Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store!

“Tongue, brother, that girl is laughing.”

“Yeah, because it’s funny.”

Hearing my mockery, several muscular men surrounded me with snorts.

I looked indifferently at their muscular arms and heavily tattooed, bulky bodies and remarked,

“Unfortunately, I’m a bit poor so I can’t give you money.”

I shrugged my shoulders lightly and looked at them with a spirited eye. A refreshing feeling of strength spread throughout my body.

‘You’re all dead.’

Of course, the pirates here would have no way of knowing that.

“You’ve got some nerve, stepping out like that,”

I watched the man who walked up to me with a swagger, a redhead who seemed to be the leader.

“It’s thanks to clueless women like you that we live in wealth.”

I could see the scorn for me in the murky pupils of the members of the Red Priest Pirates.

As soon as I heard their mockery, I realized something important.

‘They have a lot of money, right?’

I asked, trying to appear nonchalant yet unable to hide the excitement in my voice,

“So, you guys still have a lot of money now?”

“Yeah, a lot.”

One of them showed his back pocket, giggling.

I caught a glimpse of a white envelope and bills just barely visible. There was also the jingling sound from a red pocket.

Suddenly, I had a hallucination.

I started seeing their faces as bundles of money, that’s the hallucination.

“I’ve already spent quite a bit of money redecorating the stationery shop and buying new stuff.”

It seems like I will come into a substantial sum of money. Then, could I possibly hire a mid-tier or higher magician with that money?

“Alright, I’ve gotta shake these guys down for some cash right away.”

Just as I’ve only had expenses to look forward to for a while, this turns out to be perfect timing.

I glanced back quickly; Dominic, who was looking at me from inside the door, nodded. Negotiations were swiftly concluded.

Now, it’s time to see who comes out on top.

Since we couldn’t fight inside the bar, I lured them out to the courtyard.

And surprisingly, the Red Priest pirate gang was no match for me, which was to be expected since I had inherited Dominic’s strength.

“They’re all muscular but feel just like whipping a soft cushion.”

Thanks to Dominic, I was really blowing off some steam.

I only had to touch them lightly, and they collapsed like dominoes.

Just by touching the body of a thug,

Thump! Whack! Bam!

…sounds you’d expect only in movies actually happened for real.

“This is too strong? It’s amazing!”

I got even more excited and stomped on them even more.

I gave one a flying kick, and twisted another’s wrist.

Whenever they tried to kick, it was as if they were moving at the speed of an ant crawling to me.

“Ugh, ugh!”

I easily caught and twisted a leg, grinning wickedly.

“Next, anymore?”

Of course, there were none.

Because I took care of everything in an instant!
Everyone collapsed to the ground, groaning.
The scattered muscle thugs murmured with a pitiful tone.


“H-how could such a skilled person be here?”

I smirked, raising one corner of my mouth.
Dominic’s strength was truly impressive.

Just by waving my hand, the veterans were already kneeling!

“What a bunch of weaklings.”

I decided to cowardly intimidate these cowardly guys even more.

As I watched their muscles twitching insignificantly, I began to seriously threaten them by swinging my arms.

“Hey, if you have anything, hand it over.”

“Eek… a monster….”

A monster?

I furrowed my brow as I looked at them.
How dare they call me a monster.

They have no shame. I didn’t even kill them, just slapped them around.

“Have you ever seen such a kind monster?”

I happily laughed as I skillfully pocketed the gold coins they had put away.


With this money, I could hire a wizard for three months!

I chuckled satisfactorily as I pressed their hands, lying on the ground, with my foot.

“Your voices are too quiet.”

“I’m sorry. I understand!”

They are weak to the strong and strong to the weak. Anyway…

I furrowed my brow.

My gaze fell on a bald guy with a tattoo on his collarbone. He was one of the members of the Red Priest Pirate gang, subtly protecting his pocket.

“Hey, you. I can hear jingling from your pocket.”

Looks like he’s hiding money.

I glared at the bald man. In response, he hastily handed over his entire pocket.

As I received the pocket, I smirked slightly.

Then, a quiet whisper reached my ears.

“…Is he a thief?”

“Taking even the change…?”

Seems like he’s not experienced. I smiled gently and firmly grabbed the muscle of the guy who called me a thief.

“What did you say, now?”

Oh, he looks so tough but feels so squishy. Dominic’s strength is really something!

“Guh, gaaah!”

“I’m sorry. This mouth of mine is nonsense!”

I gently stepped on one of their fingers while speaking softly.

With a crunch, his face turned blue.

“Don’t even think about coming here again. Got it?”

But why.

After beating them and dusting off my hands, I heard a bustling noise around me. Curious, I looked around.

“What’s this, when did all these people gather?”

