Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

After dumping Lu Ye, Bai Xiaohu experienced the feeling of being in an elevator for the first time in her entire fox life.

Except for the feeling of being overweight at the beginning, there was almost no feeling at all later. When they reached the eighteenth floor, Bai Xiaohu felt a slight sense of weightlessness for a moment, and then the elevator door opened with a beep.

The dark brown corridor carpet made almost no sound when she stepped on it. Ying Miao led her to a gate and swiped her card, then the door opened and Bai Xiaohu saw a room of more than a dozen square meters.

On the left-hand side of the entrance are a wardrobe and a small open cabinet, which can be used for food and other things. On the right-hand side is the bathroom. After entering, there is a 1.5-meter bed in the center of the room, and a light blue short sofa next to the window sill with a small coffee table next to it. The wall opposite the sofa, an LCD TV is hung on the wall, and next to the TV, there is a long log desk.

Although the room is not very big, it has everything one needs. Bai Xiaohu walked over to the window and opened the curtains to let the light flood in. From this room, she can see the office building in the front and a good overview of the base. 

She thought the view was quite nice, so she walked away from the bed, went to the bathroom to have a look. She turned on the faucet, and water soon flowed out. 

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes lit up, she really wanted to take a bath. It’s been several days since she came to this world, but she hasn’t taken a bath yet.

As if she knew what Bai Xiaohu was thinking, Ying Miao kindly asked someone to bring over many new clothes where the tags are still attached: “I don’t think you have any luggage, so you probably don’t have clothes to change in, right? Take a look and see if you like these clothes.”

She mindfully put only a few casual clothes in this pile of clothes, and the rest are skirts, dresses, one-pieces, cake skirts, and fairy skirts, with bright colors and eye-catching shapes, which are the kind that any girl will like.

But such clothes are not popular during the apocalypse. On the contrary, those dull color, durable clothes became more popular, so these skirts have been left behind accumulated. Dresses that were worth tens of thousands of dollars before the apocalypse are now worthless. Just one level-one crystal core can buy several pieces.

Ying Miao felt that since Bai Xiaohu dressed like this, she must be a beauty lover, and would definitely choose these skirts. Then she would for sure stand out when everyone wore plain clothes that prioritized simplicity and practicality. As the only one dressing fancy, like a rich person showing off, she will be excluded, even if she is a psychic esper.

Otherwise, why would Ying Miao herself cut her hair so short and dress up like a strong woman, it’s only because this is the mainstream of this era.

Bai Xiaohu was indeed attracted to those fairy-like skirts, and said happily, “You got such beautiful dresses here!” It was much prettier than the one she got in that clothing store earlier.

She was originally worried that most human women now wear trousers, so she would have to do the same.

For her, the top is nothing more than a top, but if the lower body is tight, showing the outline of the body, it feels a bit strange. The same as she prefers her fur to be fluffy and soft, when it gets wet, it all sticks to her body, and that looks super ugly.

Therefore, it’s best to be able to wear dresses.

Without being taught, she started comparing the skirts and gesticulating them on her in front of the full-length mirror. It’s novel to see the red suspenders, and she likes that irregular- shaped skirt with blue flowers very much. The little chicken demon also flew up and down chirping to come up with ideas.

A fox daemon naturally likes to dress up beautifully, even her eldest brother who never smiles pays close attention to his image. If Bai Xiaohu hadn’t been isolated from the world on the Baishou Mountain and almost turned herself into a wild fox, there’s no way she only wore a simple white dress with a fluffy hair band.

At this moment, she felt that although Ying Miao was faking being warm and friendly, she understood her heart very well, and immediately changed her opinion of her.

But she still asked: “I can wear any of these dresses?”

Ying Miao said: “Of course.”

Bai Xiaohu showed a big smile: “Thank you, are you giving me all of these?”

Ying Miao was dazzled by her smile, and murmured: “It’s all for you.” When she came back to her senses, she felt a little terrified in her heart. How could she be dumbfounded by a woman’s smile? This woman is really weird.

Seeing that Bai Xiaohu was still trying on dresses happily, she laughed at the other party’s lack of experience in the world, and said, “It’s best to have suitable shoes and jewelry to match these. I’ll send someone to find some for you?”

