Please Spare Me A Tail [Apocalypse]

Bai Xiaohu has raised the little chicken demon for more than a hundred years,and they have developed some kind of telepathy between each other. If others know about it, they can probably write a touching legend named “The Fox and the Chicken”. So at this moment, she sensed the little chicken demon’s location based on this telepathy, and suddenly had the feeling that the little chicken demon was about to burst into tears.

Did something happen? She immediately became worried.

Because Lu Ye took Zhuang Qingzai into the office building of the Shengtian Team, and many other people followed in. There were fewer people outside and fewer people staring at Bai Xiaohu. She wanted to go and look for Mengmeng, but Shi Jian was still beside her.

She told Shi Jian that she is ready to leave now, but after leaving the Shengtian Team, she then said that she wanted to walk around by herself.

Shi Jian looked at the flower-like Bai Xiaohu hesitantly and was worried about her walking alone. However, they hadn’t known each other for long, so she couldn’t say anything about her decision, so she could only say: “Then be careful. “

“I know, thank you.” Bai Xiaohu sincerely thanked her for helping her under Lu Ye’s pressure just now.

After separating from Shi Jian, Bai Xiaohu walked around the outside of the Shengtian Team in a large circle following her telepathy with Mengmeng and came to the back of the Shengtian Team. She looked at the wall in front of her, gnawed a few spiritual fruits, and then with a light leap, she jumped over the wall without making a sound.

As soon as she got in, she heard the cries of many people. It was so sad, Bai Xiaohu was a little dazed. They were crying so badly, and the direction of the cries came from where Mengmeng was.

She put an existence reduction spell on herself, walked over quietly, and saw a short and flat building, Mengmeng was inside there, and so were those infected people. She could see the faint demonic energy coming out of the building, but all the infected people were crying, and many people were crying in front of it too.

Those who cried outside were relatives and friends of the infected person. They heard the infected person crying in the house, and they also cried together outside.

More than a dozen people were standing in a row with their guns pointed at the locked door. If the people inside wanted to rush out, they would shoot without hesitation. This was the rule, the iron rule. However, their hands holding the guns still trembled at this moment, and each of them was holding back tears with red eyes, feeling so sad and so angry!

Bai Xiaohu huddled behind the building and took a few glances quietly. Because of the effect of the existence reduction spell, they couldn’t notice her, but she didn’t dare to be too careless. After all, there are espers here too, and she has no clue if her existence reduction spell could completely fool the espers.

She walked around the back of the flat building but found that there was no place to go in except for a few high windows, and those windows were also tightly closed glass windows.

After thinking for a while, she jumped up, grabbed the window sill, and stretched out her index finger. The aura condensed into a small knife, and carefully cut the large piece of glass in a circle. She took the glass off easily.

She saw the little chicken demon squatting on the beam. It looked a little frightening as it looked at the crying people below. Its small eyes hidden in its fur seemed to be full of puzzlement.

However, it still eats the demonic energy in the air without hesitation.

Seeing Bai Xiaohu, it wanted to chirp in surprise, but Bai Xiaohu quickly signaled it not to chirp, and she started crawling in through the window. Fortunately, the window was not too small, and her body was very flexible, otherwise, she wouldn’t even be able to make it. Stepping in, placing the glass against the window, she watched the infected people below.

Her spatial treasure starts signaling something again. What exactly does it want?

Bai Xiaohu landed lightly on the ground, and the 8cm thick-soled high-heeled she was wearing did not even make the slightest sound. These infected people didn’t notice her, but in order not to touch them, there was very little room for her to move around. Fortunately, she was careful and remembered to pull up her skirt.

She reached out and scratched the air in front of an infected person, and grabbed a handful of demonic energy. Surprisingly, she was actually able to tear the demonic energy off of them, but her spatial space didn’t respond. Seems like the thing it’s looking for wasn’t demonic energy.

Bai Xiaohu pinched it lightly, crushing the demonic energy that is so weak, it causes no threat.

She looked at these infected people, and couldn’t think of anything about them that could make her spatial treasure so restless.

Suddenly she thought of something, her spatial treasure was damaged when she forcibly broke the boundary between worlds, so what it needs most now is repair.

The quality of her spatial treasure is extra high, and it is the greatest reliance left to her by her parents and elder brothers. The highest existence one can be below the level of the heaven world. It has reached the extreme level that can be called a half-step heaven weapon and is even developing some spiritual consciousness within it. With this being said, in order to successfully develop consciousness, it needs merit.

The so-called merit, in general terms, is to punish evil and promote good, and help the weak; essentially doing good deeds.

