Please Save My Child


Sophia was caught in the awkward moment, glanced at Dean and cleared her throat.




“…ah! Sorry.”


“…no. Me, Sir Dean Peronte?”




“If you like her, why don’t you just confess?”


When Sophia hinted, Dean’s face grew angry and he shook his head.


“Oh, no, I don’t like her.”




“…Yes, how dare I like Reina.”


Even though his face was red, Dean decided that he didn’t really like the feeling. He just respected Reina. Reina didn’t remember, but Dean once owed a great favor to Reina. So, if it’s okay with Reina, he wanted to give Bonita a gift. He wanted to ask that… While practicing sparring at the Knights’ Club, a story about her star’s birth came up. It was said that this year’s preparations would be as grand as the visit to the young lady, but Dean then remembered Reina and Bonita. The only children in this mansion were Bonita and Estelle, and when Bonita saw the gifts that Estelle would receive on Star’s Birthday, he was worried that she would cry.


After bringing up the topic of the traveling theater company, he tried to ask if it would be okay if he could take Bonita to show her a play while Reina was at work, but he failed. He scratched the back of his heated neck. Even without looking, it was clear that it was red like a well-cooked shrimp shell.


“…I’m just going to spar. Take care.”


“Yes, cheer up today too.”


Dean let out a sigh as the ground trembled and he trudged off to the training ground. Sophia, who was looking at that scene, sighed heavily like Dean before.


“It’s hard…”


* * *


This year’s star’s birthday was scheduled to be celebrated with the greatest grandeur ever since Damian Winternait succeeded to the dukedom. Since it was the first event since Estelle returned, everyone prepared with great care. All the employees decided to prepare a gift that they thought Estelle would like, and made a bet to see whose gift would be best. Although the Duke absolutely believed that he would come in first place, he was anxious.


‘Are vineyards too common?’


He thought about giving Estelle the largest vineyard in the empire as a gift. Wine made using some of the grapes there was valuable and traded at a high price not only in the empire but also in other countries. When Estelle was having her debutante ball, she wanted to celebrate with wine made from grapes harvested in that field, and was planning to give it to his child…


‘She is still young so she probably doesn’t know much about alcohol…’


Was mining a good idea? What would a mine be good for? The most commonly known diamond mine? Or maybe ruby topaz would be good too… The Duke, who had no idea what Estelle liked best, frowned and touched the corner of his mouth.




At that time, his eyes caught the eye of Reina, who was walking quickly down the hallway with a flushed face in the distance.


“Reina Borton.”


“…ah. Hello, master, your servant is in the afternoon.”


When the Duke called her, Reina stopped and bowed. The Duke asked vaguely, knowing that she wasn’t the type of person to show her expression that much.


“…Is something good happening?”


“Ah! Is it Titi?”




When asked if it was noticeable, it was quite noticeable. To the extent that one wonders how excited a person could be like that.


“Well, I was thinking about the ‘Star’s birth’ gift I would give to Bonnie this year. But I don’t know if she’s a fan or not. I’m worried because I’m giving it to my most precious child.”


“I guess so, it’s that kind of festival. Although I don’t really believe in God.”




“Why do you do that?”


“Oh, no…”


Reina thought that not only his people, but everyone who lived in this world believed in Bendysion.


“Star’s Birth is a day created to honor the first ‘human’ Bendysion loved, and you can celebrate it even if you don’t believe in it.”


Of course, Reina did not particularly believe in Bendysion, but she was surprised that there was someone in this mansion who did not believe in God just like Reina, and that it was the Duke. The Duke answered with a calm expression.


“If you use that as an excuse to make the child happy, that’s fine.”


“Ah, yes.”


Reina smiled sadly, looking more comfortable than before. The Duke thought of Bonita, who looked exactly like Rena, and nodded at her.


“What gift are you planning on giving?”


“Ah… I’d like to show her a performance by a traveling troupe that came to town.”


“A show?”


Reina’s cheeks blushed because she was embarrassed that she showed excitement in front of the Duke, who could get anything he wanted, just by letting the child watch a performance.


“…yes. Last time I went out, Bonnie wanted to see it… It might not be a big deal to the master, but…”


“Good idea.”




“I never thought of that, but I’m sure she’d like it.”


Since he was young, the duke had never attended a play or performance except for official reasons. Maybe that’s why he never thought about showing Estelle a performance. From what he heard, she also said that Estelle liked reading fairy tales, and a pleasant smile appeared on the Duke’s face as she thought of Estelle.


