Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

When Lu Ye asked this question, his pupils looked deep and sharp, and Bai Xiaohu felt that she was being seen through. She lowered her eyes with guilt and her eyelashes trembled.

“Well, what can I, I, I, I do?” How did he notice? After waking up, he should be unaware of the previous incident. Wouldn’t thinking that he suddenly felt dizzy and blacked out a little be the most reasonable reaction?

Lu Ye stared closely at her eyes, his eyes were extremely oppressive, as if they could condense lightning.

Bai Xiaohu was sweating even more. How dare she be so bold just now, she even forgot that this is a man who can control thunder at will.

Someone approached quickly, and grabbed Lu Ye’s arm that was pressing on Bai Xiaohu’s shoulder, Shi Jian said coldly: “Captain Lu.”

Lu Ye looked at this woman. He had some impression of her. She’s a very strong metal-type esper on the team. Now, she is looking at Lu Ye with cold and condemning eyes, as if Lu Ye was a bully bullying an innocent girl.

He frowned: “This is our business.”

Shi Jian didn’t back down, clasped the arm of her immediate superior, and stared at him brazenly: “Captain Lu if you have something to say, speak up.” Although she didn’t say the second half of the sentence, the meaning was obvious: get your hand off of her.

Lu Ye can’t help but doubt that Bai Xiaohu was not brought back by himself, but by Shi Jian, and that he was a villain who’s dedicated to bullying her.

Lu Ye looked at her, then looked at Bai Xiaohu who was being held in his hand pitifully like a little rabbit. Bai Xiaohu looked at Shi Jian with adoring eyes, Lu Ye suddenly felt speechless and let go of his hand and took two steps back.

Shi Jian immediately stood in front of Bai Xiaohu and asked her in a low voice: “Are you okay?”

Bai Xiaohu shook her head, looked at her with bright eyes, and then cautiously raised his head to look at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye felt a bit depressed, what did he do, he just wanted to ask a question.

And it’s barely been several hours, how did they get to know each other so well?

He frowned and asked Bai Xiaohu: “Didn’t your chicken want to get in contact with infected people?”

Bai Xiaohu hugged the fake chicken in her arms a little tighter: “Well, no need, I’ll take it home right now, so I won’t bother you.”

Lu Ye didn’t say a word.

Bai Xiaohu: Sigh, human beings are really hard to fool.

Fortunately, at this time, a car drove up to the door of the Shengtian Team and was stopped at the door. Someone jumped out of the car and looked around at the door: “I’m looking for someone. Who? Is Captain Lu Ye here?”

Lu Ye looked over with slight displeasure, and frowned when he saw the person coming: “What are you doing here?”

Zhuang Qingzai was very happy to see him: “Brother! I heard about the event that happened here. I might know something to help you, so I came.”

Before Lu Ye could say anything, Jiang Shengtian walked over excitedly: “What do you know?”

Zhuang Qingzai said cautiously: “So, can I go in?”

“Come, come, come in, come in!”

As soon as Zhuang Qingzai came in, he happily ran to Lu Ye’s side: “Brother, I finally found you. I wanted to see you for two days, but I couldn’t even get in the door of the Zhongyang Team.”

As he spoke, he saw Bai Xiaohu and his eyes widened in surprise: “It’s you, that day on the mountain…” When he said this, he thought of his butt being touched, and his face turned red.

Bai Xiaohu also recognized him at a glance, her eyes brightened, it was that buttock!

As soon as he approached, the faint scent of the cat demon reappeared. Bai Xiaohu was so excited that she immediately glanced down…

Subconsciously, Zhuang Qingzai covered his buttock and took two steps back, terrified, “What are you doing?”

Bai Xiaohu: “……”

She didn’t do anything, okay? Why are you so taken aback?

Even if she did want to do something, can she do it in front of so many people? Foxes are not stupid!

Lu Ye looked at the two of them, and a certain shocking memory flooded into his mind, his face turned dark immediately, the veins on his forehead twitched, and he shouted: “Zhuang Qingzai!”

Zhuang Qingzai’s body trembled: “Brother!”

Lu Ye turned around: “Come talk to me.”

“Oh.” Zhuang Qingzai hurriedly followed him, walked a few steps, and couldn’t help but turn around, seeing that beautiful girl was still staring at him as if she was evaluating him, Zhuang Qingzai suddenly became scared. He approached his elder brother trembling: “Brother, elder brother, she is still staring at me. Could it be that she has a crush on me?”

Lu Ye paused, and suddenly had the urge to throw this guy over the wall, and said coldly, “You misunderstood.”

After walking a certain distance, he also looked back. Bai Xiaohu, who had just said that she was going to leave, was still standing there with no intention of leaving at all. Lu Ye took Zhuang Qingzai directly into a building nearby.

