Otome Game Mob Villain

Rid Consults With Father 2

Chapter 159: Rid Consults With Father 2

“Ahaha… That’s true, isn’t it? I was quite surprised when I heard this story from Chris. Well then, let me explain the details.”


With a wry smile, I began explaining the details I had heard from Chris.

I covered the organized activities in Zubera where children were being gathered to be released as slaves, and the recent lifting of information restrictions.

I also emphasized the potential disruption to our business plans if we missed this opportunity.

“The idea of purchasing around 150 individuals might seem like a lot, but there’s a risk that our business plan will be disrupted. Plus, when we consider the future, I don’t think we should miss this opportunity. Father, would you be willing to approve it?”

“I see… I understand the details. However, buying all 150 individuals might draw too much attention. How about around 50 to 60 individuals?”

Having listened to my explanation, Father wore a skeptical expression.

The issue of drawing too much attention was indeed a concern I had in mind.

As a premise, the Empire we were in generally prohibited slavery. To address this, I devised a method to advance our business without violating imperial law.

The plan involved having the Christie Trading Company purchase the “slaves” first. Then, we would lend money to those who had come as slaves, enabling them to buy back their freedom from Christie Trading Company. Following this procedure, they would transform from slaves into “commoners (subjects) indebted to the Bardia family,” providing us with a legitimate excuse to explain their presence.

To ensure we were prepared for any contingencies, we planned to document the entire procedure meticulously. Additionally, Father had discreetly informed the Emperor of the situation, securing his special consent.

However, the Emperor had emphasized that we should avoid drawing unnecessary attention from other noble houses.

Considering all these factors, it was indeed likely that 150 slaves might attract too much attention.

Nonetheless, I believed that we shouldn’t miss this opportwriting unity, and I looked earnestly at my father, who seemed skeptical.

“I understand the concerns you have, Father. But there’s uncertainty about what might happen next time. Moreover, bringing in a partial group of slave children into Bardia could potentially raise suspicions in both Barst and Zubera about our actions. I still believe that we should take a decisive step here!”

After hearing my resolute words, Father closed his eyes in thought, crossed his arms, and remained silent for a moment.

Then, with a stern expression, he slowly spoke.

“Hmm… ‘When you dine with the devil, use a long spoon,’ is it? Very well, if you put it that way, I’ll approve the purchase.”

“…! Father, thank you so much!”

The moment I heard Father’s words, I couldn’t contain my relief and broke into a bright smile.

Father noticed my smile and softened his demeanor slightly, but his expression remained stern as he spoke with resolve.

“However, we’ll need to have a discussion with Chris and the others on how to transport them.”

“In that case, should I call Chris and the others who are waiting in a separate room?”

“Is that so? In that case, summon Chris, and we can continue our discussion.”

I nodded in response to Father’s words, stood up from the sofa, and headed outside to summon Chris and the others.

There, Deanna was waiting for me.

“Oh, Deanna, please guide Chris and the others to the office for our meeting. They’re in the waiting room.”

“Understood. I’ll guide them right away. Also, would you like tea for the number of people?”

Deanna acknowledged my request with a nod and headed towards the reception room.

Once I had made the request to her, I returned to the office and sat down in the same place as before, shifting my gaze to Father.

“I’ve just asked Deanna to bring Chris and the others. They should be here shortly.”

“I see… Nevertheless, accepting 150 individuals all at once… You’re going to be quite busy for a while.”

Father maintained his stern expression, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

To dispel that concern, I looked at him with determination in my eyes.

“That’s true… but the greater the challenge, the greater the reward, right? Besides, if this plan succeeds, Bardia Territory should experience significant growth. I’ll make sure we see it through.”

This business plan would initially involve testing it with the slave children, and after identifying and correcting any issues, we planned to have the children of the Bardia residents participate.

While there was an option to involve the resident children from the beginning, we had chosen not to.

There were various reasons for this decision, but the most significant one was that the children of the residents were vital labor in the territory.

Describing children as labor might sound unkind, but in a world without “electricity,” all work was primarily done manually.

From olive cultivation and wheat farming to taking care of livestock, all tasks relied heavily on manual labor.

While there were tools and equipment to improve work efficiency, the driving force behind these activities was human labor.

In a world like this, where manual labor was the norm, it was only natural that children would start helping their parents with work as they grew older.

However, considering the current situation, taking away the working hours of the resident children, no matter how promising it might be for the future, could lead to discontent and potentially affect the overall management of the territory.

That’s why it’s crucial to enable the children of slaves to use magic and make various tasks more efficient. By doing so, even if some of the subjects’ children slip through the cracks, it won’t be a problem for managing the territory.

In my mind, I eventually want to take this business plan all the way to what could be called ‘mandatory education’ in the Bardia territory. By implementing policies that significantly improve the quality of all subjects, Bardia should be able to grow significantly in the future.

Upon hearing my words, my father seemed slightly pleased but didn’t lose the worried look in his eyes.

He gently advised me, “Hmm… That’s the spirit. However, be cautious. No matter what you do, there will always be enemies. Living without enemies is impossible. In fact, the more virtuously you live, the more enemies you’ll have. When you do encounter an enemy, be sure to consult with me or someone you can rely on. Understood?”

After finishing his words, my father, who usually had a strict and serious expression, looked into my eyes with a kind gaze.

Feeling the warmth and kindness from my caring father, I replied, “…Yes, understood.”

“That’s good… Just don’t do anything reckless like you did in Renalute.”

My father didn’t say anything more.

A silent moment passed between my father and me until Chris and the others arrived.

However, at this moment, I had a question on my mind.

Was my father referring to the magic I displayed during the formal trial, or was it about the secret trip to the town with Farah and the others?

I had many suspicions, but… I guess it would be best not to ask right now, or I might get scolded.

In the end, I kept my question to myself.


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