Otome Game Mob Villain

Rid's Secret (1)

Chapter 150: Rid’s Secret (1)

“Thank you all for gathering here today,” I said, bowing my head in gratitude to everyone present. I had called this special meeting in my father’s study to reveal my secret to those who have been supportive of me.

Present were Chris, Sandra, Ellen, Alex, and Deanna. They all wore curious expressions, wondering why they had been summoned. However, with my father and me present, they seemed to sense that something important was afoot, and tension filled the room.

My father cleared his throat and began his explanation, “Ahem… Today, I’ve gathered all of you, who have always been of great assistance to my son. Some of you may have been led astray by his unconventional ways. However, I hope you’ll continue to support my son, Rid.”

“Father… I’m not sure it’s appropriate to refer to them as those who have been ‘led astray’ by a child,” I interjected, looking puzzled. My comment caused those in the room to chuckle softly.

My father’s eyebrows twitched at my words, but he continued his explanation, “Let’s not joke around… What’s more important is that I have an important matter to discuss with everyone. It’s a confidential matter concerning the Bardia family. I doubt any of you would betray this secret, but consider this a formal warning – divulging this secret may lead to consequences. Now, I’d like you to listen to Rid.”

My father’s demeanor was unusually solemn, and his gaze sharper than usual, causing everyone to tense up. I, on the other hand, maintained a cheerful smile.

“Father is right. If you don’t wish to hear it, you’re free to leave this room right now.”

Hearing our words, everyone in the room wore puzzled expressions. In this atmosphere, Chris raised his hand and spoke up, “Rid, may we proceed?”

“Of course, Chris. What’s on your mind?”

“I’d like to know, Rid, if the information you’re about to share will have any impact on our current situation,” Chris inquired, seeking clarification about how my revelation might affect our circumstances.

Rainer appeared both puzzled and cautious, possibly due to her background as a merchant, which made her naturally wary of such matters. After briefly contemplating her question, I responded carefully, “Hmm, not really. There shouldn’t be any immediate impact on our current situation. The purpose of sharing this information is more for future collaboration and awareness. It’s just that the nature of the content falls under Bardia family confidential matters, which is why we’ve set up this meeting, right, Father?”

“That’s correct. Your understanding is accurate. There won’t be any changes in treatment or living conditions as a result,” my father confirmed.

“Understood. Thank you, Lord Rainer, Rid,” Chris acknowledged quietly, though her expression still held a hint of skepticism.

Our conversation concluded, and Sandra raised her hand.

“Sandra, what’s on your mind?” I asked.

“Forgive me for asking, but is this secret related to Rid’s ‘unconventional behavior’?” Sandra inquired, her lips curling into a sly smile. Her question made the others in the room suddenly realize something, causing their expressions to change.

I sighed softly, slightly exasperated, as I glanced at everyone’s reactions. “Well… I can’t confirm whether my behavior is ‘unconventional’ or not. But as for that, I won’t be providing an answer.”

“Understood. Thank you,” Sandra replied, maintaining her playful smile.

It seemed that with this exchange, everyone had a good idea of what I was about to reveal. I turned to my father, who was observing the scene, and he shook his head slightly, resting his hand on his forehead.

Looking around at everyone once more, I said, “Phew… So, what do you think? If no one wants to leave, should we continue with the discussion?” No one made any move to leave, and in fact, they appeared to be smiling a bit.

At that moment, Ellen spoke quietly, “Um, I came here to serve Lord Rid, so I have no issues with hearing this!”

“I’m with Ellen on this,” added Alex, both of them sharing slightly embarrassed smiles.

Deanna, with her usual composed demeanor, followed, “As Lord Rid’s ‘attendant,’ I am committed to safeguarding his secrets.”

“I must admit, I am curious about Lord Rid’s ‘secret,’ so count me in!” Sandra chimed in with a playful tone.

As for Chris, she had a conflicted expression, unsure of her decision. But she didn’t make a move to leave, indicating her intention to listen.

I sent an encouraging look toward Chris, hoping she would decide to stay. “Chris…”

In response to my gaze and my words, Chris sighed as if she had resigned herself to something. “…Sigh… Lord Rid, please don’t give me that look. I’ll stay until the end. Please go on.”

“Thank you, Chris!” I exclaimed, breaking into a smile upon hearing her decision.

Meanwhile, Father, who had been observing our interactions, cleared his throat and said, “Ahem… It seems we’re ready. Go ahead, Rid.”

“Yes, Father.”

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before addressing everyone with a slightly anxious expression. “I have memories from a past life…”

“Huh?” The unexpected revelation left everyone in a state of confusion and surprise. The meaning behind my words was not immediately apparent to them, and they wore bewildered expressions.


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