Pampered Darling: 99 Yuan Sweet Wife

Chapter 13 Don’t care about your wife being bullied?

Aunt Xiaoli’s sobbing did not escape Su Qingqing’s ears. While laying in bed, she giggled, and comforted her with a weak voice, “Auntie, it doesn’t hurt that much, don’t be sad, I will be fine in a few days.”

It was never the bloody wounds that hurt the most.

Rather, it was Su Qingqing’s heart.

“Young Lady, I say, why are you so stubborn, no matter what, you can’t confront the Master. Look at how hurt you are.”

Aunt Xiaoli gently uncovered the clothes behind her. In less than a minute that she was gone, the clothes had already stuck to the wound, she didn’t dare use much force.

Su Qingqing, on the other hand, had a big heart and kept comforting her, “Auntie, it’s okay, hurry up, I’ll be fine soon after you rub in the medicine.”

“Then bear with me, I………will be gentle, if it hurts you must tell me, I will try my best to be careful.”

 Xiaoli was like a long-winded old lady. While giving her medicine, she kept nagging, and secretly wiping her tears, Su Qingqing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

It seemed that the pain was so agonizing that she couldn’t hold on anymore, Su Qingqing gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words between her teeth.

“Drawer, Painkillers…”

She had a stomach ache once, and in order not to make herself suffer too much, Su Qingqing would buy some painkillers and put them in the drawer every once in a while.

Knowing that she couldn’t stand the pain, Aunt Xiaoli hurriedly found some medicine and mixed it with a glass of warm water for her to drink.

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingqing lay on the bed and fell asleep in a daze. In the middle of the night, she even developed a high fever. Aunt Xiaoli who was waiting by her side completely panicked, and hurriedly called a doctor to come over.

It was not until the next morning that Su Qingqing’s condition improved.

This time, Su Qingqing slept for a long time, and when she woke up again, it was already the early morning of the third day.

She was still lying on her stomach, and the wound on her back was still painful, but it was much better than when the medicine was applied.

She moved her stiff hands and feet, turned sideways and got down to the ground with great difficulty.

The mobile phone placed on the table vibrated, and Su Qingqing touched it to see that more than a hundred messages on WeChat were all from Shi Yi.

There was even a friend request.

“Eh? Song Yu?”

A man’s face appeared in her mind, Su Qingqing’s brain short circuited, and the phone almost fell from her hand.

Damn! Damn!

Isn’t that the Second Master’s little follower? What does he want with her? Could it be that the Second Master is looking for her?

She’s going to die, she has been out of contact for two days. Did the Second Master think that she had run away, that’s why he ordered Song Yu to spy on her situation.

Su Qingqing didn’t dare to hesitate, and immediately approved Song Yu’s friend request, and quickly created a super long message to send it over.

The moment as she was about to send it, she quickly withdrew it, and then changed into a usual greeting.

That’s right, if the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move. If the enemy moves, I will think about how to move.

At this moment, Song Yu was standing in the president’s office solemnly reporting the financial expenditures of the last quarter, when the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated violently twice.

He glanced at it, and then ran to the desk to offer the treasure with a smile on his face.

“Master, it’s approved, Madam has approved my friend request.”

Quan Moting glanced at him like a fool.

The corner of Song Yu’s mouth twitched, and he scratched his head, “Cough, Second Master, Madam seems to have sent a long message, but withdrew before I had time to look at it, and then replaced it, asking how you were feeling these past two days.”

The Master’s mood and face were not the same every day, Song Yu did’t really understand what’s there to ask.

“What else did she say?”

Song Yu shook his head, pursed his lips, and hesitated to speak, “I heard a news, it was rumored that the Madame was whipped several times in the Su family, and her back was torn. I reckon that this is indeed a possibility.”

Observing his Master’s calm and prosperous beauty, Song Yu boldly continued, “Master, after all, Madam is also your person, don’t you really care if she’s bullied like this?”

“You talk too much.”

Quan Moting got a little impatient when he heard this, he got up and walked to the huge window, when he suddenly had the urge to smoke, he frowned then ordered, “Those who continue to cooperate with the Su family, completely put them into Quan’s blacklist, and then release the news.”

“Master, didn’t the old man say to let Su Ruhai go?” Song Yu didn’t understand his intention.

Damn, is it to vent your anger for Madam?

Before Song Yu could rejoice for two seconds, Quan Moting’s inky black pupils darkened secretly, and what he said was even more thought-provoking.

“Go and say hello to President Xiao of Wantong, say that I agree with him to cooperate, and then we can start planning, but we can’t let Su Qingqing know.”

“Okay…Okay, I’ll do it right away.”


Today, the person in charge of Wantong Group was Xiao Jinyu, Su Qingqing’s nominal uncle, who was currently the only person in the Xiao family who knew the content of Su Qingqing’s grandfather’s will.

Before Song Yu went to find Xiao Jinyu, another person had already boarded the elevator exclusively for the President of Wantong Group.

After a brief tidying up early this morning, Su Qingqing’s complexion appeared not so bad. She put on a fair delicate makeup, which covered up a lot of haggardness.

Wearing a bright red Armani tube, Su Qingqing walked on with eight centimeter high heels, giving her an aura of 2.8 meters wherever she went.

“Damn, what kind of wind brought our family’s Qingqing here today.”

She stepped out of the elevator with her long legs, and a gentle elite wearing gold-rimmed glasses strode over, with a standard professional card smile that rarely reveals joyful sincerity.

“Uncle Bai, is my Uncle busy?”

Bai Jin, Xiao Jinyu’s childhood friend, was currently the Vice President of Wantong Group. He and Xiao Jinyu were almost inseparable on ordinary days. They were both about thirty years old, young, handsome and rich in gold—rightfully called Diamond Bachelors.

“What uncle, I’ve said it several times, call me big brother.”

Bai Jin quickly straightened his face, folded his arms with an unhappy face, turning his face faster than turning a book.

Su Qingqing laughed, “According to seniority, I really should call you uncle. If I call you big brother, then you are a little shorter than my uncle. Aren’t you afraid of losing money?”

“Ah………it does make sense.”

Although Bai Jin was called old, he didn’t continue to struggle with this title.

He took her into the boss’s office, and did not forget to tell her, “Your uncle is in a meeting, and it will probably take a while. You sit down and eat some fruit first, and there seems to be some snacks too, I’ll ask the front desk to bring you some. “

Su Qingqing was flattered, “Uncle Bai, it’s alright, that’s enough, It wasn’t easy coming here, I don’t want to be scolded.”

Who didn’t know Xiao Jinyu’s damn cleanliness? He couldn’t help himself but throw her off the 48th floor if spotted eating here. Su Qingqing hadn’t achieved her three major goals in life yet, she didn’t want to die that early.


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