Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store!

“Meldenik! You useless thing, you’re worthless to our family.”


This woman Meldenik Babeloa, whom I was possessed by not too long ago, has already blown through over 100 billion becquerels with these hands.

100 billion becquerels.

In a world where thirty million becquerels is the average annual income for a family of four commoners, it’s completely understandable why the duke is furious.

Meldenik had no talent in business whatsoever.

Of course, the shambles of a family situation she was in played a part in her failing to showcase any business acumen.

The new stepmother, Lady Hildegart, interfered with everything Meldenik tried to do.

However, the Duke of Babeloa, my father in this body, would not consider that fact forgivingly.

“My father hates me.”

I stared intently at the face of Duke Babeloa sitting across from me in the drawing-room. Sure enough, his face was redder than a ripe tomato.

Seeing his eyes filled with venom, I could pretty much guess what he was going to say next.

“Take this money and get lost. I never want to see you again!”

He threw a large bundle of money at me.

He probably meant to throw it at my face? But fortunately, my reflexes were quite good.

I smiled triumphantly inside as I quickly caught the bundle of money he threw toward my face.

Nice catch!

“Yes. I also hope we never see each other again.”

Saying that, I carefully stowed the thick bundle of money into a pouch I had prepared earlier.

“I thought he’d throw me out with money right now.”

Been waiting for this day, this moment, after the possession!

Babeloa, the Duke, stared at me blankly for a few minutes as I quickly grabbed the bundle of money and put it in my pocket, then stuttered to ask.

“You… Where on earth did that pocket come from… No, rather, are you daring to challenge my authority?”

Perhaps it was because of his anger. His green eyes trembled relentlessly, and the few blond hairs he had left quivered like petals in the wind.

“You, of all people?”

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

“Not really.”

It must be strange. Normally, a daughter who would have flooded the ground with tears, apologizing, is now so refreshingly breaking free from him.

“I’m just doing what His Grace wishes.”

Originally, Meldenik would have thrown a tantrum or cried to avoid being kicked out of the family.

But I had been eagerly awaiting the chance to be driven away from this family.

I can feel the weight of the bundle of money in my embrace.

“I also feel a heavy sense of indebtedness for not leading our business properly…”

In truth, I didn’t feel much indebtedness.

I consider the responsibility lies mostly on Lady Hildegart, who did her utmost to ruin my business.

“Anyway, since you told me to get lost, I’ll be going now!”

I turned around and left, turning my back on him, who was glaring at me.

It’s better to stay out of sight until the Duke’s anger, who values money over blood relations and has lost a whopping hundred billion becquerels, subsides a bit.

After all, I’ve been planning to leave this place for good.

I didn’t want to be tied down to this fractured family, fighting over who would succeed and whittle down my life in the process.

Moreover, I had things I wanted to do on my own.

‘Goodbye, Duke’s family.’

For a moment, he seemed stunned, but then he quickly came to his senses and shouted at my departing back.

“What a joke. Don’t bother coming back to beg for money, because I won’t give you any.”

I turned my head to look at him directly.

‘Beg? How amusing.’

I gave him the brightest smile I’ve ever shown, a final goodbye directed at Duke Babeloa.

“Yes! Take care!”

I never intended to beg in the first place. I laughed merrily and slipped through the open door.

Now, I’ve completely cut ties with this family!

Confident that Duke Babeloa, who despises me, would soon send a formal expulsion letter, I hummed to myself.


I had received money from the Duke of Babeloa, but I had to leave this family as soon as possible.

There was the possibility that the Duke of Babeloa might say, “No matter how I think about it, giving that money to you is a waste!” And Hildegart, the Duchess and my stepmother, could come running after me, snatch the money, and beat me to a pulp.

Returning to my room, I changed into a light dress suitable for going out.

The dresses in this world were lavish and elegant, making them difficult to put on without the help of a maid. However, I was able to wear a fluttering, lightweight dress without a petticoat by myself.

I slid my arms into a sky-blue long-sleeved muslin dress, fastened the buttons at the neckline, and finally looked in the mirror. A nervously beautiful woman with a pouty expression stood before it.

Hair with glossy golden waves flowing down to below her waist, pale skin, and large eyes of a green hue that made it hard to guess what she was thinking.

