Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Lu Ye suddenly pointed to a direction close to the mountain: “Zhongyang team is located in that direction.”

Bai Xiaohu looked over, but couldn’t see anything.

“It used to be the center of the county. We occupied an office building, a hotel, and a piece of land by the river as a planting and breeding area. There are several organizations around there. It is usually lively, close to the commercial areas, and quite convenient.”

Listening to his words, Bai Xiaohu’s mood gradually relaxed. The man on the wall has never been to the Zhongyang team, so Bai Xiaohu can only try to imagine it at the moment. Once she started expanding her imagination, she started thinking about random stuff.

Her emotions are often temperamental and it comes and goes quickly, so she only has curiosity and yearning left now.

“Then let’s go.”

Lu Ye didn’t say anything else, and got on the motorcycle again: “Come on.”

At the Zhongyang Team, people have been waiting for a long time. Ying Miao became more and more impatient and she couldn’t help but want to go to the Information Department.

The main office of the Information Department is on the second floor of the office building, but there is a duty room on the first floor, which receives emergency signals within the team and the outside world 24/7, such as distress signals.

Ying Miao push opened the door and went in, then said to the correspondent on duty: “Lu-ge hasn’t come back yet, I’m worried that something happened to him, can you locate him?”

The correspondent was a little embarrassed: “This is not in compliance.” 

“But I’m really worried about Lu-ge…” Before Ying Miao finished speaking, a serious voice suddenly came from behind: “We didn’t receive any order, and we have no right to locate anyone except under special circumstances.”

Ying Miao turned her head, her face became a little stiff. The head of the information department is here, Wan Zuochao, known as the know-it-all because he runs the information department. He is the most informed individual regarding what happened inside and outside the base. He is also one of the Zhongyang team’s veterans. Wan Zuochao’s position in the team is much more stable than Ying Miao, who lives under the favor left behind by her elder brother.

Ying Miao called out, “Wan-ge.”

Wan Zuochao is a very serious young man with rigorous eyes. He doesn’t look like someone that would gossip about his boss in a private group chat. He said solemnly: “Our team stipulates that the location of Captain Lu needs to be approved by Captain Wen and at least two other vice-captains at the same time. Captain Wen is in the lounge, Ying Miao, you might as well ask his opinion first. “

Ying Miao replied with a stiff face: “Sorry, I panicked because I care too much. Wan-ge, I won’t disturb your work anymore.”

After speaking, she went out. Wan Zuochao shook his head, and the correspondent quietly nodded at the door: “Isn’t she a little restless?”

Wan Zuochao said: “Do your job well, don’t gossip like this.”

The correspondent curled his lips, even Boss Wan himself was very gossipy. He looked at the computer, and suddenly the landline next to him rang. As soon as he answered it, his expression changed, and he said to Wan Zuochao: “Wan-ge, someone infected with the virus went to the Shengtian team for a sneak attack. More than ten people have been infected. The Shengtian team is asking for our help!”

Wan Zuochao frowned, answered the phone himself, and then hurried to find Wen Liansheng.

The Shengtian team has always followed the Zhongyang team’s lead, treating the Zhongyang team as their big brother. Now that something happened, they can’t just sit idly by.

Sure enough, when Wen Liansheng learned about this, he immediately dispatched people to help.

Coincidentally, in order to welcome (gossip) Lu Ye and Bai Xiaohu, there were many people gathered on the first floor. As soon as they were called, they were all assembled and ready to rush to the Shengtian team in a mighty manner.

Ying Miao looked at the suddenly deserted building and felt a little better. At least it didn’t look like there were so many people waiting for one person as if they were giving a huge pomp and face.

Not long after those people left, a motorcycle drove through the iron gate and arrived at the office building.

Ying Miao and the rest of the people left behind were stunned when they saw Bai Xiaohu jumping down from the motorcycle behind Lu Ye.

There is no other reason. Bai Xiaohu is even more beautiful than they imagined, and she has a weak and non-aggressive kind of beauty, which makes it impossible to associate her with someone who fought a space-type zombie. Someone so powerful that even the space-type zombie has the slightest chance to use its teleport skill.

Wen Liansheng is the first to clean up the slight surprise in his eyes, turned the wheelchair, and stretched out his hand to Bai Xiaohu with a smile: “Thank you for saving Pan Gu and the others. My name is Wen Liansheng, and I am one of the executives of the Zhongyang team. I thank you on behalf of them. If there is anything we can help with, please feel free to let us know.”

Among all these people, Bai Xiaohu saw Wen Liansheng at the first sight, not only because everyone else was standing but he was sitting, but also because there was a trace of demonic energy lingering on his knee where his legs were amputated.

This surprised her very much. Ever since she arrived in this world, all humans who carry demonic energy were zombies. If living humans got demonic energy on them, they’ll at least be infected, but this person only has demonic energy lingering around his leg where it is amputated, but none on his body.

Because of this, she took several looks at Wen Liansheng’s legs.

On the side, Ying Miao’s heart slowly relaxed back to its comfort zone. Although the other party’s outstanding appearance made her feel a sense of crisis for a moment, the appearance doesn’t mean anything. Lu Ye is not the type of person who judges people by their appearance. Not to mention, beauty sometimes also means that one is troublesome and coquettish, Lu Ye would not like that.

