiang Shengtian immediately wanted to cry with joy, no matter what the reason was, it’s so good that they’re alive, it’s so good that they’re alive.

Lu Ye inspected the bungalow, and suddenly looked at a window: “Is that the window like that before?”

Wan Zuochao and the others immediately stepped forward to look. The glass of that window was neatly cut out in a square, and it was leaning against the window. Because of the height, it is impossible to see it clearly unless you look carefully.

One person from the Shengtian Team came over to take a look and immediately said: “That’s not the case. I checked it before they came in. All the windows were good then! I swear!”

Jiang Shengtian hurriedly asked him to lead the people outside  and search to see if there were any clues, and asked Lu Ye excitedly, “Did someone sneak in and save Zhang and the others?”

“Not sure yet.” Lu Ye suddenly saw something on the ground, paused, and took a step sideways, blocking Jiang Shengtian’s sight.

Wan Zuochao’s attention to detail was good, so he immediately noticed Lu Ye’s movements and also saw the thing on the ground. Although he didn’t know what kind of clue it might be, he immediately started talking to Jiang Shengtian which led him to look elsewhere.

Lin Tao and Baozi were also quite smart and reacted quickly. They immediately diverted the attention of the others.

Lu Ye picked up the thing on the ground.

It was a hairpin, not sure if the green gems were real or not, but it was shiny and quite delicate. It was wrapped with silver wires, and several silver wires thin as hair were twisted into two strands, which became the two legs of the hairpin, so it can be inserted into the hair and used to… hold the hair in place or something.

Lu Ye’s eyes flashed, and calmly put the hairpin into his pocket without the others noticing.

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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