Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Actually, there’s not much change to Bai Xiaohu’s face. It’s just that what she wore before was too plain and now she has added color to her outfit with the intention to dress up pretty, her whole image got brighter, and naturally gave people a completely different feeling.

Can’t leave out the fact that Ying Miao choked herself so badly that she regretted her act of gifting her beautiful dresses for free. When Bai Xiaohu saw that all these people suddenly stood quiet, she tilted her head slightly and asked in puzzlement, “Are you all looking for me?”

The way they blocked the door aggressively, looked like they were looking for a fight.

Bai Xiaohu wasn’t afraid even if they were really looking for a fight, she had replenished a lot of spiritual energy just now.

The group of people: “……” Awwow, the way she is tilting her head is so cute!

Ying Miao recovered her voice, and forced a fake smile: “Let me introduce to you, this is…”

It’s just that before she could finish her sentence, she saw these carefree and rough women lower their heads with a little blushing, trimming their hair, pulling their clothes, and then raising their heads to show shy smiles.

Chen Dao still maintained her last reserve, but her reserve was to turn her head away awkwardly, but still couldn’t help peeking over.

Ying Miao: “……”

That’s not to mention, Shi Jian, who was originally at the end of the crowd, straight up came forward in front of all and stretched out her hand to Bai Xiaohu: “Hello, my name is Shi Jian, what’s your name?”

Bai Xiaohu looked up at her. She was wearing shoes that were at least 8 centimeters tall, but this woman was taller than her, maybe 1.8 meters (5’9’’). Sensing the friendliness of the other party, she also stretched out her hand: “Hello, my name is Bai Xiaohu.”

Shi Jian pulled out a smile that she clearly isn’t used to doing, and Ying Miao swore that this was the first time she saw this cold-faced woman smiling, and it was even rarer than seeing Lu Ye smile.

Shi Jian’s eyes brightened slightly, and she said slowly, “It’s such a good name, the name is beautiful, and the person is even more beautiful.”

Ying Miao: “……………….”

Shi Jian: “I think something is missing. I’m good at braiding hair. Would you like me to help you?”

Bai Xiaohu stroked her disheveled hair and didn’t expect the topic to be on her hair all of a sudden, and said in a daze, “Ah… sure.”

Shi Jian: So soft, so cute!

She dragged Bai Xiaohu into the room solemnly: “I’ll braid it princess style, I got an idea in mind already.”

Ying Miao: “……………….”


Lu Ye went over to the Shengtian Team after hearing that something had happened.

When he got there, the chaos had subsided, but unfortunately, more than a dozen members of the Shengtian team were infected.

Before Lu Ye got close, he heard the howling and cursing of the Shengtian Team.

“Captain Lu!”


Seeing Lu Ye here, members of the Zhongyang Team who were standing around in awkwardness quickly moved out of the way in surprise and joy as they looked behind Lu Ye. Alas, where is the legendary young lady?

——Why did the boss come here alone?

——You are stupid, why would the young lady come here? She must be resting in the team, maybe Captain Wen is chatting with her.

——Oh no, we missed the chance to be the first ones to meet her, what a pity.

The gossipers in the Zhongyang Team continued to gossip with their eyebrows and eyes gesture, but seeing the infected people and their relatives and friends in the field tearing up in sorrow, they sighed and suppressed the desire to gossip.

The captain of the Shengtian Team saw Lu Ye approaching and immediately greeted him. With red eyes, he said, “Lu-ge, you have to stand up for us regarding this matter. Team Residual Blood pushed it way too far!”

Lu Ye looked at the man who was tied up, locked in a cage, and smiling wildly like a psycho. He clearly looked infected, his face had turned dark gray, and his eyes were beginning to cloud. He was on the edge of becoming a zombie. His hands, body, and mouth had blood all over them, and those were obviously the blood of people from the Shengtian Team.

Lu Ye said: “Members of Team Residual Blood?”