Bai Xiaohu was even more pleasantly surprised: “Okay, okay!”

Ying Miao: “…” Could this person be stupid?

Although her plan succeeded, why doesn’t she feel happy at all?

She pretended to ask unintentionally: “How did you and Lu-ge meet?”

Bai Xiaohu picks out the skirts she likes and puts them on one side. Those that show her arms, those that are not long enough, and those that are too thin with only one thin layer of fabric, do not meet her aesthetics. Did they design it this way to save fabric? 

She casually replied, “We met just like that though.”

Ying Miao choked, and continued to ask: “Lu-ge gave you his gun? That gun has been with him for a long time, and it is very important to him. I didn’t expect him to give it away like that.”

Bai Xiaohu turned pale in shock: “Is it important?” She hurriedly took out the deformed gun from her beetle backpack, and said regretfully, “But I accidentally made it like this.”

She held onto it hard, trying to mold it back to its original shape, but this is not plasticine, how could it be possible to fix it with just some squeeze? She scratched her head: “Where can this gun be repaired?”

Ying Miao was stunned. In her eyes, this woman in front of her who looked weak and well-protected deformed an extremely durable metal gun with her thin, white, baby-like hands.

And it doesn’t look like she uses much effort at all.

Is this person an esper with physical enhancement?


In the end, this overture ended with Ying Miao’s failure. She stuffed all the shoes, jewelry, bags, and other daily necessities that could be stuffed into Bai Xiaohu’s room. People came and went, and soon everyone upstairs and downstairs knew that a spoiled young lady lived there.

Naturally, some people felt unhappy.

A woman with shaved hair, tanned skin, and a bandage on her arm sneered: “It’s been half a year in the last days, who would spend their minds on dressing up except for those canaries? How could someone like this live in our Zhongyang team?”

The person next to her whispered: “I heard that more than a dozen people in our team were saved by her, and Captain Lu personally escorted her here.”

The woman in the bandage said again: “I’ve heard that because this woman had motion sickness, she demanded the Captain to drive her back with a motorcycle. So annoying. Captain Lu isn’t usually like this, who knows what kind of magic potion was poured.”

The more she talked, the angrier she became, “The most ridiculous thing is how those men such as Leader Wang, Yu Jin, and Baozi praised her like crazy in the group chat just because of a faceless photo! I would have to go take a look at how beautiful that girl is!”

This woman’s name is Chen Dao, she’s pretty skilled, and qualified to join Pan Gu’s small group chat. Her nickname in the chat is “Forty Meters Long Sword”. At that time, seeing Yu Jin and other men praising Bai Xiaohu for being such a beauty just because of a photo, she couldn’t help but come out and said that love for beauty has to accommodate the situation, but no one paid any attention to her. Some people even mocked her jokingly, and she held her breath of resentment until now.

As she spoke, she stood up and asked the woman standing by the window, “Jian, do you want to come together?”

The woman was tall and dressed in black, who almost blended into the shadow completely. She turned her face sideways, revealing a very glamorous face, and said coldly: “Dressing up is just a personal preference. If they are capable, it won’t hurt nor trouble anyone.”

Chen Dao’s complexion changed, and she snorted: “You haven’t seen that person yet, and you have started to speak on her side.” After saying that, she ignored her, turned around, and left, and the other women looked at the two of them. Can’t control their curiosity and also went out after her.

The glamorous woman frowned, worried that they would make trouble, so she followed.


Bai Xiaohu is taking a bath.

She found that human bathrooms are super easy to use. You don’t need to cast spells, and there is water pouring from the top of your head, but the water is not as good as spiritual spring water, and it still has a faint smell.

While taking a bath, she gnawed on some spiritual fruits. After the bath, her spiritual energy replenished a lot. This time she learned her lesson and put all the cores of the spiritual fruit into her spatial treasure.

She came out wrapped in a bath towel with her hair loose. There were two skirts on the bed. One was the cassock she was wearing, which is not dirty at all except for a few broken places. Spell-proofed cassocks will never get dirty, but this style was obviously not suitable for wearing here.

