Please Save My Child


Eventually, Estelle held out her hand to the remaining empty hands, and Reina headed to see Damian off, holding Bonita and Estelle’s hands with both hands.


“Try asking master to bring you a gift.”


“Is that okay?”


“Yes, you are the treasure of this mansion, right? And since you are the master’s only daughter, of course you will be happy to receive it.”


“I see…”


Estelle’s pale cheeks turned red at Reina’s words, but for some reason she didn’t look that happy.


“You know, the young lady and I waited for mom. We were going to go see the Duke with mom.”


“Did you?”




Bonita smiled brightly and nodded her head.


‘There’s no need for that.’


It seems that while Reina was taking lessons from Peter, the children and Damian became quite close. Before she knew it, she had reached the front door, led by the children. Damien had told everyone in advance that there was no need to come to meet them, so only the house owner and the head maid were standing.






Damian rode his horse to Peter and started a fight, then turned away and looked at Estelle. He was always expressionless, but he had a subtly soft expression when he saw Estelle.


“Dad, when are you coming back?”


“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Don’t worry.”




Estelle hesitated for a moment, then she walked up to Damian and grabbed the hem of his clothes.


“…I don’t need any presents, so you need to come back without getting hurt, okay?”


Reina said he would buy Estelle any gift she wanted, but she didn’t want to force him. So Estelle just hoped for Damian to return.


“No one can hurt me, Estelle.”




“I won’t hurt a single hair, and I won’t even bring you a gift. I promise.”


Damian looked at Estelle lovingly and stroked her carefully.


“It bothers me that Count Embron arrived late, so he can’t introduce me in person.”


“It’s fine.”




Damian bent his knees, brought himself to eye level with Estelle, and spoke.


“You are the only princess of the Winternight duchy. No one can harm you.”




“Don’t forget that fact. If Count Embron or anyone else bothers you during my absence, be sure to tell me.”


“I know.”


Estelle smiled brightly and hugged Damian tightly, as if clinging to his neck.


“You need to come back quickly.”




Damian left Estelle as if he was disappointed. At Peter’s urging, he spoke to Reina before getting into the carriage.


“Reina Borden, please take care of Estelle.”


“Is there room to doubt it?”


And then the carriage left.


* * *


The three of them were sitting in a circle in the indoor garden having tea time until Count Embron arrived. To be exact, it was tea time for Estelle, but since Estelle wanted it, Bonita and Reina were there as well.


‘Count Embron.’


Reina felt uncomfortable at the unfamiliar name. If he was one of the Duke’s vassals, he might have been mentioned at least once during class with Peter, but she couldn’t remember hearing about him.


‘Who was it?’


Nobility was never involved in Reina’s life.


‘Then the original?’


Has that person ever appeared in an original work that she couldn’t remember properly? When she couldn’t think of her own thoughts, this kind of meticulousness was the only thing left.


“This is delicious, a tart full of tangerines.”


Estelle continued to offer desserts to Bonita and Reina. Then again, Bonita said it was okay and she handed the dessert to Estelle. Normally, she would have been good at coordinating the relationship between the children, but Reina’s heart was in the soybean field.


“Mom, what’s wrong?”


After Bonita called out to Reina, Reina suddenly raised her head.


“Oh, no. I was wondering what kind of person Count Embron was.”


“Uhm, that’s right. What kind of person is this? I heard he is coming to teach Miss?”


Bonita responded with cookie crumbs on her cheek. Reina picked Bonita’s crumbs off her cheek.


“It’s my first time learning, so I don’t know if I can do well…”


“It’s okay, young lady. The reason the master didn’t give you a teacher until now is because he wanted you to get used to living here.”


So Estelle will be able to adapt well. Especially since she was now open to everyone.




The moment Reina realized her strangeness, a clicking sound was heard at regular intervals in the indoor garden. An old gentleman with a cane was approaching from afar.


“Sitting with an employee like that is unbecoming of a noble.”


It was the first time she had heard the voice, but the moment she heard it, all the hair on her body stood up.


“Who, who…”


Estelle opened her eyes wide and looked at the old man who had addressed her.


