Otome Game Mob Villain

Who Will Go to Barst?

Chapter 160: Who Will Go to Barst?

“I’m sorry for the wait.”

“No need to apologize. Sorry for calling you two so suddenly. If it’s alright with you, both of you can sit over here.”

I said this as I moved my seat next to Father’s, addressing Emma and Chris as they entered the office. At the same time, I gestured for them to sit facing us on the opposite side of the desk.

When the two of them nervously took their seats on the sofa, Father began to speak slowly.

“Sorry to rush you, both of you, but I’ve already heard the details from Rid. This time, we’re considering purchasing slaves, just as Chris proposed.”

“!!, Lord Rainer, Lord Rid, thank you so much!”

In response to Father’s words, Chris and Emma initially showed surprise on their faces but quickly expressed their joy with smiles and a bow.

Observing their reactions, I couldn’t help but smile myself. In any case, it was great that we could proceed with Chris and Emma’s proposal.

Seeing that Chris and Emma had relaxed, Father continued the conversation with a gentle tone.

“I see… However, with around 150 people, we’ll need quite a few carriages just for transportation. It wouldn’t be wise to draw too much attention to it. Do you already have a plan for that?”

As if she had anticipated Father’s question, Chris brightened up.

“Yes. For this transportation, we plan to use carriages from the Christie Trading Company as well as carriages from the Saffron Trading Company. Even so, there might be a slight shortage, but we intend to have trustworthy adventurers arranged by the Adventurer’s Guild, so there shouldn’t be any issues.”

After hearing Chris’s words, I thought for a moment and then glanced at Father.

“Adventurer’s Guild, huh… Father, in that case, what if we make some modifications to the Bardia Knight Order’s carriages to make them less recognizable and have personnel provided by the Bardia Knight Order? It seems more reliable than relying on the Adventurer’s Guild.”

Father, upon hearing my suggestion, nodded slightly and replied.

“Modifying the carriages a bit won’t prevent anyone from recognizing them upon a closer look. Instead, it would be better to arrange for carriages through the Adventurer’s Guild and personnel from the Bardia Knight Order. Of course, we’ll need to be discreet about their affiliation, even their attire.”

“We would greatly appreciate that. Gathering reliable individuals for this operation is the most challenging part for us…”

Following this, the four of us, Father, Chris, Emma, and I, continued our discussion, planning the transportation method for the slave children purchased in Barst to be brought to Bardia.”

“Um… Have we more or less finalized everything?”

“Yes, I think we’ve got most of the details worked out for the transportation.”

More time had passed since we began our discussions than I had initially thought. Deanna had been called in to serve tea a few times, and we took short breaks.

One surprising aspect that came up during our discussions about the transportation was the request to set up a temporary clinic at the border point where we would enter Bardia territory from Barst. In this case, many of the children had only recently become slaves, so the likelihood was low, but there could be cases of illness or severe health issues.

In preparation for such cases, Chris and Emma suggested that we should conduct inspections at the border point, and Father and I agreed to this proposal.

Following various opinions and discussions, even though it was a rushed meeting, we had more or less sorted out various aspects, such as carriages, personnel, and logistics.

Now, the next step was to proceed with the arrangements for purchasing the slaves.

At that moment, something bothered me, and I looked at Chris with a puzzled expression and asked, “By the way, Chris, who will be negotiating for the slave purchase this time? Will we rely on the contact who provided us with information from Barst?”

“Oh, about that… I intend to go there in person for this matter.”

“What⁉ Seriously⁉”

I was astonished by her words and couldn’t help but raise my voice.

Barst was a country where “non-human races” were allowed to be traded as slaves. And it seemed that Elves, like Chris, were the most valuable. Chris, who was an Elf, going there in person for a slave purchase seemed like sending a sheep into a lion’s den.

It was like carrying coals to Newcastle.

“No, it’s not allowed! Even if you consider the number of slaves and the financial aspects, it’s way too dangerous for an Elf like you to go there in person. What if something happens in Barst?!”

“Lord Rid, I truly appreciate your concern. However, considering the number of slaves we plan to purchase and the financial aspects, it would be difficult to negotiate solely through our contact. We will definitely need someone with decision-making authority on-site. Don’t worry; I won’t reveal that I’m an Elf, and I have some proficiency in magic as a means of self-defense.”

Chris smiled calmly, seemingly untroubled by my concerns.

She exuded an air of confidence, and it occurred to me that she might have been involved in similar transactions in the past.

Despite her self-assured demeanor, I couldn’t shake my worries.

“In that case, how about I accompany you as the person with decision-making authority and also serve as your escort?”

Father, who had been listening to our conversation, gave me an angry glare and shouted.

“You fool! Do you have preparations for receiving the slaves? Besides, there’s no way I’ll allow you to go to Barst! I understand your concern for Chris, but think before you speak!”

Father’s angry outburst carried the weight of a knight’s presence (and a hint of murderous intent), making it truly intimidating.

Chris and Emma involuntarily displayed shocked expressions and shivered slightly. They were not accustomed to this level of intensity, which only made it scarier for them.

Despite feeling a bit intimidated by the angry shout and Father’s demeanor, I quickly came up with an alternative proposal.

“I-I apologize; it was a thoughtless statement. Um, in that case, please allow me to prepare documents indicating that Chris and the others are ‘affiliated with Bardia.’ Barst should be reluctant to interfere with individuals recognized as our associates. Additionally, I’d like to arrange a dedicated escort for Chris.”

“…That seems acceptable. So, who will be the dedicated escort?” Father inquired, as if he were testing me.

His expression was stern, and his sharp gaze pierced through me.

Upon seeing Father’s sharp demeanor, Chris and Emma looked at me with worried expressions.

Having a dedicated escort for Chris, with some level of discretion on-site, would allow for more flexible decision-making. The ideal candidate should have practical experience and negotiation skills.

But were there any such suitable individuals in my circle?

Capella and Rubens had practical experience, but they lacked negotiation skills. Someone like Zack from Renalute would be ideal.

As I pondered, I had an epiphany about a certain person. I gazed confidently at Father.

“…Taking everything into consideration, I believe Captain Dinas is the most suitable choice.”

When I mentioned Dinas’s name, Father smirked.

Chris and Emma seemed unfamiliar with the name and looked puzzled, asking, “Who?”

Father’s gaze toward me remained sharp but carried a hint of softness.

I sensed that Father might be testing me.


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