Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

In the Zhongyang team, because of the news that Pan Gu posted in the group chat along with the photos, the atmosphere is now particularly enthusiastic.

At first, many people didn’t know, or they refused to believe it even if they knew, that their boss for real gave away the one gun he regarded as very important. The commemorative significance of that gun is far greater than its actual worth. ——It really got given away, and the receiver is a girl.

Immediately, there were a lot of discussions. Some said that their boss had been single for so long, and finally decided to give up his purity and find a partner—the ones saying this are mostly the ones who followed Lu Ye before the apocalypse began, and have witnessed him being single for many years. 

Some started guessing what kind of young lady the other party was, how they met their boss, and how they suddenly got to the point of exchanging “tokens of love”—in the photo, Bai Xiaohu was holding a gun, and Lu Ye obviously had something in his hand too. Although they can’t see what it is (it’s the crystal core), it looks like Lu Ye was handing it over with his palm facing up. They seem to be exchanging something, but also look like they have done exchanging something.

In short, everyone was gossiping. Even though the photo was recalled shortly after it was posted, someone had already downloaded it quickly, and soon the photos spread like sunshine all over various small group chats.

Speaking of which, many of the rumors about the Zhongyang team from the outside world are true, such as good food, good housing, high funding, and a low casualty rate. Since everyone has money and leisure, that is why they are very keen to participate in gossip activities.

However, when there are people enjoying the gossip, there will also be people who’re not happy about this gossip.

Ying Miao looked at the photo, where no face is shown, on her phone, and her expression started to look bad. A real sense of crisis spread in her heart. She tried to control it for a long time before she could make her expression look more natural. She went to Wen Liansheng and smiled as she asked: “Is there a new member joining our team?”

Wen Liansheng was sitting by the window petting the cat. Today was originally Lu Ye’s day off, a time to spend with this fat little boy, but since he’s gone out, the big cat is a little unhappy. Although Wen Liansheng is comforting him, he’s not too interested.

Facing Ying Miao, Wen Liansheng smiled lightly and said, “It’s a good thing to be able to recruit new members, but we won’t know until Captain Lu returns.”

Ying Miao’s expression darkened. Since her brother’s death, Lu Ye and Wen Liansheng have taken good care of her. They established the Zhongyang Team, which they not only named after her brother but also clearly affirmed her position as a core member and veteran. However, she knew they don’t treat her that closely.

When interacting with Wan Zuochao, Yu Jin, and those who they went through hardships together before the apocalypse began, and even the young and immature Pan Gu, Lin Tao, and others who joined later, they show more trust and are on intimate terms. One thing in particular is when Wen Liansheng mentioned Lu Ye in front of those people, he referred to him as “Lu”, but he always called him “Captain Lu” in front of her.

It’s just a title, but it shows who is close and who is distant.

Ying Miao was not reconciled, refused to accept it, and pursued perfection everywhere, trying to make herself look better, but it was useless. She felt that she could not blend in with them at all.

She didn’t believe that no one could see how she felt about Lu Ye, but at this moment, when Lu Ye is involved in a relationship with another woman, everyone just gossips, and no one complained on her behalf.

Ying Miao clenched her fists: “Wen-ge.”

Wen Liansheng still looked at her with a slight smile, like an elegant and indifferent upright bamboo, quietly waiting for her follow-up.

Ying Miao couldn’t even say what she wanted to say.

How should she say it? Ask directly what is the relationship between Lu Ye and that woman? Or isn’t it insinuating that the woman appeared strangely, her background was unknown, and her motives for approaching Lu Ye were not pure, so their team shouldn’t recruit her?

How could she say such a thing? But say nothing about it and do nothing? She is arriving soon!

“Meow!” Probably because the two of them had been in a stalemate for too long, which disturbed the quietness of the boss cat. He let out a sound in a bad mood and stretched his body thoroughly. Then jumped down from the desk lightly, and left gracefully with noble catwalks.

The look in Ying Miao’s eyes darken and she felt that even the cat also disliked her. In fact, this cat has never liked her. Humans know how to hide their emotions, but this cat has been acting very contemptuous of her since the very first day.

She took a deep breath, smiled, and said: “It’s okay, after all, she’s the person who saved Pan Gu and the others, we have to treat her well. I’ll go and prepare a room for her. How about the room next to mine? We are both girls, it will be more convenient to live nearby.”

Wen Liansheng only smiled and said, “Let’s talk about it when they arrive. If the other party is willing to join us and is suitable for our team. As usual, they can choose their residence.”

Ying Miao’s expression froze. She didn’t expect that he wouldn’t grant her such little authority. With her status in the team, could it be that she couldn’t decide on such a trivial matter?

She felt dissatisfied in her heart but didn’t show anything on the surface and left as if nothing happened.

Wen Liansheng looked at her back and shook his head quietly. It’s not that he was narrow-minded. He doesn’t know the relationship between the girl and Lu Ye, so in case there is something between them, it’s best to separate her from Ying Miao. At least they shouldn’t let Ying Miao act like the hostess as soon as she arrives.

Even if it’s nothing, Ying Miao’s intention behind this request has crossed the line.

It’s just Ying Miao’s brother and they are close friends, friends who they can trust their life with. Before the apocalypse, they started a business together, advanced, and went through many hardships together. Before he died, he begged them to take care of their only younger sister. So there’s no way they can treat Ying Miao harshly.