“That’s right! I’ve seen this person in Team Residual Blood, you know, we have a bit of a feud with Team Residual Blood, but who knew that they would do something this dirty! This person started grabbing and biting everyone as soon as he came in…” Captain of the ShengTian Team choked, holding back tears as he spoke.

This young man in his early twenties, named Jiang Shengtian, was once saved by Lu Ye, and originally wanted to join the Zhongyang Team. However, he had a group of bros behind him, and Lu Ye didn’t want to make the Zhongyang Team’s scale too big, so he didn’t consent to it. Afterward, Jiang Shengtian created the Shengtian team by himself, not only establishing a territory near the Zhongyang team but also following the lead of the Zhongyang Team in every aspect.

For this reason, Lu Ye and the ZhongYang Team usually look after them and help them out often, but who knew that such a terrible thing would happen?

The dozen or so people who were infected over there had already resigned themselves to their fate and were tied up by their former teammates. Relatives and friends were crying in despair beside them. Even those who were used to seeing life and death felt heavy in their hearts watching this scene.

The eyes of some people in the Zhongyang Team also got red.

A resolute man with a square face walked up to Lu Ye: “Boss, I’ve seen that person in Team Residual Blood before. If he was sent by Team Residual Blood, this kind of action cannot be tolerated.”

If they can sneak attack the Shengtian Team today, then they can sneak attack other places tomorrow. Their Zhongyang team is a thorn in the eyes of many people. There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Such a bad practice must be severely suppressed.

There was a bloodthirsty light in the man’s eyes. As long as Lu Ye gives an order, he can immediately kill all the remaining members of Team Residual Blood and wring the head of that shit captain.

Lu Ye thought for a moment, then said, “Yu Jin.”

The square-faced man replied in a deep voice, “Yes!”

Lu Ye: “You lead people to surround Team Residual Blood, they are only allowed to enter but not exit.” Yu Jin thought for a while, “Understood, just surround them and not violence.”

Lu Ye looked into the crowd and found a person: “Lin Tao.”

“Yes!” A handsome man with natural curly hair came out.

“Cooperate with Yu Jin and invite Captain Mo and several deputy captains of Team Residual Blood here. Invite as many as you can, but Captain Mo must come regardless. Since they belong to him, he have to come and explain.” He calmly ordered.

Lin Tao smiled: “Don’t worry, I will definitely ‘invite’ them nicely.”

Lu Ye then said: “Baozi.”

A boy with a baby face came out with a smile, “Boss, what’s my job?”

Lu Ye said: “Bring Chief Zhou and District Chief Lin over here.” Subconsciously, he wanted to rub the gun at his waist but realized that the gun had already been given away, and got crushed like scrap iron not long ago.

He paused, “Since there is such a vicious activity, we shall notify them accordingly.”

The young boy stood straight: “I promise to do it well!”

For a while, most of the people present who are from the Zhongyang Team were sent off, and the people in the Shengtian Team were also filled with righteous indignation and said aggressively that they would participate in the contribution.

Regardless of those trivial matters, Lu Ye said to Jiang Shengtian: “You go send some people to find out this person’s experience, identity background, his family, friends, and people close to him. Especially in regards to who he is with today, where did he go, how did he get the virus, if he got infected outside, who was the gatekeeper when he entered the base, where did he go before coming here, and whether there are any witnesses.”

Lu Ye looked at the cage and said slowly, “Whether it’s spontaneous or instigated, there will always be traces. Also, tell me all the details after he came in, and the conflict you had with Team Residual Blood.”

Jiang Shengtian wiped his face: “Yes sir.”


Bai Xiaohu was surrounded by people for a long while before they finished her look. Looking at her hairstyle in the mirror, she was stunned.

Shi Jian’s hands were really skillful, and she braided her hair with several scorpion braids on the side, and put them together with the hair on the back, making it very layered and fluffy. Since Bai Xiaohu had a lot of hair, the whole hairstyle looks very heavy and dense.

