Otome Game Mob Villain

Knight Commander and Christie Trading Company

Chapter 161: Knight Commander and Christie Trading Company

“Hmm… Dinas, indeed. Considering practicality, negotiations, protection, transportation, and overall capabilities, he seems suitable. However, what are your plans for handling the Knight Commander’s duties during Dinas’s absence?”

After Father finished speaking, he looked at me as if testing, so I took a deep breath before replying politely.

“Well… How about leaving Vice Commander Cross in charge of the territory and appointing him as the Acting Knight Commander during Dinas’s absence? We can assign someone else to accompany Commander Dinas separately. With the Vice Commander overseeing the territory, the Commander can operate more freely on-site. Of course, I’ll assist with Vice Commander’s tasks as much as possible. How does that sound?”

As the Knight Commander, Dinas usually roamed within the territory of Bardia. His responsibilities ranged from law enforcement to checking the security near the borders and even dungeon expeditions. Based on his experience, he was indeed a comprehensive choice, as Father suggested. The only remaining issue was who would handle things during Dinas’s absence. On this matter, I believed that supporting Cross would be feasible.

After hearing my words, Father nodded slightly.

“Very well, let’s have Dinas go to Barst with Chris. Rid, you should prepare to receive them with Cross. Furthermore, instead of the Vice Commander, we’ll have Rubens as the Knight Commander’s assistant. Understand?”

“I understand. However, are you appointing Rubens as the Knight Commander’s assistant?”

I raised an eyebrow in response to Father’s decision to assign Rubens. It was true that Rubens had experience traveling with Chris and Renalute, so in terms of coordination, he might be suitable. But was that all there was to it? Father noticed my puzzled expression and explained.

“I’ve been planning for Rubens to gain practical experience under Dinas for a while now. Cross will take over Rubens’ duties, including combat training with you, of course. Well, Dinas has a heavy workload, but it’ll be a valuable experience for Rubens.”

Father finished speaking with a slightly amused smile.

Was he planning to train Rubens under Commander Dinas? Perhaps Father intended for Rubens to eventually be promoted to “Vice Commander.” If so, it would be a great career advancement for him.

I nodded to Father and sent a confirming glance, seeking to clarify my understanding.

“So, you mean that you plan to have Rubens gain practical experience under Commander Dinas and eventually promote him to ‘Vice Commander’?”

“Yes, that’s the general idea. It’ll be a good opportunity for Rubens.”


I acknowledged Father’s words with a nod.

Certainly, here’s the revised text:

Nevertheless, Rubens becoming the Vice Commander…

Considering his age, he must be quite the rising star within the Bardia Knights, wouldn’t you say?

If he heard about it, he’d probably be thrilled, and Deanna too.

Just imagining their happy faces brought a smile to mine.

At that moment, Chris, who had been silently listening to our conversation, timidly raised her hand.

“Um, Lord Rainer, Lord Rid, I’m sorry, but I can’t see the documents very well. So, if I understand correctly, Mr. Dinas and Mr. Rubens will be accompanying us as our escorts…?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Chris’s words and directed my gaze towards her.

“Oh, sorry about that. You’re right; that’s the correct understanding. Commander Dinas is the ‘Knight Commander’ of the Bardia Knights and is skilled at adapting to situations in the field. You can rest easy.”

“The ‘Knight Commander’ of the Bardia Knights will be our escort?”

Chris and Emma hadn’t expected the Knight Commander to join as an escort, and their surprised expressions revealed their astonishment at this unexpected turn of events.

Seeing their reactions, Father turned to them and calmly explained.

“This business plan was devised by Rid and Chris, but once you’re involved, Bardia’s reputation is at stake. So, this level of personnel is only natural. If you have any other concerns or needs, feel free to let us know.”

“Yeah, I’ll do whatever I can to help, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.”

“Understood… Thank you very much.”

Chris wore a surprised but slightly relieved expression as she looked at both Father and me.

Clearly, the prospect of going to Barst still made her uneasy.

Having the Knight Commander of the Bardia Knights as an escort would hopefully provide her with some reassurance.

At that moment, Emma, who had been observing our conversation, hesitantly asked,

“Um, by the way, what kind of person is Commander Dinas?”

Her words made me think of Dinas, and while considering how to describe him, I replied with a thoughtful expression.

“…To put it in one word, he’s a ‘tough guy.’ He’s straightforward, but also very friendly, so you can trust him.”

