Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

As soon as this demonic energy appeared, Bai Xiaohu felt it was very strong, which meant the zombie appearing soon is going to be more powerful than the other ones she had encountered before.

So without even thinking about it, when the demonic energy became very thick and a human-shaped object appeared in the center of the demonic energy, she flicked the skirt in her hand and whipped it like a whip, and the zombie was blown away with a bang.

The skirt was also torn.

Bai Xiaohu felt a bit sad. Although she didn’t like this weird skirt, after visiting so many stores, this was the only piece of fabric that she could wear, so it was quite rare.

It seems like it is not easy for human beings to wear new clothes during this time.

On the other hand, the zombie flew into the shop across the street and smashed countless things. Bai Xiaohu thought that it would not be able to crawl out for a while, and was just about to leave before she saw the demonic energy in that shop disappear. There was another whirlwind, and the demonic energy condensed.

No way……

This time faster than before, a figure appeared from the darkness and rushed toward Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu quickly backed away, the zombie’s claws brushed against her arm, and was knocked away by the runes on her cassock. The demonic energy burst, revealing the thick and stiff fingers, but immediately gathered again to cover the palm.

The zombie roared and rushed forward without fear.

At this time, Bai Xiaohu only had half of the useless skirt left in her hand, and the little yellow backpack on her shoulder bounced. The little devil chicken wanted to come out and help, but Bai Xiaohu pressed the bag with her hand: “It’s okay, I can do it. ” She threw the skirt, pushed it out with her palm full of aura, and slapped away the black ball of demonic energy that was super close to her face.

This time, it flew about seven or eight meters away, but before landing, the zombies disappeared again. Bai Xiaohu’s heart skipped a beat, and she turned around abruptly, and there was another whirlwind behind her.

Bai Xiaohu raised her foot and kicked it, but soon, the zombie disappeared into the distance again, and appeared next to her again, as if it was committed to her. It didn’t bother to care about the group of people who ran into the house.

Bai Xiaohu is getting a little annoyed, what is going on, why can’t she tear it apart?

She really lacked experience in battle and felt a little suffocated by the overwhelmingly strong demonic energy. She thought to herself, if she couldn’t drive it away, she better beat it to death.

The eldest brother said, if you meet a cunning and flexible opponent, don’t compete strategically with them. Find an opportunity to control them, and then violently smash it!

Then he taught his not-so-smart younger sister, who can’t be strategic, a super-useful tactic called the power-strengthening spell.

While Bai Xiaohu looked at the demonic energy that had instantly gathered and turned into a black ball again, she quickly performed the spell with both hands.

In the clothing store, the group of people places the injured team members in a safe place. Pan Gu immediately said, “Let’s go help!”

As he said that, he rushed out, seeing the space-type zombie appearing in front of Bai Xiaohu again, he stretched out his hands, and white cold air gushed out from his hands, swept towards the zombie. It instantly froze the zombie into a huge ice egg.

However, before he could relax, the next moment, the zombie inside the ice egg had disappeared, leaving only a hollow ice egg.

Pan Gu’s expression changed.

Soon, the zombie appeared somewhere else.

Several other people also ran out, and one of the boys squatted down and slapped his palm on the ground. The energy was transmitted, and the place where the zombie was standing quickly turned into a quagmire, causing the zombie to sink more than ten centimeters, and tentacles made of dirt stretched out to grab its legs.

Another girl immediately sent out two flames to bind the zombie, and the last boy swung both hands, and wind blades sprayed out of his hands like a meteor shower, slashing at the zombie one after another.

“We did it!” Before they had the chance to be happy, the next moment, the zombie disappeared again, the fire chains were empty, the quagmire tentacles lost their target and fell back into the quagmire, and the wind blade cut the ground into a sieve.

“Still can’t get it!” The fire esper girl cursed, “It’s too difficult!”

Bai Xiaohu watched the series of actions they did, and was a little surprised by their supernatural abilities. She nodded secretly in his heart, this zombie is indeed very cunning.

The hand spell has been completed, and she is full of confidence.

When the zombie appeared again, she stepped forward, grabbed the zombie’s right forearm with one hand, clasped the zombie’s right upper arm with the other hand, and then swung it up with a bang, making a perfect semicircle swing, then thumped it heavily to the ground.

The marble floor of the commercial street shattered into pieces.

There seemed to be complete silence for a moment.

Pan Gu and the others had their eyes widened and their mouths opened big.

