Otome Game Mob Villain

Rid's Secret・2

Chapter 151: Rid’s Secret・2

“I have memories from my past life…!”


The group, who had been listening to my story with some nervousness, was taken aback by these unexpected words. Chris, serving as a representative, cautiously spoke up, “M-Memories from your past life?”

“Yeah, I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true.”

I proceeded to carefully explain the circumstances leading up to how I acquired memories from my past life and the fact that I had experienced this world as a kind of “simulation” in my previous life.

Everyone listened silently, their expressions hard to read.

As I concluded my explanation, the room fell into a hushed silence.

Amidst the silence, Father also addressed the group, saying, “It’s only natural to be surprised by such sudden news. When I first heard it, I couldn’t believe my ears either. However, much of Rid’s knowledge and behavior makes more sense when you consider this. While I haven’t delved into it extensively, it seems that the world of these ‘memories from a past life’ often differs significantly from our own culture… Isn’t that right, Rid?”

“Umm… Yes, that’s correct. However, to add to that, I’d say it’s more about their ‘advanced civilization.'”

Father added some clarification to lend credibility to my words and then prompted further questions.

Upon hearing my words, the expressions of Sandra and Ellen seemed to change slightly.

Sandra raised her hand.

“Sandra, what is it?”

“Lord Rid, I must admit that it’s hard to believe, but I would like to hear more about this ‘advanced civilization’ you mentioned.”

“Yeah, I want to hear too!”

“I’m interested as well!”

Following Sandra’s lead, Ellen and Alex voiced their curiosity.

Though not as visibly enthusiastic, both Chris and Deanna also appeared intrigued.

After a brief moment of contemplation, I spoke up.

“…Alright, I’ll tell you, but I can only share a little here.”

“Yes, please do share.”

In response to Sandra’s request, I looked around at everyone and began to explain the aspects of the advanced civilization I remembered from my past life.

Particularly, Sandra, Ellen, and Alex showed keen interest and, as they listened, their eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Midway through, the situation had turned into me responding to Sandra and the others’ questions. After they had mostly finished their inquiries, they seemed impressed.

“Well, I can’t quite accept that ‘magic doesn’t exist,’ but it’s certainly an interesting world.”

“…Listening to Lord Rid’s story, I do believe it’s a civilization far more advanced than ours.”

“Hmm… Are we done with the questions?”

It had been quite challenging with more questions than I had anticipated, but I answered what I could.

Once I finished explaining, I scanned everyone, and Chris raised her hand.

“Lord Rid, may I ask a question?”

“Sure, Chris. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s not so much about curiosity, but I’d like to know why you intend to use that knowledge and why you told us.”

Upon hearing her question, the expressions of everyone changed slightly.

They seemed to have a mix of concern and interest in their eyes.

I took a deep breath and then, with a smile, I addressed them while looking into their eyes.

“…Nothing is going to change. I plan to continue using my knowledge to assist my mother and develop our domain, just as before. However, the scale of what I’m thinking about for the future is getting larger, so I wanted to inform all of you in advance to share information.”

Yes, what I’m planning to do is to use my knowledge from my previous life, along with magic, to develop our domain. I haven’t told anyone, not even my father, about the possibility of me being “judged” in the future.

Everyone here is aware that there might be some impact in the future due to their involvement with me.

In that case, I need to gain enough “power” to protect them.

However, it’s clear that it’s not something I can achieve with my own personal power alone.

That’s why I’m trying to develop the domain with everyone’s help to obtain the “power to protect.”

Chris had a relieved expression upon hearing my words.

“I understand. I don’t know how much help I can offer, but I’ll cooperate to the best of my abilities.”

“…Thank you, Chris!”

Others who had been observing our interaction nodded and said in agreement.

“We will naturally cooperate! And please, Lord Rid, we’d like to hear more of your knowledge!”

“I’m in as well. I’m especially excited to see what happens when we combine magic with Lord Rid’s knowledge.”

“As your attendant, I will follow you, Lord Rid.”

Tears welled up in my eyes as I was overwhelmed with joy by their words.

Honestly, I had been very anxious about whether everyone would accept it. My father had given his approval, but what about the others?

Initially, I was worried that someone might leave the room when I started talking. But everyone believed in my story. That made me so happy that my eyes naturally became teary.

I blinked and wiped my eyes.

“Thank you, everyone! Once again, I look forward to working with you!”

Everyone smiled as they watched me, but Sandra grinned mischievously.

“So, Lord Rid, what do you plan to do from now on?”

“Oh, well…”

In response to Sandra’s question, I explained in detail what I had in mind for the future. This was the first time I had talked about this matter, so even my father looked surprised and listened with astonishment.

After I finished speaking, everyone had wide-eyed expressions of astonishment.

In the midst of this, my father, seemingly exasperated, said to me, “Rid… I never heard such a thing.”

“Yes, that’s right. I mentioned it for the first time just now.”

My father, upon hearing my words, put his hand to his forehead and let out a small sigh while looking down.

Seeing his reaction, Sandra, Ellen, and Alex, who were excited, said with gleaming eyes, “Lord Rid! Let’s do it! We’ll learn from your knowledge and make it happen!”

“That sounds great! Combining unknown knowledge with magic… It’s really stimulating our research motivation!”

Glancing at Sandra, Ellen, and the others’ enthusiastic responses, Chris shrugged her shoulders and said, while firmly looking at me, “I never expected to encounter such an opportunity before coming to the Bardia domain. I’ll do my best to gather the necessary resources as well.”

“Thank you, everyone! Once again, I look forward to working with you!”

Afterward, we continued our discussion about our future actions.


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