Pampered Darling: 99 Yuan Sweet Wife

Chapter 12 Rebellious daughter, kneel down for me!

After the engagement banquet Su Qingqing disappeared for a whole day. She drove Su Ruhai crazy when she didn’t return his messages or answer his phone calls.

He stood in the messy living room, pointing at the butler with cold command, “Go, get more people to bring the eldest lady back to me, and if no one could even find her, send them all away.”

No need for good-for-nothings. If they can’t even find the girl, then what’s the use of having them!

“Husband, don’t be angry. It seems really impossible for Qingqing and Master Quan to be together, but it doesn’t prevent Miaomiao from getting married. Master Quan still likes Miaomiao…”

Before Zhou Weiwei could even finish her words, Su Ruhai  slapped her face and then shouted angrily, “What time is it, and yet you’re still daydreaming?”

“Husband, I….”

“What about me, our family may go bankrupt tomorrow, and we will all die by then!” 

Su Ruhai slumped on the sofa, seemingly lost his mind, and as if he had just aged ten years overnight.

Zhou Weiwei was frightened by his words and only thought he was joking, “Husband, the marriage will utmost be terminated if it was really a big deal. It’s not necessarily that the Quan family will kill us all. It’s the Young Master Quan who has lost their face, not–”

“What do you know!” 

Su Ruhai stared at her with a strong aura. Whenever he thought about what Su Qingqing had done, he became very angry.

“Our family had offended the rich and powerful people in Lincheng. I am afraid that those who have not yet recognized the fault at this juncture are not short-sighted.” 

Dare to touch the bad luck of the rich and powerful, do you want to die or don’t you want to live?

Zhou Weiwei also became flustered, “Husband, this has nothing to do with our family, it’s all because of that girl. Why don’t we just hand her over to the Quan family.”

This idea sounds good. Su Ruhai’s eyes flickered, and his anger also subsided a little bit.


When Su Qingqing returned to the Su family’s house, everything inside the house was quiet and the floor up was spotless clean, as if nothing had happened.

“Qingqing is back. Where have you been? Do you know that your father and I are worried about you?”

Zhou Weiwei welcomed Su Qingqing and checked her up and down. Su Qingqing really wanted to give her an Oscar.

“Why do you care about her? Today, she had enough limelight that she didn’t need to go back to her home. She doesn’t have a home at all!”

Su Ruhai became angry when he saw her, and could not control his emotions at all.

Su Qingqing lightly looked at Zhou Weiwei’s hand and said coldly, “I said I didn’t want to. It’s because father forced me.”

Su Ruhai was very angry. “What’s with your attitude? I’m your father. Everything I do is for your own good. What do you mean by just now, are you blaming me?”

The father and daughter had daggers drawn, blowing their beards and glaring at each other.

Zhou Weiwei stepped forward, held Su Qingqing, and persuaded her softly, “Qingqing, don’t be angry with your father any more. Be sensible. You were too impulsive. Even if you want to break it off, you have to approach the topic slowly. When you sent that video to hit Young Master Quan’s face, our family will also have to suffer in the end.”

It was still okay when she hadn’t mentioned it, but the moment she said so, Su Ruhai’s head was instantly full of rotten things about the company’s trivial matters, and his anger couldn’t be suppressed any more.

“Butler, bring me the whip.”

Su Qingqing frowned. Tsk. Are you going to use family law against her?

“Husband, what are you doing? No matter how you look at it, Qingqing is still the victim, you shouldn’t raise a hand to a girl with delicate skin and tender flesh.”

Zhou Weiwei protected Su Qingqing with her body, as two tears came out of the corners of her eyes.

The corner of Su Qingqing’s mouth twitched fiercely. It’s a pity that her acting skills didn’t make it into the entertainment industry.

The butler brought up the whip, looked at the eldest lady, couldn’t bear the situation, and begged, “Master, please speak up if you have something to say, don’t beat the Eldest Lady.”

His words more or less moved Su Ruhai a little.

Su Qingqing was his most caring daughter, he never raised a hand against her since she was a child.

But it was because of his pampering and doting that she caused a catastrophe today, Su Ruhai did not teach her enough how to be worthy of her ancestors.

“Su Qingqing, kneel down!” Su Ruhai gritted his teeth and snapped.

Su Qingqing smiled instead of getting angry, as she remained standing calmly. “Dad, you have to think clearly, if this fight really continues, the two of us will have no father-daughter relationship anymore.”

Her voice was very soft, but her attitude was unexpectedly firm. She was not disappointed because of Su Ruhai’s cold-bloodedness, nor was she afraid of his wrath.

Su Ruhai: “Are you threatening me?”

Is this still his daughter, his good daughter!

Su Ruhai roared angrily, “What are you still doing in a daze, hold her down. Today I must teach this ignorant girl a lesson.”

After saying this, Su Qingqing was forcibly pressed on a stool, even if she knew what she would face next, she didn’t shout, nor did she intend to struggle.

Zhou Weiwei stood aside and watched silently, the tenderness in her eyes was gradually replaced by viciousness.

It’s Su Qingqing’s fate since she wasn’t killed last time. Since God wouldn’t let her die so early, then in the next days that would come, she would make her life worse than death.

Anyone who stands in the way of her and her precious daughter will definitely not end well.


“Have you heard,  the Eldest Lady was whipped ten times, and her back was bloody, but she kept silent all the way. She’s really pitiful.”

“Shh, do you want to die? Is this kind of thing us servants can talk about?”

Su Qingqing was beaten so badly and it was widely spread around the Su family. Aunt Xiaoli, the butler’s wife, had watched Su Qingqing grow up since childhood. Because she was only a servant, she had no ability to stop all this from happening. Therefore, she could only find the best medicine and sneaked it upstairs afterwards.


As soon as she went upstairs, Zhou Weiwei, who had a gentle and virtuous face, caught her on the spot, which made her tremble.

“Why are you so nervous, I won’t eat you.”

Zhou Weiwei smiled faintly and then pulled the hand the servant was hiding behind her back. She didn’t say much when she saw the medicine. Instead, she placed a bottle of better healing medicine in her hand.

Aunt Xiaoli was startled. Did this woman take the wrong medicine or was her mind squeezed by the door?

Ignoring Aunt Xiaoli’s astonishment, Zhou Weiwei lowered her voice and said to her, “The master is angry, but it will disappear in two days. Later, you will take this medicine and use this to rub the Eldest Lady’s wounds. These days, be careful not to let her touch water. Twice a day, and guarantee that there will be no scar left afterwards. By the way, you can also persuade her not to vomit in front of her father again.”

Aunt Xiaoli nodded half understandingly, took the medicine and hurried to Su Qingqing’s room.

The door squeaked, and the little person lying on the bed moved, her voice trembling, “Who?”

“Miss, it’s me, don’t be afraid.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. She pulled the clothes on her back with difficulty while also simultaneously pulling the wounds. Beads of sweat immediately dropped from Su Qingqing’s forehead, and she couldn’t help but bite her dried red lips.

“I’m fine, please give me some medicine.”

She was in so much pain now that she couldn’t even exert any strength.

Seeing the bloody back and the snow-white clothes reddened with blood, Aunt Xiaoli felt a sudden pain in her heart and her eyes turned red.

God, these must have hurt…..


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