“Hello, lady. My name is Ash Embron.”


The old gentleman, who introduced himself as Ash Embron, greeted Estelle with a stylish attitude. Despite his polite posture and his soft voice, Raina’s heart was pounding uneasily.




“Bonnie, stand up and lower your upper body.”


Reina whispered so that only Bonita could hear, and she jumped up from her spot and bowed her body deeply.


Thump thump, her heart began to beat. And as her heart pounded, the contents of the original story, which had not come to mind properly, crossed her mind.


‘I know that person.’


His gray hair and cloudy sky blue eyes. Anyone could see that he was a neat and good looking old gentleman.


“I heard you stayed at an orphanage run by commoners for a long time. It looks like you have a lot to teach me.”


He was known to have taught numerous students at the academy and to have volunteered at various orphanages. But in reality, he wasn’t that friendly. Ash Embron was a child hater.


“Today, I will briefly explain the upcoming class. Let’s go to our rooms first.”


Count Embron said this to Estelle and then sent a cold gaze towards Reina.


“Is the maid there a guide?”


“…I will guide you.”


‘It’s okay’


Reina whispered to Bonita to wait, then she ushered Estelle and Count Embron. Reina knows what’s coming. Count Embron was now trying to seize real power over this Ducal family by brainwashing Estelle. At first, Estelle was shaken, but she already considered this place her home, and the people in this place hers. So, while Damien was away, she cleverly solved the problem and kicked out Count Embron. 


‘In the end, she was truly recognized by everyone in this Dukedom as the future master.’


It was an important event that solidified Estelle’s position in the Duchy. But Reina was anxious. Just as Reina had in her head, she had a feeling that the whole story wouldn’t flow.


Count Eulmbron said.


“And after a while, tell the head butler to gather all the employees. I have to say hello.”


“…All right.”


Wasn’t Reina already alive as proof of change? Due to her own survival, the original character has already changed. That made Reina uneasy.


* * *


Reina came out of the room almost as if she had been kicked out by Count Embron. The reason was that he could not keep the maid, who had come in without his knowledge, by his side. Reina, who had been standing blankly in front of the door, eventually turned around and headed towards the indoor garden where Bonnie was.


‘If the original story goes, I am someone who shouldn’t exist.’


Reina could no longer be involved in Estelle’s story. Reina’s role was now over.


“Bonnie, shall we go to your room?”


Calming her uncomfortable stomach, Reina took care of Bonita, who was waiting patiently. Bonita sat alone at her table, fiddling with her cookies as she tugged at the hem of her Reina’s dress with her other hand.


“Huh? Shall I give you a hug?”


“It’s not like that.”




“That old man from earlier…”


“Are you talking about Count Embron?”


Bonita’s expression wasn’t very good. She finally said, gnawing on the cookie in her hand with her front teeth and nodding her head.


“That old man, I’m scared.”


“Yeah, really?”


“Ugh, he made a really scary expression earlier.”


Was Reina even aware of it? She was amazed. Count Embron was a completely different person inside and out.


‘That’s why he only showed an overbearing attitude in front of Estelle.’


And Reina turned her head towards Estelle’s room without realizing it. She felt her warm little hand grab her finger.


“Is that old man your teacher?”


Bonita seemed somewhat dissatisfied.


“I hate that old man.”


Bonita muttered with a rare expression on her face. In the original, Estelle alone finds evidence that Count Embron had brainwashed her. Count Embron was a trusted person in the mansion, so no one knew that he was plotting. After the truth was revealed, everyone was shocked. That’s why it was surprising that Bonita had noticed something strange in Count Embron.


Reina gathered her distraught mind and took her steps again.


“Bonnie, shall we go to your room?”




“Let’s go back and eat Bonnie’s favorite chocolate today, and let’s read a storybook she wanted to read.”




Reina tried to talk to Bonita about various things to appease her, but Bonita’s expression did not brighten.




Eventually, Reina lifted Bonita into her arms and brought her to eye level. Bonita looked at her surprised rabbit eyes at her suddenly heightened perspective.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 27.

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