“Ah, just in case, I called people over, and here we are…”

Lily brought her hands to her mouth and widened her eyes in surprise.

“Oh, is that so?”

I awkwardly pretended to brush off my hands and laughed.

Surrounded by a few members of the Red Priest Pirate Gang, a crowd had gathered around us.

Just as I was trying to discreetly back away under their intense gaze, that was when it happened.


“Did she take care of them all?”

“How could…”

“It was 17 against 1! I saw it!”

What are they talking about? It was 8 against 1…

However, rumors tend to spread quickly and wildly.

Before long, I was met with looks of awe, making me feel extremely, immensely, and very uncomfortable.

‘Is this a dream?’

I closed my eyes and reopened them to take another look around.

Among the merchants, who seemed rather unremarkable at first glance, I noticed people wearing vests with ‘Alley Commercial District Revival Association’ badges.

I rolled my eyes to the side to find the tavern owner, Lesa.

She too opened her mouth with a moved expression.

“It was when I was about to be hit. Like a hero of justice, you appeared and took care of those people for us.”

It seemed Lesa played a significant role in the merchant association. The impact of her words was strong.

“A, a, a young woman defeated the Red Priest Pirate Gang!”

“She defeated them!”

‘What’s with this atmosphere, seriously.’

Soon enough, Dominic came beside me and quietly spoke up.



Suddenly, Dominic, who had become like a follower by my side, mumbled as he wrapped a small blanket around my shoulders.

“You’ve worked hard.”


Huh? I did work hard. But originally, this is because you gave me some kind of power, and I used that power to fan them, right?

However, after hearing Dominic’s comment, the people gathered here seemed to start thinking of me as an incredible person without any question.

“As expected! Must be a great sorcerer!”

“Not really. I’m just a stationery store owner.”

No matter how I put it, they don’t seem to believe me at all.

Among them, I saw someone particularly burdensome rapidly approaching me.

She stepped over the feet, legs, and hands of men who claimed to be part of the Red Priest Pirate Gang, coming up to me.

“Did you know these people were bothering our merchants and subdued them with a sense of mission?”

Instinctively, I scanned this person. Black glasses, a card hanging around his neck that felt out of place. The typical passionate journalist style.

‘Maybe I can ask him for a promotional article!’

“…No. It was all a mistake. I’m tired, my fists are numb, and it’s been tough. It was really scary. But by any chance…”


“Are you a journalist?”

“Ah, yes…”

I looked at him and smiled a capitalistic smile.

Oh. Then, the story changes.

“Could I ask you to do a promotion for our stationery store?”

I quickly opened my mouth so as not to miss the opportunity.

“Stationery store?”

The man asked as if puzzled.

I opened my mouth towards him.

“It’s like a general store. It just opened in front of the academy. They sell school supplies, as well as drinks made with ice and beer candy.”

“Drinks made with ice? The cost must be incredibly high…”

I shook my head and chuckled softly.

“Curious, aren’t you?”

Not forgetting to do a bit of self-promotion, I clapped my hands to freshen up the atmosphere.

The reporter tightly gripped his press card then responded.


“I hope for a good article. I’ll treat you to something nice later.”

Whether or not the article he writes gets published, making a good impression on the reporter is what counts, right?

“Then, everyone please go see to your business.”

I smiled brightly.

Thinking of the money I had taken from the pockets of the Red Priest Pirate Gang’s minions made me feel like tap dancing.

Listening to the murmur of people surrounding me, I gave a refreshing kick to the back of one of the pirate men and walked into the tavern saying,

“I’ll be off then.”

Wouldn’t there be no one to bother me anymore?

I walked into the tavern carefree.

“You said it earlier. It’s a good project, and you’d like to try it. But it might be difficult because of the tribute.”

Lesa rubbed her reddened eyes and turned her face away.

“…Earlier, that happened.”

I cheerfully said, hearing her terribly trembling voice.

“Since I’ve taken all their money, please tell me how much you’ve paid to those pirate bastards so far. I’ll return that part to you. The same goes for the other merchants.”

It’s a bit regrettable, but it wasn’t originally mine to keep. Plus, this is a much bigger picture. It’s about gaining people, a grand scheme.

As expected, upon hearing my words, Lesa’s pupils quivered narrowly.

“Really, thank you…”

She looked as if she was about to cry at any moment.

But I, Meldenik, am a very cold-hearted businessman. By returning the money to Lesa, I’ve created a debt of gratitude in her heart, so now it’s my turn to acquire what I want.

“Since the nuisance is taken care of, shall we start developing the item, shall we?”

The tavern owner, Lesa, turned her head back towards me.


Towards her, whose face was full of tears, nodding her head, I extended my hand.

“I’ll help you with anything. If it’s something I can do.”

She clasped my hand and shook it back.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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