Bai Xiaohu’s eyes slightly widened, so the spatial treasure is asking her to save these infected people?

This world is not in the realm of cultivation. Does the same rule apply here?

She scratched her head, not sure, but let’s try it!

She looked back at these infected people.

They didn’t look much different from what she saw just now, because the demonic energy they produced had been eaten by Mengmeng, so the demonic energy hasn’t spread to other parts of their bodies, but they were still constantly producing demonic energy.

Bai Xiaohu thought of the crystal core in the zombie’s brain. Only by destroying the brain and taking away the crystal core, the zombie will no longer generate demonic energy. Could it be that she needs to destroy the brains of these people? That must not work!

A female infected person was tired from crying, she slumped on the ground and muttered something, and suddenly said: “ZhouZhou, I’m on my way to accompany you.” Then she picked up the gun.

Bai Xiaohu quickly grabbed her gun.

The female infected person grabbed her hand.

Because of the existence reduction spell, the female infected person was in a trance, so she couldn’t see her, but she was able to feel her after touching her hand. She grabbed Bai Xiaohu’s hand and hugged her, crying out loud and saying: “ZhouZhou is it really you!”

Bai Xiaohu’s body froze, and she looked at the little chicken demon squatting on the ceiling: What have you done to make everyone’s brains go out of order?

The little chicken demon innocently inhaled demonic energy: I didn’t do anything, I’m innocent!

Bai Xiaohu’s body froze for a while, thinking that things can’t go on like this. She gathered her spiritual energy and then waved her arm. The infected people who were crying or talking to themselves trembled as if they were blown by the wind, and passed out one after another.

The same is true for the woman holding Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu laid her down flat on the ground, then squatted next to her to look at the wound on the back of the woman’s hand where the demonic energy was constantly emerging. She took a deep breath, smoothed her sleeves, grabbed the demonic energy, and pulled it all out in one go, just like pulling a rope, very fiercely.

The female infected person’s body froze. Even though she fainted, she still felt some pain, and her body began to convulse.

Bai Xiaohu felt that the demonic energy in her hand felt threatened and wanted to escape back into the female infected person’s body, and this thing that she pulled out wanted to entangle and attack her in return.

She shouted in a low voice: “Mengmeng!”

Mengmeng immediately swooped down, bit the demonic energy, and sucked it into his mouth like eating noodles.

Bai Xiaohu continued to pull out the demonic energy without any worries. As she pulled, the demonic energy became weaker and weaker, but the resistance also increased. It seemed that something was stuck in the female infected person’s body and refused to come out.

Bai Xiaohu snorted, pulled hard, then fell to the ground with a bang, and grabbed a ball of demonic energy in her hand.

There are many long and short tentacles on it, which are particularly ugly, as if they are still alive, struggling and wriggling.

Bai Xiaohu couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to throw it away, but she didn’t dare to throw it away, so she asked the little chicken demon, “Can you eat this?”

The little chicken demon looked at it from left and right. Obviously, it had never seen demonic energy in such form before. It tried to peck a bit, ate one of its tentacles, and then felt that it didn’t taste bad, so it chirped and swallowed it all.

Bai Xiaohu looked at it for a while, and it didn’t seem to have any bad reactions. The little chicken demon seemed to be enjoying it, and she couldn’t help muttering: “Your taste is so weird, I don’t want to hug you anymore.”

Little Chicken Demon: “Chirp?” Didn’t you make me eat it?

At the same time, Bai Xiaohu felt something warm enter his body from the fainted female infected person. To be precise, it entered the spatial treasure bound to her spiritual consciousness.

Then the entrance of the spatial treasure became slightly larger. Although it was really only a little tiny bit that was almost imperceptible, there was indeed a change.

Bai Xiaohu was overjoyed, it does want her to save humans!

She looked at the female infected person again, she was no longer an infected person, she no longer emitted demonic energy from her body, and the wound on the back of her hand became an ordinary wound. However, just by looking at her complexion, the damage she suffered from the demonic energy still exists, and she probably will suffer serious illness for a while.

But she surely can survive.

Bai Xiaohu was full of energy to continue pulling the demonic energy out of the next infected person.

The people outside the flat building looked at each other in blank dismay. There were voices just now, but why did it suddenly become so quiet inside?

They thought of a possibility, maybe they all turned into zombies?

Although zombies shouldn’t be so quiet if they did transform, but…how could they think so logically in sadness? Therefore, they began to cry in sorrow again.

Thank you so so much for picking up this novel!

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  1. 🐥 says:

    I love this so much!! Ty translator🤍🤍

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