Otome Game Mob Villain

Bardia Territory Begins to Move (3)

Chapter 154: Bardia Territory Begins to Move (3)

“Chris, thank you for today.”

“No, no, I’ve had the pleasure of some great discussions today. And working with you, Lord Rid, who often thinks ‘outside the box’ in a good way, is quite enjoyable.”

Chris replied with a smile in response to my words.

However, “thinking outside the box,” huh?

But I guess that’s unavoidable.

I’m using my knowledge from a previous life to create various things in this world that are still unknown as “common knowledge.” So, I’ve grown somewhat accustomed to being called “unconventional.”

But eventually, it won’t be just me labeled as “unconventional.”

I smirked and said, “Hehe… Eventually, I think everyone else will be called ‘unconventional’ too.”

“Eh? Hahaha, Lord Rid, I don’t think that’s quite possible. It’s just you.”

She looked momentarily puzzled at my words and then burst into laughter, clearly enjoying the conversation.

As I responded with a smile to Chris, the door to the room was knocked upon.

Upon hearing my acknowledgment, Deanna’s voice came through.

“Lord Rid, my apologies for interrupting your conversation. Lord Rainer has requested that, once your discussion with Chris is finished, you come to his office.”

“Huh? Father is? Understood. I’ll go there as soon as we’re done.”

Chris, upon hearing my words, quickly finished the remaining tea and stood up, her eyes on me.

“Lord Rid, we’ve had the necessary meeting, so I’ll take my leave for today.”

“Uh, yeah. I’m sorry for rushing a bit.”

“No need to apologize.”

Chris gave me a lovely smile and left the reception room.

After seeing her off to the entrance, I hurried to my father’s office, where he was waiting.

Upon reaching the room, I knocked on the door and entered after hearing my father’s response.

“Father, did you need to see me?”

“Oh, were you talking with Chris? I apologize for calling you without knowing.”

My father, upon seeing my face, spoke with a slightly apologetic tone. It seemed he wasn’t aware that I was in a meeting with Chris.

I smiled and replied, “No, we’ve finished our meeting, so please don’t worry. What can I help you with?”

“It’s about the construction of the estate and the dormitories we’ve been discussing recently. Please, have a seat.”

I sat down on the sofa, facing my father across the desk as usual, as he had requested.

“Father, what can you tell me about the construction?”

“Indeed, we’ve received rough estimates from the contractors regarding the schedule and such. According to them, the poultry farm you requested and the dormitories for the slaves can be prepared in about six months.”

“I see. That’s faster than I expected.”

The dormitories were designed for about two hundred people, with two bunk beds per room to accommodate around four individuals. We also planned to have long tables where four people could sit together, as they would be learning various skills and techniques. In addition to the dormitories, we were building a large cafeteria, a bathhouse, and classrooms adjacent to the dormitories, making it more of a “school and dormitory” complex.

While the overall design was modest, the quality of life here might be better than that of the common folk in the Bardia Territory. However, they would face many challenges in the form of rigorous learning and training.

I believed it wouldn’t be easy to determine which was the better option.

My father looked somewhat amazed by my words.

“Still, to provide such accommodations to those brought into the territory as slaves—it’s unprecedented and unconventional. If other nobles were to find out, they might think I’ve gone mad.”

“Hehe… It’s alright. Not everything we do has to follow precedents. In fact, sometimes we have to create those ‘precedents’ ourselves.”

My father looked startled by my words, then placed his hand on his forehead and sighed.

“Sigh… Don’t you think that mindset is the reason you’re called ‘unconventional’? I wish you’d consider the position of those trying to protect you…”

“As for that point, I can’t thank you enough, Father. But what I’m going to do from now on will surely be full of ‘unconventional’ ideas. However, in return, I’ll make sure our territory develops without a doubt.”

With determination in my eyes, I gazed at my father and spoke from the heart.

Indeed, there might not have been a need to go this far with accommodations for “slaves.” But I didn’t intend to welcome them as “slaves.” Instead, I saw them as “companions” who would walk the path I envisioned together.

I didn’t know who would come here yet, but one thing was certain: nobody chose to become a slave willingly. I couldn’t fathom the hardships they had faced, but I wanted to provide them with a warm environment. Above all, I wanted them to come to love the Bardia Territory.

It might sound like my selfish desire, but I firmly believed it was better than doing nothing.

My father, upon hearing my words, sighed with a sense of resignation.

“Sigh… I understand. Rid, what you’re trying to do will undoubtedly become a significant force in the future. I’ve invested a considerable amount because I see this as an opportunity for Bardia Territory to leap forward. I’ll do everything I can. Go ahead and do what you need to.”