Seeing the two of them disappearing into the building, Bai Xiaohu was quite disappointed. Lu Ye must be very angry. His expression was so cold just now. He even took his brother so far away, wouldn’t even let her watch him. But missing a few glances is not a problem, the main thing is to be able to touch it!

Then she belatedly realized: Are they brothers?

Then it’s no wonder that both of them have the aura of the cat demon… No, this fact doesn’t necessarily seem to have any correlation, and she hasn’t figured out whether Lu Ye has a cat demon aura on his body.

She thought about it, ignored it for the time being, and looked around, where did Mengmeng go? The infected people were gone too. She was so scared by Lu Ye just now that she didn’t notice where they were taken.

In a bungalow behind the Shengtian team, people cried together. More than a dozen infected people said their final farewell to their family and friends. It’s too cruel to let them stay in front of them and watch through the process of them turning into monsters like zombies.

Giving them a place to die peacefully is the final fulfillment of their dignity.

After saying goodbye to those close to them, they stepped into the bungalow one by one.

Every team will have such a place.

People looking for supplies and killing zombies outside will inevitably suffer casualties. If they are infected, they are absolutely not allowed to return to the base, even if there are many people as guarantees, even if they are still awake, they must die outside.

But it is inevitable that some people show no symptoms when they get infected, and they didn’t even know it themself, and showed symptoms after returning to the base.

At this time, no matter how distressed others are, they must deal with it. Such a building is for the infected people to spend their last moments so that they can decently leave in peace.

It’s just that on this day, the Shengtian Team had too many people leaving, a total of sixteen.

When they stepped into the bungalow, the bungalow was full.

One of the tall and strong men smiled wryly and said, “So many of us are on the road together, we won’t be alone.”

He was bitten on the neck, there was a huge wound, and his whole face was already a little gray. He wiped away his tears, picked up the gun, pointed at his head, and looked at the other fifteen people: “Don’t show such a sad face, didn’t we make such a resolution on the first day? I’ll take a step first, you follow!”

As he spoke, he was about to shoot.

The invisible little chicken demon floating in the air didn’t understand what they were going to do at first and thought that so many people gathered in the same space would make it convenient for it to enjoy the demonic energy. But then it quickly realizes, are they planning to die?

If they die, can they continue to emit demonic energy for it to eat?

Plus, Foxy said that they can’t be turned into zombies, so it shouldn’t allow them to die, right?

The little chicken demon’s tiny head was working hard and finally felt that this should be the case, so these people should live well.

So when the big man closed his eyes, it swooped down and pecked at his wrist.

The big man cried out in pain, and the gun fell to the ground: “What’s that!” A bloody gash was pecked on his wrist, and blood gushed out.

Little Chicken Demon: Ah, it seems to peck too hard.

The gun fell next to the feet of a woman. The woman was scratched on the back of her hand, and now half of her body is a little numb. She picked up the gun, with a look of surprise on her face: “What’s going on?”

If the big man’s gun just fell to the ground, others might think that he didn’t want to die and dropped the gun on purpose, but the wound on his wrist was real.

The woman thought about it but felt that it was meaningless regardless. She was going to die, so what’s the point of thinking about it? She held the gun to her head.

Seeing this, the little chicken demon immediately swooped down and pecked her.

OM, what’s going on with these human beings, everything’s fine, why are they trying to die!

The gun fell to the ground again, and the back of the woman’s hand was pecked red. Now the others were also shocked. Is there something invisible and intangible in this room?

They immediately thought of ghosts and the teammates who died here before, and the woman immediately burst into tears: “ZhouZhou, is that you?”

ZhouZhou is the name of her best friend who died here. That day, they were fine at first, and they were discussing what to eat for dinner with great interest, but suddenly, ZhouZhou’s eyes changed color. After checking in a hurry, they found that her shoulder was unexpectedly scratched by zombies at some point.

When ZhouZhou still has consciousness, she hugged and bid farewell to her calmly, walked into the house, and committed suicide with a gunshot.

The woman is not afraid of death, but when she thinks of her best friend from the past, she can’t help crying. She has so many people accompanying her when she dies, and she still feels anxious. What kind of mood did ZhouZhou feel at that time all alone?

She grabbed the clothes on her chest in pain and lay on the ground crying like a child.

Others also thought of their dead relatives and friends, and called out their names one after another, so the room was full of high, low cries, or people chokingly asking: “Is that you? Did you come to pick me up?”

The little chicken demon looked at these people in panic, while carefully eating the demonic energy.

Human beings are scary. Are they crazy?

Chirp, I want Foxy to hug me.

But looking back, chirp? Why is there no opening in this house, I can’t get out!

The little chicken demon was dumbfounded: Help! ! !

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Haha so cute!! I love this novel so much😆🤍

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