Several months had passed since I found myself in her body, but I still hadn’t quite adapted to this face.

After repeatedly touching my face, I focused on packing my things again.

I packed a purse containing about 200 million becquerels received from the Duke of Babeloa, a small building deed left by my late mother, a few pieces of jewelry and accessories, and several dresses into a magic-enhanced suitcase.

It was enough to maintain a normal life for the time being.

“Now, I really have to leave!”

But just as I finished all the preparations and was about to leave immediately, I faced an unexpected obstacle.

“Oh, my lady! Where do you intend to go in this cold weather…!”

Rosaline, the maid who had been beside me since my childhood and the only woman in this house who cared for me, gasped as she saw me trying to leave with my luggage.

Without much thought, I whispered down to her gray hair.

“It’s not cold now. It’s March when flowers bloom. Isn’t it spring?”

“Th-then… Where are you going?”

“To achieve my dream.”

It didn’t take long for Rosaline’s expression to turn to shock.

‘Why does she look so displeased when I said I’m going to achieve my dream?’

Rosaline cautiously grasped my dress tightly.

It’s unthinkable for a maid to hold onto her master’s dress.

However, she didn’t loosen her grip on the dress and murmured timidly.

“Are, are you by any chance going to the Hesman Duchy? To… propose marriage?”

Ah, right.

That reminds me, people know my dream as ‘becoming a duchess by marrying Duke Hesman.’

I thought absently about my fiancé, Duke Lennox Hesman.

“You stopped sending letters to Duke Hesman some time ago… I thought you had given up…”

I looked down at Rosaline’s sobbing head, wondering where to start explaining.

‘It’s understandable. The obsession Meldenik had with Lennox was too much.’

Before possession, Meldenik, despite her villainous reputation, genuinely loved her fiancé.

But I’m not her.

The cool, chic, and cold-hearted duke from the north is not my type.

“I like cute younger beautiful boys. I wouldn’t take a cold male lead even if you gave him to me in a truckload.”

“What proposal? I’m no longer interested in Duke Hesman.”

Seeing my indifferent answer, the maid’s face turned puzzled.

“Is that so?”

I glanced at the maid.

Although I had been indifferent, I couldn’t hide my trembling heart while thinking about ‘what I really wanted to do.’

The romance fantasy novel, “Lovers under a Spell”. Nobody exactly knows why the title is “Lovers under a Spell” since it has nothing to do with the content.

The novel is a typical Harlequin-style romance fantasy.

It’s a story about the cold but perfect male protagonist, Duke Hesman, who falls in a forbidden love with the beautiful and adorable Sheria, a noble lady admired by everyone.

‘If only I could be reincarnated as the protagonist or an extra.’

However, I was the villainess Meldenik, the half-sister of the female protagonist and the fiancee of the male protagonist from before their birth, who, out of jealousy towards Sheria, ends up attempting to murder her and gets beheaded.

‘Being a villainess. I don’t like this reality either, but there’s nothing I can do.’

Trembling, I met the maid’s gaze and drifted back into my thoughts.

It’s been a few months since I found myself in the body of Meldenik, laden with all sorts of unfavourable descriptors.

After suddenly being possessed, I denied reality, banged my head on a desk, and even tried splitting my spirit. However, no matter what bizarre actions I took, I couldn’t return to my original body.

So, what did I do?

After several attempts, I bravely gave up on returning to my previous life.

And after organizing the timeline in the original, I thought long about what I wanted to do in my second life that I luckily obtained, what my real dream was that I had.

“I’m going to do whatever I want, original be damned.”

There was someone I envied when I was in elementary school. It was the owner of the stationery store in front of the elementary school.

Beer candy, chewy snacks, sweet treats!

I was enchanted more than once by the magical items they offered.

I whispered into the maid’s ear as if sharing the most secret secret, carrying a bag on my shoulder packed with money and daily necessities like a bundle.

The maid swallowing her saliva was adorably visible.

“My dream is to become a stationery store owner.”

I’ll sell school supplies, planners, sugary treats, and even beer candy. I want all the children of this continent to use the items I make, to eat the sweet snacks I create, and to build happy memories!

“Adorable children, wait for me!”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the cute beginning!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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