“Yes, Dinas should still be in the mansion. It was a sudden decision, but let’s invite him for a meeting as well. Are you both okay with the timing?”

“Yes, we have enough time.”

Chris and Emma nodded, and Father stood up and instructed Garun, who had been waiting outside the room, to call for Dinas.

Shortly after, as we waited in the room, we soon heard heavy footsteps approaching.

And then, there was a knock on the door, and as Father responded, the door swung open energetically.

“Lord Rainer, you called for me?”

Dinas entered the room and immediately raised his voice with gusto.

Taken aback by the volume of his voice, all of us, including me, were momentarily stunned. Dinas then noticed Chris and Emma, bowed politely, and spoke.

“…Forgive me; I didn’t realize there were guests. If my voice startled you, I apologize.”

“No, it’s okay.”

With his bald head, beard, and muscular build, Dinas gave off a robust impression, but in reality, he was a polite and mischievous person.

Chris and Emma were initially surprised, but they quickly understood his personality and smiled.

Looking at the two of them, Dinas turned his gaze toward Father and me and said with a playful tone.

“Now then… I’ve been here just a moment ago. Did you call me back here just to introduce these beautiful ladies to me?”

“Hehe… They are indeed beautiful ladies.”

After my words, Chris and Emma blushed slightly, then turned their gaze toward me.

“Lord Rid, you’re going too far with your jokes!”

“Is that so? I don’t think so. Well then, let me reintroduce you to Commander Dinas. These two are Chris and Emma from the Christie Trading Company, which I’m associated with.”

Ignoring Chris and Emma’s protestations, I shifted my gaze to Dinas and introduced them.

Upon hearing that they were related to the Christie Trading Company, Dinas showed a slightly surprised expression.

“Oh! I’m surprised to learn that both of you are from the Christie Trading Company. My wife is quite fond of your ‘Christy Moisturizer’ and ‘Emma Rinse.’ Your products have been a great help.”

“T-Thank you very much.”

Perhaps Chris and Emma didn’t expect to hear the names of moisturizer and rinse, but they wore slightly embarrassed expressions.

While watching them, Dinas continued speaking.

“Oh, and there’s also the ‘Yukata’ from Renalute, right? Bringing that to Bardia’s territory is quite an interesting choice.”

*Cough* “Commander Dinas, may we proceed to the main topic?”

Seeing that the conversation was veering off in an odd direction, I purposely cleared my throat and interrupted Dinas.

He shifted his gaze to me, tightened his expression, and with a more serious demeanor, said, “Right… my apologies. So… what brings you here?”

“Well, you see…”

Father and I, taking the lead, began to explain the future plans to Dinas in detail.

During the explanation, Chris and Emma also participated, providing additional details and responding to Dinas’s questions as we progressed.

Dinas, during the explanation, displayed a calm demeanor, unlike the initial boisterousness and mischievousness, as he carefully considered the issues at hand.

After we finished explaining, he exhaled and calmly stated,

“I understand the details. First, allow me to deploy several dozen selected knights in civilian attire. Then, all on-site decisions will be left to me. Would it be acceptable for the Christie Trading Company to temporarily operate under my command?”

In response to Dinas’s words, Chris nodded quietly and replied,

“Yes, understood.”

With a serious expression, Dinas continued to discuss the necessary actions on-site, calmly summarizing what he believed was needed.

It seemed that with Dinas joining the conversation, our initial plan had become more concrete.

We continued our discussion for a while longer.

“Thanks to Commander Dinas, I think we’ve managed to make things quite specific. Thank you,” I said.

Dinas, upon hearing my words, grinned.

“No need to thank me. I’m just doing my duty. More importantly, it’s quite impressive what you’re planning with the beastfolk children. If there are any lively ones among them, the Knights would love to have them.”

“That won’t work. I have some requests I want to make of them…”

With a smile on my face, I emphasized that recruiting them was out of the question.

Dinas seemed to understand and shrugged his shoulders, wearing a wry smile.

Indeed, I hoped that these newcomers would become part of Bardia, working alongside me to develop and protect it.

And so, the gears that would significantly alter the fate of Bardia and me began to turn slowly but surely.

Note: Sorry for the delay. I was quite busy. However from now on, 1 Chapter will be released daily. And the next chapter will be locked.

Don’t worry. From next Monday (Not upcoming. But after that.), 3 chapters will be freed. Meaning paid chapters will become free at that time.

This is so I can get support and get more motivation to translate novels. Hope you guys can buy the chapter and help me .


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