Wen Liansheng thought about it and shook his head. Let Lu Ye worry about these things.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden noise outside. It was Pan Gu and the others who had returned.

Wen Liansheng immediately rolled his wheelchair out. There was a very wide open space in front of the camp where the team was located. At this time, many people were waiting inside and outside. Obviously, they all got the news and are here to catch up with first-hand gossip.

At the main entrance, three SUVs drove in. As soon as they stopped, the people surrounding them stepped in and lifted the wounded one-off.

Wen Liansheng took a look and found that their injuries were not too serious, but there were several bone fractures and they were vomiting blood, so they had to take a good rest.

After looking around, he asked, “Where is Captain Lu?”

Others also want to ask, where is the young lady in the photo?

Pan Gu scratched his head: “Miss is motion sick, the boss is staying with her, and he let us come back first.”

As soon as these words came out, the people immediately fell silent. One is that people are shocked by the fact that there are still people these days who don’t take a car just because of motion sickness, and the other is that their captain, the boss who always had an indifferent cold face that no one dare to go near him decide to stay and accompany a motion sick girl by himself, how unbelievable.

When did the boss become so patient? When did he become so considerate?

Damn, if this is not true love, what is true love!

As for the fact that the boss is taking care of her because she saved Pan Gu and the other’s life, no one cares to consider such unromantic reasons.

So Pan Gu and other uninjured people were surrounded and asked about every detail of the scene.

Of course, some people muttered to themselves, isn’t this young lady a bit squeamish and hypocritical, she won’t take the car because of motion sickness, and wants their boss to stay with her?

Behind the crowd, Ying Miao’s face was gloomy. Hearing those people muttering to themselves, her face darkened even more. She gritted her teeth, ignored a few people who comforted her, turned around, and left.

At this time, the two people who were being discussed were still in the parking lot.

Lu Ye dismantled several motorcycles and pieced together a new one. He also collected engine oil from many abandoned vehicle fuel tanks, tried to start the motorcycle, and the motorcycle started successfully.

He wiped the seat cushion with a piece of cloth he picked up, and casually wiped off the engine oil on his hands. He straddled the car and said to Bai Xiaohu, “Come up.”

Bai Xiaohu looked at the car with some hesitation.

Lu Ye said: “This one won’t give you motion sickness, otherwise you want to walk back to the base on two legs?”

Bai Xiaohu silently calculated the distance, and it would take forever.

She walked over and tried to sit on it. In the memories she got, girls in skirts were all sitting sideways, so she also sat sideways: “Like this?”

Lu Ye was silent for a while, and pressed his waist: “Hold on to it, best if you hug tight.”

“Oh.” Bai Xiaohu obeyed obediently and reservedly put her hands on the refined waist that she had been peeking at a few times while she secretly evaluated the ass just now.

Bai Xiaohu silently applauds its texture from the bottom of her heart, yet it’s a pity that it’s just the waist and not the buttocks that she is holding on to.

Honestly, she has been rehearsing countless times in her mind just now, how to touch Lu Ye’s buttocks in a friendly and polite way, pretending to be unintentional. Ahem, to be precise, the tailbone. However, she tried to approach quietly several times and even stretched her hand out already, but Lu Ye was very vigilant, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, so she could only give up halfway.

After several tries like this, the courage in Bai Xiaohu’s heart extinguished.

She didn’t care at all when she touched the other human boy before, but facing Lu Ye, uh, she really couldn’t dare.

Sitting behind him at this moment, with his tailbone close at hand, her fingers are ready to make a move, however, she has the thought but with no guts. 

She always had the feeling that if she did that, the consequences would be very serious, such as being thrown off from the car, being regarded as a pervert from now on, or not being able to eat delicious food in the future.

Forget it, she has plenty of time, let’s just worry about befriending him first. Her ultimate goal is to get a tail, and it’s not good to piss the other party off.

Or, should she find that human boy and touch that boy’s tailbone first? Maybe that boy is really the cat demon she was looking for?

While Bai Xiaohu is thinking about random things as such, Lu Ye started the motorcycle. After the high-pitched whine of the engine, Bai Xiaohu felt the seat under her vibrate more and more, then the car turned around and rushed out of the parking lot steadily and quickly.

The wind blew head-on, and Bai Xiaohu’s hair and skirt got blown back. She opens her eyes wide. This feeling is very different from sitting in a car. As a fox who often uses the lightweight spell on herself to run around the mountain freely, she felt an inexplicable sense of excitement. When the car was going uphill, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around the man’s waist, and her whole body was almost fully pressed against his back.

The muscles in Lu Ye’s back got tense, but he still firmly controlled the direction with both hands. Before several zombies rushed over because they got attracted by the sound and smell, he drove onto the road gracefully and rode away.

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. saturn589 says:

    Her and her tail obsession, lol. I wonder how old the characters look and are? Thank you for the translation.

    1. Wen says:

      If I remembered it correctly, Lu Ye is in his early twenties and Bai Xiaohu look around 18/19. Thanks for reading!

      1. Baivrey says:

        Wouldn’t she probably be in her 100s or 1000s, since ascending usually takes a lot of time?

        1. Wen says:

          Yep! You’re right, and Chapter 15 briefly mentions her age. Appearances wise, she look 18/19-ish.

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