There is also a row of green small diamond piece hairpins wrapped around it, and the diamond pieces and silver threads that faintly shine in the hair as Bai Xiaohu moves, which is very conservatively beautiful.

Shi Jian also fixed a green ribbon in her hair, hanging under the buds, and it would float up leisurely when the wind blew.

For the final touch, Shi Jian curled Bai Xiaohu’s thin strands of hair that flowed in front of her forehead, and a successful princess hairstyle was born!

Simple yet elegant, there is a kind of lazy messy beauty in neatness.

Coupled with Bai Xiaohu’s smooth and full forehead, thick eyelashes like crow feathers, big black eyes, on that small, delicate, beautiful face, and her slender, graceful neck, it’s perfect!

Shi Jian looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her with shining eyes. Bai Xiaohu looked up at her: “Done?”

Those eyes were clear and serious, with a nascent ignorant trust (so wrong), Shi Jian couldn’t help pinching her palms to calm down, and then said steadily: “Yes.”

Bai Xiaohu let out a sigh of relief and patted her head: “Isn’t this a bit strange?”

In their clan, only married vixens wear their hair up.

But she also knows that there is no such tradition here, it’s just that she is not used to seeing herself like this.

The other women surrounded her since the beginning: “Nope, it’s not weird at all, it’s very pretty.”

Shi Jian said: “This hairstyle is more suitable for the skirt you’re wearing.”

Chen Dao sat the furthest away but still was no more than two meters. Hearing this, she nodded silently.

Ying Miao, standing on the side, was already numb. She even wondered if she was out of her mind. She sat here for so long just to watch them do all kinds of stuff for Bai Xiaohu and praised her all they could. 

Ying Miao stood up: “Let’s go down to the cafeteria, the meals should be ready.”

No matter how beautifully dressed she is, if she sits in the greasy canteen, she won’t be able to maintain that fairyness anymore, Ying Miao thought with uncertainty. Regardless, she can’t stand to stay here for another minute, she needs someone to stand out and point out that Bai Xiaohu’s dress is inappropriate to strengthen her confidence and correct her three views of the world.

Shi Jian glanced at her indifferently, but when her sight returned to Bai Xiaohu, it became very gentle again: “Then let’s go down.” Such beauty should be seen by more people!

Bai Xiaohu stood up, and the little chicken demon quickly flew into her arms.

Shi Jian frowned. This ruins the look a little, but she didn’t say anything.

A few people went downstairs, and Bai Xiaohu felt that these human women who followed her closely were a little too enthusiastic, but they were much more sincere than Ying Miao, so she liked them very much and asked them some questions.

The elevator door opened with a ding, and they all walked out. It was dusk when people came back from work. There were many people in the hotel lobby, both men and women. They all looked over and fixed their eyes on Bai Xiaohu, stupefied, showing amazement and astonishment. 

Chen Dao felt very honored when she walked beside Bai Xiaohu.

Ying Miao saw so many people, her eyes lit up. So many people, there must be at least one who is not happy about Bai Xiaohu. She cheered up, cleared her throat, and was about to speak, but Bai Xiaohu seemed to have noticed something and turned to look in a certain direction.

The little chicken demon also croaked and looked in the same direction.

There, not far away, is emitting demonic energy! And it was barely formed just now.

The little chicken demon chirped, and bounced in Bai Xiaohu’s hand: fresh demonic energy, delicious taste, I want to eat it!

In case you didn’t see the message I sent in discord yesterday, I had a minor eye problem over the weekend and had to avoid using technology for a little bit, so this post is for last week and another chapter will be posted at the end of this week. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!!! Translator you do such an amazing job, this is my fav novel ever!

    1. Wen says:

      So happy to see you enjoy this novel! I’ll do my best to post even better work going forward ^^

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