They can’t see any of the black demonic energy, so what they saw was a blue-gray zombie with sharp claws that could easily tear human flesh apart, whose mouth swelled and could bite off a human’s neck in one bite.

But the young lady dressed in white just grabbed the zombie and lifted it and swung it around.


The ground was shattered countless times, and then the young lady picked up the zombie again, pow——

The young lady swung the zombie to the ground again,  bang!

A few people stood at the door of the store in a daze, watching Bai Xiaohu swinging the zombies like some kind of dough, and it took them a long time to close their mouths.

A girl said in a daze: “What, people can fight zombies like this?”

Pan Gu said: “I don’t know either.” Suddenly, his expression changed, “That zombie is grabbing her arm, stop it, you can’t do that!”

No one wants to fight zombies in close quarters, let alone hand-to-hand combat because it is too dangerous. Even if they are espers, no one has a perfect defense and the slightest scratch could risk their life. That’s why they were so shocked when they saw Bai Xiaohu’s ruthless behavior. After the shock, they were terrified.

With another bang, the zombie got smashed to the ground, and this time the whole body slid out. Bai Xiaohu looked at the broken zombie arm in his hand in astonishment, turned her head towards the green-haired man, and asked, “I can’t do it like this?”

Then how was she supposed to fight?

Then she remembered, yes, she was supposed to hit its head.

So she threw away the arm naturally and walked over to pick up Mr. Zombie, who couldn’t get up for a while because most of his joints were dislocated.

First, it was the feet that were pulled.

Then, Bai Xiaohu continued to swing it around.




A helicopter flew directly over the commercial street. Lu Ye jumped off and walked in front of the convenience store. After a quick glance at the scene, he already understood the situation of what happened and which direction everyone went. As for the person in the wall who is still alive, he didn’t care. Just as he was about to go after his teammates, he heard something.

On the helicopter, because it flew high and had a wide field of vision, the people above pointed to one place and said, “Captain Lu, there seems to be something wrong over there.”

Lu Yu said: “I know.”

He took a shortcut instead of getting back on the helicopter. It was only a few streets away, so he arrived very quickly with his mobility.

The closer he got, the clearer the sounds became. The bang bang bang sounded like the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and it was quite frequent. Lu Ye was puzzled and walked through the little alley, and he arrived at the place.

Then his footsteps froze unnaturally when he saw a familiar figure fiercely swinging a zombie two or three times bigger than her like a stick, the ground was smashed into a mess, and the zombie’s head was deformed by the blow, and it was still struggling weakly.

He recognizes that this is a zombie above level 4, and probably is the space-type zombie he’s looking for. Every time it tries to condense its supernatural powers to teleport away, its head gets hit on the ground, and the condensed energy gets dissipated.

Lu Ye felt that he could even see a bit of aggrievedness on the zombie’s face.

The corner of Lu Ye’s mouth twitched, and he looked at the person who was waving vigorously. Last time she was smashing the zombie’s head, and this time she was still smashing the zombie’s head, but in an even more powerful and domineering way.

However, with her skirt and long hair waving in the air, she looked much more beautiful than that day when she was so scared that she was about to cry.

Pan Gu and the others were excited and anxious to see how she smashed the zombie, suddenly, he saw Lu Ye and immediately shouted in surprise: “Boss!”


After Bai Xiaohu’s hand paused, the zombie’s neck couldn’t hold it anymore and broke. The blue-gray head flew out, striking Lu Ye like a cannonball.

Bai Xiaohu was startled, and so were the others.

But Lu Ye just simply raised his hand, and a net formed by electric currents spread out in front of him. The splashed putrid liquid immediately vaporized when it touched the net, and the head disintegrated in an instant as soon as it made contact with the net. The wreckage fell, and a shiny white crystal core fell gently into Lu Ye’s hands.

Lu Ye looked at the crystal core, then looked up at the little girl.

Bai Xiaohu looked at this acquaintance in surprise and found that he was holding a crystal core in his hand. She lowered her head to look at the headless zombie in her hand and found that the demonic energy was rapidly dissipating, revealing the zombie’s “original appearance”. She immediately threw away the corpse, and wiped her palm on the skirt, and walked over in surprise: “It’s you!”

She was still afraid of his lightning ability after all, so she didn’t get too close.

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows, and said unexpectedly: “You can speak now?”

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. saturn589 says:

    Yeah, they finally meet up again. Thank you for the translation.

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