‘You laughed.’


When she saw the Duke smiling, she thought he was thinking about Estelle again. So Reina asked.


“Master, what do you plan to give as a gift?”


“First of all, the vineyard…”


She was thinking about it…




“I wonder if my child will like the vineyard.”


Reina felt a little distant at his scale. At that time, a vague phrase appeared in Reina’s mind.


[On the morning of the star’s birthday, while eating, the Duke of Winternight handed Estelle a document.


“what is this?”


“…It’s a trivial gift.”


To say it was nothing special was something he had thought about for several days before preparing. The gift given on a star’s birthday always had to be special.


“Thank you.”


Estelle had already heard from Peter that the Duke would give her a gift this morning. Estelle opened the envelope with a pounding heart and was embarrassed.


“The grapes growing in that land are very delicious. Later, when you become an adult, you can make wine…”


“I’m glad!”


Estelle laughed hard.]




“As expected, the vineyard….”


“Lord, master!”


Reina became thoughtful and interrupted the duke’s muttering. It may be blasphemous, but it was better for both her father and daughter not to be hurt in the future by gifting them a vineyard.


“Why do you do that?”


The Duke was also speechless, but did not seem offended.


“Would you like to go see the play together?”




“The four of us, the master, the lady, my daughter, and me!”


The Duke’s surprised expression was clearly visible. Reina was surprised and wondered what she had said when she suggested it. She was uncharacteristically courageous… No, it was a reckless statement. How dare she suggest that the master go out with her? But Damian accepted Reina’s offer. He didn’t seem very offended, and he said she would go if Estelled liked the idea and it didn’t make Reina and Bonita uncomfortable.


Neither Reina nor the Duke are the type to talk to others, but strangely enough, a rumor spread widely around the mansion that the two would go out together, taking their respective daughters on Star’s Birthday. Many people looked at Reina with a mixture of many emotions, including her envy and jealousy.


Reina was done with all her schedules and she thought to herself as she combed Bonita’s hair. She just delivered a threat. Just because of that, her daughter was found and she was receiving all kinds of excellent treatment. Of course, her status was still that of a maid, but she enjoyed receiving care of her quarters and personal affairs, and occasionally chatted with the duke, and was even illiterate. As she thought about it further, she realized that she was being treated quite unconventionally compared to other people.


‘My situation is enviable…!’


“Bonnie, no matter how excited you’re today, you have to sleep.”




It was already the day before the star’s birthday. The mansion has already been decorated with decorations everywhere to celebrate the holy day. Estelle smiled shyly as she looked at the star decorations, and also hung them together with the employees. Even in the room where Reina and Bonita stayed, there was a wreath with a cute star hanging on the door.


“You’re going to see a play and eat something delicious tomorrow, right? If you don’t fall asleep now, you’ll be too sleepy tomorrow and miss out on all the fun stuff.”


“But… my heart is pounding so hard. I think it might explode.”


“It shouldn’t explode like that.”


Bonita, in her white nightgown, with her hands on her chest, had the most serious expression a  eight-year-old could muster. She put Levitt down, gently squeezed both of her child’s hands, and walked off, step by step, across her rug. She looked like she was dancing.


“Your mother would be so sad when Bonnie’s heart exploded.”


“Yes. That’s why I’m working hard to keep it from exploding.”


She wondered if Bonita knew what she’s talking about. Reina bled at her child’s cute words. She burst out laughing.


“Yes, our Bonnie is the best.”


“No. I’m not the best.”




“Mom is the best, and I am next.”


This time she laughed out loud. Every word her child said was filled with seriousness, but it was too cute for Reina to hear.


“It’s true…”


“I didn’t laugh because I believed it, I couldn’t see it. It was because I was so happy. That sound came out because I couldn’t stand it when I was happy.”




Bonita looked up at Reina with a sour expression. Reina sat Bonita down on the bed and they rubbed the bridge of her nose against each other.


“Has mom ever lied to Bonnie?”




“Is that so? Mom laughed because she was so happy about what Bonnie said.”


Reina kissed her pouty cheeks, right between her teeth, and laid her down on her bed. Then she turned off all the lights and lay herself down next to her. As the lights went out, Bonita whispered to Reina as if she were sharing a secret conversation.


“For this year’s star birthday, should I eat pancakes?”


“And I’m going to eat something delicious.”


‘Better than pancakes, yeah.’


“…I see.”


It was a murmur that seemed somewhat regretful.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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