She rolled it up and stuffed it under the quilt, and then looked at the other skirt, as well as the small close-fitting thing that women here wear as underwear. She picked up the piece of fabric with her index finger and scratched her face with contemplation. 

In the end, she went back to grab her little underwear between the cassocks she folded up. Sigh, she needs this to give her a sense of security.

It took her a long time to put on the new skirt and new shoes. After walking a few steps, it feels quite fun. But something seems to be missing, hmmm?

She grabbed the furry headband hanging on the back of the chair and used to be her hair tie, but after thinking about it, she felt that it didn’t fit well. When she touched the headband with her finger, the headband puffed and twisted into a chubby little fox, she smiled and hung it around her waist.

This would be perfect. Just as voices were coming from outside, she went to open the door.

The one outside is Ying Miao. She intentionally planned her visit at this time, and let some people in the building know that Bai Xiaohu is coming. So people can know about Bai Xiaohu’s love for beauty and how troublesome she is.

It just so happened that Chen Dao and Shi Jian were staying in the building today to rest. These two are the top female members of the team in terms of strength, and Chen Dao has a quick temper. She thinks spending time dressing up is the stupidest thing ever and is courting death.

Shi Jian on the other hand was colder and more indifferent. She dislikes weak and delicate people the most. In other words, it’s that one common thought shared by many strong and capable individuals.

If Bai Xiaohu was disliked by these people, she will have a hard time gaining a foothold among the female members in the future, let alone these people also have many outstanding suitors.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ying Miao’s mouth curled up slightly, and she waited in front of the door for a while, and sure enough, when Chen Dao and those women came from upstairs, she showed a surprised expression: “Chen Dao, why are you here, you should have a good rest since you’re hurt.”

Chen Dao rolled her eyes at her, she had never liked this Ying Miao, she sneered coldly: “Let’s see what you are up to, so many people walking around, for the ones unaware, they probably think some royalty came to stay, huh? “

Ying Miao didn’t seem to notice her sharpness and said with a smile: “There is no royalty, but there is a cute lady. Not only Lu-ge escorted her back himself, but she is also very beautiful. Even though I am a woman, I couldn’t help wanting to bring her the most beautiful dress and jewelry when I saw her. I promise you will also like her when you see her.”

Chen Dao sneered, fell in love just by looking at her face? She was not one of those obscene men with a useless desire.

Just then, the door clicked open.

As the door opened, a beautiful figure slowly appeared.

Chen Dao and the others subconsciously held their breath for some unknown reason.

What first caught their eye was a stunning fairy dress.

A bit retro white tops, dotted with small green embroidered flowers, ruffled collars, green finger-wide ties tied with cute bows, wide puff sleeves, tied with green slender belts at the wrists.

The waist is very high, and the skirt is made of fluffy and sagging material. The white and light green strips of fabric alternate with each other, layered on top of each other, giving it a dreamlike beauty. The hem of the skirt was more than half a palm away from the ground, revealing the white sandals with thick high heels.

Bai Xiaohu looked at the many people outside the door, and was a little confused: “You are…”

When people looked up, they saw a beautiful face that is just right from any perspective without any makeup.

Then they discovered that no matter how beautiful her dress was, it was just a foil for her face.

When she raised her head and looked over in surprise, everyone was attracted by her face. Those round and big almond eyes were clear and bright, with a slight innocence and pureness, which made people’s hearts melt inside. The long, wet hair hung over her slender shoulders, greatly stimulating the eagerness in one’s heart to protect her.

Several women who wanted to find fault: “…”

Damn, what kind of fairy face is this!

If it were me, I wouldn’t be willing to let her suffer from motion sickness, let alone a motorcycle, I would even carry her on my back and walk!

Chen Dao silently glanced at Ying Miao, who was also stunned. Her only thought was that, although this woman rarely speaks the truth, this girl is indeed someone that anyone will fall in love with when they see her.

Ying Miao who understood her eyes: “…”

Ying Miao almost fainted from anger, there must be something wrong, she wasn’t so good-looking just now!

Original Author’s Note:

There’s no need for initiative action to deal with those female supporting roles at all, hehe

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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