Plus, this woman is obviously very rude.

Wen Liansheng’s legs are Lu Ye’s reverse scales. Those who laughed at Wen Liansheng were beaten and disabled by Lu Ye. He used his absolute strength to establish Wen Liansheng’s dignity and status in the team and within the entire base.

To this day, no one dared to stare at Wen Liansheng’s legs for more than two seconds, for fear of offending Lu Ye. Yet, this woman stared at Wen Liansheng’s legs for so long.

Ying Miao wanted to see the sullenness on Lu Ye’s face but was startled when she saw him. Let alone sullen, Lu Ye’s gaze was locked on Bai Xiaohu, and there was some faint thoughtfulness on his face.

Ying Miao felt as if her throat was blocked with cotton.

Looking back at Wen Liansheng, he still had a smile on his face, as if he didn’t feel offended.

Bai Xiaohu finally withdrew her gaze, held the little demon chicken with her left hand, and pinched its belly, calming down the little guy who felt a little agitated by the demonic energy. Then she stretched her right hand out and shook Wen Liansheng: “Hello, my name is Bai Xiaohu. Actually, I didn’t…”

She wanted to repeat what she had said to Lu Ye, saying that it wasn’t her intention to save those people, and she didn’t do a very touching and commendable act of saving lives. It’s just that the zombie was stalking her, so she fought it and beat it up.

But as soon as she started speaking, Lu Ye said: “Xiaohu saved Pan Gu and the others. We have to thank her well. She will live with us during her time at the base.”

Bai Xiaohu opened her eyes to see him talking nonsense, then he acted like nothing and asked Bai Xiaohu, “Do you have any preference for where you live?”

“I…… don’t.”


Ying Miao interrupted suddenly: “All of our female members live on the tenth floor of the hotel at the back, and there are still some vacant rooms there. You can also live next to me, and I can take care of you if something comes up.”

Bai Xiaohu looked at her, then at Lu Ye: “She is…”

Ying Miao smiled and said, “I’m in charge of logistics in our team. My name is Ying Miao.”

Bai Xiaohu nodded politely to show that she understood, and then asked Lu Ye: “Where do you live?” It is more convenient to cultivate friendship if they live close by, especially if she plans to ask permission to touch his butt, ah no, tailbone!

Ying Miao’s smile froze slightly. Why did she ignore her completely? Also, does she want to live with Lu Ye?

Wen Liansheng’s expression also became a little subtle. Looking at the two of them, he wonders if they are in some kind of relationship.

Lu Ye said, “I live on the top floor of this building.”

“Then I…”

“But the elevator in this building is broken.”

Eh? Bai Xiaohu knows what an elevator is: “How many floors are here?”

Lu Ye glanced at her: “There are twenty-six floors.”

“The building behind it?”

“There are twenty floors in total, and the elevators there are working.”

Bai Xiaohu said without hesitation: “Then I will live in the back.”

She doesn’t want to climb the stairs, and she hasn’t personally experienced that wonderful thing called the elevator. They don’t have to be that close to each other to cultivate friendship.

Lu Ye, who could be abandoned at any minute without any hesitation: “…..” 

Even if she asked to live on the top floor of this building, he would not agree, because it would cultivate bad rumors. However, considering that she has just come to a strange environment and was a little uneasy. If she really wanted to live with him, he could compromise on an alternative. For example, he wanted to say that he can move down to live on the second floor, and it will be fine to be her neighbor for a while.

Yet the result…her mind changed way too fast.

Wen Liansheng watched the whole interaction: “……” It seemed that he was thinking too much, and this girl’s personality doesn’t seem to match her appearance, she does seem like someone who could beat up zombies like crazy.

Only Ying Miao breathed a sigh of relief and said affectionately that she would show Bai Xiaohu the room.

Speaking of seeing the room, Bai Xiaohu was a little moved. Is she going to have her own nest in this world this soon?

Although she felt that the woman in front of her was not as warm and friendly as she showed, it didn’t matter, who could bully her?

She asked: “Are we going now?”

“It’s getting dark soon. Let’s fix the room and tidy up. You can have dinner when you finish. I’ll arrange a banquet for you tonight.” Ying Miao said with a smile.

Speaking of eating, Bai Xiaohu felt that her stomach was about to howl again, so she said decisively: “Sure.” Then waved her hand to Lu Ye, “You’re not coming, right? Then I’ll go first, see you later. By the way, will I see you later?”

Lu Ye said: “…It is possible.”

Bai Xiaohu was relieved and immediately started heading over to her nest and dinner.

“……” Seeing her walking away gracefully and resolutely, Lu Ye suddenly suspected that the person who secretly pulled his clothes because of fear and nervousness, the one who had confusion and restless eyes was probably her fake double?

There is a feeling of being dumped as soon as the person reaches their destination.

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    Ahhh I love this series so so much! Thanks translator for the wonderful translations!!!🤍🤍

    1. Wen says:

      Thank you! I’m so happy you enjoys this story!

  2. BlueCell says:

    Lmao, instantly deserted because of an elevator.
    Thanks for the translation💜.

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