“Understood, Father!”

Hearing my father’s encouraging words, I felt a surge of happiness and responded with determination. His usual stern expression momentarily softened, but he quickly cleared his throat and returned to his strict demeanor.

“Now, onto the matter of your new residence with Princess Farah. Unlike the dormitories, we can’t afford to be frugal here. The design is complex, and it will take at least a year to complete.”

“A year… It means Princess Farah will have to wait a bit longer.”

Upon hearing the one-year timeline, my voice dropped slightly, and my father continued speaking in an advising tone.

“But you’ll be receiving the slaves in half a year, won’t you? You’ll be busy with preparations, and once they arrive, it’ll get even busier. One year from now, things might have settled down a bit.”

Certainly, with the dormitories expected to be ready in six months, there was a lot to prepare for. We needed to finalize the educational curriculum for Sandra, Rubens, and the others, as well as prepare teaching materials. Chris would also need to start moving within the next six months.

Facing my father with determination, I said, “You’re right… I’ll do my best to get everything done before Princess Farah arrives!”

“That’s the spirit.”

Afterward, following a conversation with my father, I left his office and returned to my room. There, I began writing a letter related to Princess Farah. I focused on the matters concerning her.

After a while, as I was reviewing the letter, I let out a sigh and wondered aloud, “Hmm… Is this okay?”

I paused in my letter-writing task and stretched my body. Then, I turned my gaze to the letter I was working on and sighed again.

“I wonder if Farah is doing well…”

On that day, in a lavish room in the mansion of a certain tribe within the Beastman Country, two men sat across from each other, wearing sinister grins as they laughed merrily.

“Father, how’s that matter going? Is it progressing well?”

“Oh, Elba, thanks to your idea, it looks like we’ll make a profit again this time.”

One of them had an ordinary physique, but the man known as Elba was a giant, seemingly over three meters tall. Both of them had distinct features that set them apart from the human race, with pointed ears and furry tails.

The shape of their ears and tails resembled that of a fox.

Sitting at a table, the two men had documents and bottles of liquor with glasses placed on top.

Elba, the giant, downed his drink in one gulp and spoke cheerfully, “Hehe… These scum will die sooner or later anyway. So, selling them as ‘slaves’ to other countries, where there’s at least a chance they can survive, benefits us and provides funds for our cause. It’s a brilliant idea, even if I say so myself.”

“Indeed… It could serve as the foundation for us, the Foxman tribe, to gain renown as kings of the ‘Beastman Country Zuberah.’ They should be content as our subjects.”

(Tl Note: I think Elba is a new character. But, has Zuberah or something similar been mentioned before? If yes, please comment on that name. If my translation doesn’t match wish previous one please, comment. I will fix it as I want everyone to understand it.)

The two emptied their glasses in unison, growing more elated with each sip.

Elba, the giant, had a muscular and imposing physique that was truly awe-inspiring. His sharp eyes complemented his handsome and robust appearance.

Suddenly, Elba’s expression turned stern, and he glared at the man with an intimidating gaze.

“…By the way, have you managed to procure enough brats to sell from the other tribes? We have plenty of Foxman children, but they won’t fetch a good price unless we have a variety. You understand, right?”

“What…? Oh, yes, of course. I’m following your instructions. Besides, it’s not the first time we’re doing this. Some are eager to reduce their mouths to feed or have their eyes blinded by the glitter of gold. I’ve made sure the eleven tribes will gather.”

Under Elba’s intense glare, the man stiffened for a moment before responding as if reporting to a superior.

Seeing the man’s reply, Elba grinned with a sinister smile.

“Hehe… I see, that’s good. By the way, when do you expect them all to gather?”

“W-Well… they should all be gathered within six months.”

Upon hearing the word “six months,” Elba looked satisfied as he refilled his glass and downed it in one go.

Watching his reaction, the man timidly asked a question.

“So, what about the ‘Beast King Tournament’ three years from now? Are we prepared for it? After all, we’re gathering these brats as slaves to fund it, right?”

“Father… you doubt your own son? Rest assured, I’m always preparing for that. In fact, I want the ‘Beast King Tournament’ to happen right now…!”

Elba glared at his father, as if trying to intimidate him, and spoke with irritation.

The man, while intimidated by Elba’s demeanor, continued speaking.

“I see… Well, that’s good. If we do as you say, the Foxman tribe will become the ‘Beast King’ leading all the tribes, right?”

“Father, don’t worry… I’m the man who will become the king of the Beastmen. I’ll definitely make you the father of the ‘Beast King’… Hehehe… Hahahahaha!”

In the opulent room, Elba’s hearty laughter echoed, lasting for a long time.


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